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The Most Uncontrolled Experimentation Ever on Humankind
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Kudos guys
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 6:23:17 AM
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"No-one ever claimed for vaccines to be 100% effective for everyone. "
Well in fact, as regards the covid vaccines, that's what they did claim. You'll find plenty of examples of pollies and medical spokesmen saying only the unvaccinated will die. But in fact they were 100% ineffective as regards their initial claims. You'll recall that the vaccine mandates were put in place because, it was claimed, that the vaccine stopped people getting AND transmitting the virus. We know know that neither of those claims are true. And we now know that the manufacturers knew they weren't true and didn't even bother checking to see if they might be true. They lied. What the vaccines do is reduce the effects of the virus once a patient contracts the disease. That's it. They don't stop you getting the disease. They don't stop you transmitting the disease to others. They just help you to recover once you get exposed. And if you're in the group most at risk - the aged and the immuno-compromised - the vaccine still isn't all that useful. If those people get the virus they are given additional anti-virals to try to combat the effects. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 12:46:32 PM
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the aged and the immuno-compromised -
mhaze, The very old are expected & they themselves expect that any such virus can be the end for them. The immuno-compromised more often than not lead lifestyles either voluntarily or bad luck that put them at serious risk. The vaccines certainly failed to rectify stupidity ! Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 3:59:19 PM
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I saw something the other day, maybe some link to some study
- Said that covid shots had maybe 15 times (don't quote me) the amount of adverse events than any other vaccine. I also saw something else that said vaccinated people were more likely to get covid than the unvaccinated. The covid thing really is a deep rabbit hole, and you need to be pretty smart to understand it all, ACE2 receptors, spike proteins, gain of function stuff, I remember reading / watching some stuff on it years ago, but it was above my pay grade. Maybe if I'd spend a little more time on it I may have understood better. Finally something we can agree upon mhaze, which is good for a change. As far as I can see everything you've stated is correct to my knowledge. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 9:28:24 PM
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"Data assembled by the government of the United Kingdom now proves unequivocally that getting the jab during the COVID panic was a very bad idea. It did less than nothing to prevent you from getting the virus, and in fact significantly increased your chances of dying." "The immuno-compromised more often than not lead lifestyles either voluntarily or bad luck that put them at serious risk. The vaccines certainly failed to rectify stupidity !" Mrs mhaze is immuno-compromised. She has cancer is on chemo. There is an element of stupidity here but Indyvidual should look closer to home to find it. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 5:16:23 AM
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The ‘aboriginal problem’ is constantly revved up, not by aboriginals themselves - most of whom look after themselves - but by wet, troubling-making whites.
The leading wet, trouble-making whites are the race-obsessed Albanese government, whose ‘answer’ to the imagined problem is to throw more borrowed money at it. This cannot go on. The International Monetary Fund has warned Albanese against making more ‘cash splashes’, following the news of a projected $27 billion blow out derailing economic growth, which now seems to be non-existent in Australia. Inflation will continue, and growth is a thing of the past - except in the area of mass immigration, an attempt to cover up the Albanese government’s economic incompetence. Identity politics, treating people differently, is the road to ruin for all of us. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 7:42:17 AM