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Donald Trump Day One.

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Yes, but what Trump is proposing is that his online
univerties will be "Sane and affordable" in other words
he wants to get rid of the way of thinking that he
does not approve of in colleges and universities.

A bit different to what's currently available, especially
at institutions like Harvard.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 January 2025 9:53:17 PM
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Dear mhaze,


You wrote :

« Just because the video is on a website you disapprove of does invalidate it. It doesn't matter where the video is posted, its still had Pelosi's admission. »

I did not disapprove of the website, mhaze. I noted that the professional media classified it as “politically rated “far right”, with “low credibility”, publishing conspiracy and propaganda, and has failed fact checks”.

Thanks for the link to the Fox Business video. It indicates the source as Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight.

Having carefully examined the video, I summarize it as follows :

Loudermilk explains that “the Chief of Police had made numerous requests for the National Guard to come to the Capitol but, somewhere in leadership, that was denied multiple times and, whereas, we heard on this tape which we just received on Friday from HBO, that she took full responsibility for being the one that the National Guard was not there to assist the Capitol Police”.

That is not what Nancy Pelosi said on the video. She said :

“Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with ? They thought that they had sufficient resources … No, that is not a question of how they had … They don’t know ... They clearly didn’t know … And I take the responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

I have the impression Nancy Pelosi was speaking with a mask on her face to someone on the telephone while sitting in the back seat of the chauffeur-driven car.

She did not say, as Rep. Loudermilk claims, that “she took full responsibility for being the one that the National Guard was not there to assist the Capitol Police”. She said :

« I take the responsibility for not having them [the Capitol Police] just prepare for more »

Trump started the riot and Trump stopped it. He alone commanded the rioters. He also commanded the National Guard – but failed to do so until his daughter, Ivanka, finally managed to persuade him.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 25 January 2025 1:48:41 AM
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Foxy, so that's a no to actually watching the video, let alone understanding it? When you don't like the facts, ignore them. Standard operating procedure for Foxy.

you poo-poohed the message based upon the messenger. I've never accepted that type of thinking.

"I have the impression Nancy Pelosi was speaking with a mask on her face to someone on the telephone"

No she was talking to her daughter who was also in the car. She had commissioned her daughter, who is some sort of photo journalist, to do a doco on the lead up to Biden's inauguration. The video in the car was being shot by Pelosi's daughter and the conversation was with the daughter.

The video needs to understood in the context that Trump had previously offered troops and/or help getting the National Guard in place and that help had been rejected by all concerned including Pelosi. That's why she was now admitting responsibility and offering a mild sort of mea culpa.

Thankfully almost all the J6 political prisoners have been released although the corrupt DC system is dragging it heals as much as possible. The next step is to start investigating the investigators to find out what exactly was hidden from the defence and the public in general.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 January 2025 6:36:03 AM
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More winning:

The bust of Winston Churchill, famously removed by Obama and removed a second time by Obama's surrogate (Biden), has been returned by Trump to the Oval Office.

The most consequential statesman of the 20th century looking over the shoulder of the most consequential statesman of the 21st century (at least so far).

Enough to warm the cockles.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 January 2025 7:15:17 AM
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" How sad it must be believing that scientists, scholars,
historians, economists, and journalists, have dedicated
their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality
TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented
lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty".

Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 January 2025 7:53:51 AM
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Trump is not only giving the Paris Agreement the boot, he is doing the same thing to the Leftist-controlled World Health Organisation.

The WHO is a parasite on Western economies, a sycophant of China, and an apologist for countries that create deadly pandemics. It has overreached itself with treaties designed to usurp the sovereignty of independent countries.

The WHO is constantly fear mongering about the “next pandemic”

Australia should do a Trump and disconnect from the WHO.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 January 2025 9:35:39 AM
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