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Oil prices and the party/Government Monopoly

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What i have found is the disparity of the Oil price.

We pay about $125 a barrel so the question is how much do the arab and iraqi people pay for theirs.

Do they pay $125 dollars a barrel.

The point is we produce 98% of our own oil so why is the price so high, yes I know about OPEC but this does not qualify as if we grow or produce our own products they are normally cheaper.

I do have the quotes for this and will post at a later time as well as the amount of barrels.

People might say we are running out of oil, but at the moment the only thing being bled dry are us the people and our pandering government doesn't want to do anything about it.

It is time to fight.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 22 May 2008 10:04:11 PM
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I know you won't want to hear this, Stuart, but I think it's time to accept that the days of cheap petrol are over. We should be putting our energy into working out how to reduce our individual consumption levels rather than clamouring to have the price of petrol lowered.

I know it's easier said than done but we all should be looking at doing what we can as individuals: Cycling, walking, using public transport, car pooling, rationalising car trips, converting to LPG, using ethnol, downsizing, buying electric/hybrid and generally thinking twice before we jump in that car. We also need to apply much greater pressure on governments to do more to facilitate all of the above.

In a decade's time when the effects of climate change are really beginning to bite you'll look back on today's petrol prices and see them in their true perspective.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 23 May 2008 12:06:43 AM
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It is time to stop being distracted by the media , we know what weight of numbers is capable of , we-are-focusing-on-so-called-world leader 's [yes who-arnt-serving-the-people-but only their 'own' financial day trading bettors]

Its revealed by todays-medis-side-show.[see-the weight-of-numbers of-'Tibetans'-protesting the dali-lama-in-briton [yelling as-oneas-only-special-oganised-self-intrestonlycan-by weight-of-numbers canwe -all-just-stop lying, and-see-organised-sel-ish-self-intrest-is destroying-us-all?

Today-the-news-headlines-will-reveal a protest by 'tibetan's, protesting-somewhere-in-briton something about an old man saying peace-and-love-or-free-tibet-or-set-our-people-FREE ,

Tonight you-will-hear-the news 'stop-lying,-stop-lying, [so kevin stop lying down, see-theelephant-in-the-room,with-the-cry- of stop lying as-your-chance-to wake up the world]

The world needs-you[someone,anyone-to lead [or rather the-individuals-as-voters of common-weal], going-broke fast-by the price of day trading-inflated-petroland-resources-speculators, WE-need you to act now on-the-lies-destroying us-all simply by weight-of-numbers ,

each individually thinking-to-do-the-best for themselves [under-the-greed-is-godcreed[it-certainly-isnt good]

Stop-lying ,stop-lying , stop-lying [sorry-but it’s-a-catchy-chant , it just woke me up from my sleep,
maybe it will do the same for some of the rest of us ?

Democracy is-about the-voice-of the-individual-acting-as-one to protect the individuals that make up the power-behind-democracy, our leaders must-ALLWAYS-be serving the common-good-;be-seen-to-be-serving-the common-man[the-poor tax-paying ,individuals-of-our-common-WEALTH-sociaty]

,so why is a little Tibetan old man being yelled at by ‘Tibetans’ to stop lying?

Ok-it’s-a-dumb question ,but it-has the-same-answer as why is ‘petrol speculation-by-on-line Ti-betten’-investors driving-the-price-of-oil and food-through-the-roof

And it-is-the same answer aswhen-we saw when the world-cheered-on-the Olympic flame that-recently-toured the-world ,while Tibetan-protesters-protested ,but were soon-overwhelmed-by-WEIGHT_of-THE-Chinese-students defending-their-communist?-Roots from the-negative adverse-affects-of-negative publicity

We have seen the-weight-of-the Chinese day traders who-nearly-in their-enthusiasm-overwhelmed a emerging-Chinese-stock-market [and rightly The-Peoples-Govt-saw the-need-indeed-urhency-to-halt-the-tidal-wave- and-put-a tax-on their -day-trading-feeding frenzy [before it brought down china-stock-market

[butWe-in-the-west-didnt-see-the-same-elephant- driven-from-destroying-china's-harvest-has-now-moved-into-our-fertile-field' ,US-and-OUR-by our greed-is-good-philosophy ,

we are failing-to-see the same ti-betting-tiger consuming [overwhelming-our-resource-markets [we thus need a day tax like china if-only-to-stop these overwhelming-and-organised-bettors on the dayly price of our-foodstuff-and-resources of our enjoined survival , to save the world literally]

Stop lying resonates clearly the weight of the numbers that china needs to control
[that indeed the world needs to controlits-own-lies-comming-home-before un-leased human-nature destroys-it-all

[anyor ALL of-our fearless/courage’s leader’s should [better] install a day-trading-tax immediately on-all day-trading on resources via our web based trading by these ‘’tibetan’ investors

Stop-lying , stop-lying , stop-lying-to-yourselves , an unregulated day trader is destroying us for-love of-financial;-gain

Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 May 2008 7:20:53 AM
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Tapp, I don’t think it really matters as to just why our fuel prices are so high and rapidly increasing. No pain, no gain. We obviously aren’t collectively smart enough to develop the necessary technologies and paradigm shift that we need to smoothly transition ourselves out of the oil era, so we’ll have suffer a whole lot of pain and be kicked and dragged screaming into it.

If rapidly rising fuel prices can exert the necessary pain without causing a serious fracturing of society, then good.

I think that Nelson’s 5 cent a litre reduction in price, achieved by cutting fuel excise by 13%, would be a step in the wrong direction, at this stage. However, if things were really looking grim, then yes, a considerably larger cut in fuel excise might help, just as long as maximum effort was being put in to weaning ourselves off of oil.

On Catalyst last night, there was strong talk about efforts in London to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, due primarily to the fear that the city would be inundated with a small sea level rise. The sort of effort needed to do that was compared with the enormous undertaking conducted in response to the Blitz of 1940 to bring Britain’s defence and offence capabilities up to speed. Effort the equivalent of a war footing was espoused.

Well, likewise in Australia, in the first instance to battle the changing economies being caused by rising fuel prices and to develop sustainable energy sources, which will very effectively address greenhouse gas emissions at the same time.

So yes, I agree, it is time to fight and to demand that our government do something. But it has got to be the right ‘something’. That is, sustainability, and not a propping up of the current mindless continuous-expansionist high per-capita consumption paradigm.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 23 May 2008 8:13:14 AM
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Hear hear Ludwig. What goes for London's energy, the decentralisation and dispersal thing, is going to become a basic principle for everything. I think so anyway.

For example communications being what they are today we don't need to have centralised business hubs with people driving for miles to and from every day.

Why do we have to have gigantic corporate farms? Why do we have to have gigantic corporate media? Why do we have to have gigantic corporate supermarkets? Why do we have to have gigantic corporate power stations? We don't.

These are all efficient at supply, but none of them work well for consumers and all chew up massive resources because of concentration and centralisation. They are all overly reliant on fossil fuels which increases their costs and reduces their sustainability.

We need to get over our love affair with gigantism. Except for tourist attractions of course. We'd be nowhere without the big banana.
Posted by chainsmoker, Friday, 23 May 2008 9:22:35 AM
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This is a very vexing issue! We are unfortunately a very cynical lot and most of us are probably thinking: "Here we go again!....the old running out of fuel trick!" They have pulled this one a couple of times before and it has always worked in bumping up the fuel prices!

Whether the information that we are being fed is true regarding diminishing world stocks, it seems that nobody has bothered to mention that the Oil Sheiks who seem to be pulling OPEC`s strings are NOT driving around in crappy little "Simpson" cars, but instead are luxuriating in Gold Plated Rolls, Bentleys and the like, whilst we are floundering around in our morass of rapidly escalating prices, and downsizing in an effort to keep driving!

Again I would stress that OPEC stated last year that they would be happy when oil reached $50 a barrel?...this is again another example of GREED by those that always want more!

Mr Rudd says his hands are tied and he can do "no more" to give relief from this disgraceful situation!......WHAT ABOUT A REDUCTION IN FUEL EXCISE, MR RUDD?.....after all your government is getting an extra windfall in revenue on a daily basis commensurate with the "Spot" Oil Price increases! Are you so greedy that you cannot reduce your take in the interests of the community, for as we all know the cost of EVERYTHING will now increase rapidly as everyone tries to compensate for the extra cost burden that is being placed upon them!.....but then again when you are being driven around in a chauffered Commonwealth Car, you tend to NOT NOTICE the price of fuel!

Another issue that needs clarification (and an honest answer!) is if we are 79% self sufficient in fuel oil, ....where is OUR fuel oil going to, why isn`t it being refined here in Australia and sold here in the country?
Posted by Cuphandle, Friday, 23 May 2008 10:24:16 AM
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here are some of the full members of the australian oil cartell

more to follow

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
Full Members
• Adelaide Energy
• AGL Energy Limited
• Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
• Anzon Australia Limited
• Apache Energy Limited
• ARC Energy Limited
• Arrow Energy
• Australian Worldwide Exploration Limited
• Avery Resources Inc
• Bass Strait Oil Company Limited
• Beach Petroleum Limited
• Benaris International NV
• BHP Billiton Petroleum Limited
• Bow Energy Ltd
• BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd
• Calenergy Gas (Australia) Ltd
• Central Petroleum Limited
• Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
• CIECO Exploration & Production Australia (Itochu Corporation Pty Ltd)
• Comet Ridge Limited
• ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd
• Coogee Resources Ltd
• Cue Energy Resources Limited
• Drillsearch Energy Limited
• Eni Australia Limited
• Enterprise Energy NL
• Essential Petroleum Resources Limited
• Esso Australia Pty Ltd
• Hess Exploration Australia Pty Ltd
• Icon Energy Limited
• Innamincka Petroleum Limited
• INPEX Alpha Ltd
• Japan Australia LNG (MIMI) Pty Ltd
• Karoon Gas Australia
• Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Corporation
• KUFPEC Australia Pty Ltd
Posted by tapp, Friday, 23 May 2008 11:24:04 AM
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I do understand that our government has done nothing but talk about oil and this was going on even when labor was last in power.

There will be no change as why should our government do anything, they do not pay for their own fuel.

It is us the people that suffer at the hands of government and these people.

Rest of full members list

• Lakes Oil NL
• Magellan Petroleum Australia Limited
• Marubeni Corporation
• MEO Australia Limited
• Metgasco Ltd
• Mitsubishi Australia Limited
• Mitsui E & P Australia Pty Ltd
• Mosaic Oil NL
• Nexus Energy Ltd
• Nido Petroleum Limited
• Oil Search Limited
• Oilex Ltd
• OMV Australia Pty Ltd
• Origin Energy Limited
• Papuan Oil Search Limited
• Plectrum Petroleum PLC
• Queensland Gas Company Limited
• Roc Oil Company Limited
• Samson International (Australia) Pty Ltd
• Santos Limited
• Shell Development (Australia) Pty Ltd
• SIPC Australia Pty Ltd
• Strike Oil Limited
• Stuart Petroleum Limited
• Sun Resources NL
• Sunshine Gas Limited
• Sydney Gas Company NL
• Talisman Oil & Gas (Australia) Pty Limited
• Tap Oil Limited
• Tokyo Timor Sea Resources Pty Ltd
• Total E&P Australia
• Tri-Star Petroleum Company
• Vermilion Oil & Gas
• Victoria Petroleum NL
• Woodside Energy Limited

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Friday, 23 May 2008 11:27:02 AM
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Is it just me or does anyone else understand what One Under God is on about ? I should really like some decent articulation on this site
Posted by snake, Friday, 23 May 2008 1:10:17 PM
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Chainsmoker “Why do we have to have gigantic corporate farms”


We have centrally based corporate offices and rush hours.

I, personally, would far sooner see devolved office burrows, there is no objective need to centralise.

Devolved business would still attract people and offer them shorter journeys to work,

Of course, what is good for the private sector should be equally appropriate to the public sector.

Personally, the greatest boon to my lifestyle is the ability to work directly at home and communicate through the internet or in an emergency actually talk to clients on the phone. I save fuel, wear and tear on the car and stress on myself, as well as gain a couple of hours a day of billable time.

I have done this with several clients, it benefits them by saving them the need to provide a seat for me to sit on and a work station to key from.

Ultimately I hope to relocate completely to the beach and telecommute, running the admin of our business from a sea view. There is no need for a city office.
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 23 May 2008 3:04:22 PM
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No snake you are not alone if one under God understands it I am going to be surprised.
Now however if Rudd took 20 cents of the tax on oil we would swallow up that and more in the increasing costs this year.
Surely others agree to blame the government in power for 6 months or even our last one for world oil prices is a dead end street?
Put the blame on the trillions of dollars invested in oil, what would happen to the world economy if western governments all of them, got fair dinkum about new fuels?
We are not well served by politicians who have not got the guts to act but the fuel tax is not the only answer to high prices.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 May 2008 3:10:31 PM
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Well belly your polititions act

but not for the people

What is the difference between the labor party/unions

and a peodophile


They all hide child sexual abuse (RAPE)

They all hide child physical abuse (TORTURE)

for their own sake

so they are not going to do anything for us buy hey you support those who do not have the guts to stand up and fight, just like your master the peodohile leader rudd.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Friday, 23 May 2008 3:32:59 PM
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Stuart,as far as I know ,we don't provide 98% of our oil.We actually have an annual deficit for oil of some $20 billion.
That aside,our Govts lie to us constantly.They should have seen this coming.Why did kevin take the subsidy off gas conversions.Why did they not plan for such a crisis?This will put many businesses into liquidation and many jobs lost.We have all this coal,oil and gas but aparently it does not belong to us.

What needs to happen is that we find alternatives that are cheaper or our economy will go into recession.Don't believe all this BS of it had to happen.There is not a shortage of oil,there is an intentional shortage of production.Climate change is being used as an excuse to justify the high cost of energy,which falls neatly into the plans of OPEC,fuel producers and our Govts.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 May 2008 3:45:57 PM
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CHinese day traders are speculating on the worlds resources
is because their own stock market was going into a melt down [last year] [so they installed a day trading tax][that cut their speculation down [in the china stock market][but only moved them into the world stovck market's, so as to avoid paying tax]

This has the affect of moving the china middle class into our stock market as day trading speculators [with huge numbers day trading on petrol ,corn, rice [you name it ]

but their weight of numbers has distorted our [the worlds] resources and metals markets.

THE fuel increase is partly because they [with only a tiny percentage 'day trading by far outnumber the fewer organisational day traders [we by and large arnt speculating on the markets [we get bankers and pension funds to do it for us ]

its a pure numbers game
CHINA has the numbers
the numbers needed to distort the market

[as witnessed by the olympic flame ,[when the chinese outnumbered the tibetan protesters only a few weeks ago]

This morning i heard on the bbc ,that chinese protesters were protesting [on mass] at a function where the dali-lama was talking[screaming out en mass stop-lying]

[the weight of numbers calling them selves tibetans , woke me up to what those organised numbers could be doing in this 'resources boom']

via their day trading

[ie only by invading the true tibetans ,were they able to pass themselves off as tibetans]
only in day trading are they simply book numbers in the day trading books

hell i dont care
figure it out yourselves]
Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 May 2008 3:56:49 PM
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Hello Stuart,
First thing you are wrong about 98% of our own oil.
We have about 55% and falling at about 4% per year.
So maybe it is about 50% now.

There is nothing the government can do about it.
Just jump in your car and use it while it is still cheap.
While the NYMEX price is US$135 because we get it from Singapore
we pay the TAPIS price of about US$148 per barrel.

Ludwig & Chainsmoker, I agree what is needed is an increase in the
tax so long as that tax is spent on public transport and freight railways.

I also saw that London system but did you pick up that it was run
on natural gas ? A bad move for the UK because they are reliant on
Russia for a depleting supply of gas.

Cuphandle; Oh dear, you are in for a let down.
I suggest you read what the retired oil field engineers are saying.
Most of those employed have to toe the line or write under
false names.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 May 2008 4:03:16 PM
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Iraq/Afghanistan War.
Posted by Steel, Friday, 23 May 2008 9:14:38 PM
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hi for those who said i was wrong please state and show reference to where i can find it.

I have posted the website that you will find this information from.

The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association represents the collective interest of the upstream oil and gas industry in Australia. APPEA member companies produce around 98 per cent of Australia’s oil and gas.

I also do appologise as my time limit was up for posting so had to wait.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Friday, 23 May 2008 10:56:50 PM
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just google it up yourself [its a delusion]

then there are alternatives like algae
google up oil from algae
Microalgae have much faster growth-rates than terrestrial crops. The oil yield per unit area of algae is estimated to be 5,000 to 20,000 gallons per acre, per year
(4.6 to 18.4 l/m2 per year);

this is 7 to 30 times greater than the next best crop, Chinese tallow (699 gallons)

It is an undeniable fact that most of our oil comes not from fossel but from algae[checkout the first link near the end.

Then we come to the alternatives [like the joe feul cell ,that allows the petro combustion vehicle to run on hh [or browns gas ,made from water [google up the joe fuel cell ,
made from stainless steel vehicles can be retro fitted with a joe uel cell in half an hour for a few hundred dollars [then no more feul costs
[all that is needed it to advance the timming forward 25 degrees[because browns gas implodes [not explodes]

im sick of this peak oil farce
the last oil ''short-age' was due to a fuel shortfall of only 3 percent [google that up]
then we get the fact no new refineries are being built [even the arabs dont have a refinery[they need to buy their petrochemical from dickkk cheeneys company ,[that they resell to their own people for a few cents a gallen ,couldnt find out how much that cost [nor how much money halli-burton recieves for this diss-service
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2008 12:25:57 AM
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Stu I think I have a case to have one of you posts deleted, in your thread you get very dirty and very of subject with a filthy insult to every member of the ALP
Surely you understand most of us would gladly castrate those you speak of?
And gladly with joy include every one of those who covered up for them?
You Stu do need help truly you do I will leave the thread because it serves no purpose to talk to you.
But never ever talk in my presents about my party like that mate if it was true it would not be my party for a second children are our future.
Remember your posts brand me amung the offenders , while I am aware you are not in control of your thoughts always I doubt greater offense has ever been given to any one in these pages.
I will not ask for a ruling on your post but ask you to re consider do you truly brand me pedophile?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 24 May 2008 5:57:16 AM
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it is sad to see this issue distracted by name calling
it is even sadder[is that a word?]
ok it is more sad
that rudd claims to be helpless

all he need do is not to spend 4 billion like the libs on giving us a 5 cent reduction per litre
but a mere 1 billion from the future fund
to intitiate IMMEDIATLY to the csiro to RESEARCH algae and hemp for bio feul
to rush through in an over night sitting the IMMEDIATE granting of research bucks to GIVE THE WORLD ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF SUPPLY

helpless indeed

[we are seeing the petro distractions even here on this blog ,be it those fooled into believing the peak oil ,
or those insulting the other posters with online distractions [or name calling OR WHATEVER


even our politicos are blindsided because they LOVE THE PETRO TAX INCOME

by their deeds wil we know them

so just in case i repost the link that gave us the specuial intrests names

[that could be deleted simply because of name calling

'hi for those who said i was wrong please state and show reference to where i can find it.

I have posted the website that you will find this information from.

The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association represents the collective interest of the upstream oil and gas industry in Australia. APPEA member companies produce around 98 per cent of Australia’s oil and gas.

I also do appologise as my time limit was up for posting so had to wait.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2008 8:19:54 AM
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Hello Stuart,
I could not find the information from that link you posted
for the APPEA. My information came out of the 2006 Statistics Dept year book.
The figures rounded by my memory are as follows;

Production 2000 800,000 barrels a day at peak in 2000.
Production 2006 500,000 barrels a day.
Consumption 850,000

Shortfall 2007 approx 400,000 x US$130 = US$52,000,000 a DAY !

Interesting, hmmm.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 24 May 2008 10:26:54 AM
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So Belly had one of Stu's posts deleted for telling the truth about Milton Orkopolous.There must have been many in NSW Labor who knew about Orkopolous being paedophile and they just turned a blind eye.

Robert Coombs has initiated a fund raiser for the Orkopolous family,but there was no mention of Gillian Sneddon who in her own words was treated like a criminal for dobbing Orkopolous in.Jillian has lost her job and spend thousands on legal expenses.Why did not Labor have a fund raiser for her?Nor was there a fund raiser by Labor for any of Orkopolous' victims.

Orkopolous just reflects the seedy side of this NSW Govt,who are bereft of standards,morals and show no remorse.This is the lowest ebb of public administration I've ever seen in this country.Absoluting disgusting.

Sorry Tapp,but I could not let Belly get away with this one.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 24 May 2008 12:02:03 PM
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thank you for that.

but let me say something.

When this first came out i thought i would see how deep the rabit hole goes.

Well what i post is truth and that is why belly does not like it.

When they the alp and union supporters ever give us the bleeding heart i like to remind them of their hypocritical status.

This is much bigger than milton.

Oh and belly has before threatened me with defamation but then put his head between his legs and ran the other way.

The reason for this and i will keep fighting is that it will destroy the labor party and unions and place many in jail.

I live in the seat of Charlton the labor scab who one this seat is Combet so he will have a lot of questions to answer when the fight starts and it will.

I will fight for the people , the truth and justice and if political parties and unions think they can do what they like they are mistaken.

If this destroys my standing in this seat that is ok and it is the people who will be in charge.

Now back to the subject.

This government can do quite a lot but since belly has said i am all talk and have no idea about politics, i will not give belly the satifaction.

The people are already making up their mind.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Saturday, 24 May 2008 12:14:47 PM
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i thought i would force myself to read the woodside report
OIL reserves 07-170 thats in millions of barrels
06-221-million barrels ,05-294,04-258,03-341,02-306,01-263.2ooo-253,99-236,

reserves condensates remain pretty stable
2007-152,2006-144,05-129,04-138,145,154,154,149,150,158,[ooo000]for 1998

the proffit loss for woodside reveals a steady growth , staff remains pretty static
nsw oil condensate from 1999 low of 377 rises to the high of 2007 1,119,ooo,000
aust oil 0 in 99 begins at 2000 @91,000,000 rising to 1361,ooo,ooo.
im just so sick of the distractions people state so mindlessly
this is from the woodside link
poor woodside [yea right]
their staff shows no extra work needed [while the bucks just keep roling in ] how many are paid to blog i wonder
clearly if your not looking your reserves dont go up
why explore when your raking in the cash [EVER HEARD WHAT OVER SUPPLY DOES?]
spending money to create oversupply would be a public good, but no oil buisness is going to be doing that
i only picked woodside cause it was the last link
big oil needs to really be giving more proof [like a percentage going broke before peak oil even seems half believable]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2008 1:03:20 PM
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It is interesting that the US has 700 million barrels of oil in reserves ,owned by the Govt if ever supplies become interupted.The US consumes 25% of the world's oil.They could quite easily consume some of their reserves thus putting downward pressure on prices.
Instead,Bush threatens OPEC with a law suit.While they dither,their own economy is faltering and their Govt loses tax revenue due to a shrinking economy.
Apparently we have only used 18% of the known world oil reserves and the rest should last aother 140yrs used at the present rate.
Greed and fear of global warming [or is it cooling?] has more to do with increased prices than real shortages.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 24 May 2008 1:35:17 PM
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I think that the US would be reluctant to dip into their strategic reserve. It would depress the price for a while.
It would keep the US going for 35 days if their was a total interruption
to supplies.
However much they took out to depress the price would come back and bight
them when they started to replenish.

Nothing governments can do will stop shortages occurring in the long run.
All those reserves somebody mentioned are there but they are either too
expensive to extract or they take more energy to extract than you get
back. Its like the give me $10 and I'll give you $5.
Some of the reserves are vapour reserves as per Saudi & Kuwait.

I heard that the government dropped the subsidy on gas conversions
for cars, is that correct ? If so seems uterly stupid to me.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 24 May 2008 2:28:26 PM
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*this is from the woodside link
poor woodside [yea right]*

Well you are free to take your hard earned savings and buy
Woodside shares on the ASX.

The oil business is profitable on the whole, but hugely
risky. One dry hole today can cost 30 million $ and
not a single barrel of oil in sight. So its not for the
faint hearted. Lots of companies are drilling hole after
hole out there, nearly all dry. So those who risk and strike
oil, well good luck to them. I'm glad that there is at least
somebody out there risking and drilling.

Funny how people complain about the price of oil, but haven't
yet converted their cars to gas. Or they will pay more per
litre for bottled water or coke, then for oil. When petrol
hits 3$ a litre, no doubt people will learn not to waste it,
as they do now.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 25 May 2008 1:44:27 PM
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Hope I am given a right of reply if any one who reads my posts can find an element of my party right or wrong in them I will leave the forum.
I have never supported the child molester spoken of here on the record I have said time and again he and those who covered up for him should be castrated.
I would do that job as a public service.
It is offensive to brand my whole party.
And it is wrong.
Greg who holds the seat of Charlton is from the party's left but won overwhelming support for his anti workchoices fight.
Tapp you call him scab?
I threaten no man with legal action fight my fights myself , moderate your blind hate mate.
arjay I charge you with being a my party right or wrong poster and with not understanding wrong exists on both sides of the house.
CAN you Stu explain why you posted as one under God?
Tapp I avoid you yet again but understand it is not fear but just respect for the forum that drives me to avoid your foolish rants.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 25 May 2008 2:21:38 PM
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Yabby,it is not that easy to convert to natural gas.First of all,if you have an ageing vehicle it is better to buy a later model otherwise the capital outlay is useless.

Secondly Mr Rudd has taken the subsidy off gas conversions.Thirdly a lot a of people like myself are suspicious of the oil companies who own the gas,just jacking prices once they get more people on it.We don't hear Kevin Rudd giving any assurances of the stability in gas prices.LPG has more than doubled in price in two yrs.People will slowly convert as confidence grows.
Gas still has its problems with reliability and some people are concerned about the safety factor.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 25 May 2008 3:17:59 PM
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CAN you Stu explain why you posted as one under God?

DEAR belly i am not 'STU'
i reposted his link [as i previously wrote]
because i feared some one would get it deleted

Enough of this distraction

im given to understand from your posts you have some linkage to labour [or the unions] ask kevin about johan[thats me]
i have no idea about'STU'
he no doudt has less idea about me

please can you post to topic
the topic is oil prices

perhaps kevin hasnt a solution but that is because he stopped listening ,seems labour unions now have his attentions

we X unionists know well the unions sold us out to howard long ago
but that isnt the topic
nor is child molesters stu

i do however know what you are refering to runs very deep in nsw and queensland [it seems party loyaly is most loyal when they got the ;dirt 'on their nominess ,

[but i feel its a cross party thing]
party loyalists will be the death of us all

please do not expect further off topic response
adressed to no one in particular
lets talk about OIL alternatives, joe fuel cell anyone?
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 May 2008 4:35:05 PM
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I deleted Stuart's posts because I thought that they had gone beyond what was acceptable. He appeared to me to be calling Belly a paedophile. The issue of the ALP and paedophilia is intriguing at one level and distressing for many ALP members at another. I think it degrades the forum substantially to draw a link between the behaviour of some ALP members and the party and everyone associated with it as well although there has been a number of prominent convictions in Queensland as well as this now in NSW.

It's possible to express outrage without being abusive.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 25 May 2008 6:10:58 PM
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Arjay, OTOH its not that difficult to switch to gas either, tens of
thousands have done it and benefit every day. We don't live in a
perfect world, life is full of compromises.

Yes, oil and gas prices are linked and as energy gets more scarce,
will be even more linked. The thing is Australia has huge volumes
of gas, not of oil.

Just the recent development of coal seam gas is huge. Companies like
Arrow, Origin, Santos and others, are all developing it. But its
being developed for export from Gladstones, not for locally, as there
is not the demand. That is a real shame, as there would be more then
enough gas there, to power all your vehicles in the East and not
be dependant on the ME in the future.

An interesting interview on the ABC the other night. It seems the
ME might not have the reserves they claim to have, so with world
demand rising, the wheels could fall off the oil cart, earlier then
we think.

Its a real shame that Origin might now be sold to the British.
Great Australian company with heaps of gas reserves. No doubt the
super funds who own most of the shares, will take the money and run.
That gas will then power Singapore, the way things look.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 25 May 2008 8:56:12 PM
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LPG is not yet dead we should consider it again in fact it is a crime against us all that our governments have not.
We pay far less tax on LPG and why should we pay more?
We export more of it than we use and at less than half the price we retail it for.
Our balance of payments would be reduced by so very much , we would even gain time to develop new fuels.
Is it the trillions of dollars invested in oil that stops true progress?
Lets look at my work car 350.000 klm no motor breakdowns LPG only factory fitted.
Less than $60 to fill, more than 600 klm on a tank.
Runs as well as petrol it truly does not in any way unreliable this petrol head knows cars it is as good as any.
Motor is better they just run forever , why not do what Brazil has done but with LPG?
Use LPG do not raise tax's make new car that run on LPG law, give further tax breaks to make it worth while to trade in old petrol cars.
This country needs leadership that has the guts to be inventive.
One under God I withdraw my concerns at who you are and excerpt you as you are.
A long history of disputes you know nothing of has ended I Will avoid Stu every time.
But with great pride say I am both unionist and ALP member forever.
And as much an enemy of pedophiles and those who miss use My party from within as any man.
Has anyone any doubts such filth live in every movement every party?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 26 May 2008 8:26:30 AM
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I find your statements re LPG quite interesting! Unfortunately I drive a Honda CRV which because of the "I don`t know why I bought a car with such a big boot!" (Honda advertising) I simply do NOT have enough room to fit the neccesary gas tank, and believe me when I say that there is NOT enough room in the boot now, without any extra loss of space!....(the only reason that I bought a CRV was because of the height factor, the time I had a wrecked hip-joint. ....and NOT because of the fact the vehicle has never been used for off-roading ( apart from navigating my property driveway, which is unsealed dirt and gravel!)

I did note that "O.U.G" mentioned the "Joe Cell"! I remember reading in the Nexus Magazine (which I read every page in every issue!) ....about an article which explained and gave the details of a carburettor (cell) which extracted the Hydrogen gas from plain old water, by the passing of an electric current through the water and collecting the Hydrogen gas for injection into the engine! The major stumbling block was that the engine would require Stainless Steel Valves, Valve Seats and Piston assemblies!
After reading this and obviously being still somewhat naive thought that if this thing worked, surely the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers would be building them into their new vehicles! .....HO! HO! HO!....I now realise that we might see something along these lines when water reaches the same price as Gasoline,...which I don`t think is too far away!
Remember old Joh Bjelke Petersen and his Hydrogen car!.....was he wrong?
Posted by Cuphandle, Monday, 26 May 2008 8:55:30 AM
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cup handle
i have an lpg vehicle and dont understand why rudd dosnt ORDER ALL new vehicles to run on lpg [also with no problems]

Ok the moter-companies building them ARE OWNED by the oil industry ,

BUT thats why we have govt ,govt can easilly mandate it [but are sold out to serve the same petro oil /chemical lobby]

On the joe cell , i havnt heard the issue if ss liners [but you are forgetting the oil lobby is very active about putting out MISS information about the joe cell
[joe bejeckle peterson was leaned on by the self same oil cartel lobby]

we are forgetting how much the industry is making from selling us cancer causing petro chemical's [look up micro particulate and benzine [that are the biggest causes of cancer ,

[and note the curing of cancer/arthritus , add and many other diseases with the drug thc
[found on the plant wrongly called marijuana and deemed a drug [as lobbied by the same petro chemical lobby]
that allows a very real DRUG WAR to be declared on its own citizens by the very govt that is meant to protect them.

Noting hemp [cannabis /thc ,;marijuanna has NEVER caused a death

that the studies so popular to run in the media are all so flawed by bias and low numbers [usually not even including non dope smokers ,BUT specificilly including pre-egsitant diseases] , that then can be 'found' and be blamed on hemp
Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 May 2008 2:03:05 PM
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sorry about your car Cuphandle it is a common fault I drive a ford sedan so have a smaller boot.
I challenge the idea car company's are owned by the oil industry but some may be.
If just one statement from the Prime Minister came out saying no increases in the tax on LPG for ten years?
Bet we would find smaller LPG cars making big inroads into oil.
The western world runs on mass sales and if we had real discounts in fuels any fuels at the right price we would see some one fill the market.
Australia if every one of us overnight went on to LPG would have zero effect on worlds oil prices but it sure would help our balance of payments
Posted by Belly, Monday, 26 May 2008 5:51:07 PM
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Because I do believe we can use LPG to fill in before we find another fuel or motor I need to add more info.
My work car has a 100 liter fuel tank factory fitted it takes not much more than 75 liters to fill.
LPG seems to retain about 20% in the tank most times.
Because it is one fuel room has been taken up in the boot so a smaller spare is used.
Surely small cars could have smaller fuel tanks?
In truth we will run out of oil we do have balance of trade problems and like it or not we need our cars still in rural Australia.
Given all that and the far better outcomes for the environment why not LPG?
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 6:26:10 AM
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Belly I also wonder why governments have not put in place programs to encourage manufacture to produce more gas powered cars. Australia is self-sufficient in LNG and LPG but exports vast quantities to countries like China and Taiwan (and others).

Why are we then so dependent on oil when we have gas?

I would rather pay the current excise and GST on petrol if it would be spent on improving public transport, renewables and rail with the aim or reducing car dependency.

Even if mining companies were to discover new sources of oil, experts argue that with highly populated countries like China and India becoming more developed that there will be (in the greater millions) more cars on the road within the next 20 years. The new very cheap 'Nano' car being manufactured in India is set to increase the number of road users to 1.1billion and as the following article states, marketers are targetting the current motorcylce users on affordability.


See link here about Australian oil and gas supplies:
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 10:53:19 PM
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Well put Pelican and the questions remain.
Answers may never come but the question will hang in the air forever why?
The thread is about party politics and its impact on oil prices truly given the truck blockades in England and America proposed for here do we need more evidence it is world wide?
But apart from Brazil can any one find a non oil producing country that is trying to address the issue?
LPG at the current tax rates pegged for ten years would let us breath and just maybe work.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 7:04:47 AM
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Why do you keep saying things like "Mr Rudd has taken the subsidy off gas conversions" when he has not?

I don't believe you are deliberately trying to misinform people, but mate ... you do seem to get your facts haywire sometimes.

In a previous post I said just wait for the budget papers to be released, then we will know for sure. Well, they have been released and the conversion to LPG subsidy has been extended.

Btw, I like your thread here;

I hope it picks up again.
Posted by Q&A, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 11:41:27 AM
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