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The Forum > General Discussion > A ChristMyth message - an Atheist perspective

A ChristMyth message - an Atheist perspective

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I meant to add, just as I know there is no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy.

Further, I do know with 100% certainty that there is no omniscient omnipotent being, because that *is* a logical impossibility.
No being can simultaneously know all their future actions and have the ability to perform different ones.
Posted by wizofaus, Friday, 4 January 2008 5:18:11 PM
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Though light and matter are as old as God (in the beginning God), it is the spiritual ie God that gives all that exists design, purpose and meaning. Life exists within the fields of light and matter; and Life is the only purpose we can give to light (ionic transfer) and matter (basic materials). It is there to support life in its diversity and culminating in a responsible being - man. Man is the primary accountable being in the Earth.

Accountabilityt means boundaries of responsibility and summary of accountability - to whom? I say to the design and purpose of the Universe - to support an ideal life and society. The ideals we aspire to is found in character, attitudes and behaviours which are found in God. The spiritual is the only purpose we can give to life, anything else is meaningless. God is spiritual - not a spirit being as many imagine. God is not matter. He is revealed through the mind of the highest and most responsible of creatures - man.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 4 January 2008 5:22:23 PM
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I really want you to think about how you are interacting with other humans. Your posts are so hyper-religious I’m sure you are influencing more people to become Atheists than a truck load of Richard Dawkins’.

You consider this life to be only a testing ground for some imaginary afterlife. You are demonstrating the problem with religion that Atheists are trying to bring to the attention of the wider public.

Atheists are human beings just like you. We expect to be treated with respect and one way of doing this is to answer intelligently questions about the ‘beliefs’ you hold, if you wish to impart them. Otherwise, what is the point of you continually prattling on in an incomprehensible manner?

You do not have any special understanding the rest of the good folk on this forum are missing out on. You think you do but so do those with the, Jerusalem syndrome’.

It would do you no harm to look that up on Google and if on recognising any of the symptoms mentioned, to take appropriate action.

I mean you no harm.

Posted by Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc, Friday, 4 January 2008 7:22:22 PM
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There we get to the crux of all matters Religious...

If we are honest with ourselves we just don't know. If you believers were born in a Muslim family in a Muslim country you'd be Muslims. OUCH!

But the evidence of a God that affects our daily lives just isn't there. Jesus allegedly said "Suffer little children to come unto me". Well where was he when they were starving, hurt or worse? Where is he in Iraq with all the innocents being killed there?

If there is a God he doesn't appear to affect our daily lives unless you are winning an award or putting on a golf green. OR maybe she is a woman... Who knows... although a woman would be far more compassionate as a God I would have thought.

If there is a God why did he order Moses to order the killings in Numbers 31:7-18 why didn't he protect the women and children? Why do women always get the blame?

If you haven't asked WHY then you haven't asked enough questions... If you can justify Bible attrocities in God's name thenyou are probably nuts!

Why indoctrinate our children - we don't know. Can't you see Christmas and Easter in the western world is a part of that indoctrination system. Why can't we do for people because we want to and not be driven by a belief in a God. My kids enjoy Christmas because it is a time for family!

If you give for God's sake you are doing it for the wrong reason. Give because others deserve your help. And give without a hidden agenda.

I don't care whether you believe in a God or not... I care more that you don't delude yourselves and object to you deluding others. Please tell the truth.. Just say "I don't know" and stop giving false hope & making people feel guilty for not knowing or believing!

If you want to be Godly show it by actions, word and deed but don't undermine an atheist doing good things ... Congratulate him.. His is a gift of self!
Posted by Opinionated2, Saturday, 5 January 2008 12:13:38 AM
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Santa is a personification of God for children - all knowing, miraculous and one who rewards the "good" and punishes the "bad".

It's also been said that Jesus is just Santa for grown-ups.

Also, Constantine killed more Christians in the years following his adoption of the faith than were killed in Rome during the previous three centuries. The widespread persecution of followers of the original version is somewhat exaggerated and the only person who killed these early Christians in the Colloseum was Cecil B DeMille.
They were seen more as a nuisance cult than a political threat. True martyrdom started when Christians began killing each other.

Religious myth tends to subvert historical fact, which is what gives it much of its power.
Posted by wobbles, Saturday, 5 January 2008 12:56:27 AM
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Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
You may not like the fact that the sum of your life you only are accountable for. You have had effect upon others and the history of the Universe. You will be acountable to the purpose of your life. The character of spirit that reflects the character of God is eternally in God. Life after death is spiritual and not physical.

You currently held accountable for your life and behaviour on this planet even atheist Greens would hold that and the sum of your life you only are accountable for.

Where have I said : "You consider this life to be only a testing ground for some imaginary afterlife."

This life is no rehersal it is the final act and we are accountable for our actions.

The problems you see are evil man's responsibility not God's. Beside the spirit of God is there in healing hands and creative medicine in love, care and action incarnate in man who reflect the nature of God.

The early Christian Church members were put to death by Saul who had authority from the sanheidran to do such. He was convicted of conscience for this act of sin and later became a devout Christian missionary who himself was accused by his Jewish peers and put to death in Rome for creating religious conflict.

The writings of the Early Church Fathers identify the persecution and martyrdom on the Early Christians. I have 12 volumes of their writings on my shelves and they identify the persecution and conflict with the religious and legal institutions of their day.

What are your sources that debunk these claims?
Posted by Philo, Saturday, 5 January 2008 6:11:20 AM
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