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Why are some people against multiculturalism?
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Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 11 January 2025 8:45:40 AM
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So much irony, but two questions really. One is the effect of immigration. No per capita economic benefit from Albo's million+ with seven successive quarters of negative per capita growth, and a housing shortage with it. I think it can work a bit better with better planning.
The other aspect is multiculturalism, and in this respect western civilisation is exemplary as a demonstration of how much further and faster a civilisation can develop by encouraging the interaction of human beings and ideas. I find it interesting to hear about life in other nations. One I know from an authoritarian country: cult leader, government officials beyond question/accountability and huge corruption consequently, anti-intellectualism, especially when it does not support the cult leader's vision, elevation of the indigenous monoculture, obsession with misinformation and disinformation, great Satan America, all white people are racist: Very much the same as the philosophy of cult leader Albo. But as shining an example of the triumph of multiculturalism that Australia is, there is so much irony, as I often observe exponents revering uncontaminated monocultures as perfect societies. I also frequently see them carrying a self-loathing of Australia's civilisation as well as a hatred of the descendants of those who first brought multiculturalism to the continent. It must be the commies! Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 January 2025 8:48:11 AM
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So much has changed over time due to waves of migration,
a growing population, a significant increase in immigrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. And of course, this has resluted in changing attitudes. We've had refugees from wars, the number of international students has more than doubled in the last two decades, Plus, more than half of our population are born overseas or have a parent born overseas. English is our country's language, but there are many other languages spoken in homes, apart from English and their influences have had an affect. Attitudes have changed. Many Australians support multiculturalism and believe that migrants are good for the country. However, discrimination and prejudice based on skin colour, ethnic origin or religion remains a challenge. The conflict in the Middle East has brought demonstrations and unrest, and violence onto our streets. We've seen so many changes. From the composition of our people, to our immigration policies, to what we prohibit on discrimination, equality, and the law concerning people and various cultural policies that promote diversity (SBS). All have changed with time. The biggest change has been that up until the 1960s Australians saw themselves as being British ( but also Australian). This changed as Britain went into Europe and former British colonies like Australia established their own trading relationships , Today Australia is more American in its culture than British. Who knows what the future holds for us. There's more at: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 January 2025 9:41:26 AM
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Paul has this interesting way of arguing from his ignorance. First he deliberately remains ignorant on an issue, then assumes everyone else is equally ignorant and then says since we are all ignorant we can't draw any conclusions. And then he draws conclusions!!
So as to the number of women raped, people Paul hasn't the slightest concern for, he writes "As usual Trumpster admits he is clueless, so lets wack in a real big shocking number, like 250,000, why not say 47 million since you don't know, and be done with it." Paul, being deliberately ignorant, thinks the 250,000 number is made up. Since I can't say if its 249,793 or 251,803 it is completely fictious, to the thinking (for want of a better word) of Paul. What, in his ignorance, he doesn't realise is that no one knows how many were raped, because the British establishment, the Labour Party, the bureaucracy, the police, the social workers, the feminists, and most of all the Pakistani community itself, deliberately sought to keep it secret and unexamined. Struth, just yesterday the British Labour Party voted to NOT have an inquiry because, it is assumed, it will reveal how badly they were implicated in facilitating the mass rape of 12-15 yr old white kids. And just how far their leader was involved in the cover-up. But the 250,000 number isn't made up. Its extrapolated from what is known. 'Extrapolated'... well now Paul is confused. If Paul were to decide to become less ignorant on this (now that's a laugh) he'd find hundreds of articles using the 250,000 figure eg ..."As per certain estimates, more than 250,000 White girls have been abused to date by the grooming gangs, the majority of whom were barely teenagers. Their ordeal as captured in transcripts is too graphic to share, making one wonder how perverse a human being can become to a vulnerable child." Or how perverse one has to be to take offence at being made aware of the depravity. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 11 January 2025 9:56:47 AM
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Our Aboriginal compatriots inhabited the country for over 65,000 years There was no multiculturism in those days. Multiculturism began with the arrival of the first fleet of British convicts in 1788. That’s when the problems began. Almost ten generations later, many of our Aboriginal compatriots still have problems integrating the new culture. In addition, subsequent waves of migrants continue to pose problems, not only for our Aboriginal compatriots but also for the preceding waves of foreign migrants – though to a far lesser extent than the ten generations of migrants of multicultural ancestry caused our monocultural indigenous peoples. While I thoroughly abhor all the pain and suffering engendered by the clash of our two cultures, I nevertheless consider that multiculturism is preferable to monoculturalism and am pleased that the former prevailed. Here are some of the pros and cons of the two systems : . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 11 January 2025 10:25:02 AM
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There are a few mantras that the faithful chant without thought or evidence but which they nonetheless believe with the surety of the converted...
Diversity is Strength.... this is said so often that its become a truism. But ask for evidence and... crickets. There is no evidence. Its one of those things we are told we just have to believe lest we are labelled the dreaded 'racist'. And for the left, that's the worst of all possible fates. Multiculturalism is good for the economy.... Fester has pointed out that, despite massive immigration recently, per capita GDP has stalled. But its worse, far far worse than that. Because its not just about increases in GDP (or lack thereof) but about what we lost by going down the multi-culti path. At the beginning of the 20th century Australia was ranked number 1 in the world in per capita income. (Alongside Argentina). By 1950 we'd slipped to number 5 (alongside Venezuela!!). That's when we started bringing in these migrants that were going to super-charge the economy. By 1970 when we started down the multiculturalism path we'd slipped to number 12. Now? Now we are ranked number 23....and falling. Sure each Australian is richer today that any other time. But we've missed oportunities to have an even higher standard of living. If we'd maintained our 1950 position, each person would have, on average, a standard of living 25% higher than now. We gave up a lot for the warm inner-glow of multiculturalism. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 11 January 2025 10:30:29 AM
Maybe we need leaders that are builders...
Not that I am an expert- Fascism and Marxism both come from the Hegelian "absolute naive idealism" school of Political Philosopy- that's probably the biggest similarity.
Classical Fascism seems to distribute power through an armed population, Marxism seems to concentrate it in the secret police. I can't see an armed population being enslaved- so Fascism would presumably be less totalitarian than Marxism.
I would prefer to have an armed population than a secret police state.
I'm not sure about the horseshoe theory, but it probably has it's use, in the correct context. You could say that a straight line is really a circle too, at infinity, and there are different types of infinity, what is infinity x infinity, the wonders of mathematical abstraction ...
In a sense Fascism perhaps sees itself as a better Marxism, a hybridization of Traditionalism and Marxism, but it's probably much more Traditional than Marxist.
Classical Fascism believes in traditional structures such as the family, Marxism does not.
Classical Fascism believes in Localist Nationalism, Marxism is Globalist and Industrialist similar to Capitalism.
Marxism believes that academics should be in control, Capitalists believe that leaders need to be tested against reality.
Notice I didn't use an Ad Hitlerum (Ad Hominem) attack on Paul1405 here- I just implied he might be wrong- it's up to the read to make the explicit judgement. It's naive to believe that zellots can be rational, but we hope that most can potentially learn.
I consider myself a Traditionalist, in spite of Paul1405's erudite ascribations, I feel uncomfortable with Hegelianism.
I believe that we need to protect our culture and territory, preferably without violence, but with violence if necessary. State violence is different than individual violence, just as order is different than chaos.