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Trump’s Authoritarian Populist Politics

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Trump’s early initiatives in his second term as president of the United States bear the marks of populism, authoritarianism, illiberalism, and imperialism.

He issued an executive order allowing unbridled freedom of speech (including on social media) while dictating the terms of allowable expression and identities to national institutions, demanding political loyalty from civil servants, and threatening retaliation against dissent.

His administration has ordered federal employees and diplomats to cease communications on a range of issues, including “diversity, equity and inclusion,” “environmental justice” and “gender ideology.”

Trump himself continues to criticise the news media, calling journalists the “enemy of the people.” He is suing various media organizations—including the board of the Pulitzer Prizes, the Des Moines Register, and its parent company, Gannett—over journalism he claims was libellous or unfair.

The White House removed the independent inspectors general of nearly every Cabinet-level agency in an unprecedented purge to clear the way for Trump to install loyalists in the crucial role of identifying fraud, waste and abuse in the government. These dismissals violate federal law requiring Congress to receive 30 days’ notice of any intent to fire a Senate-confirmed inspector general.

Trump has been ruthlessly bullying his counterparts in Canada, Denmark (in respect of Greenland), Panama for imperialistic territorial expansion, and Columbia for it to accept to recuperate its illegal migrants from the US.

Populists (like Trump) claim that they, and they alone, represent people. They portray their political competitors as part of the immoral, corrupt elite, and when ruling, they refuse to recognise any opposition as legitimate.

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change indicates :

« Over 50 per cent of populist leaders amend or rewrite their countries’ constitutions, and many of these changes extend term limits or weaken checks on executive power. The evidence also suggests that populists’ attacks on the rule of law open the way to greater corruption: 40 per cent of populist leaders are indicted on corruption charges.

Overall, 23 per cent of populists cause significant democratic backsliding. Populist governments are about four times more likely than non-populist ones to harm democratic institutions. »

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 3:57:24 AM
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Rubbish. As a majority of Americans would say to all Lefty hissy fits. They have the man they want, and it's a matter of stiff cheese for the limp-wristed and weak-minded,

One of the good moves by Trump:

President Trump has banned transgender (what a ridiculous word) types from military service because they are “mentally ill and unfit for duty”. There are 15,000 of them, requiring persistent drugs and hormones that have a “severely debilitating impact on their psychological wellness”.

The defence forces are a defence force, not a social experiment.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 8:07:21 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Thank you for this discussion.

People who are opposed to Trump generally have particular
issues that they are concerned about or upset at him
because of the actions in those areas. Yet they get
accused of having "Trump Derangement Syndrome".
Being concerned about particular issues is not

His supporters continue with accusations "You hate him".
When it's about his behaviour and not him.

The problem is - it will take decades to repair. The
damage will continue long after he's gone and some of it
will never be fixed.

Unfortunately Trump is a character and a symbol who is
viewed as being more than a mere mortal by his MAGA
cultists. And in that role Trump has permission for
revenge, craven power, and permission for him,
to engage in the worst human behaviour.

It appears that the man views American politics
as a TV program where he is the star,
casting agent, and producer.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 9:25:21 AM
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You really don't appear to ever express a single ounce of common sense. The only man at the moment to effectively make a move to weed out the parasitic Woke & drain that swamp & you condemn him. For crying out loud, would you rather have the Woke continue ruin already terribly fragile societies ? To condemn Trump says more about your mentality than his competence ! Don't you ever get embarrassed for supporting the parasitic ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11:04:38 AM
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I just can't help it. Don't ya just love the tRumpster's claims of "draining the swamp." I agree, yes, there is a swamp, but tRump fills it with his blind apologists which means it is an even more putrid swamp. (Or are these people there just for the immediate power? or the warm fuzzy feeling they get being near the epicenter of power?)

tRump as a human being has no redeeming qualities and deserves the same respect he dishes out to anyone he deems lesser than him (which judging by his actions and words to date, appears to be the rest of humanity.)
Posted by Aries54, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11:17:57 AM
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I would like to understand a lot more about what
is driving how you're feeling about me and learn what
values you have that you think I don't.

I'd like to know what's going on with you because
frankly - I'm not comfortable with your negativity.

This is not a productive way to discuss anything.
It does not encourage further conversation.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11:39:58 AM
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Dear Foxy
How I take my hat off to you. You always, with great patience and courtesy, try to examine both sides of a situation as you see it and arrive at a position. What a shame that others on these forums are so hostile and closed minded when you reach a different conclusion to them. Such people are obviously confronted when they encounter someone not part of their ‘tribe’ and resort to well-trodden, but ultimately inaccurate cliches.

Personally, I don’t have your tolerance (or manners) when confronted by people so fearful that they cling onto someone like the 47th president of the USA to save them. My fingers are trembling as I type this – Kudos to you
Posted by Aries54, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 2:20:57 PM
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Dear Aries54,

Thank you for your kind words.

I try to actively share knowledge and dodge the spitballs.
But it does get a bit much at times. I'm uneasy about looking
at the worst bits of people so I try to understand why and
where they're coming from. But it's not always easy. I also
habe to watch my own biases as well.

Thanks again.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 3:48:14 PM
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I would like to understand a lot more about what
is driving how you're feeling about me and learn what
values you have that you think I don't.
Easy, just read your posts !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 6:07:06 PM
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Dear ttbn,


I understand where you are coming from. However, I cross-checked all the information before posting it.

But naturally, if you have any evidence to the contrary, ttbn, I would be very grateful if you would kindly share it with me.

To tell you the truth, I’m not so sure that Trump would deny much of it himself. He seems to think that everything he does is fully justified.

As I see it, the Americans knowingly elected a “bad guy”, a convicted criminal, to be their president – simply because they had the impression that he knew better than anyone else what was wrong and considered that he was the only one capable of fixing it.

Many of his fans I saw interviewed on television declared : “He’s just like us !”. Most appeared to be from the Midwest and it was obvious that none were billionaires like Trump, nor even millionaires.

As we have seen, Trump is already hard at work, and already reaping the benefits of the deal. According to Forbes, “Donald Trump has presided over the most lucrative post-presidency in American history, selling his supporters NFTs, coffee-table books and, most importantly, shares of a money-losing social-media venture. His net worth to date is US $5.5 billion.”

And that’s not all. The best (or should I say the worst) is yet to come. The ‘hired gun” has hit the jackpot, and he will probably not leave this time until he has broken the bank. It could even cost his American benefactors much of their individual rights.

They have handed him the keys to American democracy and he'll probably make good use of them.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11:35:58 PM
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"bear the marks of populism, authoritarianism, illiberalism, and imperialism."

Wow someone found a use for his thesaurus.

Populism? When we have one side describing t'other as deplorables, or clingers "to guns and religion", or asserting that EVERYONE who attended a Trump rally were Nazis, well I'd have thought anyone aspiring to free-thinking would see where the true populists are. OTOH, if you have someone who suggests that there are fine people on both sides or who goes into bat for Californians who voted against him, ....well no populism there.

Authoritarian? Oh he's doing things I don't agree with.

Illiberal? Yeah the other side are liberals and he should follow their policies. Struth.

Imperial? He has no imperial ambitions against Canada or Panama despite what the enemedia might tell you.

During the Trump first term, the civil service, which is supposed to be there to implement the president's policies and serves at the pleasure of the president, openly and proudly sought to undemocratically thwart his policies. And they succeeded to a degree.

This new Trump term is determined to not allow that undemocratic practice to replicate. We've already seen civil servants asserting that they have instituted measures to defeat or significantly delay MAGA policies. DEI was banned so they just renamed it. Generals who lied to Trump in the first term, are asserting they'll do it again. And the civil service is inundated with pro-Democrat operatives who spent years covering up for the corrupt Biden regime.

Any wonder therefore that Trump and MAGA are determined to remove these uncivil civil servants and replace them with people who will do what the electorate voted for.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 7:13:35 AM
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Trump's landslide via a majority of voters shows how pathetic and pointless criticism of the man is. So, you don't like him. He doesn't give a stuff, nor do the majority of American voters who do like him. That's why he is now, once again, the President of the United States of America and leader of the Free World. Not some wan ker on OLO.

Bleatings from an anonymous, foreign bunch of wan kers are totally dumb-arsed and pathetic.

Someone calling herself Sophia Efthimiatu believes that there is comfort and freedom in having ‘nothing to say’. She describes silence as a “humbling awareness of self, acquired painfully for the most part.

“To have nothing to say is liberating. For one, you immediately notice that everyone around you has yet to reach that conclusion”.

We forget that we have the option to remain quiet, and succumb to “numbing feeds” populated mostly by ego and narcissism. We have lost the art of ‘recipience’. We don't just hear something and let it go.

People who have no part in American elections, but choose to insult American voters (as they insult Australian voters when things don't go their - the wan kers’ - way), should take notice and shut TFU.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 7:37:49 AM
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So much for freedom of speech?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 9:22:55 AM
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"Today, it was my great honor to sign an Executive Order banning the chemical castration and medical mutilation of innocent children in the United States of America. Our Nation will no longer fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support so-called “gender affirming care,” which has already ruined far too many precious lives. My Order directs Agencies to use every available means to cut off Federal financial participation in institutions which seek to provide these barbaric medical procedures, that should have never been allowed to take place!"

Apparently Trump has also instructed the DOJ to look into the possible prosecution of those who perpetrated these acts on the innocent kids.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 1:14:24 PM
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So much for freedom of speech?
There's freedom of speech which cancels out indoctrination perpetuating Woke waffle !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 2:04:09 PM
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Hi mhaze,
Some kids are actually born a little mixed up.
Whilst I don't wish to make things harder for them, I think all of it needs to be wound back because it all got a little crazy.
- No complaints here, by and large kids need to be protected from those promoting rainbow thinking.

So Americas not going to threaten and blackmail countries to be pro LGBT anymore, that's nice.

"Apparently Trump has also instructed the DOJ to look into the possible prosecution of those who perpetrated these acts on the innocent kids."
There's a lot of things going on with 'innocent kids' in America.
Child trafficking is out of hand.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 6:47:24 PM
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Trumps going to have to get rid of Zelensky
The Russians won't even sit at the table with him.
And he really needs to get rid of that General Kellogg, he's clueless.
He's making similar mistakes to last time, surrounding himself with people that will lie to him and try to manipulate him into an outcome they want, not carry out his policies.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 2:07:22 AM
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Senator Ralph Babet sees the coming election as an opportunity to “vote to ensure the jackboot of globalism remains firmly on our neck”, or a “vote for freedom and rebirth”.

He also queries why “too many” Australians believe that the Liberal Party is a serious alternative to the Labor Party when, “they are nothing of the sort”. He believes that there is “no serious difference” between the two major parties.

Babet reckons Australian politics is about as authentic as Pro-wrestling: a display to attract the masses. It's an illusion to make the average person think that he can change things by voting for the same sorts of people they always do - just swinging between slightly different parties.

The Senator of course is looking for support for himself and his minor party; but he is right in what he says about Liberal and Labor. Both are more frightened of the faceless bureaucrats than they are of voters. And just try getting past the goons in their offices with an enquiry they might not like.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 January 2025 6:42:30 AM
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Australians have one hell of a cheek criticising Donald Trump when our own circus is in such a parlous state because we don't have, can't have, a leader like him. In Australia pretence wins over substance.

Liberal, Labor, and the new communist Greens simply do not represent an electorate that has been ground down so much that they have lost interest in politics and vote only because they have to. What a mess we are in!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 January 2025 7:06:52 AM
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Google Maps is going to update its app to show the new locations names ordered by Trump. Mt Denali becomes Mt McKinley and the Gulf of Mexico becomes the Gulf of America. MAGA smiles.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 30 January 2025 8:39:46 AM
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So what mhaze, they're not globally recognised name changes.
And Google, well that's just America standing in support of America isn't it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 8:45:52 AM
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"Gulf of MAGAland anyone?"

There's no coming back from America (or is it AmeriKKKa?).
Not for the world. America has chosen a felon. A chaos
agent - someone likely to cause a geopolitical earthquake
unlike anything the world has seen since 1945. Look at his
cabinet of misfits - alleged sex traffickers, fabulously
disqualified kooks and genuine villains.

In electing Trump a man who campaigned on open fascism -
A man who will gift Russian president Putin a victory
in Ukraine which means Russian troops could be a threat
to other NATO countries. The world could be at war.

A plurality of American voters (not a majority) have
voted for cruelty, racism, bigotry, and stupidity with
their eyes wide open. And he's not going to resign.
Until the old man croaks free and fair elections are
a thing of the past.

And there's some here who want this for Australia.

Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 8:55:00 AM
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Dear mhaze,


Of course, there are many populisms and populists around the world, cultural, socio-economic, political, etc. There are leftist and rightist populisms. We seem to be living in an age of populism.

As I indicated in my initial post on this thread, Trump’s recent decisions no doubt forbode the nature of the political agenda he has in mind for his second term as president of the United States :

Populism :

Populism is a political argument that pits ordinary people against a corrupt government elite, but the concentration of power in a charismatic leader, the sole representative of the people, can undermine the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, indispensable for a durable democracy.

Authoritarianism :

Authoritarianism is a political system that has no mechanism for the transfer of executive power and limits civil liberties and political rights to its citizens. It is characterized by highly concentrated and centralized government power maintained by political repression and the exclusion of potential challengers.

Illiberalism :

Illiberalism includes tactics, and practices used by forces in power to roll back checks and balances. Illiberal leaders and political parties threaten democracy by targeting judicial oversight, pluralistic and fair political systems, independent media, and open civil society. Illiberal governments often intimidate regular citizens through digital surveillance tools. To avoid criticism, surveillance is usually done in the name of “national security measures”.

Imperialism :

Imperialism is the State policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Imperialism involves the use of power, by military, economic or some subtler means.

If this is the route Trump intends to take, and any of it materialises, the backlash could be dramatic, to say the least !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 30 January 2025 9:17:59 AM
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(or is it AmeriKKKa?)
How much more hateful & inciteful can one become ? The majority of African Americans voted against a society with people like Foxy !
Thank God the tide for stupidity in Australia I now turning against it too !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 30 January 2025 9:23:52 AM
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You're not the dumbest person on earth, but you'd
sure better hope he doesn't die.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 9:58:41 AM
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You ask how much more hateful and inciteful can one become?

It seems there's no end in sight to US president's actions.

What is hateful and has caused quite a stir is that the US
president signs an executive order to use Guantanamo Bay
into a migrant detention centre.

This has sparked an outcry. Why aren't you condenming that?

It's morally indefensible and raises significant civil
liberties and humanitarian concerns.

The Prime Minister of Belgium writer on X:

Hours after the Holocaust Memorial Day Trump opens a prison
for immigrants at Guantanamo".
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 10:23:33 AM
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I know what those things are. But just describing them and then insinuating that they apply to Trump isn't all that useful, valid or even rigorous.

For example, while you might be able to distort Trump's views to suit this or that assertion, why does it apply to him and not for example the Biden regime. Were they less authoritarian, less populist, less imperialistic (as per your definition) that Trump 2.0 or even Trump 1.0?

If you distort and apply these definitions to Trump but ignore the fact that, using those same criteria, they apply to almost every president since Teddy Roosevelt, then of what use is it?



Does anyone else get the feeling that Foxy isn't entirely happy with the way democracy works.</sarc> Its fine when it elects people she supports but when it elects people she dislikes, then generalised tantrums are the go.

"president signs an executive order to use Guantanamo Bay into a migrant detention centre."

president signs an executive order to turn Guantanamo Bay into a illegal immigrants detention centre.

There you go....fixed it for you.

"It seems there's no end in sight to US president's actions."
Foxy gets something right. Trump promised massive change and in line with keeping his promises he's implementing those changes. (a politician keeping his wonder Foxy's confused).

MAGA is changing the US. Soon it will change the world. What a great time to be alive.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 30 January 2025 12:22:40 PM
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Hi Ho Hi Ho, off to Guantanamo they go. President Trump announced that these people are serious criminals who have committed crimes in the US. Venezuela's crime rate dropped by 77% when their scum moved illegally to the US. They will find it harder to move from Gitmo, where they will probably die. Yippee.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 January 2025 12:42:25 PM
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I think that most rational people would find that
when asked - "What motivates you?" Would find -
An answer of - " Malice" or "Money" or "Power" or all
three - inappropirate.

Not for Trump supporters. He is a character and a symbol
who's viewed as being more than a mere mortal by his
MAGA cultists.

It's all part and parcel of the MAGA movement's intense
fact aversion and widespread resistance to observing
the truth and reality.

America is in regression.

In his role Trump is given permission for revenge, craven
power, and permission for all of them to engage in the
worst human behaviour.

It must be great for his supporters to have a leader
who is a genius, and is never wrong and has amazing genes,
a reality TV star, and now an aspiring dictator who can
do what he wants - because only he can "Save America"
and the world. A type of God and Messiah?

Wow. Breathtaking!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 12:55:01 PM
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What Trump says and what he does are two different things.

Will he really do what he says regarding Guantanamo Bay?

He says he will send migrants who are in the US illegally
to a new detention centre in Guantanamo Bay.

Trump said up tp 30,000 migrants would be sent to the
US facility in Cuba.

No timeline has been given for when the centre will open
or when migrants will start to be sent there.

"We're going to send them out to Guantanamo Bay" Trump
said but did not elaborate.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 January 2025 1:42:18 PM
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"No timeline has been given for when the centre will open
or when migrants will start to be sent there."

Well since it was previously used to house illegal immigrants, it shouldn't take too long to get it operational again. OTOH, since most of the illegals detained so far have been flown back to their home country and with countries all over falling into line following what happened to Columbia (even China abjectly said they'd take their people back), it might take a while to get to the 30,000 figure.

Of course, since it was previously used to house illegals by a Democrat (Bill Clinton), people like Foxy will try very hard to not know that.

"It's all part and parcel of the MAGA movement's intense
fact aversion and widespread resistance to observing
the truth and reality."

Coming from Foxy, that's hilarious. Earlier in this thread she told us to get "facts first" only to link to an article which was completely erroneous.


More good news....Trump's pick to head the US EPA. Lee Zeldin, has been approved, with three Democrats voting to support Trump. Maybe now this out-of-control agency can be made to serve the needs of the US rather than the fantasies of the UN.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 30 January 2025 4:36:14 PM
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Dear Zero,


You wrote :

« … while you might be able to distort Trump's views to suit this or that assertion, why does it apply to him and not for example the Biden regime … If you distort and apply these definitions … they apply to almost every president since Teddy Roosevelt … »

It is not necessary to distort “Trump’s views” to classify him as an illiberal, authoritarian, populist, or imperialist. It is sufficient to compare the precise description of each of those qualifiers with what Trump says and does.

They do not apply to “almost every president since Teddy Roosevelt”. However, there are a number of presidents in the world today to whom they do apply, e.g., Orban in Hungary, Erdogan in Turkey, Milei in Argentina, are current populist presidents of their countries, to name a few.

Some considered Obama to be a populist but later accused him of not keeping his promises :

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 31 January 2025 2:04:42 AM
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Mhaze, I'm wondering if the boy-child 47th president of the USA who has 'drained the swamp' will appoint one of his business cronies to run Guantanamo Bay, who will of course, in turn, charge the USA taxpayers squillions of dollars. Hmmmmmm shades of Manus Island if you ask me.

And for all those singing the praises of how popular the boy-child is, a new Gallop poll has shown that after his first week in the job, he is the least popular president since the poll was first taken way back in the 1950's. Yep, the 1st president ever to score less than 50% popularr after their 1st week in the job. Well done. But of course, we all know that the Gallop poll is a ' ... left wing Marxist plot ...' don't we?
Posted by Aries54, Friday, 31 January 2025 11:10:13 AM
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Hi Aries54,

It's difficult to argue with people who see Trump
as more than a mere mortal who if going to Make
America Great Again and who give him permission
for revenge, craven power, and permission for
them to engage in the worst human behaviour.

And of course any critics will have smear tactics
thrown at them.

These same people supported Cardinal Pell's innocence.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 31 January 2025 11:20:50 AM
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Yes I saw that Foxy. And yet there are still some on this forum who claim that being 'woke' is worse than adopting the christian ethics of the late cardinal. Unbelievable isn't it?
Posted by Aries54, Friday, 31 January 2025 12:38:27 PM
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According to Trump, dwarfs don't make good air traffic controllers. I say that they were a big hit in The Wizard of Oz and only cost half as much to hire as Toto.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 31 January 2025 12:52:55 PM
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Hi Fester,

You asked why do I believe UNRWA and not Israel?

Because for more than 70 years UNRWA has provided support
for Palestinian refugees across the Middle East despite
the organizations clash with Israeli officials over its

Israel has repeatedly accused UNRWA employees without
providing proof and also by its continued blockades of
humanitarian aid. UNRWA has been a victim to a fierce
disinformation campaign to portray the agency as a
terrorist organization and yet the organization has
delivered two thirds of all food assistance and
provided shlter to over a million displaced people.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 31 January 2025 1:20:29 PM
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This is just a case of taking some words that you consider to be derogatory and then applying them to people you disagree with, without the slightest effort to show how they apply.

And then amazingly, while making a list of authoritarian, illiberal, imperialistic leaders, you somehow manage to leave Putin and Xi OFF the list. Anyone doing that has no place claiming to have " a keen sense of justice and humanity" let alone "perspective".


Aries creates a little fantasy scenario around GITMO and then proceeds to pretend its the real world. I'm not sure he can tell the difference.


Trump's been in power for a week and the usual crowd have already forgotten how bad his predecessor was, how corrupt that regime had become, how low the US had fallen and how much work will be required to fix it. But being on the left has always meant having a very short memory.


"we all know that the Gallop poll is a ' ... left wing Marxist plot ...' don't we?"

Aries returns to his fantasy world. He must find it comforting there.

Meanwhile Rasmussen finds Trump approval at 53% and most surprisingly, higher among blacks and Hispanics than among whites.

See Aries, we can all cherry-pick our data if that's your bent.


Oh BTW, why aren't all those who whined for over a year that we needed a ceasefire in Gaza praising Trump's efforts in achieving it. Or would their heads explode if they did that. I guess we're in for four years of the TDS crowd never actually seeing his successes. We've been there before.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 31 January 2025 2:31:21 PM
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This has sparked an outcry. Why aren't you condemning that?
Because I see it it as the best opportunity yet for these economic refugees to return to their homelands & rebuild them rather than keep running away. The outcries are from the western do-gooders who have no intention of helping them.
What would be the ultimate outcome if no stop is put to such migration ? I'm certain that you'd be one of the last to take in refugees & outnumber you in your own home. If the Woke are as compassionate as they demand others to be why don't they offer to work in those countries & help build them up so that refugees reduce in numbers asap !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 31 January 2025 5:28:43 PM
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"This has sparked an outcry"

There was no outcry.

There was the usual tantrums from the usual crowd for the usual reasons. But most USians fully support Trump's efforts to get the violent members of the illegals the hell out of their country, their cities, their communities.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 1 February 2025 9:10:46 AM
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What Trump's critics fear most about him is that, unlike other politicians, he keeps his promises. A majority of Americans knew that he means what says, and they installed him in a landslide.

Trump doesn't play by the established rules of politics, as the lefty media and the lunatic left expect all politicians to do; and they will keep screeching and pulling out their hair for the next 4 years when, hopefully, JD Vance will take over, giving us another term of entertainment from the nutbag losers.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 1 February 2025 9:42:21 AM
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Dear mhaze,


You wrote :

1. « This is just a case of taking some words that you consider to be derogatory and then applying them to people you disagree with, without the slightest effort to show how they apply »

Perhaps you’re right, mhaze. The reason I provided definitions for each of the words (populism, authoritarianism, illiberalism and imperialism) was, as I indicated to Zero, to allow the reader “to compare the precise description of each qualifier with what Trump actually says and does”.

As you say, I could have gone a step further and provided a complete inventory of Trump’s corresponding words and deeds – and deliver the final product – not just a DIY with a user manual.

I preferred the DIY method because it allows the reader to judge for himself.

As for Trump, I can’t say I have ever had a very favourable opinion of him. I found him surprisingly vulgar and stupid at times for someone of his intelligence and social status. He seems to reflect occasionally with his reptilian brain (primitive, instinctual brain), far too often (for my liking) with his limbic system (mammalian, emotional brain) but, happily, on a more regular basis, with his neocortex (rational human brain).

I made this observation when examining his words and deeds. That is how I proceeded, not the other way around. I did not commence with a predetermined conclusion and apply that to Trump as you suggest.

2. « … while making a list of authoritarian, illiberal, imperialistic leaders, you somehow manage to leave Putin and Xi OFF the list »

I did not make a list, mhaze. I simply indicated the names of three political leaders to illustrate my point. I could have cited Putin and Xi but felt that they were better described as tyrants. Perhaps you will agree that Trump, Orban, Erdogan and Milei have not yet reached that stage of development - and hopefully, never will.
Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 1 February 2025 10:06:14 AM
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It would appear that Mhaze is so entranced with the cult of the boy-child 47th president of the USA that he has lost the ability to recognise sarcasm.
Posted by Aries54, Saturday, 1 February 2025 10:49:56 AM
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The Lowy Institute tells us that:

"In the interests of world democracies including
Australia, they are sound when the United States
is well-governed, cohesive, appealing, and strong".

They say that - "During Trump's first presidency
America was - poorly governed, divided, ugly,
and weak".

Have Trump's beliefs altered in the past four years
or will he be even less restrained this time around?"

It appears that he won't be less restrained.

What is concerning for Australia (or should be)
is that as the Lowy Institute points out:

"In foreign policy Australia's instincts run counter
to Trump's impulses. Trump is sympathetic to isolationism,
Australians are inclined towards internationalism. Trump
swoons over autocrats and strongmen. Australia is an
old democracy and a free society".

"Trump is an alliance sceptic. Whereas Australians are alliance
believers. Last time Trump treated allies not as friends but
as freeloaders. He threw shade on the principle of
collective defence and handled carelessly intelligence that
allies provided to Washington".

cont'd ...
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 February 2025 11:21:56 AM
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cont'd ...

The Lowy Institute says that:

"Canberra should brace for the turbulance on the issues
of trade, China, and AUKUS - and also the tariffs ahead".

We're told that:

"Australia will need to continue to build up its own
national capabilities and work with other allies and
like-minded nations especially in our region to
reinforce the liberal international order that Trump
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 February 2025 11:48:33 AM
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Oh it was sarcasm!! Methinks you are very bad at sarcasm then. And not all that good at walking back inane claims.


Long term advocate for the globalist elites - the Lowy Institute - tells Foxy what she wants to hear. She believes them.

Stop the presses!



"I did not make a list, mhaze. I simply indicated the names of three political leaders to illustrate my point."

And by sheer chance they were all right of centre. No Macron, no Scholz, no Trudeau.

You might want to pretend that it was mere happenstance that the list included only right of centre leaders. I'll draw my own conclusions and use that to make my own assessment of your vaunted lack of bias.

I note that you are trying very hard to avoid my point by pretending to misunderstand it. So again.... if you simply assert that Trump (and your other right-of-centre bogeymen) are authoritarian, populist, imperialistic etc without actually showing the actual traits that make it so, then you have shown nothing - zero. There's an old philosophic trick where an empty cup is offered with the assertion that it contains one's favourite drink. All you need to do is fill it with said drink.

Aspects of every US leader since Teddy Roosevelt could be used to claim the same for them. Ditto most leaders of Britain, France, Germany. If all are then none are, or at least the exercise is fatuous.

'I want Trump to be authoritarian and therefore he is', is a path to nowhere.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 1 February 2025 12:38:25 PM
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Its asserted without evidence that Trump is an agent of disunity.

What those who make the claim mean is that unity is only possible if everyone agrees with them. Its their main way of viewing the world.

But Trump, at the moment, is an agent of unity for the US.

In the last few days, RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard have fronted the Senate as Trump's nomination for various government positions. Both were until recently Democrats and in better times would have been seen as natural successors to the dills who ran the Biden presidency. But they found a home in MAGA because it better fulfills the aspirations that the Democrat party used to adhere to.

And not just those two. There are any number of other leading lights of the moderate left who recognise themselves in MAGA rather than the current far-left DNC.

"These senate confirmation hearings are highlighting the fact that MAGA is actually a unity movement, with the best of the Republicans AND the best of the Democrats, taking the country forward together and leaving the decrepit old guard behind."

This notion that its an act of disunity to not follow the radical left wherever it goes is bonkers.

I suspect most here won't understand that.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 1 February 2025 12:47:43 PM
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Oh dear, Mhaze you have just proved my point exactly. I haven't walked back any of my comments or opinions. You entirely missed my sarcastic bit (twice now) regarding the Gallop poll. Do try to keep up.
Posted by Aries54, Saturday, 1 February 2025 2:11:37 PM
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Oh so you're not walking back your claim about GITMO and really do think Trump will use it to make money for a friend. You can't have it both ways.. Ditto your cherry-picking of polls.

Perhaps Aries is a devotee of Derrida's 'obscurantisme terroriste' ie writing that is so unfathomable that all possible interpretations can be attached to it, such that the author, aware of the fatuousness of the stated views, can claim to be right no matter what.


More winning:
* Columbia is now recommended that all their citizens voluntarily return home
* Venezuela has released 6 of the hostage held by them
* Tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China will be instituted this week.
* The 51 traitorous signatories of the letter saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russia disinformation having already had their security clearances revoked are now barred from entering any Federal building. That'll put a crimp in their lobbying careers.
* Hunter Biden can't work out why his artwork is no longer selling!! :)
* Some Europeans are now telling Denmark they had it coming given that they've spent the last 40 years bludging on the US on security matters. They spend less than 1.7% on defence.


While searching through past posts looking for a link I'd posted a few years back, I came across this from February 2021.. "It is way more likely that he'll [Trump] be a presidential candidate in 2024 than Xiden, and that gives him plenty of time to start to weed out the rats in the ranks." Pretty chuffed to have been so prescient. (
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 1 February 2025 3:59:03 PM
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Hi Aries54,

I've come across an interesting article that tells us:

"Trump won because he was a better candidate with a
better message".

There's still many who believe believe that both
his policies and approach
won't work and will probably do a lot of damage in the end.

But to millions of Americans, whether they admit it or not
Trump offered real hope. Many, looked upon
him as a protector. "Daddy's home".

The article tells us that Americans now have a choice.
Those who didn't support Trump we're told - they can
rage at Trump and his supporters. Or they can spend months
in arguments about whether he meets the criteria of a
fascist or they can properly try to understand
what happened to get him elected and then try to mount a
serious fightback.

There's more at:

We'll have to wait and see what Americans will eventually choose to do.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 February 2025 5:06:58 PM
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No Mhaze I don't play silly double speak games. I don't have the time, patience or inclination.

Hi Foxy

Thank you for that. I have a friend who worked as part of the committee for Kamala. He told us that the members of that particular committee received so many credible death threats that everyone on the committee was moved off shore and were forced to work remotely during the campaign. Yes, the mis-information and outright provocation etc. We could go on, but those blinded by his apparent genius fob it all off with their own delusions. At least I agree with some posters on this blog who say they elected him and there ain't nothing we can do. Except wait and hold our breath. Cheers for now.
Posted by Aries54, Saturday, 1 February 2025 5:41:11 PM
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Good Morning Aries54,

Trump remains the same politician he has always been:

To a hammer everything is a nail.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 6:54:57 AM
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Dear mhaze,


You wrote :

1. « … No Macron, no Scholz, no Trudeau »

So far as I can judge, mhaze, Macron, Scholz and Trudeau are not beacons of populism, authoritarianism, illiberalism and imperialism.

That said, I must admit that while I know Macron reasonably well, that’s not the case for the other two. So, if you could enlighten me a little on Scholz and Trudeau I’m more than willing to revise my judgment.

You seem to regret that I did not cite any leftists as examples. Perhaps I could have cited Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico. You mentioned Putin and Xi in one of your previous posts, but as I pointed out, it's called tyranny when all powers belong to one person, which it is with them.

2. « But Trump, at the moment, is an agent of unity for the US »

On condition that any such “unity”, if it exists, is the sole result of people exercising their own free will without outside influence, mhaze, that’s fine. But your caveat “at the moment” raises serious doubt. It could be a fleeting moment.

Perhaps it has already passed – if, indeed, it ever existed !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 2 February 2025 10:22:44 AM
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" He told us that the members of that particular committee received so many credible death threats that everyone on the committee was moved off shore and were forced to work remotely during the campaign. "

Ahem.... I seem to recall that someone on the Republican side actually, rather than imagined, survived two assassination attempts. Now who was that?

And rather than moving people offshore, operatives from the British Labour Party were moved onshore to help Harris's disastrous campaign.


"So far as I can judge, mhaze, Macron, Scholz and Trudeau are not beacons of populism, authoritarianism, illiberalism and imperialism."

That was rather my point. They no more fit those descriptors than does Trump given that you haven't bothered to show how he does. But if you decided to twist the meanings of those words to fit Trump, that same twisting would also be used to fit these others as well.

Again Banjo, just to summarise, you picked a bunch of derogatory words, said they applied to Trump without showing how and have ever since demurred to show how.


"is the sole result of people exercising their own free will without outside influence, mhaze, that’s fine. "

Well I'm pretty sure the people I mentioned did indeed join MAGA and the revolution of their own free will. Just as a host of others have done over the past twelve months.

" It could be a fleeting moment."

You hope.

It won't be permanent. These golden ages never are. But a decade will be enough to change the course of US and world history.

And the movement is expanding. A march in Britain in support of free-speech had the crowd dancing to YMCA which you might recall is the MAGA theme song.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 2 February 2025 6:00:12 PM
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Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 2 February 2025 10:28:20 PM
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Here's another example of Wokeness !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 2 February 2025 11:37:24 PM
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Dear mhaze,


Thanks for that.

I see from your posts that you continue to think that I have some hidden agenda, parti-pris, prejudice, ideology to defend, or axe-to-grind.

Please be assured that if ever that should transpire from my posts it is unconscious, undesired, contrary to my principles, and against my will. It could, of course, be an unintended error of expression or lack of precision on my part or, perhaps, a false presumption or error of interpretation of the reader.

Once again, I affirm what I wrote to you on another thread (“Donald Trump Day One”) :

« As for me, my compass on life’s journey is to head for the facts and limit my beliefs to a strict minimum as they tend to cloud my vision and take me in the wrong direction.

I aspire to pragmatism, free thinking and a keen sense of justice and humanity. I maintain that cap as best I can but occasionally get disoriented – usually due to my complaisance, laziness, ignorance or incompetence. »

Perhaps I should add that while I continue to take a keen interest in individual and team sports (having practised both for many years), I have always had a distinct aversion to gregarious behaviour ever since I stepped out of the cradle and have never had any social or political affiliations or allegiances of any kind, and never will.

I place too great a value on my freedom of thought and opinion.

My judgments about Trump and Maga may be wrong, mhaze, but they are my own. Perhaps I am not well informed, lack information, and am victim of misinformation and disinformation. I come to OLO to bounce my thoughts and opinions off the minds of others to test, enrich, refine, confirm or abandon them.

I see it as a give-and-take operation. I profit from you, and you profit from me – no strings attached. We can take it or leave it as we like.

BTW, I don’t count on “hope”, as you suggest. Either I achieve it, or I deal with it.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 3 February 2025 3:49:49 AM
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Here's the thing in a nutshell, Banjo.

Its all too easy to label Trump as a populist, authoritarian etc. Everyone does it; everyone knows its true. so just repeating it requires no thought, let alone evidence.

So when suddenly someone asks for the basis of the assertions, there is a rush for the exists. Sure a case can be made that he's authoritarian/populist but only if the generally accepted meaning of those terms is twisted to suit the purpose. And that twisted meaning can then be applied to other, more favoured (?), leaders. If Trump's a populist then so was Harris, so is Macron, so is Starmer. If Trump's authoritarian, then so was Biden, so is Macron, so is Scholz.

If definitions of terms can be so distorted that they apply to all leaders, then they are useless.

They just become things people say without thought or evidence.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 7:40:42 AM
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Dear Banjo,

This may be of interest:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 February 2025 12:00:50 PM
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Thanks Foxy, the article basically makes my point - although not as well as I did...grin.

That's what I was talking about - when you have to distort the meaning of the terms to suit a disdain for Trump, the new meaning applies to most all democratic leaders.

And is thereby useless.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 12:35:02 PM
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More winning...... Panama, following a single visit by Marco Rubio, Trump's Secretary of State, has caved and will begin the process of removing Chinese influence over the canal, extract itself from the tender embrace of Xi's Belt and Roads and begin the process of handing control back to the US.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 3 February 2025 2:13:16 PM
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Trump and Musk have come out hard against USAID which is encouraging.
His moves against China and tariffs for everyone not so.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 4:45:08 AM
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Dear mhaze,


You wrote :

« It’s all too easy to label Trump as a populist, authoritarian etc. … Sure, a case can be made that he's authoritarian/populist but only if the generally accepted meaning of those terms is twisted to suit the purpose … when suddenly someone asks for the basis of the assertions, there is a rush for the exists »

Well, I didn’t see Foxy rushing for the exits, mhaze. She stood her ground and provided a link to an article published by the University of California, Berkely Press, dated 21.01.2025, entitled : “ There’s a term for Trump’s political style: authoritarian populism”.

The sub-title of the article indicates:

« Researchers at UC Berkeley’s Othering & Belonging Institute identify defining traits of the type of politics leaders like Donald Trump and Giorgia Meloni employ.

In the 2024 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, UC Berkely is ranked the 5th best university in the world after Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and Cambridge. Oxford is ranked the 6th best, after Berkley.

On reading the article you conclude : “Thanks Foxy, the article basically makes my point … That's what I was talking about - when you have to distort the meaning of the terms to suit a disdain for Trump, the new meaning applies to most all democratic leaders …”

That’s a despicable attempt to denigrate the ethics of the research, mhaze. The researchers clearly explain :


(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 6:03:10 AM
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(Continued …)


« Today, authoritarian populists use both populist and authoritarian tactics, mostly combined and pursued in strategically advantageous ways. Populist appeals are invoked as a justification mechanism for illiberal and often undemocratic practices, but populism alone cannot help us understand the substance of the nativist and exclusionary political project. As mentioned, authoritarianism is often used to refer to a type of regime (or in social psychology, to a series of personality traits). Conceiving of authoritarianism not only as a political system but as a set of practices via this updated terminology can help us understand how authoritarian practices are used in systems that do not fit the description of an authoritarian state or in countries that may be evolving into previously unseen regime types. »

It’s preposterous to suggest that the academic researchers of such a reputable institution would purposely and maliciously “distort the meaning of the terms to suit a disdain for Trump”. They are constantly under the scrutiny of their peers all around the world and could only cause irreparable, long-lasting damage to their prestigious institution.

The fact that you feel the need to go to such desperate and despicable means to defend Trump and his Maga zealots speaks volumes about your confidence in his and their credibility and respectability.

Here is the Primer of the research :

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 6:14:23 AM
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The United Nations has lost its way. Anti-democratic leaders have managed to white-ant the UN. Described as a “useful idiot’s vehicle for lawfare, advocating for anything and everything except liberal democracies”.

The UN is no longer relevant.

The UN is almost entirely funded by America. It certainly couldn't function without America. Hopefully, when he has finished fixing America, Donald Trump will fix the UN, one way or another. He has dumped WHO. That's a start.

It's a pity that Australia doesn't have someone with oomph of Donald Trump.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 7:30:55 AM
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Banjo ,

I wasn't suggesting that the artcile distorted the meaning of these terms to suit an anti-Trump agenda, but that people like you and Foxy do.

Again, neither of you have disdained to actually offer a definition of populist or authoritarian or imperialist that might apply to Trump but not apply to other leaders who you obviously favour. Hence my rush for the exits comment.

Most of Foxy's linked article is about how to redefine populism and authoritarian so that it doesn't have its ordinarily understood meaning. I've got no problem with that so long as the new meaning is explicitly defined and understood. The article even points out that this new meaning applies to left leaning governments and left lean political movements.

But that's not what you did. You applied the traditional meaning and then tried to pretend it applied to Trump and other right-of-centre leaders you dislike.

For example, the artcile says "Populism, meanwhile, occurs when leaders rhetorically divide the population into two groups: the majority versus the elites." Well why doesn't that apply to Hilary with her deplorable designations. The country was divided in us (the elect) and them (the deplorables). But you don't want that to be true so you demur defining the term and pretend it just applies to Trump.

I've seen this so often before. Its why I was on to it so quickly.

Trump is not an authoritarian. Not a populist. Not imperialistic. At least not using the ordinary meaning of those terms. But people who can't address his actual aims, policies and aspirations logically, seek to simply label him with terms they think of as derogatory and see that as enough. And that's why they fail to understand what's actually happen right under their noses.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 9:48:56 AM
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More winning:

Panama caved.

Now Canada's caved, promising to increase their surveillance at the border and cut back the level of fentanyl making it across to the US. Trump's put them on a 1 month probation. New Canadian elections will be held in March when its likely a new right-of-centre government will be installed who are completely on-board with Trump's aims vis a vis the border. So expect to see Trump leaving the tariffs hanging until then.

Now Mexico's caved. They've agree to send 10,000 troops to the border to try to stop the flow of illegals and the flow of fentanyl. Again Trump has put them on a one month probation. Talks between the Mexican leadership and Rubio are scheduled to try to cement the new arrangements within that month.

This must be all very confusing to those who just don't and refuse to, understand MAGA
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 9:56:11 AM
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After giving up our manufacturing base, and aside from digging up rocks and shipping them overseas, we don’t have much of an economy.

It is delusional to believe that Australia can have any significant manufacturing industry while we allow nearly all manufactured goods to be imported from China and other similar countries duty-free.

We can never have a meaningful manufacturing industry in Australia the way things stand.

In the US, Trump's secretary of state, Marco Rubio, said that his countries “almost religious commitment to free and unfettered trade at the expense of our national economy, shrunk the middle class, left the working class in crisis, collapsed industrial capacity, and pushed critical supply chains into the hands of adversaries and rivals”.

We have the same situation here; we just don't have a Trump or Rubio to put things right, and probably never will. We are still stuck in the open borders Hawke-Keating-Howard era”
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 10:54:06 AM
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Conservatism appears to to regain common & practical sense in many societies that have been sabotaged by Wokeness. The parasitic deliberately wrongly refer to this as "authoritarian ". As indoctrination education is the cradle of Wokeness it must become the Nr 1 target for reform !
Start with banning Uni student protesters from re-entering University ! Those burning the national flag also forfeit their privilege to attend University & receive sponsorship !
If anyone can think of a better way to wake up the Woke let us know !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 4 February 2025 11:00:22 AM
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Dear mhaze,


You wrote :

1. « I wasn't suggesting that the artcile distorted the meaning of these terms to suit an anti-Trump agenda, but that people like you and Foxy do. »

No, we did not distort them, mhaze. The fact that Trump is an authoritarian populist and imperialist has nothing to do with us. He is what he is and there’s nothing we can do about it.

2. « Again, neither of you have disdained to actually offer a definition of populist or authoritarian or imperialist that might apply to Trump but not apply to other leaders who you obviously favour. »

Neither of us has “disdained” to offer such definitions, mhaze. But, as you seem to have forgotten, I posted to you personally, specific definitions of Trump’s populism, authoritarianism and imperialism, on this thread 5 days ago on Thursday, 30 January 2025 9:17:59 AM – and you replied to me that same day at 12:22:40 PM.

I preceded these definitions with the following remark :

« Of course, there are many populisms and populists around the world, cultural, socio-economic, political, etc. There are leftist and rightist populisms. We seem to be living in an age of populism. »

The definitions apply, not only to Trump, mhaze. They apply to many political leaders – but they do not apply to all political leaders.

They do not apply, as you claim, to other leaders whom I “obviously favour” – because I do not favour anybody. I disfavour all and vote for the least unfavourable.

3. « … the artcile says "Populism, meanwhile, occurs when leaders rhetorically divide the population into two groups: the majority versus the elites." Well why doesn't that apply to Hilary with her deplorable designations. The country was divided in us (the elect) and them (the deplorables). »

(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 4:28:05 AM
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(Continued …)


The citation you indicated is incomplete, mhaze. To understand why populism applies to Trump but not to Hillary you must complete the citation :

« Populism, meanwhile, occurs when leaders rhetorically divide the population into two groups: the majority versus the elites. These leaders position themselves the true representatives of the majority group [the ordinary people]. This anti-establishment “us-versus-them” struggle is at the center of populist rhetoric, the researchers concluded.»

Trump considers that he, alone, represents the majority (the ordinary people) against a corrupt government elite (represented by Hilary – lock her up !).

Unlike Trump, Hilary does not position herself in that manner as a populist leader.

4. « Trump is not an authoritarian. Not a populist. Not imperialistic. At least not using the ordinary meaning of those terms. »

You only have to look at the ruthless, brutal manner Trump has acted during the first three weeks of his presidency, both domestically and internationally, mhaze. The evidence is there for all to see.

Trump has :

• Temporarily frozen all federal grants, loans and financial assistance, signaling a desire to challenge Congress' power of the purse.

• Offered "deferred resignations" to roughly 2 million federal workers, promising to pay them through September even though the government hasn't been funded past March 14.

• Fired at least 17 independent agency watchdogs, openly defying a statute requiring an explanation to Congress 30 days in advance.

• Fired federal prosecutors involved in Trump-related investigations and hinted at an additional purge for thousands of FBI agents.

• Signed an executive order directing the attorney general not to enforce the law Congress passed requiring TikTok to be sold by its Chinese parent company or face a U.S. ban.

• Imposed tariffs on imported goods from Canada, Mexico and China – with more to come on other countries

• Made threats of military intervention regarding Greenland and Panama.

• Declared he wants to take over Canada as the 51st State of the United States.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 4:34:11 AM
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Banjo wrote: " specific definitions of Trump’s populism, authoritarianism and imperialism, "

No you offered generic descriptions and then refused to show how they specifically applied to Trump and none of the other plethora of world leaders you you admire.

To continue a metaphor I used in another thread, its as though you described water and then declared that Trump, and Trump alone, wants to drown everyone.

Still its obvious that you just want to use what you consider to be derogatory words to describe Trump and have no intention to analysis why they apply to him and not others. So be it.

To finish, it was noted t'other day that Trump is the first authoritarian in history who wants to REDUCE the size of government. I suspect that won't compute.

"• Signed an executive order directing the attorney general not to enforce the law Congress passed requiring TikTok to be sold by its Chinese parent company or face a U.S. ban.

• Imposed tariffs on imported goods from Canada, Mexico and China – with more to come on other countries

• Made threats of military intervention regarding Greenland and Panama.

• Declared he wants to take over Canada as the 51st State of the United States."

None, literally none of that is true.

For example, he didn't make threats of intervention in Greenland or Panama, just, in answering a question, didn't rule it out. You won't understand the difference but it was all part of the negotiations by tweet that is the new world. Note that both Panama and Denmark are now towing the line.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 10:50:11 AM
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Just for those who haven't been able to keep up to date with what's been going on in the US....
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 11:14:20 AM
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Banjo Paterson,
Just because you can't grasp the difference between ruthless & necessity doesn't make your interpretation a fact apart from the fact that you don't comprehend !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 12:05:46 PM
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Trump and Netanyahu have now put up a more formalised suggestion on
what to do with Gaza. I note that recently they have allowed the Gazans
to return to the northern Gaza.
I think this is a clever move. The Gazans will sit in tents amid the
ruined buildings or inside damaged buildings with collapsed stairwells
and damaged infrastructure such as various pipes etc.
The only work being done will be locals moving concrete rubble out of
their way and no insurance to pay for even small rebuilds.
A month or two will go by with no improvement, or even a promise of
a rebuild because no one will be able to pay the cost.

Then along comes Trump with an offer to build them new houses in a new
town of new houses somewhere in the Middle East.
They will be given jobs to work on the building projects clearing
the Gaza site and building their new homes.
Would you turn down the offer of work and new housing ?
What will Trump get out of it ?
A new resort on the Mediterranean with miles of beach a new Florida or
Gold Coast. Whats to lose ?
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 2:54:35 PM
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Dear mhaze,


I see that Trump has just floated a balloon declaring that he plans to evacuate the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and have it occupied by the US as the new owners :

« "The United States will take control of the Gaza Strip, and we will do a good job with it. We will own it and we will be responsible for the dismantling of all dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons that are on the site," »

We’ll see how long that balloon stays in the air.

That’s all for now, mhaze.

I’m sure you’ve got my message. I’ll be following future developments, like most of us here on OLO no doubt, and will probably have more to say in due course.

Until then …

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 5 February 2025 11:12:46 PM
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At least you realise Trump's Gaza 'plan' is just his opening gambit. So you have learned something.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 February 2025 7:57:45 AM
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Dear Banjo,

According to Amnesty International "Donald Trump's
description of Gaza as a" demolition site"
completely fails to include the Israeli government's
responsibility for causing the devastation to the
Palestinian territory">

" Nor did Trump acknowledge the "Us government's
role in providing arms that have repeatedly been
used to carry out deadly, unlawful attacks in

"It's more important than ever for the international
community to categorically reject these proposals
and expediate diplomatic efforts to live within
international law, and to end Israel's unlawful
occupation, dismantle apartheid, and uphold
human rights for Palestinians and Israelis".
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:55:12 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Here's more:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:12:43 AM
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Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:18:25 AM
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the Israeli government's
responsibility for causing the devastation to the
Palestinian territory">
get yourself a bit orientated ! Israel is not responsible for doing that, Hamas is ! It's like stating that the Government is responsible for building jails !
You sure should have an afternoon on a couch in a psychiatrist's office !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:42:25 AM
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President Trump has the highest net approval of any President in US history.

A majority of Americans like:

. Border security and deportation of criminals
. The war on woke
. Declaration of two genders
. Government cost cutting
. Protection of unborn babies
. Withdrawal from the Paris Accord
. Withdrawal from WHO
. Banning trannies from the military
. Reinstatement of unvaccinated military personal
. Defence of religious freedom

And he has only just started.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 6 February 2025 3:02:32 PM
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"President Trump has the highest net approval of any President in US history."
Honeymoon period, wait till the cost of his tariffs start to bite.
People are gullible and stupid.

Americas not going to win any trade wars and they don't have friends as their threats of tariffs on allies show.
The world just adapts to whichever loose cannon is in the Whitehouse at the time.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 4:57:29 PM
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People are gullible and stupid.
Armchair Critic,
I don't disagree however, every other election many do come to their senses or economic reasons force them to.
Trump does not appeal to people who depend on selling their soul. He is a beacon of hope to people who care & accept that pulling one's weight is getting better results as a society.
He appears to follow the principle of symbiosis rather than the Peter Principle of parasitism which is rampant in that swamp known as bureaucracy.
Bureaucratic incompetent managing is costing many people their livelihood & ruins society.
Anyone who is against what Trump, Milei, Polivre, Meloni etc are trying to do is not a considerate person !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 6 February 2025 6:50:00 PM
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Dutton says Trump brings 'gravitas', as Albanese's response to Gaza plan labelled 'pathetic'

"At the same time, Leavitt walked back Trump's earlier assertion that Gazans needed to be permanently resettled in neighbouring countries, saying instead that they should be "temporarily relocated" for the rebuilding process.

US secretary of state Marco Rubio also said the idea was for Gazans to leave the territory for an 'interim' period of reconstruction and debris-clearing."

Should I believe this, or does someone have a bridge to sell me?

* 'an interim period of reconstruction and debris-clearing'
How dumb would you have to be to believe this was their sole intention.
"We're here to help",
- Yeah sure you are.

Between bombmaker and bombdropper, neither care about the ones living under those bombs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 9:26:18 PM
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Let us face the facts; is there any other option ?
The Arab countries won't fund the clearing and rebuilding just to
install another group of terrorists to do it all again and again !
The Gazans can sit in the ruins and rave on and on and no one else is
going to spend such enormous amount of money just to have to go do it
all over again five years later.

Even Trump might pull out if the Koran is not modified by the Islamic
scholars to remove the verses calling for the killing of Jews.

btw, I heard a discussion about laws passed today in Canberra about
hate speech. Will that apply to printed text ?
If so the Koran will be banned !
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:23:47 PM
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Here's an interesting take on the above events
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 February 2025 10:25:08 PM
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