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The Forum > General Discussion > Should gay partnerships be recognised legally?

Should gay partnerships be recognised legally?

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The link of paedophilia and homosexuality is demonstratede in the fact that the majority of boys sexually abused were involved in homosexual acts. The sexual act was with men - the same sex.

In some countries where women are considered as second class citizens hetrosexual men indulge in homosexual behaviour for pleasure. They prefer same sex intercourse. It is the peverted sex act that is discusting not the friendship relationship.

Marriage is the act of the two becoming one flesh - completing a unit. Two persons of the same sex will always be two persons of the same sex.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 30 November 2007 2:57:10 PM
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Philo - that's causal. You haven't proved a link at all - males are responsible for more sex crime across the board.

As for 'two becoming one flesh, one unit' while this biblically sourced rhetoric sounds all very nice, in practicality, siamese twins have an awfully difficult time and most decide to undergo surgery for separation ;)
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 30 November 2007 3:10:25 PM
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"mjpb, just which posters do you think are "homosexual activists"?

I've had some history with many of the other posters and most are as far as I'm aware heterosexual. Fair go and perhaps one other poster have made posts that appear to indicate that they are homosexual."

Possibly Jpw2040 and Fair Go. Some maybes but CJ, you, CountryGal, TurnRightThenLeft and Foxy I'd say are safe bets as heterosexual. I am sure you are generally correct as I notice in here that there is a high level of support for homosexuals by heterosexuals. It is a real haven so I'd be surprised if there weren't more around then those that let on but why witchhunt?

"My impression is that most of us ... concern over a remnant of intolerance ...

...continuing villification ... People who all to often ignore a teaching about specks and planks."

Hopefully it is as altruistic as you say not just an excuse to Fundy bash. As you can see from CJ Morgan a forum on a homosexual topic where a couple of fundys say it is sinful is a great excuse to start saying the most vile things about Christians. Ironically I believe CJ is one of the most ardent pro-gay people in here so it isn't just an excuse for him.

With respect if that is really how you feel is there any chance that you could kick in to support Christians when they meet with vilification? That seems to be approached more aggressively, is an increasing source of intolerance, and the mass media would never oppose it.
Posted by mjpb, Friday, 30 November 2007 4:07:19 PM
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mjpb wrote: "With respect if that is really how you feel is there any chance that you could kick in to support Christians when they meet with vilification?"

The Christians in this thread (bar Foxy, of course) are vilifying homosexuals. It's classic vilification – using blatant logical fallacies to link homosexuality to pedeophilia and bestiality, and ad hominem arguments when those failed. The atheists initially defended the right of gay people to, you know, be gay, but then ended up barnying with the Christians. So far, so boring – I think we can all cope with a little name calling.

But the Christians here are not just vilifying gays, they're mounting an argument for gay people be discriminated against. To change their behaviour. To deny their identity. For no better reason than, well, you'd just prefer it, is all. That crosses a line. Homosexuals aren't campaigning to tear down St Mary's. They're not demanding you refrain from adopting the missionary position.

When that happens, I'll stick up for you.

I must say, it just saddens me that the Christian response on this board is always a bit meanspirited and unforgiving and judgmental. And it's full of bible quotes – not even the pretty, lyrical bits, but the boring bits. I miss the old Christians – the ones who used to give out those "smile" stickers.

*Harumphs off to watch GodSpell.*
Posted by botheration, Friday, 30 November 2007 6:29:27 PM
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My absolute favourite quote from this thread is from KatieO:

"Surprising that an atheist, that abandons God the Creator, can accept the notion of faith and eternity. Faith in one’s own statements of disbelief? An eternity filled with nothingness? Hope in enduring emptiness?"

It's the eleventh commandment. "Thou shalt feel superior, and be smug."
Posted by botheration, Friday, 30 November 2007 6:31:38 PM
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Thanks botheration. No-one here is attacking christians as a group, but avowed christians here showing no restraint in slinging the vilest generalisations and most hideous lies at homosexuals.

“It's just unnatural. Once this is allowed, what next? Pressure groups lobbying to legalise bestiality? Pedophilia?”

“Any other sexual arrangement is deviant and unnatural.”
“it is their mind that is screwed up”

“We already have this perverted lifestyle thrown in our faces.”
“No one could possibly argue that sodomy is natural. The diseases that go with it is enough proof.”

“would you agree that both homosexuals and paedophiles usually have difficulty changing?” (followed by an incitement for the religious and non-religious to get stuck into each other).

“they already want Men boy sex.”
“The linking of Gay behavior to Paedophiles may not seem so obvious to those who feel comfortable about homosexual behavior, but the issue is not the LINK..... or lack of, but the METHOD”

“every gain for the gay lobby is a grievous loss for the Body of Christ,”

mjpb, having wished for a good stoush, it’s extremely disingenuous of you to be playing the victim because some have actually risen to your challenge.

Yes, there are people here taking robust issue with the claims of individual posters. However contrary to your assertion, “a couple of fundys say it is sinful is a great excuse to start saying the most vile things about Christians,” vilification of christians in this discussion is non-existent.

No-one here is saying that christians are unnatural, criminal, diseased or destructive. Yet we are being bombarded with people who claim to be christian vilifying homosexuals in exactly these terms.

No-one here is using lies, outdated statistics and completely false claims to vilify christians. However there are many in this discussion who think that their system of belief relieves them of any obligation to check their facts before posting.

Finally, there are no “homosexual activists” here - just a lot of people who know that equality is a higher value than belief.
Posted by jpw2040, Friday, 30 November 2007 7:23:59 PM
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