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Peter Dutton Says He Is Not Racist.

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I believe Woke and Marxists are the biggest racists as they want to destroy all races and make everyone the same especially white people. But Woke Marxism is a threat to everyone and the worlds peoples need to marginalize their toxic ideology.

Isn't it the Woke and Marxists that decry the "sending down system" (that Doog appears to be using to besmirch Dutton) and yet it has been used extensively in Marxist countries in China and Soviet Russia to kill those with a moderately different point view.

Maybe people will be listening to Doog and will make an assassination attempt on Dutton (sounds similar to comments made by Paul1405, not sure about Foxy, but it might be good to parse Foxy's comments for inciting against what Woke/ Marxists consider "FAR RIGHT" or "EXTREMISM" yet within the law). (I can see Doog, Paul1405, Foxy begging Graham Young to remove their content before the AFP produce a subpoena, but there is perhaps little risk due to the bias in the current political/ legal environment).

100 Million people have been killed based on Marxism which seems to have very similar goals to Wokeism even if they deny some of the more extreme genocidal methods of Marxism.

We have seen creeping Woke policies but many are unable to see the links between contemporary Wokeism and Marxist Communism. As an exercise take a woke principle and it's often not hard to find a communist comparison to this woke principle. One principle is "equality of outcome" as opposed to "equality of opportunity".

It seems that Doog and Paul1405 are complicit in a culture of death similar to Marxism because they seem to be promoting similar principles.

Just because someone hypothetically denys Marxism and Communism doesn't mean that they aren't Marxist or Communist when they follow the principles of Marxism and Communism.

We have seen the result of Marxist Communism.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 19 August 2024 1:37:41 AM
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You give too much credence to this author. She/it/he originated from a long line of simple peasants in Moldavia stretching back thousands of years.
Their language is barely distinguishable from cow chook pig and geese, the animals they slid around with inside the one room hut on the mud floor they jointly shared were somewhat advanced to the shepherd!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 19 August 2024 7:55:05 AM
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Hi CM & dd,
I can't even remember how I got to use that term. I must have heard or read it in the dim past & when I was confronted by this opportunistic hypocritical git, the term sounded jovial for city dwellers i.e. like rabbits milling around in concrete warrens.
Suddenly, it became racial & aimed at Aborigines which confused the hell out of me because I spent the bulk of my life in indigenous communities & never heard the term there. There are no massive buildings housing anyone & everyone lives in a decent home. I was the one who was shoved into old broken down houses whilst I & others build new homes & general infrastructure for the locals. We hardly ever benefitted from it because as soon as everything was completed we were moved to the next project & a repeat cycle. Many times I wished I could have claimed indigenous status to enjoy similar benefits. Despite being side-lined socially we're still referred to as white racists by those who benefitted the most from our activities.
Our resident Amoeba fits the mould of racist hyprocrite perfectly. My guess is that he/it would fully approve of the several break-ins & thefts we exoerienced.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 19 August 2024 8:17:47 AM
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mhaze...Love it ! Zali could contact the relo's and get a heap of roast (organic of course) chooks dropped off and invite all the nice Hamas sycophant/sympathisers around for a big "welcome to country" barbie in her backyard ! :)
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 19 August 2024 9:32:27 AM
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gets no government benefit for being Aboriginal, still working in her 70's.
Sounds like a straight-out lie to me !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 19 August 2024 9:59:25 AM
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"Pauline Hanson without the personality." has been the
way some have described Opposition Leader Peter Dutton's
comments on banning all refugees from Gaza. Many MPs
have condemned his Gaza visa stance.

The Opposition leader says he refuses to be a "punching
bag" after saying he doesn't believe people fleeing from
Gaza should be allowed into Australia.

I think it's a pity that this has come down to labeling
and name calling of each other. But I guess it is inevitable
with politics. Attempts will continue to be made- to
call each other out - and try to stir. If only our
politicians and commentators
would look at the comments they make that foster fear and
hatred against not only minority groups but each other.
It's an outmoded tactic reminiscent of the days of the
Cold War when words like "racist" "Marxist", "kraut"
"Jap" "commie" and so on were popular and described the
enemy. It's unfortunate that for some this terminology
has lasted even though the Cold War has been over for
over 30 years.

It would be much more productive to look at policies and
see what can be improved in that area instead of resorting
to just name calling and labelling.

The PM and the Home Affairs Minister have said that the
screening process is the same now as it was under the Coalition
government. If Mr Dutton objects to the screening process
and finds it inadequate - he should say so - and suggest an
alternative process instead of a ban.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 August 2024 10:08:25 AM
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