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Savage Dogs Do We Need Them?

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The death of yet another child needlessly brings me to ask why have breeds that kill?
My dog could harm a child it is only 100mm high and a pup but it never will.
Yet why do we have large breeds in our homes that are known to have killed?
Some will spring to the defense of big dog breeds and even talk of small dogs hurting kids.
But some of the owners of dogs that killed would have once been in that group.
Country towns are full of yobos who knowingly train dogs to be aggressive toward people who come near the Ute.
And some drug users train dogs to be Gard's a dangerous practice.
Why have a dog to be tough for you? isn't that a weakness?
A dog is a mate a true Friend and hopefully no ones enemy but people still refuse to understand they are pack animals and will react differently to new things.
Some dog breeds are of little true use in city's yet that is the place you will find them locked in small back yards.
Yards that they claim ownership of and defend constantly , no life for a dog.
Governments will impose themselves more on every dog owner to try to stop further needless deaths.
Just maybe we should license owners and dogs.
How do we handle the growing list of needless death?
My little dog comes from a breed with a long history of wanting to be every ones mate and training will see it stays that way maybe just a start?
She will never wander the streets but not see a day she does not run in a paddock freely.
She will not be neglected but before she is one year old 4 or 5 kids will be killed by dogs in this country , remember those dog owners if asked today will say my dog is safe , bullet proof no worries.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 29 December 2007 7:07:57 PM
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The title "Savage Dogs Do We Need Them?" is inappropriate.

It should read:

"Savage Dog OWNERS Do We Need Them?"

In addition, guard dogs, trained to protect businesses, should be outlawed. These animals usually spend most of their untethered time totally alone including weekends. As you have stated, dogs are pack animals and detest being alone. During business opening hours you will discover these guard dogs usually tied up out of sight.

Dogs which are constantly incarcerated in back yards or on the end of a chain become bored, depressed and savage. Worse, the ridiculous welfare laws permit it.

Do not attack the breed of any dog. Go after the cretins who are legally permitted to take dominion over these poor creatures. These cretins usually take possession of intimidating dogs to compensate for their retarded intellect.

You and I have access to country paddocks to enable our dogs to run freely, however that does not give us the right to dictate to those responsible and caring dog owners who do not!

Furthermore, I have witnessed the savagery of a neighbour's foxie, the breed you selectively defend and a foxie which made a mess of a child's leg when he decided to latch on. Admittedly the child was at fault though try telling that to the moronic parent who had the dog euthanased!
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 30 December 2007 6:56:34 AM
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dogs don't vote, but owner's do.

"do we need them?" is a good start, now convince some pollies to stick their neck out. not easy, because a lot of dog owners don't think they have a savage dog, just a good friend who is a good burglar alarm.

so get used to losing the odd kid. not like we don't have too many already..
Posted by DEMOS, Sunday, 30 December 2007 11:08:26 AM
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I personally would still feel more comfortable having a Labrador as a family pet, (especially for families with small children), than having a Rottweiler.

When choosing a breed of dog - you have to be very selective, and consider what type of dog will meet your needs, personality, and lifestyle. For families with small children - this is especially crucial.

Rottweilers were developed in southern Germany, near the village of Rottweil. They are descended from camp dogs that followed Roman armies in their conquest of southern Europe about 1,900 years ago. The Romans used these dogs to herd the cattle and sheep that provided meat for the armies. They are an aggressive breed of dog. The Doberman pinscher developed from the Rottweiler.

However having said that, of course the responsibility of training a dog lies with the owner. And almost every dog can be trained to be obedient, reliable, and a well-adjusted companion.

The tragic incident that happened with the baby being mauled by the Rottweiler - could possibly have been prevented if the owners of the dog had kept the dog away from the vicinity of the baby.
I know that I would not have allowed the animal anywhere near my new-born, without my being present.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 December 2007 11:30:53 AM
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Maybe for most of us the difference is dogs are Friends, Dickie I know that is the case for you too I still read your poem about Skeeta.
Corny but true we love our dogs, I have had many breeds including German Shepard's but never seen one bite.
A wonderful Labrador is chained and very hungry not far away, why have a dog that must live its life on a chain?
And yes seen those poor woolly dogs colored red or pink? smelling like a perfume factory?
Those people should not have dogs.
Why a Rotty in a suburban back yard? status symbol? yes ! poor dog may be great gentle giant but for how long?
And kids pushing pulling dogs around while mum and dad laugh, why would tragic events not happen?
NSW press today, after the death that started this thread two more Rotty attacks one fatal.
And inspection of every dogs home and living conditions paid for by the owner is a start if less dogs kill and less live badly it may be worth it.
If a known savage dog, not breed dog hurts some one the owner should be charged eg assault or even murder.
My little dog will at worst crave attention and no one will ever be welcome to teach her to bite, her new mate arrives in 5 weeks and just maybe the mum making 3 in one home enough more than enough but no threat no chance to anyone.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 30 December 2007 3:37:39 PM
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"Country towns are full of yobos who knowingly train dogs to be aggressive toward people who come near the Ute."

What a ridiculous, unfounded claim to make. Really Belly, don’t just say crap for the sake of it. I don’t recall any of these deaths happening on or near utes, mostly in the city are’nt they?

I disagree about dog breeds, they do have their own personality traits. I own working dogs – kelpies – and they are a unique breed that behave very differently to most others.
Posted by PF, Sunday, 30 December 2007 5:26:25 PM
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