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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Labor getting 'cocky'?

Is Labor getting 'cocky'?

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Speaking of labour.
Does anybody know how poor old Kym Beasly is going.? He got a raw deal being stabbed in the back by kevin Rudd after he supported Rudd and dumped on the same day his brother was killed.
Wonder how he is doing.

He seemed to have a wide understanding of defence which may have come in handy down the track compared with a inexpereinced person as leader.
Still thats the ways of thinking for the labour party.
I hope hes ok whatever hes doing. He is a decent man in my opinion.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 28 September 2007 4:15:58 AM
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KB is retiring from politics...and the ALP will be the poorer for it. He was too good for them. They owe him far more than he owes them.
I don't think I could bring myself to vote ALP even with him at the helm but I would be a great deal less worried about an ALP government under his leadership.
Rudd's timing was impeccable - designed to do the greatest possible damage to his former 'mate' and ensure there was no possibility of a comeback. It was designed to show KB as 'weak' - rather like the ALP and the media lambasting Howard for being rightly concerned about his wife when she underwent surgery.
Watch Rudd's eyes - he cannot hide his arrogance and ruthlessness there.
Posted by Communicat, Friday, 28 September 2007 8:24:37 AM
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At least somebody tells it the way it is. Except Live Exports and Saudi etc. Your wrong on Labour not being involved in that. Not so long ago a group of both State Gov and councils Elders arranged a mob of people to go to Brunie. { Guess who paid for that? Its also under labour Governments that have they allow ritual slaughter in domenstic plants here in Australia. Thats something that has been illlegal because of cruelty by Federal for years in the past and AQIS .Each Premier is Minister for trade for that state and each labour state encourage massive live exports instead of putting local council to build infustructure like they used to. Instead of value adding for their state. Intead of creating employment for future generations. Instead of traing people. Instead of giving ANY consideration to barbaric treatment of animals.

Yes poor old Kym would have been a safer bet.
What gets me is these young kids on centerlink
saying they will vote Labour because its well know labour buy votes through bludgers.

How Rudd can be proud and stand there and grin like a cat is beyond me.
He should be so ashamed of hospitals and police for starters.

These stupid people who dont get that its labour who have stuffed up our hospital system and police sytem.

Every single one on his team is an x union official and he says unions wont rule him for goodness sake.
ALP used to be for the working class man but no more.
Now I reckon it stands for Australias Laziest People. Just sit back and tell the boss you want more.
Screw the boss at all costs.
Yeh that ought to do well for the Nation.
Idiots and thugs without a brain between them.
Thats whats so sad. Neither The Howard Government or Labour give a rats@ about unnessary suffering of Millions of Animals.
The Greens do but thats just about it.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 29 September 2007 5:19:00 AM
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