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Is Labor getting 'cocky'?

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Bazz bit surprised you are unaware two new power stations are on the way in NSW.
Gas fired turbo construction underway at Munmora, and the other soon to be announced at Tomago.
Communicat maybe you can not do better.
Remember how pleased you felt with the peoples vote after it gave Howard his victory's?
Why do you now devalue those peoples thoughts displayed in the polls?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 September 2007 5:25:56 AM
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If you were in the thread about skilled labour you would have seen us talikng about IT workers and several others brought into the country and very much encoraged by the State Labour Governments.

Its interesting to note while we most certainly need some skilled meat workers in the regional areas and the bush to train aborigonal people and others that its the ONLY area they do not encourage it.
In fact they have stopped us which has brought well intended abattoir operators to their knews.
They knocked back almost 500 visas in WA where Australians spent big bucks to try to build a new plants and slaughter in Australia which is what they RSPCA have been screaming for for years.

In fact the meat industry is the ONLY industry singled out not allowed to bring skilled workers in.

Dont you figure there must be something funny going on Communicate?
I mean they sent kids from rich overseas parents who unlike some of us can afford to pay a year in advance. They take our kids uni spots and then promised PR and work after at the expense of Australian kids whose parents have paid tax all their lives?

Think about it.
Labour are happy to Swamp our cities and pay overseas centerlink until they find OUR KIDS jobs- but wont stand up for us to bring meat workers where Australia DOES NEED workers!
You get the clear message they will back up these people with overseas interests in the Barbaric live Animal Trade.
That goes for the Howard Government too who just gave A BILLION DOLLARS of OUR Money between Elders! who are cruel live Animal Exporters and OPTUS
Rudd "refused to inform the public at the AWB Enquiry when he was Shadow Mininster that trade AWB were ALSO Live Animal Exporters."
Anybody care to choose to guess WHY Rudd said
I wont be stopping Live Animals Exports??
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 27 September 2007 8:34:02 AM
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Hello Belly
I had forgotten about the gas stations. However it is a
coal fired station to be built as a base loader.
Because the gas stations can be started up and down in a short time
they are used to adjust the availability of generation capacity.
Base load stations are still needed and I suspect that it will have a
very much larger output than the gas turbines. Stand to be corrected there.
The gas turbines are suitable as wind followers if there is a large
amount of wind generation on the network. Coal fired power stations
are not of course.

So anyway Labour has a problem, they can go with the greenies or they
can put signs on every lift;
"Do not enter if the power may go off" !

You think I am joking ?
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 27 September 2007 1:18:01 PM
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As I understand it the meat industry has had problems for many years and will probably go on having problems for years to come. I am opposed to live exports but even allowing workers in from overseas to slaughter their meat in the fashion they approve is not going to solve the problem because they still will not accept the meat in places like Saudi Arabia. Labor has no intention of getting involved in that area.
Last night SBS news viewers and the ABC news viewers in South Australia were treated to the sight of one of the star ALP candidates (Nicole Cornes - chosen because she is the wife of a past AFL footballer with a high public profile- car dealerships, both new and used)make a number of major blunders on IR policy. Rudd was still being publicly supportive of her this morning. He seems to think that once she is on the backbench she can't do much harm. The worrying thing is that she won't do any good either. That does not seem to worry Rudd. He wants the 'names' to get the 'numbers' and seems to believe that they do not need the knowledge - probably true as they will not be having any policy input.
Posted by Communicat, Thursday, 27 September 2007 4:32:16 PM
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Bazz do not undervalue the gas fired power stations, they have a big future filling gaps.
We will however see more coal fired ones here in NSW and Greens will scream.
Power drives some sections of the economy, the traitorous intent to sell our power of may be driven by higher changes for power but it will if it gos ahead see a least one more coal fired in this state.
Thread took a bit of a lurch away from its title so this is my last post here
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 September 2007 4:43:49 PM
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Its just so hard to believe that people do not understand enough about politics to be able to make a informed descion.
All day today I heard people on the talk back radio telling horror stories about the Royal North Shore Hospital.
It seems a poor lady was left for hours waiting and finally was rolling around on the floor of the toilet where she mis carried.
They say there was another twenty lined up. A seventy year old left for hours in a coridor.
Another poor old guy almost ninty was woken at mid night and told to go home.
He was very sick and frail
He was very upset how he was going to get home at that hour.
he got a lift but collaped going up his fron door step.
He suffered a broken hip and died three days later of a heart attack.
Clearly too much for the old darling.
So many horror stories.
We had Dr Death but there are plenty more around.
Hours of waiting. The health in labour states and their hospital is a total mess.
It ISW the Labour Government responsibilty and for years they have blamed the federal Government.
It is NOT the federal Government who have increased the funds.

Look at the lack of police in the states- Its everything they are responsible for.
To the poster who said Labour dont want to deal with halal Slaughter or Saudi.
Your one hundred per cent incorrect however I will require another post to explain fully.
BTW. Downer and Vaile have NOT done the right thing by Australia either.
They should hang their heads in Shame too.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 27 September 2007 8:24:36 PM
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