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Burma is the United Nations awake?

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For that matter is the UN of any use ever?
The once truly elected leader of this country is no longer able to stand for Parliament , because she was wed to a foreign national?
A gang of thugs in army uniforms run the country and all the UN does is talk?
At least ten country's treat human life so badly and nothing but weak words why have a UN?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 February 2008 6:55:41 AM
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My understand is that its become a fizzer.
China and Russia seem to have big influences behind the scenes and would manipulate as much as possible for their own gains.
Christians believe that the final world government will be "the beasts" (click on the mark of the beast).
A combination of an Adolf Hitler figure (holocaust all over again) and a religious leader known as the false prophet. Everyone goes to the beast, drawn to him by the false prophet.
Rome in 2008 is drawing all religions towards a ONE WORLD CHURCH system with a single leader.
I think a pope will be the false prophet.
I believe this combination will be the final great power on earth. Poor UN ...she's almost gone.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 10:55:46 AM
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Crimson hell! in a few words you take responsibility for this sham out of the hands of man.
If any God exists , and why must it be yours? why kill those who died here last September?
If God exists why give life to all those who follow other Gods?
The UN is a waste of air China but not Russia helps Burma.
Condemn me to hell Gibo but you try the same line in every post man must take responsibility for his own actions and man must never give up trying to be better.
Man one day will free himself from the childlike belief he can sit back and let God fix it.
And that every God is false except our own one.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 February 2008 2:58:46 PM
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Dear Belly,

It's a sad situation. It was only a few months ago that the United Nations Security Council was proclaiming its readiness to promote reconciliation after the brave thousands marched peacefully for democracy in Burma. Those same thousands have since been swept off the streets and into prisons or unmarked graves.

While the Buddhist monks and hundreds of thousands of sympathizers held the world's attention, the odious regime in Burma, promised to engage in dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi, the democracy leader living under house arrest in near total isolation.

It promised, too, to permit U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to send his special envoy, Ibrahim Gambari, any time he wanted. But no dialogue has taken place, and the regime won't give Mr Gambari a visa until April (if then). And the Security Council's response to this extraordinary insult to its mandate and prestige?

Last week, it mustered, not without controversy, a statement of "regret" at the "slow pace of progress."

Slow pace? Here's what's happened since Mr Ban put his, and the United Nations' prestige on the line, according to the Washington Post. More monks have been arrested. The death toll has yet to be made known. The regime raised the fee for satellite dish licenses from $5 per year to $800, or three times the average salary, so that its people - already impoverished by economic mismanagement and corruption - will be further cut off from the world. And meanwhile, Mr Gambari flies from Asian capital to Asian capital, hoping that someone will put in a good word for his visa.

The Bush administration officials are pushing China, India and the Europeans to pressure the Burmese, but without much luck.

China didn't even want Mr Gambari to brief the Security Council.

There are options beyond pleading: arms embargoes, stricter banking sanctions aimed at the junta members and their relatives, and more.

Whether they come into play depends on whether the secreatary general and leaders of nations that claim to respect the United Nations object even a little to its humiliation by a band of Burmese bullies.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 February 2008 6:19:26 PM
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I saw your complaint as much about the UN as Burma, in fact more so at the writing of your first post.
I went on the tell how I felt about its demise and what the worlds final great governing body will be prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Sorry Belly, its only Jesus for christians.
We get born again and stay in-Christ through some horrible deaths, some of us, because we have the Holy Spirit Who confirms the truth about God and His Word.
Its the way it is.
The rest belongs to the dark side and he laughs much about what he has achieved.
I wasnt saying that Russia was any power in Burma.
You presented the thread a little vague. I was saying that China and Russia are the powers in the UN.
Mans time is running out. Its too late to fix himself. The mark of the beast is already here, so the last great dictator will soon follow.
Times about up.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 11 February 2008 6:54:53 PM
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Dear Gibo,

I want to share a Serenity Prayer with you, I hope you'll like it.
Perhaps you already know it? -

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the thing I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference."
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 February 2008 7:04:46 PM
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