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Inquire into NSW Health
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Posted by Belly, Saturday, 26 January 2008 5:32:15 AM
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See belly believe what you are tolchange the subject but you cannot handle the truth.
The truth is the states keep 40% for themslves while we only get 60% of funding. As i said i won and those who voted for me. I stood for the people not party dictatorship. This is all fact and as you enjoy being treated like a slave then so this must be. I am not the loser Posted by tapp, Saturday, 26 January 2008 1:18:20 PM
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The following expose was conducted between 2001 and 2006 by 2 eminent health academics and released in December 2007. Perusing just the Abstract should suffice.
This survey reveals how all state governments have suppressed vital health and environmental information from being released to its citizens including wantonly exposing people to environmental toxins. The greatest suppression of health information occurred during 2005/2006. I believe it goes towards vindicating my own ongoing Appeal endeavours submitted to the state Convenor and that of a handful of my associates. Is it not time for others to understand the Appeals system and consider officially objecting to the irresponsible decisions made by the grubs strutting our halls of parliament and their often corrupt senior bureaucrats who must take responsibility for the dire state of our health system? Citizen apathy will continue to be to this nation's detriment. It's pleasing to learn that this pretty boy will no longer be at the helm of the disgraceful public health system in WA:,21598,23112498-2761,00.html Posted by dickie, Saturday, 26 January 2008 7:27:37 PM
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Good articles there dickie.
This really does show how arrogant these political parties are, and how they decieve the people. It is no wonder that belly is now running as when the truth is handed out it just doesnt suit. All we get is party dictatorship and not representation and like here in charlton we have the unions now complaining about labor, not because they are stabbing the people in the back, oh no, but because they are not obeying party policy. The people are who should be represented not party policy and the unions still stand and fight not for us but themselves and party politics. The people should come first and should be trully represented, not just Claytons representation. Posted by tapp, Sunday, 27 January 2008 12:20:10 PM
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The people should come first and should be trully represented, not just Claytons representation.
Yes. However only chance seeing this happen is when both Federal and State levels select their G-G/Governors by popular ballot. Separation of Powers requires separation of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches. Separation of Powers is not present whilst Legislature is also the Executive. We need select G-G/Governors by popular ballot; Then G-G/G's must select their Ministers from Members of either House of their Parliament. Legislatures set ground rules for Executive to manage under, whilst keeping Executive branch answerable on their day to day management in terms of those ground rules. These changes may not need Constitutional amendments, with process for selecting G-G/Governors able to be legislated by simple majority in respective Federal and State Parliaments. With such separation of powers people might support fixed terms for all the legislative branches. . Posted by polpak, Sunday, 27 January 2008 8:02:47 PM
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Very Interesting post Dickie
Well done Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 27 January 2008 10:34:06 PM
Your wild statements are symptoms of something other than truth.
You may not believe it but you have my sympathy.
No defense of my party in NSW but this problem has grown under all forms of government.
Your victory? in that poll saw less than 2% vote for you, saw the seat become one of our safest in this state.
I leave the thread it is pointless to contribute while you insult reality, a problem exists in health we must fix it but how unions can be blamed for it is beyond reality.
Be constructive in your dislike of the party elected to govern in every Parliament in Australia, be aware insulting voters understanding of issue may see the need to look into a mirror to find who is out of touch.