The Forum > General Discussion > The Most Uncontrolled Experimentation Ever on Humankind
The Most Uncontrolled Experimentation Ever on Humankind
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Posted by mhaze, Monday, 23 December 2024 9:10:21 AM
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Hi mhaze,
There were plenty of opponents to vaccination against smallpox, and polio anti-vaxers still exist. What went wrong with covid was not the concept of vaccination but the authoritarian behaviour it brought out in some people. Railing against the vaccine just gives those authoritarian miscreants something to hide behind. Someone as intelligent as yourself should know better. Posted by Fester, Monday, 23 December 2024 10:42:10 AM
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If the vaccine is dangerous or potentially dangerous, its worth point out that its dangerous or potentially dangerous.
Asserting that we should just pretend otherwise because it might give some cover to others we don't like isn't, to my way of thinking, a valid approach. "What went wrong with covid was not the concept of vaccination ..." I'm not for a second attacking the "concept of vaccination". What did I say that would give that impression? But the argument that this or that vaccine worked therefore everything labelled a vaccine works, fails on first principles. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 23 December 2024 11:08:54 AM
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"If you’re diligent about it, you should be up to around 8 shots by now."
ZERO. That's how many I had, and I tried to tell you all. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 23 December 2024 11:22:52 AM
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Seriously, if you people think the government or the mainstream media would never lie to you, then I don't know what to tell you.
Some news they simply omit facts to manipulate you and portray and entire different story than the truth, other news they use emotionally charged words to tell you how you should feel about something, other times it's just outright lies. 90% of the news is propaganda. Most days, I can't even wake up and get through just the first article I look at, without picking out all the disinfo and misinfo. I don't even get angry about it anymore, because I know that's how it is. And that's a true fact, no matter what any of you think of me. They lie to you because they know the large majority are uninformed and don't know any better. If you're foolish enough to rely on the government or mainstream media without digging into a story more, then you're a gullible, trusting the wrong people and you deserve to remain clueless and uninformed. They manipulate the truth on everything. If there was an event that happened in the morning, they'd tell you it happened in the afternoon. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 23 December 2024 12:12:39 PM
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Hi mhaze,
You are speaking of how truth might be determined? Not always a matter so simple as to be mechanically determined by a truth bureau. Yet that is how some with power and an authoritarian bent behaved. You think the handling of covid bad? It might have been handled better, but isn't it always easier in hindsight? Maybe the significant lesson of covid is not to believe that you are infallible? A lesson not learned with the Voice or the mad bill. Perhaps the biggest calamity will result from people believing that Australia can be powered solely by wind and solar, that the power from wind and solar will be cheap and reliable, that it will be a driver of prosperity, and that it will save the planet. I'd rather learn from history than repeat it, and the economic decline from a wind and solar fantasy will dwarf the blip of the covid pandemic. Posted by Fester, Monday, 23 December 2024 12:13:26 PM
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Hi AC,
As an alternative I would suggest that we all have beliefs that turn out to be wrong. Some people hold to their beliefs when they think a good outcome will result. That is conviction, not lying. Look at all the argument John Snow got into about cholera. He wasn't arguing with liars. A liar is someone who flashes a picture of a three eyed koala as proof of the dangers of nuclear power. A person of conviction is someone who wants to preserve the environment but destroys it with the construction of wind and solar farms. There is a difference between the two. Posted by Fester, Monday, 23 December 2024 12:49:40 PM
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I'm really not sure what your point is here. I suspect that makes two of us. All I'm doing here is providing some information that many medical experts think the covid mRNA shots are fraught. If others still want to put their faith in the authorities and get the jab, go for it. No skin of my nose. The sad sad days when those people were trying to force others to do as they are told have long passed - at least for the time being. There was a time when some wanted to and successfully did force people to have the jab against their better judgement even to the extent of calling for people to be gaoled and forcibly injected. Sad times indeed and indicative of the authoritarian bent in a segment of the community. But those days are gone. Now people get jabbed in ignorance of the real risks involved. All I'm doing here is spreading a little of the information about those risks. If one or two others read and act on that (or read and don't act) then all to the good. But I'm not advocating against vaccines in general and not even against covid shots if appropriate. Just spreading a little of the data that the MSM/government cohorts try to hide. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 23 December 2024 1:32:21 PM
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I go along with Fester's reasoning.
Some time back I invited posters several times to tell us how the next pandemic should be handled. To-date, no-one's made any suggestions ! As Fester stated; but isn't it always easier in hindsight? Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 23 December 2024 1:56:19 PM
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Hi mhaze,
If it is of any comfort to you I stopped having covid vaccinations a couple of years ago. I made that decision after my own experience of covid after two shots. On the positive side I cannot remember having had a cold since getting covid. Is that a coincidence? Is it related to having covid, being vaccinated, neither or both? Medical statistics are generally complicated and expensive to define accurately. If rna vaccines were killing people like Fentanyl I wouldn't think there would be a cover up. Posted by Fester, Monday, 23 December 2024 2:01:13 PM
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"I'm not for a second attacking the "concept of vaccination". What did I say that would give that impression? But the argument that this or that vaccine worked therefore everything labelled a vaccine works, fails on first principles."
I cant even remember now the exact reasons why I never bought into the Covid, maybe it was based on the content I'd subjected myself to previously, (maybe George Webb's research) maybe it was because I believed it was an experimental vaccine or maybe it was because right from the start I never bought into the bat / wet market story. I do remember George Webb saying the ventilators would kill you. I remember the push for us to be the most vaccinated nation. The way that all this fear and blame washed over everything. And I remember the way they tried to blame unvaxxed people like me, and the many average people who were saying we were the problem. It was madness. But I always stuck to my guns. If I went back through my comment history, I'd probably find the answers, but one thing for certain I know I said: And that was that I wasn't against the science of inoculation; - That I was essentially against unsafe vaccines. I remember saying 'These are untested and they are not even vaccines' - They won't prevent you from getting Covid, they are a gene therapy. As much as I tried to draw my own line in the sand however, I never tried to force anyone to act as I did, it was all about 'allowing people to make their own choice'. I recognised that especially on this forum, particularly amongst older Australians with weaker immune systems that they might be better taking the vaccine, we all remember the deaths in nursing homes. It was a bit like voting, trying to figure out the lesser evil, - for each persons individual situation. But Iwas always 'I don't want Covid, and I don't want the vaccine either. I didn't trust either of them or what we were being told. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 23 December 2024 7:12:58 PM
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No-one ever claimed for vaccines to be 100% effective for everyone. Human bodies react different. Some benefit some don't & some have adverse reaction & even die. The majority benefit. The proof is in the overpopulated Planet !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 5:22:01 AM
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Kudos guys
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 6:23:17 AM
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"No-one ever claimed for vaccines to be 100% effective for everyone. "
Well in fact, as regards the covid vaccines, that's what they did claim. You'll find plenty of examples of pollies and medical spokesmen saying only the unvaccinated will die. But in fact they were 100% ineffective as regards their initial claims. You'll recall that the vaccine mandates were put in place because, it was claimed, that the vaccine stopped people getting AND transmitting the virus. We know know that neither of those claims are true. And we now know that the manufacturers knew they weren't true and didn't even bother checking to see if they might be true. They lied. What the vaccines do is reduce the effects of the virus once a patient contracts the disease. That's it. They don't stop you getting the disease. They don't stop you transmitting the disease to others. They just help you to recover once you get exposed. And if you're in the group most at risk - the aged and the immuno-compromised - the vaccine still isn't all that useful. If those people get the virus they are given additional anti-virals to try to combat the effects. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 12:46:32 PM
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the aged and the immuno-compromised -
mhaze, The very old are expected & they themselves expect that any such virus can be the end for them. The immuno-compromised more often than not lead lifestyles either voluntarily or bad luck that put them at serious risk. The vaccines certainly failed to rectify stupidity ! Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 3:59:19 PM
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I saw something the other day, maybe some link to some study
- Said that covid shots had maybe 15 times (don't quote me) the amount of adverse events than any other vaccine. I also saw something else that said vaccinated people were more likely to get covid than the unvaccinated. The covid thing really is a deep rabbit hole, and you need to be pretty smart to understand it all, ACE2 receptors, spike proteins, gain of function stuff, I remember reading / watching some stuff on it years ago, but it was above my pay grade. Maybe if I'd spend a little more time on it I may have understood better. Finally something we can agree upon mhaze, which is good for a change. As far as I can see everything you've stated is correct to my knowledge. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 24 December 2024 9:28:24 PM
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"Data assembled by the government of the United Kingdom now proves unequivocally that getting the jab during the COVID panic was a very bad idea. It did less than nothing to prevent you from getting the virus, and in fact significantly increased your chances of dying." "The immuno-compromised more often than not lead lifestyles either voluntarily or bad luck that put them at serious risk. The vaccines certainly failed to rectify stupidity !" Mrs mhaze is immuno-compromised. She has cancer is on chemo. There is an element of stupidity here but Indyvidual should look closer to home to find it. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 5:16:23 AM
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The ‘aboriginal problem’ is constantly revved up, not by aboriginals themselves - most of whom look after themselves - but by wet, troubling-making whites.
The leading wet, trouble-making whites are the race-obsessed Albanese government, whose ‘answer’ to the imagined problem is to throw more borrowed money at it. This cannot go on. The International Monetary Fund has warned Albanese against making more ‘cash splashes’, following the news of a projected $27 billion blow out derailing economic growth, which now seems to be non-existent in Australia. Inflation will continue, and growth is a thing of the past - except in the area of mass immigration, an attempt to cover up the Albanese government’s economic incompetence. Identity politics, treating people differently, is the road to ruin for all of us. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 December 2024 7:42:17 AM
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Is the Old Fart, claiming the Covid vaxx turned people into aboriginals? Seems from his last post he's off with he fairies again. Earth calling ttbn, come in space cadet, where are you?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 26 December 2024 4:53:16 AM
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Thanks ttbn.
I liked the bits on "throw more borrowed money" (Tax payers money is trusted to the government to provide services to the Tax payers, not as a junket fund), and the recent report from the IMF. I was listening to the report from the IMF on the Albanese Financials on ABC radio the other day between the rolling reports on Africa and European Colonialism (defund the ABC). Interesting perspective. Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 26 December 2024 9:25:16 AM
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It's a pity that I put it in the wrong thread! On mhazes's thread, I would disagree only with "uncontrolled". It was controlled alright: we were definitely controlled, and we will be again if Australians insist on voting for the same controllers. I still see daft people driving around, on their own, wearing masks; and many people will fall for the latest news about umpteen people going down with Covid. I note that Bill Clinton was hospitalised with an unnamed respiratory disease (sounds scarier if unknown). Turns out he had the common old 'flu. In my dotage, I am now expected to have a regular 'health care plan appointment' on top of all the 6 weekly ones to see if I'm still living. I thought we were over Covid hysteria, but I still get the offer of a booster, which I decline. Big Pharma has put itself on top of the 'public enemy list' with its big money-making, useless vaccines for Covid; and their latest offering will be just as useless as all the others. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 26 December 2024 10:04:07 AM
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"Mrs mhaze is immuno-compromised. She has cancer is on chemo.
There is an element of stupidity here but Indyvidual should look closer to home to find it." I'm truly sorry to hear that mhaze. Do you think it was related to the vaccines? I'm sure there are many stories like this being swept under the rug. I'm sorry for gloating and saying 'I tried to tell you all' if that came across as being insensitive to your situation. I wish both Mr and Mrs mhaze my sincere best wishes and a full and complete recovery. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 December 2024 11:04:46 AM
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Thanks for that AC but all is well.
Mrs mhaze has had this cancer since 2021. She was on chemo before the vaccine came out and was already immuno-compromised at that time. Under normal circumstances I'd have rejected the vaccine when it came out. But due to my wife's state, her specialist advised that if she caught covid, there was little chance she would survive. So we went into ultra-isolation and I did all I could to ensure I didn't bring the dreaded virus into her realm. Part of that was getting the shots on the basis that I'd prefer to take the risk than risk her. These days she still has traces of the cancer but its fully under control. She remains on periodic doses of chemo which in turn means her immune system is less than good. But with the advent of the anti-viral medications, getting covid is no longer a death sentence. Indeed she was diagnosed as having it a year ago but the anti-viral meds knocked it over in days. A full recovery is no longer on the cards. But she's no worse today than she was a year ago and the specialists are confident they can keep the cancer under control indefinitely, provided we are sensible. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 26 December 2024 12:22:20 PM
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The very same people (Medical Scientists) who treat Cancer sufferers are the ones who experiment with vaccines etc. Some experiments result in higher success rates than others but nevertheless, experiments they are & will be to the day they find ways to 100% satisfy everyone's need. Cancer studies never experienced as much hostility as the COVID studies although they might just as easily have a much higher failure rate than the recent Covid cases. I'm an uneducated bloke but I don't believe that anyone can produce a Wonder vaccine such as the radical Left expected & created such inexcusable disruption to society ! I'm convinced that some Covid sufferers were saved by the actions taken & some had severe if not fatal outcomes. I ask again, "what should we do when the next pandemic arrives?" Tell us now so we can avoid the senseless arguments from last time ! Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 26 December 2024 3:07:07 PM
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Merry Christmas and a Happy and relatively healthy New Year to Mrs and Mr MHaze and all the little MHaze's!
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 26 December 2024 3:55:47 PM
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Hi mhaze,
Well, please know that I was sending genuine and sincere best wishes for the best outcome possible. I'm sorry if I've been difficult driving you up the wall as we disagree on topics here and there over the years. Our regular disagreements aside, I do wish you and family well. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 26 December 2024 5:48:36 PM
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The far right Anti-Vaxxers and their extreme conspiracy theories. It all the fault of Big Pharma, Big Gov etc, maybe it is, who really knows. Its all part of their belief in the Illuminati conspiracy. AND who on here is leading the charge, no other than the Forums number one Trumpster, mhaze.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 27 December 2024 5:21:30 AM
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Our regular disagreements aside, I do wish you and family well.
Armchair critic, Same from me ! Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 27 December 2024 10:53:51 AM
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AC..."I'm sorry if I've been difficult driving you up the wall"
I wouldn't have it any other way. This site would be boring if it wasn't for the robust discussions. If we were all as civil as Foxy thinks she'd be if only we all agreed with her, there'd be little point being here. Besides, since I chase down almost all the links you provide it offers me a new insight into the topic at hand, even if I go on to conclude that those insights are rubbish. One thing leads to another and I end up with a better understanding overall. So rest assured that the conversations will be just as robust in 2025 as they were in 2024!! I wouldn't have it any other way. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 28 December 2024 7:52:49 AM
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"The far right Anti-Vaxxers and their extreme conspiracy theories."
Paul only thinks they're conspiracy theories because he can't understand the science or the logic behind the data. So sad. But we again see Paul's lack of comprehension. He thinks I'm an anti-vaxxer even though I've repeatedly said the opposite. I support almost all vaccines as long as they are voluntarily administered. I even support the Covid vaccine for certain groups of people eg the very elderly and the immuno-compromised. What I don't do, and this confuses Paul no end, is just accept the lies that the authorities put out about the Covid vaccine and covid in general. Paul likes to think of himself and a progressive warrior but he always ends up supporting big pharma, big government and big green. I'd venture that Paul is the most compliant member of the OLO family. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 28 December 2024 7:59:19 AM
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"what should we do when the next pandemic arrives?"
That depends entirely on what the pandemic looks like. Covid was an old person's disease. The elderly and the immuno-compromised were at significant risk. The middle aged (30-60) were essentially safe and those younger than 30 and particularly the kids, were effectively immune. If such a virus arrives again, we should isolate those in danger but allow the rest to continue to live their lives, hopefully catching the disease and building societal herd immunity. But not all viruses are like that. The Spanish flue for example, largely targeted the young 20-somethings for reasons I don't think anyone has worked out. The Hong Kong Flu of the 1970s had a different pattern again. So the starting point is to identify the at risk groups. This can be done quite quickly. In the case of Covid, the outbreak started in February 2020 in the west, and by mid-March some had already correctly deduced its patterns. But the authorities panicked and went into lockdowns. That was the wrong call and is generally agreed as being something we'd not do again under the same circumstances. So what to do? the main thing is to remain calm. We've been conditioned over the decades to think of mass deaths and societal breakdown. But remember that all thee pandemics are really just very bad flu and most people are either immune or quickly recover. The rush to panic is profound in government who don't want to be blamed for a single death and therefore want to over-react to be seen to be doing more than is necessary - even if it means invading civil liberties as happened with the covid lockdown Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 28 December 2024 8:17:47 AM
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Hi mhaze,
"If such a virus arrives again, we should isolate those in danger but allow the rest to continue to live their lives, hopefully catching the disease and building societal herd immunity." - What if it's a man-made virus and not a naturally occurring one? "But not all viruses are like that. The Spanish flue for example, largely targeted the young 20-somethings for reasons I don't think anyone has worked out. The Hong Kong Flu of the 1970s had a different pattern again." - Scientists are actively re-synthesizing these old viruses "So the starting point is to identify the at risk groups. This can be done quite quickly. In the case of Covid, the outbreak started in February 2020 in the west, and by mid-March some had already correctly deduced its patterns. But the authorities panicked and went into lockdowns. That was the wrong call and is generally agreed as being something we'd not do again under the same circumstances." - I agreed with the lockdowns, not so much internally but externally. We should've locked everyone out of the country, until such time as measures were in place to protect the vulnerable. We should not have had quarantine in hotels with shared ventilation, Put 1000 shipping containers with sliding doors and windows into a huge area away from populated areas; or portable buildings, even with a mobile tent hospital if necessary and protect those who need to be protected until we understand said virus enough to have the best plan in place if these people are to eventually become infected. Personally, this is why 'unity in self sufficiency' is a must policy, just the same as the government should have huge factories that can build portable building assembly straight off a production line. Not everything should be about profits. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 December 2024 8:39:37 AM
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Furthermore, I question the logic of introducing viruses deliberately.
Caliciviruses are a family of viruses that can infect a range of animals, including humans, and cause a variety of diseases. Some caliciviruses have been introduced to Australia and other countries for a variety of purposes, including: Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) This virus is also known as calicivirus and is used as a biological control to reduce the number of wild rabbits in Australia. The first strain, RHDV1, was released in 1996, and other strains have been released since. RHDV K5 is the latest strain and is only harmful to European rabbits Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 December 2024 8:41:59 AM
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That depends entirely on what the pandemic looks like.
mhaze, Precisely ! With Covid no-one had a clue yet the most clueless were the first to object to a common approach ! What have any of them contributed thus far to have the Nation reasonably ready for next episode ? Have any facilities been established to help with basic isolation ? How many masks have been stored in readiness ? What improvements have been worked on to public transport to reduce transmission ? The next Flu season is just around the corner, start stocking up transmission reducing articles & facilities ! Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 28 December 2024 6:01:59 PM
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'Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon drops a bombshell, claiming that the mRNA COVID "vaccines" were deliberately engineered to harm, disable, and kill, with the ultimate goal of reducing human fertility.' - Would you really want you and your kids to be the guinea pigs? Are you really willing to ignore someone with those credentials? Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 28 December 2024 9:44:43 PM
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Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist[1][2][3] and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention in 2020 and 2021 for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[4][2] The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists"[5] and "a key figure in the antivax movement".[6] Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco.[7][8][9]
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 December 2024 5:36:39 AM
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Of course that's what they'd say Paul.
ANYONE who had ANYTHING to say about those vaccines that urged caution was labelled as such. I was suspicious of not just the vaccines, but the virus as well, and that's the same line they would've said about me. - But I don't have that blokes credentials. 'false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines' I stated clearly on this forum I wasn't against the science of inoculations, but against unsafe vaccines. So many side effects from this vaccine, and they were giving advice to jab newborns. They spread a lie it came from bats and a chinese wet market, it's since come out that it was man made, so there's your 'false and unfounded claims' (from the authorities themselves), and it certainly wasn't safe, many people had horrible side effects and some even died within days from it. Do this - Google 'covid vaccine and menstruation' and you'll find this: "Menstrual delay, prolonged menstrual duration, heavy bleeding, and early menstruation were more common in women than prior to receiving the vaccine (P < . 05). More than half of the women experienced menstrual cycle changes after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine." The fact that it has an affect on many women's menstrual cycles actually lends credibility to his claims. And what does it say when nurses and hospital staff wouldn't even take it? Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 December 2024 7:31:38 AM
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I can tell you one story Paul, one of my own family members was a really high qualified nurse at the Mater, her dad got sick (lives in Warwick) she went out there, he was on the edge of death, looked at his chart went off her chops at the hospital staff out there, they were taken aback and almost called the police and threw the family out of the hospital, (till they found out who she was) but she stopped them from giving him certain treatments, saved her dads life. She left her job rather than take the vaccine, and she was on damn good money - along with many others who did the same. Anyone who 'simply urged caution' was 'going against the science', 'going against the official narrative' and labelled a heretic that was putting others at risk. I remember things well enough. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 December 2024 7:32:35 AM
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I just posted the comments above
- then I look up on the TV and there's a bloke on the abc morning news channel 24 talking about 'women, covid and fertility'. Flick on the abc, the segment will probably be replayed in a while. The Pandemic’s Untold Fertility Story 'Long COVID is snuffing out some patients’ dreams of having children, sharpening the pain of loss, grief and medical neglect.' It's about bloody time, that all you people who followed the governments advice to the letter, actually own up to the fact that people like me who urged caution WERE NOT WRONG to do so. We've been proven right. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 December 2024 7:44:06 AM
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Look at this: You can buy a single use (like new) 20ft shipping container for 3K. Put a 4K battery and some solar panels on the roof, (10kw battery is more than enough) an air-conditioner, TV and a help button, some temp fencing and something to cover the roof to reduce heat - isolate people at risk and build a field hospital. This is what should've been n place before we let foreigners into the country, and it could've been done FAST. - Not put people up in hotels with shared ventilation. Give those at risk fresh country air, sun to kill the virus and enough medical staff on hand to manage any emergency situation. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 December 2024 7:58:12 AM
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The reason why the Chinese are winning, is because they do more with less, and the west does less with more.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 December 2024 8:00:38 AM
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Armchair Critic,
It's all down to mentality ! In a Demographic where greed is good you get what we have. Where Demographic focusses on harmony you get what Australia had before Whitlam's Labor ! Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 30 December 2024 7:15:18 AM
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What you perceive as "good" is nothing more than conformity to you social norms, and your way of thinking. As some old octogenarian white fella you are in a small minority that think like you, hankering for the "good old days" to return. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 30 December 2024 9:00:29 AM
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Cheers for always proving me right ! Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 31 December 2024 7:20:57 AM
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"Precisely ! With Covid no-one had a clue yet the most clueless were the first to object to a common approach !"
Completely wrong, indy. Firstly those who objected to what became the common approach didn't do so UNTIL they had sufficient data to realise that the "common approach" was uncommonly bad. In my own case (and I was just building on what others had already come to realise), I didn't start raising questions about the lockdown mania until two months into the pandemic (so-called). They collected the data and then offered alternatives to the lockdown mania. Some places followed that lead (eg Sweden) but most didn't and many tried to suppress any data that showed the lockdowns were failing. Only now is it clear that those opposed the lockdowns were correct. "Have any facilities been established to help with basic isolation ?" None. They aren't necessary. People will be, as they should have been last time, isolated in place. As New York found out, the worst possible thing to do is put at-risk populations in lockdown facilities. Its a sure fire way for the virus to take out those in the at-risk group. "How many masks have been stored in readiness ?" None. We now know that the mask were at best useless and at worst, a vector for the virus. "The next Flu season is just around the corner, start stocking up transmission reducing articles & facilities !" The next flu season is always just around the corner. Why panic this time. Were you panicking in 2019? OR 2018 which was a particularly bad flu? Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 31 December 2024 1:00:26 PM
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Were you panicking in 2019? OR 2018 which was a particularly bad flu?
mhaze, I was concerned that those many who escaped north would infect us too & a few did get sick but generally, here in the country people did wear masks & stopped socialising for a few weeks. I have no idea & won't make any claims if that helped or didn't but I & others who refrained from visiting larger towns or were prevented from doing so didn't have any ill effects. I get my annual flu shot & since I started I haven't had the flu. I used to get severe flu whenever the onslaught of new people started every New Year ! Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 31 December 2024 7:46:22 PM
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Covid was & still is & will be again a huge issue to deal with. Covid 19 was merely a test run but the next round will sort things out way differently. The many who are led to believe vaccination is a failure & even dangerous will be screaming for treatment. These people should now be asked to state their stance so that they can be but at the end of the queue & help a smooth running of the show.
Their Medicare Card could have a symbol of a for or against vaccination. As it is literally impossible at this stage to have a 100% positive vaccine for all we must accept adverse reaction for/from some. Start thinking about ways to deal with it now, don't wait till it happens again in a few months ! Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 3 January 2025 6:11:02 AM
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Hi Indy
"Precisely ! With Covid no-one had a clue yet the most clueless were the first to object to a common approach !" - Many like me on the conspiracy fringes smells BS and urged caution right for the start, it's the reason I've never had a single Covid vaccine, or a covid test either. Not that it saved me though, I'm pretty certain I did get Covid though, twice but it was firstly at the end of the pandemic when basically everyone was getting it, and herd immunity was the order of the day, then I got it again a few months after that. Hi mhaze "Only now is it clear that those opposed the lockdowns were correct." - I saw internal lockdowns as somewhat necessary measure to protect the vulnerable, but my position was basically recognising a difference between internal lockdowns (what you're opposed to) and external lockdowns, (as in stop letting every foreigner fly into the country) I objected to the continued risk by allowing foreigners to fly in when it was well known there was a global pandemic, we relied on WHO advice and they did nothing, even when it was reported for months and in known to have been found in some 100 countries. (That's a guess I can't remember the exact number) They were protecting corporate profits at the expense of the average worker. Many who were sick couldn't afford to take time off, and just spread it to every man and their dog. And by the way I told you 2 years back. Watch for H5N1. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 January 2025 7:52:35 AM
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Armchair Critic, So, what steps will you take ? Will you refuse the vaccine or will you accept it ? What community action do you recommend now ? Do you think masks will help ? Should the authorities prepare us now or as usual wait till it's all upon us ? What should Airlines do now & what precautions should be taken for mass travel & gatherings ? Or again as per usual will we have to contend with conspiracy disruptions & hindsight experts ! Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 10 January 2025 11:06:06 AM
So, this is by way of a community service announcement….
Significant levels of residual DNA have been found in samples of vaccines used in Australia, just as they were previously found in samples in the US, Canada, Germany and France.
A large international group of qualified professionals have raised concerns about the vaccines and called for their discontinuation, pointing out that they were never tested as to their ability to block transmission; had “unprecedented levels of reported side effects” which varied based on the batch received; excessive levels of foreign DNA.
Cancer experts are reporting disturbing increases in cancer rates among previously cancer-free patients after receiving their booster shots. Senior medical experts and scientists are alarmed at the rise of aggressive tumours in people who have received the boosters.
Respected scientists are calling on the government to rethink their covid vaccine approach.
New figures out of the UK (using data not gathered in Australia) shows that nurses and health officials are avoiding the covid shots after they’ve seen the increase in reactions to those shots.
It’s a personal decision as whether to get the shot although there was a time when the government tried to force people to take it.
This is some of the data I’ve seen….
There are lots of links within those links to also follow.