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The Forum > General Discussion > The Cashless Society & Rip Offs

The Cashless Society & Rip Offs

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You posted; "If no cache is allowed" what is this cache? a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.

Regardless of what choice about "those filthy electronic gadgets" you choose to make is your business, its no reflection on me. I have never wished you dead, although at one time on this forum you stated the World's population should be culled by 97% or about 7.5 billion people. Your death will help reduce the number. If you are going to make outrageous statements, at least make them honestly, and don't be a liar.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 September 2024 8:12:49 PM
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Dear Paul,

«You posted; "If no cache is allowed" what is this cache? a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.»

Oops, my spelling error, it happens: I meant cash.

Caches are mostly found on computer CPU chips and computer motherboards: a cache is a temporary storage, a copy of commonly used sections of the computer's memory so they can be accessed faster.

«although at one time on this forum you stated the World's population should be culled by 97% or about 7.5 billion people.»

No, I never suggested that the reduction in population should be implemented by culling anyone - it should rather be done by a moratorium on procreation.

«I have never wished you dead»

You took this too literally, perhaps because you have not read my earlier post, which was the context of my statement:
you probably do not want me dead, but your wish to abolish cash, if fulfilled, would likely bring about my death.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 September 2024 11:13:11 PM
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I know you meant cash. But, as always, there is one poster who will use any opportunity to make a personal attack on another poster. Responding to the barely-literate idiot only makes him worse.

On the actual topic of a cashless society, we older people have to accept that that people of our generation are not respected in our society, and that our own generation is as silly on the subject as the rest of them. Many old people live their lives vicariously through their grandchildren, and think that they are tech-smart. That’s why it's mainly older people who get scammed.

You should stick to your guns, and bugger the know-alls, and the particularly nasty, non-contributory oaf.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 9:40:30 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,

I posted an observation on the way social change is heading in regards to everyday consumer financial transactions, and that is definitely in favour of "card", I did not offer any opinion one way or the other. My preferred option is for both, as it generally is now. However, if the decline in the use of cash continues then its inevitable that cash will simply progressively disappear. The government will decide to remove cash from common use.

Your use of the word "cache" (not a typo for cash); not knowing you, I simply assumed you might be some sort of 'Doomsday Prepper' with a cache of supplies in anticipation of Armageddon. I consider you more intelligent than some bed wetting Old Fart, but that's no recommendation.

p/s I do enjoy our exchanges, but I don't wish anyone dead, not you, not even a bed wetting Old Fart who is well past his use by date, not that he ever had one.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 6:15:11 PM
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Thank you Paul,

«p/s I do enjoy our exchanges, but I don't wish anyone dead, not you, not even a bed wetting Old Fart who is well past his use by date, not that he ever had one.»

At least an old fart like myself can no longer do any further damage, like what I had to do for money when I was employed and considered useful.

This is why I support UBI (Universal Basic Income) or similar mechanisms that sever the hard connection between employment and survival, so that people will only be working in industries/roles which they themselves consider helpful to others.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 6:41:22 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,

Old Fart is an "ism" in my book, its a person, regardless of age, who is regressive, thoughtless, insensitive, intolerant, insecure, living in the past, wanting to wind back to clock to a bygone era. A person of 25 could qualify as an Old Fart, totally regressive, as could some old bed wetting octogenarian, but not necessarily. I don't have a clue as to your age, and I don't consider you suffer from Old Fartism.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 7:09:35 PM
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