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The Forum > General Discussion > Donald Trump Day One.

Donald Trump Day One.

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Like Hitler and Mussolini before him Donald Trump is a far right nationalist. Just as the respective two were intent on returning their "fallen" nations to their rightful place of "greatness" Trump is, according to him, going to; "Make America great again". These three have much in common, all had "enemies" both from within their boarders and from without, Hitler and Mussolini targeted Jews and other minorities, Mussolini even targeted Ethiopians, Trump is targeting Mexicans and others, who are seen as unworthy to share in his new "American Greatness" that only he, Donald Trump, can deliver.

Hitler surrounded himself with his famous inner sanctum of loyalists, to which he had doled out privileged positions, and charged them with responsibilities of implementing the grand new order, Trump has done the same, people like the quasi-Nazi saluting Elon Musk. For the old pair there were enemies without, the Soviet Union with its Communism, for Trump its China and its Communist asperations. There are many more similarities, but you be the judge.

Just as the conservatives in the Reichstag in Berlin believed on day one they could control this new demagogue, the conservatives in the Capitol Building in Washington, believe the same thing. History proved otherwise, is history about to repeat itself?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 4:05:17 AM
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Paul telling us about history is like my budgie telling us about nuclear fission.

BTW both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists. Even people as deranged as Paul couldn't make the case for Trump being socialist.

" people like the quasi-Nazi saluting Elon Musk.."

But its different when they do it, isn't it Paul?

Now to join the real world....Trump Day1...

* Trump closes the southern border
* Withdraws from the Paris Climate accord
* withdraws from WHO.
* releases the J6 political prisoners
* begins the process of re-establishing US fuel dominance
* begins the process of looking into the FBI/DOJ corruption over the past 4 years
* formalised the DOGE process
* froze all new federal regulations and began process of identifying regulations that add to inflation
* ended federal censorship

And that was all before dinner.

Oh BTW....ceasefire.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 8:20:58 AM
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All that glitters is not gold
Often have we heard that told
Many a demagogue his life hath sold
And others marched into his fold

Gilded tombs we see as bold
But their insides are dark and cold
So be careful what you see
And let the Trumpster simply be

(Adapted from Shakespeare).
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 8:45:12 AM
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Oh... I forgot to mention my favourite EO from yesterday...

All 51 traitors who signed the letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation have had their security clearances revoked. A little bit of justice for a betrayal of their oaths and duty.


Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 9:15:30 AM
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Dear Paul,

Donald Trump has now been inaugurated as US President.
We won't see what that means until after his term ends.
And hopefully it will,
Being an optimistic person, I'm hoping that things will
not be all that bad. That the US Constitution will protect
America's democracy.

But we shall have to wait and see.

In the meantime - I'm glad I live in Australia.

I wonder if any of our political leaders will in future
try to surround themselves with dedicated loyalists
and family members?
It may be a trend that will spread around the world?

After all - in politics:

It's not about making a difference
Or building a career,
It's about blowing the Trumpet
And shouting - - "Hear, Hear!"
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 1:11:06 PM
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Elon Musk's Nazi salute?

Bernard Keane writes:

" Well it's a Nazi salute. according to historians, according
to antisemites and Nazi's themselves and according to Israeli
newspapers. But what do they know?"

"What do media outlets and groups censoring themselves tell
us beyond how cowed they are by a newly installed president
hellbent on revenge".

"It's all part and parcel of the MACA movement's intense
fact aversion and widespead resistance to observing the truth".

"America's first pump and dump president".
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2025 1:35:30 PM
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