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ALP Hypocrites At Auschwitz-Birkenau
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Posted by ttbn, Friday, 31 January 2025 11:05:22 AM
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Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors of
Nazi genocide condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Here is a link that is an important one to read: Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 2:26:16 PM
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Israeli educational psychologist Dr Haim Ginott
writes about a letter that teachers would receive from their principal each year: "I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no person should witness; gas chambers built by learned engineers. Children poisoned by educated physicians. Infants killed by trained nurses. Women and children shot by high school and college graduates. So, I am suspicious of education. My request is this: Help your children become human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths or educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are imported only if they serve to make our children more human". I read this many years ago. However, it is a good reminder to us all on the anniversary of the Holocaust and considering the hate that is spreading around the world. I was lucky enough to read Dr Ginott's book in Los Angeles where we lived and worked for ten years. I preferred his advice to Dr Spock's. I raised my children accordingly. There's enough hatred in the world. We as parents/grand-parents and educators of our kids and families, don't need to add to it. Remember what your children learn from you can survive for generations. Be wise with what you teach them. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 2:56:43 PM
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And now… Trump has fingered Australia, Canada, Uk, and other leftist countries, as a recipient of Neolithic Palestinian Head Hunters dressed up as refugees; forced Israel to accept a Biden ceasefire proposal from May last year, rejected by both sides then, effectively drawing the war to a stalemate which will allow Hamas to regroup rearm and fight on in the future.
Failed at all to call out Qatar as the main arm of terrorists financing and organisation in the ME, inclusive of the terrorists propaganda voice, Al Jazeera, financed by Qatar, and actually included Qatar into negotiations as the good guys. Situational change is occurring in the US, but very little changed in US foreign affairs policies from Biden/Obama Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 2 February 2025 3:00:50 PM
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This outpouring of hatred by way of this hideous and thinly disguised support for a murderous regime in Israel is quite frankly making me sick. I have heard excuses from extremists and apologists which include “Israel has a biblical right / historical claim to the land and the Palestinians only have ‘squatters rights’ which means nothing for them.” And the second I or anyone else (including a government) disagree with those excuses and want to see the end of conflict, we are branded as antihistamines and no friend of the Jews. What a cheap, dishonest and lazy response. Personally I very loudly applaud and support the current Australian government’s efforts to bring lasting peace to the area and the eventual hunting down and arrest of the murderous leader of the current Israel government. The slaughter of 47,000 Palestinian people and the destruction of their land can never be justified in a sane civil world.
Posted by Aries54, Sunday, 2 February 2025 4:55:40 PM
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«Since the Albanese government was elected, with less than one third of the primary vote, it has been insulting and offending Israel.»
It is well for it to support sane Israelis against their evil extremist government: «. Cancelled the previous government’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.» Well yes, they should have been more precise: only Western Jerusalem is Israel's capital. «. Replaced the term ‘disputed territories’ with the insulting ‘occupied Palestinian territories’.» Half true again: these territories are indeed occupied, but not "Palestinian" (because there aren't such). «. Demanded “restraint” from Israel after the October 7 atrocity against Israelis.» Terrible as it was, restraint is auspicious. There has been enough violence already. «. Demanded ceasefires that would have been too risky for Israel.» Remaining at war is even riskier and deadly for Israel. «. Pushing a ‘two state’ solution continually rejected by Hamas and Palestinians.» Who cares about them, whatever they accept or reject - 'two state' is good for Israel. «. Demanding that Israel aid Gazans, most of whom support Hamas.» This can help remove Gazan's dependence on Hamas. «. Dressing down the Israeli ambassador by junior minister Tim Watt.» And many Israelis are thankful for it. «. Failed to undertake not to arrest the Israeli PM after the idiotic ICC warrant.» If Netanyahu is arrested, Israel can be saved. «. Refused an entry visa for an ex-Israel government minister.» Her speaking in Australia was likely to incite anti-Semitism. «. Sat back and did nothing about thugs on our streets calling for gassing of Jews.» Preferred covert surveillance. «. Allowed Australia to be associated with violent anti-Semitism.» Could they prevent it? How? «. In the UN, shifted its vote from Israel to Israel's enemies.» A pro-Israel vote, to save Israel from its present government. «. Took no action against the Iranian ambassador for his anti-Semitic comments here.» «These two people have been part of a government that has overseen the greatest rise in anti-Semitism in Australia, ever. What hypocrites!» It's a global murky wave - can we tell how much more anti-Semitism would we now have otherwise? Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 2 February 2025 5:49:18 PM
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Hi Aries54
You will find almost identical arguments in opposition to Israel – that Palestine is the Holy Land that Allah gave to Muslims; that Jews have no right to be there; that the mass murder, rape, mutilation and hostage taking that Hamas committed in October 2023 are justified. But I think in both cases these are extreme views that are not representative of most supporters of either side – certainly not here in Australia. I support a genuine two-state solution, but that requires both Israel and Palestine to have governments that agree to recognise each other and co-exist peacefully. Neither has, at the moment. All sides in this ghastly conflict have many legitimate, deep and bitter grievances against the other/s which can never be fully redressed. But to return to the situation before 2023, with Hamas in control of Gaza, the UN providing long-term human services, and Israel and Egypt locking the borders to slow the rate at which terrorist groups re-arming would be a disaster for both Israel and Gazans. I fear that could be the outcome of a ceasefire now unless there is a clear and realistic plan for the future of Palestine when this war ends. Posted by Rhian, Sunday, 2 February 2025 6:06:09 PM
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"Even with that shocking record, Wong and Dreyfus have trotted off to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, calling for “unity” against anti-Semitism."
I agree, they shouldn't be wasting time going to those things. And anyone would think ttbn cares more about Israel than Australia. It's no some wonder people get staunchly opposed to Israeli influence, when others among us act like teenage girls at a Beatles concert. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 February 2025 4:58:07 AM
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'when this war ends'.
- Hasn't it been going for about a century now? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 February 2025 5:00:35 AM
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We need to remember that Albo and the ALP in general have a election coming up and are laser-focused on maintaining and retaining the Mohammadian vote which is critical in quite a few potentially marginal seats.
So pandering to the antisemite faction is required. When a nation imports a cohort who are both antithetical to the basic ethos of the nation and determined to remain aloof, it is inevitable that they will distort the electoral processes of that nation. The Jews are less important electorally and thus there is little downside for the ALP from siding with the Mohammadians. So of course they side with the likes of Iran and Saudi Arabia in UN votes. Of course they adopt anti-Israel policies in regards to the so-called Palestinians. Currently Sydney is suffering a large and growing number of antisemitic attacks on Synagogues, Jewish schools, homes of Jews and actual Jews. The authorities are tut-tutting about how unAustralian it all is, but doing little, or at least not enough, to curb the racism. All part of the electoral process. But imagine if it was Mosques and Mohammadian schools and burka-clad women being similarly attacked. The PM would be crying islamophobia from the roof-tops and demanding troops in the streets to protect his constituency. Gotta protect those phoney-baloney jobs. The best interests of Australia's international standing runs a distant second. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 7:31:32 AM
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I have never been able to get my head around politicians panting after a minority and pissing off the majority by doing so. There are about 800,000 Muslims, and only around 100,000 Jews. Sure. But what about the (roughly) 18 million voters who are neither? There are seats overloaded with Muslims, but not that many. The major parties should give them up and concentrate on the majority of seats not beyond help and usefulness. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 3 February 2025 7:58:08 AM
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Its all about single issue voters as opposed to multi-issue voters.
Let's say, for the sake of the argument, that Albo suddenly decided to change course and go all in on Israel. How many voters would say "Oh I always wanted us to support Israel, I'll change my vote to ALP"? Very few I'd venture. But how many would be outraged by it and decide to stop supporting the ALP? Vast numbers of Mohammadians I'd suggest. So such a policy would never happen. He'd lose lotsa votes from those who vote on the one issue of Palestine and gain very few votes from the other side. Its not just this issue. There is a cohort for whom climate change is the deciding issue and they are all totally down with net zero. A much greater number aren't sold on net zero but it isn't a deciding issue for them. So both sides are pro net zero chasing those single issue voters. There are an overwhelming percentage opposed to the massive immigration stance of both parties. But few of them will change their vote based on that one issue alone whereas those in favour of large numbers of immigrants will vote on that one issue. So what the vast majority wants is ignored because of what much more committed voters wants. This is why we are seeing more and more teals and other independents who are able to identify electorates with a higher proportion of voters who will vote on single issues. The great number of people vote on economic issues but this is more esoteric being based on perceptions on who is best able to run the economy or reduce cost of living or reduce interest rates. These are multi-issue voters who aren't swayed by a single policy. And intermixed with all of that is the baked on voter - the 60% or so who will always vote Lib or Lab irrespective of policy, leadership or promises. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 10:06:46 AM
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The following link broadens this discussion - for those
interested in debating issues: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 February 2025 12:19:11 PM
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Lots of words. The fact remains there is a lot of angst - and increasing physical danger - in this country because of 800,000 Muslims and 117,000 Jews; out of a population of 27 million people. Australian politicians are suckers for malcontented, demanding minorities: unless they are a very small minority like the Jews. If it's not Muslims, it's aborigines. Or homosexuals. Or gender benders. The majority is expected to sit back and take it. If the average Australian wasn't so docile and naive about politics, all the shite would stop. Sadly, there is not much hope of that happening. I'm glad that I am on the way out. Australia is no place for old men. The answer to all the questions about what will happen in Australia after the Trump election? Buggerall. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 3 February 2025 12:42:40 PM
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Hi Foxy
An interesting read, as is the article it responds to. I think Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism are equally abhorrent and basically come from the same place. Anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents have both increased in Australia since October 2023, both rooted in prejudices that hate Australian Jews because of the actions of Israel or Australian Muslims because of the actions of Hamas. It is seriously wrong-headed to say that the significance of one is diminished by the prevalence of the other. These are not competing victimhoods. Yet both the Iner and Oboler articles, while professing otherwise, tend to do just that – Oboler emphasising the rise and virulence of Anti-Semitism, Iner the ubiquity and perhaps under-reporting of Islamophobia. Seeing both as basically an expression of the same thing, and seeking to understand their roots and how to deal with them, seem sensible and constructive suggestions. I do agree, though, with some of ttbn’s points about the Australian Government’s response to the rise in racism in the past 16 months being totally inadequate. Posted by Rhian, Monday, 3 February 2025 1:32:32 PM
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The question was why has the current government seemingly adopted a stance more antagonistic to Israel than has been traditional in Australia.
The answer is due to the relative political clout of the Jews and the Mohomadians within the Australian electorate. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 2:10:00 PM
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“Anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents have both increased in Australia since October 2023…”
I can't say that I have heard of any mosques, Muslim childcare centres, private homes or motor vehicles being fire-bomed; nor any calls for killing Muslims in return for the calls for gassing Jews (misrepresented by police liars). No Muslims advised to ‘stay at home’. No armed guards needed outside Muslim establishments. Any Muslims feeling unsafe in ‘their own country’? I have no wish to see Muslims attacked and frightened like Jews have been. But, I am sick and tired of the false claims of equivalence between the treatment Jews and Muslims. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 3 February 2025 4:54:39 PM
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The Human Rights Law Centre explains: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 12:35:40 PM
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Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 12:57:02 PM
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Hi Foxy.
I agree that both Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism have got worse since October 2023, but I’m not sure that all of the instances in the source you link to should be classified as Islamophobia. In two cases, attacks were made on property displaying flags supporting the Palestinian cause. Israel’s critics argue – correctly – that not all criticism of Israel’s actions or even Zionism in principle is Anti-Semitic. But equally, it is not necessarily Islamophobic to disagree vehemently with supporters of the Palestinian cause. If a person is attacked for wearing a Star of David necklace, it is almost certainly Anti-Semitic. If they are attacked for wearing an “I stand with Israel” t-shirt, it may not be. I am in no way excusing the use of violence or destruction of property, whether the motive is racist or ideological. But sometimes, the distinction is important. Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 1:54:29 PM
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There's no evidence that hate crime against this or that group has increased, decreased or stayed the same. Foxy's useless link says "The Commission has highlighted that data on racism in Australia is limited, inconsistent across jurisdictions, and often ad-hoc.". There's an old adage that if you don't want to know the answer then don't collect the statistics.
If you don't want it proven that antisemitic crimes are on the increase, don't collect then data. Then the partisans can claim that there's no difference between the level of antisemitic crimes and anti-Islam crimes. T'was always thus. Why a useless link? Well Foxy says it explains when it merely describes. Its like watching someone drown and thinking that a description of the water helps. Hint: it doesn't. Meanwhile, the issue is why the current government has adopted an anti-Israel stance. The answer is because they are desperate to shore-up the Mohammadian vote in marginal electorates. Nothing more noble than that. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 2:30:33 PM
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There were many millions murdered during the Holocaust who were not Jews. Jews came later.
Hitler started with the physically disabled, then the mentally disabled, gays and Roma. I have seen pictures of young people strung up with piano wire. Their "crime" ... listening to jazz ... considered a degenerate music created by Blacks. Posted by WhiteMouse, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 9:50:40 PM
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Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The Palestinians have been offered a state of their own five times ... and have rejected it five times. Do you think Israel should abandon the hostages? It appears that you do. Disgusting! You should widen your research ... not rely on the likes of Ilan Pappe. But I don't think you will. You have an anti-Israel bias and will not look at anything that does not confirm your bias. That catalogue of references you supplied!! Not an intellectual nor intelligent approach. Posted by WhiteMouse, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 10:11:36 PM
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"You have an anti-Israel bias and will not look at anything that does not confirm your bias."
- You have a Pro-Israel bias and will not look at anything that does not confirm your bias. Even when the Palestinian side accepts things from Israels perspective are somewhat reasonable, people from the Israeli side will never accept any perspective from the Palestinian side is reasonable. And you can't reason with those who refuse to reason. It's like trying to argue with the woke, they won't listen. They think only their opinion is valid and matters. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 10:47:05 PM
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Israel's Own AI Bot GOES ROGUE & Attacks Israel! Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 10:50:58 PM
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Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East? Many Israeli historians have labelled Israel as an apartheid state or a settler-colonial state. In short, whatever description these critical scholars offered "democracy" was not among them. In short, Israel can't be depicted as a democracy when it subjects Pelstinians to military control and rule, based on regulations that deny the Palestinians any basic humanitarian and civil rights. And yes, I agree - that is "disgusting". I shall continue to research the middle-east conflict and be concerned about the Zionist policies in Israel. I think that we all should support Israel's right to exist but we should not support changing a nation from being a compassionate nation into a disruptive, uncaring, and inhumane one. That would be a tragedy and it would make the tragedy of the Palestinians as much the tragedy of the Jews. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 11:05:42 AM
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Hi WhiteMouse and Foxy
I think it is important to distinguish between Israel proper and the occupied territories. Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank is oppressive and discriminatory and can be compared to apartheid. But within Israel itself all citizens have the same legal rights, and non-Jewish citizens can vote and sit in Parliament. That is utterly unlike the institutionalised legal discrimination based on race in South African apartheid. I don’t deny there is discrimination against non-Jews, as there is discrimination against minorities in many democratic countries (including ours). But it is not apartheid. The most widely-quoted organisations that measure political rights and civil liberties globally are Freedom House, the EIU the and University of Würzburg. All three class Israel as a democracy, though the EIU calls is a “flawed democracy” (along with the USA, Italy and Belgium). This is Freedom House’s summary: “Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a multiparty system and independent institutions that guarantee political rights and civil liberties for most of the population. Although the judiciary is comparatively active in protecting minority rights, the political leadership and many in society have discriminated against Arab and other ethnic or religious minority populations, resulting in systemic disparities in areas including infrastructure, criminal justice, education, and economic opportunity. Israel's score and status do not reflect conditions in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, which are both rated Not Free … “ Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 1:49:49 PM
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Amnesty International writes: "Our report reveals the true extent of Israel's apartheid regime. Whether they live in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the rest of the West Bank, or Israel itself, Palestinians are treated as an inferior racial group and are systematically deprived of their rights ". "We found that Israel's cruel policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion across all territories under its control clearly amount to apartheid. The international community has an obligation to act". (Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International's Secretary-General). Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 4:16:58 PM
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Hi Foxy
I was once a great admirer of, and regular donor to, AI. But it lost its vision and principles many years ago. This article by in the UK’s Observer by Nick Cohen highlights the point at which it lost its soul. I remember reading it at the time because it crystalised some of my own concerns about where AI was heading: This analysis from a left-ish US Jewish journal provides a thoughtful critique of the AI report: Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 6:11:51 PM
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A group of EU parliamentarians from 14 different countries has written a letter demanding that the EU stop funding UNWRA. This is after an Israeli-British hostage, recently released, confirmed that she'd been held in an UNWRA facility during her year+ of captivity.
Basically, it is now dawning on these people that UNWRA is in fact Hamas. Of course, Australia will continue to fund UNWRA because we don't want to piss off all those Mohammadian voters in marginal seats. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 8:03:01 AM
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Hamas is the government.
Of course they're going to hang around a distribution point for foreign aid you moron. Why wouldn't they when people are being staved to death. Sick of everyone being shocked at the fekkin obvious. They're only a terrorist organisation because Israel's cuckold nations, us being one of them decided to call them that. Only a handful of western countries globally accept this designation. Israel is a terrorist state. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 9:17:04 AM
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"Of course they're going to hang around a distribution point for foreign aid you moron."
Calm down, AC, we know you get overwrought at unwanted facts. Hamas hanging around distribution points is one thing. Hamas keeping abducted hostages in UNWRA facilities knowing that the IDF won't attack there is another. UNWRA knowing that Hamas is keeping abducted hostages in their facilities and not saying a word about or attempting in the slightest to help said abducted hostages, is quite another thing again. I suspect the nuances there will go over your head. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:00:28 AM
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The topic of the conflict between Israel and Palestine often seems to be extremely complicated. As indeed some of its aspects are. But the issues can be explained and related to from the universal perspective of justice, international law, and human rights. There needs to be clarification of the deep misunderstandings at the heart of the Israel-Palestinian problem , both in the past and in the present. As long as these distortions and inherited assumptions are not challenged or questioned, they will continue to present an immunity shield for the present regime in Israel. I prefer more objective sources of information. Not accusations coming from Israel and their pro-Israel supporters. Especially when Israel chooses to not abide by International laws. Opposing the policies of the Israeli government or advocating for the rights of Palestinians is not antisemitic. Nevertheless, engaging in conversations of critical debate about Israel has become increasingly challenging. Positions have become hardened and emotions run high especially when tensions in the region or here in Australia or on this forum, rise, and achieve nothing positive except for spitballs, slurs, and personal attacks. For that reason I would prefer to disengage. I can not see the point of continuing to be repeatetive. Please do not direct any more posts to me. Thank you. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:16:28 AM
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....and Albo and PenPen knowing what UNRWA is doing, but still happy to give them taxpayer's money.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:20:03 AM
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AC can't "calm down". The shock of the Trump election has turned the Left into a mob of gibbering idiots. They will never recover.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:21:00 AM
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Israeli evidence has been proven suss. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:40:43 AM
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'knowing that the IDF won't attack there is another thing'
Geez, you're hilarious today mhaze. Israel would bomb a 7 year olds birthday party if AI determined there was likely to be a member of Hamas present. ttbn: "AC can't 'calm down'. The shock of the Trump election has turned the Left into a mob of gibbering idiots. They will never recover." Left, Lol. I think it's kind of funny that people are so pigeon holed in their own entrenched thinking that that can't comprehend or define me. I don't stand with the lunacy of the left, I'm a regular Aussie, not a woke mental case, I'm probably much more conservative than I am progressive (other peoples pigeon-hole defining system) I just don't support Israel the terrorist nation, and think religion causes as much conflict as it fixes. It's you that conflates everything in your own mind as being about Israel, which basically just makes you a foreign agent / traitor to our country. - Like one of our majors is the 'Israel first' party, and you think if I don't support the them I must be a leftist. And not supporting Israel doesn't automatically mean I support Islam, nor does supporting Palestinians to have their own state and for Israel to state it's borders. Dutton is a knobhead anyway. Supporting him just keeps ensuring idiots like Albo and his million immigrants a year stay in charge. Australia first second and third, and everyone else equal last. That's what I think. Can you even comprehend it? I didn't particular care too much either way who won or lost the U.S election. Trumps a mixed bag on many issues, it's for Americans to decide. In the showdown of great powers I support Russia over the U.S. But Trump going after USAID was an impressive act. Both parties in Australia are steaming turds, and choosing between them is like a shite sandwich, choose which half you want to eat. I choose neither, you can eat the shite, I won't. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:02:37 AM
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I prefer more objective sources of information" Amnesty International is 'more objective'. Wow. There's no coming back from that! AI was a NGO with high standards and impeccable standing in the late 20th century. But it has been taken over by overtly racist operatives who use its previous status as a bulwark against its current antisemitism hoping that its clueless supporters will not notice that AI in 2024 is very different, with very different standards, to AI 1984. For example: Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:20:58 AM
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"The shock of the Trump election has turned the Left into a mob of gibbering idiots. "
I find it hilarious but at the same time not a little sad that the OLO antisemites who spent a year demanding a ceasefire to stop the alleged genocide, can't even bring themselves to acknowledge that a ceasefire was achieved and that it was primarily thanks to Trump. The fact is, despite what they said, they didn't want a ceasefire - they wanted an Israeli defeat. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:25:25 AM
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"Israel would bomb a 7 year olds birthday party if AI determined there was likely to be a member of Hamas present."
That's AC for you. Determined to miss the point when the point doesn't fit his fantasies. The point? Well there's two, both of which AC doesn't want to even consider: 1. The abducted hostage was held in an UNWRA facility and they didn't object, didn't tell anyone else, AND didn't lift a finger to help her. True humanitarians!! 2. Increasing numbers of people, even in previously solid Europe, have had a gutful of UNWRA's duplicity and open antagonism toward Israel resulting in a complete disregard for their supposed humanitarian role. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 12:18:22 PM
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Hey, if you want to stop all foreign aid ENTIRELY, then that's fine by me.
I'm not about to fight for the fight to give the country's money away to foreigners, how bout we stop giving Israel money for security and Holocaust museums as well. Fancy that giving money to Jews in Australia for a holocaust museum, all while they commit a genocide of their own in their home country. - Totally screwed up. How about everyone in this country ping off back to whatever country is in their heart and which they're loyal to because many aren't loyal to this one, and that includes the politicians themselves. Some in this very forum seem to have taken oaths of allegiance to Israel. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 4:28:32 PM
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"The abducted hostage was held in an UNWRA facility and they didn't object, didn't tell anyone else, AND didn't lift a finger to help her. True humanitarians!!"
- I'm sorry did you expect the only people willing to risk their lives to help the Palestinians would also be willing to betray those said Palestinians so themselves and their fellow UN colleagues would get bombed? Maybe Bibi should've demanded he personally oversee all UN staff hirings? What arrogance. Netanyahu himself doesn't care about the hostages he murdered hundreds himself on Oct 7 with the Hannibal directive and his killed quite a few since with botched rescue attempts, when peace and diplomacy would have gotten them all back alive. His goal has never been the return of the hostages. And I told you, they're prisoners of war not hostages anyway. Israel should state its borders and stop holding people in indefinite administrative detention in their torture facilities. And FYI, not much of a ceasefire, attacks in West Bank continuing. Ceasefire isn't a peace treaty, and that's why the Russians won't accept one. The IDF got their asses handed to them and need a break so they can recover. - And then they will bomb them all over again in a few years. Many of the IDF terrorists now have serious mental health problems. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 4:47:48 PM
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Dear Critic,
«And I told you, they're prisoners of war not hostages anyway.» Hmmm, including one and four year old children and men over 80... May your prayers be answered - the Geneva convention contains certain standards regarding prisoners of war, it would indeed be great if those were met! «Netanyahu himself doesn't care about the hostages he murdered hundreds himself on Oct 7 with the Hannibal directive and his killed quite a few since with botched rescue attempts» A few, yes, not hundreds. I agree he doesn't care. Had Moshe Butbul (Sarah Netanyahu's hairdresser) been among the hostages, rather than mostly-Leftist Kibbutz members who wouldn't vote for him anyway, then it would have been a very different story. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 6 February 2025 5:17:48 PM
Since the Albanese government was elected, with less than one third of the primary vote, it has been insulting and offending Israel.
. Cancelled the previous government’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
. Replaced the term ‘disputed territories’ with the insulting ‘occupied Palestinian territories’.
. Increased funding of UNRWA thereby also funding Hamas.
. Demanded “restraint” from Israel after the October 7 atrocity against Israelis.
. Demanded ceasefires that would have been too risky for Israel.
. Pushing a ‘two state’ solution continually rejected by Hamas and Palestinians.
. Demanding that Israel aid Gazans, most of whom support Hamas.
. Dressing down the Israeli ambassador by junior minister Tim Watt.
. Failed to undertake not to arrest the Israeli PM after the idiotic ICC warrant.
. Refused an entry visa for an ex-Israel government minister.
. Sat back and did nothing about thugs on our streets calling for gassing of Jews.
. Allowed Australia to be associated with violent anti-Semitism.
. In the UN, shifted its vote from Israel to Israel's enemies.
. Took no action against the Iranian ambassador for his anti-Semitic comments here.
Even with that shocking record, Wong and Dreyfus have trotted off to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, calling for “unity” against anti-Semitism.
These two people have been part of a government that has overseen the greatest rise in anti-Semitism in Australia, ever. What hypocrites!