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Australia - getting the right racial mix
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Posted by Foxy, Friday, 30 November 2007 3:05:48 PM
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you aren't doing anything wrong, foxy. but you don't make decisions for oz. you're a forelock tugger, not a squire.
i often wonder why ozzies bother to have an opinion, since they can't do anything about it. but of course, most don't. Posted by DEMOS, Friday, 30 November 2007 6:44:09 PM
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Um, what recent wave of violence by black youths? If you are talking about the Sudanese, the whole idea that there was a "wave of violence" was politically motivated and deemed false by the Victorian Police Commissioner. There was no wave. The most prominent case – the case that sparked the Sudanese "crisis" – was when a Sudanese teenager was murdered.
By a couple of white kids. In answer to your question, I'd like to see a great spread of different nationalities. Australia is a great and free society, and it's strength is in it's capacity to build loyalty. Multiculturalism can be difficult – it is risky, and it is for the brave. But we're all the children of immigrants, or we are immigrants ourselves, so we've all got the seeds of bravery within us. I am a great fan of the UK's chief rabbi, Jonathan Sachs, who believes that we should not import the intolerances and prejudices of other countries when we take their immigrants. Instead, we should export tolerance and diversity and proof that different cultures can live together. We don't want pockets of different diasporas, we want a strong, cohesive Australia. Posted by botheration, Friday, 30 November 2007 6:59:45 PM
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Dear Botheration,
The incident that I'm referring to - took place in Melbourne, where 17 to 18 year old black youths attacked a man who had visited his son at the Children's Hospital. These youths bashed the man after taking his mobile phone. It appears that the youths were from the Housing Commission flats just down the road from the hospital. The incident was on the news here in Melbourne. But perhaps you're correct - perhaps we're not told the entire story. There was talk that the parents of the youths - were complaining about police discrimination. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 30 November 2007 7:38:08 PM
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Nov 13th.. African Muslim 'community leader' says: "What needs to be done is we need to resource programs attractive to the young boys in the evening." Somali community leader, Flemington-based Osman Abdurahman, blamed Moonee Valley Council for co-organising an event that brought together young African-Australians from both sexes, which he claimed went against the Muslim faith. "It's not our religion and it's not in our culture. I am putting all the responsibility on the council." WHO THE HECK ARE YOU MATE... ? the deal. AUSTRALIA has a culture.. IF YOU come here.. you respect it...not the other way around. If OUR culture, (the host) has certain values about open social intercourse between genders.. you have 2 choices. ACCEPT IT.. or.. GET OUT. This person wants US to adjust OUR culture to fit with HIS... now if anyone needed convincing that all our our predictions of such attitude are well founded, they have it in the above, but wait..theres MORE... Nov 29th.. "Yesterday" 100 (apparently muslim) youths attack police in flemington. 15 police vans attended. When arresting one youth who allegedly threw a rock at police, another youth took off his shirt and attacked police. It grew from that to the large crowd who tried to free the arrested youth. ECHO'S OF PARIS BURNING? I'll say it again .. "I told you so" and also, I'll repeat the warning, "Diversity breeds intolerance, ghetto mentality and 'us/them'.. which leads to violence and intercommunity breakdown. The facts are staring all of us in the face. Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 30 November 2007 8:15:51 PM
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Hi Foxy, ok, I read the report and you're right – those incidents sound horrendous. But I could also argue there's been a recent wave of violence by, well, "Aussies". See and and,21985,22828618-2862,00.html Frankly, when the perpetrators are black, everyone notices. White crime – the everyday variety – well, we're used to that.
Yes, there is violence in the Sudanese community. But I don't buy that we're at some crisis point. Australia is a relatively stable and peaceful country, in large part because multiculturalism has been so successful. PS It appears there's two sides to the "100 youths" story: Posted by botheration, Friday, 30 November 2007 9:12:54 PM
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Oh dear, I think I agree just a little bit with BD. Hold the attack on the "muslim-appearing" youths though. Botheration summed it up well - having people from different backgrounds isnt so much the problem, as importing their prejudices. BD has said something similar, although been a little more wide-sweeping. Interesting that he condemns diversity, yet has an asian wife.
Immigration is what our nation as it stands is based on, so its not a bad thing as such, and can be quite a strength. However, immigration policy shouldnt just accept everyone and anyone. Over the years we have developed a culture that sees us as fairly unique, and different even from other white cultures (given that we all love pom-bashing so much, old arguements about being too english-based dont hold that much water). We need to make sure that our pretty good culture, is maintained as much as possible. There is always room for improvement, but we should guard against degradation of what we have. Posted by Country Gal, Friday, 30 November 2007 9:36:03 PM
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Now we have a weak livered labour government,
we can look forward to having more of this 3rd world trash reaching our sunny shores. Maybe super radical leftoid Garrett can pen a different version of his song the The Beds are Burning. "How can we sleep while our Melbournes Burning" Cop it sweet Australia you have allowed this to happen. Immigration of blacks with the IQ of a deck chair let into our society with centrelink payments has got to be the stupidest idea since allowing arabs from Lebanon to come here. Let common sense prevail it is not to late to deport these people back to thier crappy poor desolate countries AFRICANS, We dont want you because you are to stupid to see a good thing when your on it. So piss off! Posted by SCOTTY, Friday, 30 November 2007 10:08:12 PM
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Hello? The Australian electorate has just voted out a government that traded for more than a decade on xenophobia. Those refugees who have been most reluctantly admitted, during that tenure, have had support services that might have assisted their integration removed gradually under an administration hostile to 'multiculturalism'.
Stuff like English language lessons and cultural awareness programs. The Sudanese and Somali guys who were working here a while back had an average of about 6 weeks of that kind of preparation before being sent out to the Australian bush to work in an abattoir. Most managed quite well, but all have now moved on to WA and the resources boom. As I've said before, I think our migrant intake should be restricted on environmental grounds to refugees - a corollary of which is that we should make every effort to integrate them and their cultures (as opposed to assimilation). So-called 'race' should not be any kind of factor, nor should religion - unless of course the observance of that religion precludes prospective immigrants abiding by Australian laws. It's people who are obsessed about the 'racial' aspects of Australian society who are the problem, not those of disparate sociocultural backgrounds who have have been forced by circumstance to become Australians. We need to curtail the increase of Australia's population - but not for 'racial' reasons. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 30 November 2007 10:14:56 PM
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The weakness in nearly all exponents of multiculturalism (and I'm one)
is that they stress the advantages and therefore one doesn't realise that there are also disadvantages. Society has to work at this and needs to be not only multicultural but also monocultural; it needs to have shared values. You just don't bring together people of different cultures, they shake hands and live happily ever after. It's a delicate process. Every group that has come to Australia has faced a lot of intolerance and the Sudanese are the last group to come in so they are copping the intolerance now. I don't blame anybody in Australia who says that migration should cease. It's always been the case. When you've got problems -'Get rid of the wogs.' Then we'll be free. What has to be done - is education. People have to stop scapegoating. We have to work through these problems - and I'm sure that we will. Afterall - today's Australia is made up of so many different ethnic backgrounds, speaking different languages at home, including Scottish, Gaelic and Welsh and we also have over 80 different religions. When we talk about the preservations of a race. Which race? There's also the cost involved. The main cost of taking refugees is not the air fare but the cost of resettling them, giving them unemployment benefits, language services and so forth. However there is merit in diversity - and we should persevere with it. Our society will be the better for it. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 30 November 2007 10:48:38 PM
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I have grave doubts we can except more Muslim migrants or that we should, from within that group bigotry is emerging, only some but far too many are bigoted. The primitive bigotry of religion gone mad will not allowe integration. Some idiot is using the wests freedoms as payment for an experiment that hopes ten generations of living together will bring about a better world. Tell me why we alone seem to make an effort in the west while those we seek to help often turn on us? Posted by Belly, Saturday, 1 December 2007 5:16:28 AM
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CG... interesting comments :)
just a mild point of clarification though. I'm not against 'diversity'...I'm against the following: 1/ Uncontrolled diversity. 2/ Disproportionate diversity. 3/ Encouraging diversity on dogmatic grounds. 4/ Actively promoting diversity among cultural groups with public funds. (such funding should be aimed at assimilation) I totally welcome people of diverse backgrounds BUT.... (there's always one of them isn't there :) I say this: a) Welcome to those who share our VALUES. (no matter what their ethnicity) b) Welcome to those who may not at this point share our values but are happy to make a committment to LEARNING them..and passing them on to their children. c) Rejection absolutely, any group who's values or religious foundation are aimed at undermining ours on a political level. On point "c" I don't consider Hindu's or Buddhists or Bahais or Zoroastrians to have specific 'aims' to undermine our values or to seek to attain sovereignty in the name of their religious ideals of our country, but based on the unambiguous and clear statements of a religion you are well aware of by now (when I refer to it) it is clear that this is a serious issue with that group. In sociological terms, the 'right racial mix' would be (in my view) a large predominance of the anglo/celt/norther Euro shared values group, and then.. a mix of various others.. Asians, africans, southern Euro's.. Indians etc.. but with no one of these groups gaining a disproporionate representation from the others. Only in this way will 'our culture' be enriched by the things we learn (by osmosis, not weight of numbers or political power) from them through social interaction and intermarriage. PS. agreeing withe me is not the end of the world as we know it :) (only for CJ it's that) Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 1 December 2007 6:46:00 AM
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People adapt. People who never sat on chairs before can learn to drive cars and operate complex machinery; they master these skills very quickly. Similarly, Muslims don't have to take six hundred years to go through a reformation in the way they think about equality and individual rights.
First, men and even women, may look up and speak to Allah: it is possible for believers to have a dialogue with God and look closely at Him. Second, the rigid interpretation of the Quran in Islam today causes intolerable misery for women. Through globalization, more and more people who hold these ideas have traveled to Europe with the women they own and brutalize, and it is no longer possible for Europeans and other Westerners to pretend that severe violations of human rights occur only far away. Lastly it it possible to adapt one's faith, to examine it critically, and to think about the degree to which that faith is itself at the root of oppression. In the past fifty years the Muslim world has been catapulted into modernity, but the reality of that voyage is millennial. Even today you can take a truck across the border into Somalia and find you have gone back thousands of years in time. So, as I said previously, - we do need to take a closer look at the cultures of minorities - and ensure that despite our differences - there are shared values, prior to letting these groups into our society. Otherwise we are asking for trouble. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 December 2007 9:40:44 AM
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We already had the right racial mix.. What the?
All that has to be done is to deport 1/3 of western Sydney back to thier refugee camps or wherever they came from with a $20000 cheque and a battalion of Infantry to make sure they get there nice and safe and bobs your uncle we will have a lasting peace in our liftime. The rest of the ungrateful sods will have no choice but to play the game. Never forget we chose them not the other way around and as such then why cant we get rid of them for some that wil contribute and be happy. We had CJ telling all that the Howard govt ruled by xenophobia. Crap if he was X-phobic he would have said what I have and one the election hands down. Child like maybe> Do I care? Not anymore. Posted by SCOTTY, Saturday, 1 December 2007 4:34:47 PM
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What is this thing that if you are not white you CAME to Aus rather than being born here?
Plenty of non-whites were born here. Plenty of whites werent. So Scotty dont tell us to get out. Get out yourself if you want Posted by savoir68, Saturday, 1 December 2007 8:58:08 PM
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Too many want to confuse racism with religionism.It is not the colour of their skin,but the colour of their beliefs.We should curtail Muslim immigration until such time we see how it effects social cohesion in this country.
Many say it is too late for Europe already.It is changed forever.An extreme ingorant philosophy has permeated an enlightened successful culture.They know they are on the slippery slope to chaos and cannot do a thing about it. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 1 December 2007 9:11:45 PM
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If you dont love this great country I dont give a toss where you come from. If you dont then it is simple LEAVE! Eurabia is a certainty, UK is lost, Canada is so liberal its next. And now Australia has a left wing government full of surposed ex-socialist turned economic conservatives. Where about to become the next large scale dumping ground for the worlds bleeding hearts pet project. I'm betting a resurgence of National furver will brand us a little harder to conquer than other western nations but we are fighting ourselves by proxy while the enemy within gains strength. Posted by SCOTTY, Sunday, 2 December 2007 12:16:18 AM
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CJ.. its taken a while, but finally I totally agree with one point you made.. (because, dare I say it.. you are expressing my own views)
"So-called 'race' should not be any kind of factor, nor should religion - unless of course the observance of that religion precludes prospective immigrants abiding by Australian laws." Last sentence says it all. Now..surely you have not missed that regular theme coming though my own posts ? Perhaps you feel I go too far? Your 'provisional' acceptance on the religious issue is abiding by our law. Yes.. yes again.. at last! Why did it take you so long to come out with that simple but crucial truth? EXAMPLE. Australian law says you cannot discriminate against people in business or services based on religion. But Aussies are regularly discriminated by Muslim taxi drivers if they are: a) Carrying alchohol (something you are partial to) b) Guide dogs. Now..its all very well to say that 'its just a small minority' but is it? If the whole of Sudan can be polarized by calling a Teddy bear 'mohammad'...... then.. dare I say more about the 'mindset'? Surely it must be abundantly clear, that the more power Muslims have, the more they will exercise such discrimination? Of course the likes of FH and Irfy and all like them would not, great, unfortunately, they don't represent the wider Muslim community, they just represent their own understanding of the faith, but not great when the increasing sense of 'muslims are victims' is promoted by all manner of propoganda, mosque sermons, and literture. (not to mention possibly in Muslim schools) The other point about withdrawal of services should tell you something. Government's care more about 'productivity_per_economic_unit' more than social harmony. SCOTTY.. mate.. its about 'vallllllues' not skin color. Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 2 December 2007 8:31:22 AM
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BOAZ, Mate I didnt say it wasnt.
Sub saharan blacks are generally muslim or have intellect that will make them vastly more prone to violence than say um us. I got no problem with Chinese or SE Asians, they are smarter than us so at least the skilled ones are less likely to be part of the social welfare cycle and the non muslim ones seem to be content with killing each other and not us. This country is to good to be selling it out like a $2 whore in a knock shop to a bunch of apes. Dont tell me your turning into a bleeding heart BD, what have you changed sides since the election? Im just telling it the way it is, for everyone of you hand wringing socialist scumbags out there, there are at least one of us callious uncaring ninties types. You all must hate my guts. Posted by SCOTTY, Sunday, 2 December 2007 5:16:17 PM
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Er, Boazy...
"EXAMPLE. Australian law says you cannot discriminate against people in business or services based on religion. But Aussies are regularly discriminated by Muslim taxi drivers if they are: a) Carrying alchohol (something you are partial to) b) Guide dogs." Evidence please. I thought that particular dog-whistle was consigned to redneck mythology ages ago. I object to you disingenuously claiming my support for your pusilanimous cause. However, now that you've admitted that the only valid criterion for acceptance of bona fide refugees is willingness to abide by Australian law, you seem to have shot yourself in the foot somewhat. I also object to this: "..the whole of Sudan can be polarized by calling a Teddy bear 'mohammad'...... " Are you aware that something like half of Sudan isn't Muslim? You know, that persecuted proportion from which comes the bulk of Sudanese refugees like those who end up in Australia. Your linking of Sudan as an example of Muslim extremism to this discussion only reinforces the legitimacy of the refugee status of Sudanese refugees. But that isn't what you intended, is it? You're such a reprehensible goose. P.S. I see the village idiot's back in town. Damn that deinstitutionalisation policy. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 2 December 2007 9:28:33 PM
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Thank you for your comic dissertation on race and intelligence. However, I think you wanted to tell us more about yourself than about 'sub-saharan blacks' and violence or 'smarter than us' (leave me out of that thanks) Chinese or SE Asians. I must say I got confused with your contradictory claims: (a) "This country is to good to be selling it out like a $2 whore in a knock shop to a bunch of apes." and (b) "...for everyone of you hand wringing socialist scumbags out there, there are at least one of us callious uncaring ninties types." Is the country too good; or is it full of socialist scumbags and an equal number of 'callious uncaring ninties types'? You conclude: "You all must hate my guts." No, not at all SCOTTY. But your spelling and logic are a bit of a worry. Posted by FrankGol, Monday, 3 December 2007 9:15:09 AM
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Scotty.. no mate.. I'm not a 'bleeding heart' in the silly unthinking sense.. My heart does bleed for the genuine people in genuine need.(as opposed to self manufactured need by deliberately spitting on our laws, or placing themselves in 'sympathy' situations they never needed to)
CJ.. it's not me who shot in the foot..its u :) "pusilanimous"? r u serious.... "PUSILANIMOUS" how many thesaurus's did you have to wade through to come up with THAT gem :)? You spelt it incrorrectly too.. smart alek... its PusiLLanimous" and the meaning ? "Lacking in courage and resolution; contemptibly fearful; cowardly." I can't quite see the connection.. "cowardly" ? I'm pretty up front with what I say. If you want to have a coffee some time I'll be as upfront in person as via here. Anyway...back to topic.. you do agree with my position, because you expressed it. *thanx* :) I see hope there. EVIDENCE?,,20544559-661,00.html,22049,21782513-5001021,00.html >>Muslim taxi drivers are refusing to transport guide dogs and passengers carrying alcohol. At least 20 blind Melburnians have lodged discrimination complaints with the Victorian Taxi directorate, New Limited reports.<< That last quote is from a 'redneck muslim' site... shock horror..they admit it themselves. Dont' you hate it when, with all your 'education' .. you can't spell and ur plain wrong? :) *pusilanimous* ? :) the mind truly boggles. No big offense meant (perhaps a tiny bit?)... but I am stirring you. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 4 December 2007 11:31:11 AM
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Another not-so-veiled religious assault under the guise of social commentary from the indefatigable BOAZ_David.
While I don’t doubt their veracity, some of these taxi sources are actually 12 months old, one was a single incident from overseas and the latest actually said the incidence of banning dogs was “rare”. In any case provisions to deal with such matters already exist so why make it seem like some brand new phenomenon that has suddenly appeared that we all have to deal with. If they are “spitting on our laws” then they will pay the penalty – just as I would if I were caught speeding. It’s not as if they are requesting some sort of dispensation on religious grounds. Why also the need to continually stress the differences between peoples and not appreciate the similarities? Because it doesn’t suit the agenda or is it a fundamental need to assert some sort of moral superiority? If you can't build yourself up, then drag others down? Instead of bleating about how we could be wiped out as a nation by the wearing of headscarves or whatever, why not demonstrate how our culture is already being virtually obliterated by American culture without even a whimper? The typical pattern is - if it’s potentially negative it’s got be specifically about “Muslim” taxi drivers but if the story was about generic taxi drivers who refuse to pick up drunks or aboriginals, they wouldn’t be referred to as “Christian taxi drivers”. Likewise, it’s the “Muslim gang” that riots but never the “Christian army” that bombs civilians. By the way it’s traditionally called “smart alec” or “smart aleck” - not smart alek. I’ll overlook the “incrorrectly” as an example of typing-in-tongues, an affliction to which I am also prone. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 4 December 2007 2:00:46 PM
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Thanks wobbles. Clearly this is just another case of Boazy dog-whistling.
And Boazy, 'pusillanimous' is just a good old English word that I plucked from the recesses of my vocabulary. Unusual perhaps, but those of us who read more than one book are likely to have encountered it. I thought you were a passionate supporter of speaking English in Australia? The sense in which I used 'pusillanimous' is that of 'contemptibly fearful' - referring of course to your Islamophobia. Thanks for pointing out the typo, but as wobbles has indicated you made two yourself in the same sentence. Your attempt to revive an old dog-whistle doesn't assist your pusillanimous cause. Those few Muslim taxi drivers who broke those regulations some time ago have either been dealt with under complaints procedures or are no longer driving taxis. In any case, it was hardly an example of "spitting on our laws", was it? So, if bona fide refugees are willing to abide by Australian laws, would you agree that they should be accepted into our refugee program? Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 4 December 2007 2:30:19 PM
Back in 1982 Ruxton (RSL - President) said and I quote," It's quite obvious that Australia must take in more immigrants. But one of the problems is that a lot of Australians are frightened of losing their identity as a race. It hasn't done Great Britain any good. It has been somewhat disastrous. I believe that Australia should remain predominantly European. Over the years, the European content is going to be watered down so much that it just doesn't exist."
Dr Frank Knopfelmacher,of Melbourne University, who has been a prolific critic of 'multiculturalism' in Australia said, "...We are taking in more Asians that the population will accept... But while I'm in favour of immigrants from all parts of the world. I'm also very strongly in favour of assimilation of migrants to the Anglo character of Australia in two to three generations... The alternatives are separatism, apartheid and turbulent ghettos..."
Considering the recent wave of violent attacks by black youths - what are we doing wrong?
Any thoughts?