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Panic Now

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Panic abounds - the price of fuel is rising - all the way to $2.50/litre. I find it's all rather grotesque - this overt display of total panic - we're suppose to be the 'Lucky Country', Right?

But really - what did you expect?

Kevin Rudd has demonstrated what I suspected - John Howard in disguise. Unwilling to tell the electorate what it should hear he deals in snake oil remedies - quick and popular fixes.

Fuel, of the price thereof, will stop our hedonistic belief that we can do as we like and not have to pay the piper. Quick fixes and popularists remedies are not what we need. What we need is to take a good hard look at out so-called 'comfortable and relaxed' agenda and realise how much we rely on fuel to support that lifestyle.

And that's the real cause of our collective panic - that we cannot sustain our 'winner takes all' way of looking at life - that there is something out there that says 'Stop'. That's what scares us silly - that we have to stop. Stop our love affair with SUVs, with continuous overseas travel, with pushing farmers to the margins so that yet more fuel must be consumed to give us our daily bread. We are victims of our own insatiable appetite for the good life.

The fat lady has stopped singing - time now for us to pay. Get ready for the pain.
Posted by rivergum, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 8:25:52 AM
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Dear River.....I'm about to disclose a SHOCKING TRUTH :) (4 secrets)

no-one ELSE could do better with fuel prices etc.

Not the Greens..

Not the Demo....who?

Not the 'International Socialists'...

Not even my favorite..Family First. (much as I wish they could)


why? aaaah..

FIRST secret discosure time :)

1/ NATIONS which HAVE the oil.. are carefully stringing it's supply out to maximize their dollars and ultimate political impact on our ways of life and economies..

2/ SPECULATORS.. i.e.. the rich capitalist speculators..who's wealth exceeds that of some COUNTries.. are .. quite understandably...BUYING up HUUUUUUGGGEEE quantities of oil and.. probably SITTing on them.. until the price goes up...up..and up..and UP.. then they sell making obscene profits.

SECOND Secret.

In both the above cases, but especially number 2... the more they buy up..and hold, and up the price..the more they can BUY next..and sit on...and get MORE profit..and this in turn enables them on the next round to buy MORE.. and..and..and...

Suddenly we see the rich speculators... proving the emptiness of the deceptive myth of 'market forces' being in any way good.. unless they are restrained....

THIRD secret. Only by the force of the barrell of a gun, or LAW (but most likely both) will these people cease their 'legal' use of 'markets' to engratiate themselves, and adorn their persons with diamond encrusted Mercedes Benz's (google THAT)

FOURTH secret. Countries like Australia, can only go, cap in hand to the "have's" and meekly accept what they dish out..or.. (go figure)

FIFTH secret.. (gotcha.. didn't mention this one at the beginning :)

So this should dispell any idea that "This" or "that" political party in Australia can do much about it.

The reason is.. "all have sinned" and need redemption from God alone.. and once redeemed they will be renewed and THEN perhaps they will fulfill the royal law.. "Love God with all you heart and your NEIGHBOUR as urself"
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 11:57:06 AM
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No mystery or secrets here at all. Ever since the first oil was pumped in the mid 1800's, man kept discovering more uses for the stuff and more and more oil, well, until the 1960's that is. Ever since then, oil discoveries have been falling behind on a year to year basis. Humanity has now come up against one of the limits to growth. We've pumped almost as much oil from the ground as is left.

As it stands, the light sweet crude so sought after is diminishing rapidly. All that is left in abundance is the heavy, sour crudes which require special refining techniques, few of which can be done in Western countries because of limited refining capacity for such heavy oil. Australia has very limited refining capacity for even the light, sweet crude and so sends most of it's oil to Singapore where it's cracked into petroleum and shipped back to a cost. The process also serves to tie us to the petrol "parity price" system.

Humanity is simply a pack of greedy rouges amongst the animal kingdom who are fast destroying our once beautiful planet. No mystery in that. Like all other situations where one animal dominates all to the detriment of the rest, nature will take a hand and dole out natural justice. The human population was around 1.2 billion when oil was first pumped. The only reason it's now 6.7 billion is simply down to the energy contained in oil. Once oil depletion outstrips supply, humanity will begin a journey back to a population dependent of what it can grow or scrounge and the balance will be restored. My hope is for a slow slide, but as recent food riots have shown, desperate people will do desperate things.
Posted by Aime, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 1:56:56 PM
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Aime “Humanity is simply a pack of greedy rouges amongst the animal kingdom who are fast destroying our once beautiful planet.”

I winced when I read the above and realised your spelling error which should read “rogues” (not rouges)

That aside.

I generally agree.

However, the biggest problem is not “individual greed” of a few people but the “collective need” of so many people.

Fix the population numbers and the rest falls into place. Now bearing in mind population growth is centred around under-developed nations, we should focus on helping the education of the women folk to understand choice and contraceptives. This will improve not just the population numbers but also the life quality of the ladies.

It will also piss off the Roman Catholics and the Christian fundamentalists but I don’t care about them.

A world population of under 2 billion would work well. It will annoy a few who can only see improvement through economic "growth" but that is merely a limit to their understanding.

A worthwhile life is, afterall, more about quality than quantity.
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 2:50:27 PM
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Col ‘Greedy’ Rouge,

“Fix the population numbers and the rest falls into place.”

Stabilising population is an essential part of the necessary new world order. But it isn’t going to achieve much in the short term. Greatly reducing population would achieve a lot…for those lucky enough not to be ‘reduced’!

How do we ‘fix’ the population number? Probably the best way is to just let the current rate of population growth and resource consumption continue full steam ahead. Presumably, the higher the population gets, the bigger the crash event will be and the bigger the resulting population reduction!

So perhaps we should NOT be drawing out the process by trying to mitigate the effects of peak oil or rising fuel prices or any other unsustainable human activity.

Maybe Rudd is our country’s greatest ever environmentalist, humanitarian, economist and nationalist! By boosting immigration and the baby bonus, and accelerating economic growth, thus bringing on the crash event sooner rather than later, and in a tumultuous manner instead of in a long drawn-out painful way, he just might be doing a whole lot more for our natural environment, for the first post oil-crash generation and for the good of Australia through most of the 21st century (:>/
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 3:35:41 PM
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Aime “Humanity is simply a pack of greedy rouges amongst the animal kingdom who are fast destroying our once beautiful planet.”

I LOL when I read the above and realised your spelling error which should read “rogues” (not rouges)

That aside.

I generally agree too, even with you Col.

But as Ludwig says, it isn’t going to happen any time soon.

I totally agree Rivergum. The escalating fuel prices are not going to be alleviated by a short term, short sighted 5 cent/L policy shift from Nelson et al. Rudd knows this and so too does the Opposition – but they do play politics.

I would go further, all energy is going to cost more – we will have to adjust.
Posted by Q&A, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 6:30:40 PM
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