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Can Russia Ever Become a Democracy?

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No European imperial powers have managed to retain their
empires in perpetuity. Why would Russia be any different?

Putin extended his rule by another two six year terms in
2020. Russia has emerged as an unabashed dictatorship.
Putin is at the peak of his powers.

Can this change?

We saw in 1917-18 and in 1991 teutonic shifts can take place
in the blink of history's eye. Can there be a potential
fracture and destabilization in Russia?

Do future generations have a right to a better future?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 3 August 2024 11:28:21 AM
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Russia can see how Democracy doesn't work so, why should they bother ? Unless of course, the proponents of Democracy actually believe the moral & societal decay in democratic countries is something to aspire to. Are the current Olympics not enough for some to see ?
The economic imbalance in democratic countries really is not what Democracy is all about. Too many have no idea that Democracy is not achievable & is on par with Net Zero ! A handful of parasites doing exceptionally well does not translate into a successful society !
A real Democracy wouldn't have homeless & drug addicted people nor would it be possible for multi millionaire bureaucrats to thrive by being parasitic !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 3 August 2024 2:47:24 PM
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Damn. You've knocked it right out of the park Indy.
Nothing for me to add at this point, I'm kinda speechless.
Great Job, I'll leave it for now and come back later on. [smile]
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 3 August 2024 3:59:58 PM
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Russia had two chances at democracy in the 20th century.

In 1917, in the months before the Bolshevik revolution
began. And again, in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed.

As long as Russians see themselves as subjects of their
ruler - Russia's democratization cannot take place.

Only the Russian people can decide if their next chance at
democracy will be more successful. The challenges that would
face a post-Putin Russia appear even more daunting than those
that the country faced with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It is difficult to see what would move Russians to
take the first steps to
transform their country into a multi ethnic democracy.
They would have to examine their recent history and abandon
their imperial delusions.

Only a Russia that owns up to the crimes committed in the
name of empire can hope to begin to reconcile with its
neighbours and earn their trust. Imperial thinking implies
domination over others, competition with neighbours, and rule
by an emperor.

As long as Russians see themselves as subjects of their ruler
things are not going to change.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 3 August 2024 4:41:16 PM
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This argument reminds me of Noah and the flood, or of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hasn't it always been the case that autocratic rulers say that other nations and their people are degenerate, destined for oblivion, whilst all the suckers in the autocracy are steaming toward a golden age? Oh yeah, and all the limited freedoms, oppressive laws, large military, weapons and secret police are necessary to protect their riches and great way of life from envious outsiders.

What I wonder is whether it is easier to maintain an autocracy today than it was in the past. Unfortunately nations like Russia demonstrate that it is still possible.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 3 August 2024 5:30:38 PM
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Who cares! Whether or not Australia remains a democracy under increasingly Lefist politicians in both major parties, and 2.5 million unaccountable bureaucrats is what Australians should be worried about, not Russia.

Many Australians are already accepting creeping totalitarianism for money, too stupid to know that the more governments “help” them, and keep them “safe”, the more those governments control them. And, when the money runs out, they fools are still controlled, but much poorer.

Government is already moving to control what we can say, what we can view, and what we can read. They are determined to bring in digital ID so they can track us, and remove cash so that they can control what we spend and how we spend.

The ruling class is encouraging victimhood and helplessness.

They are dividing us with mass immigration and multiculturalism so that is no major group to fight back. Divided we will fall.

They want as many kids as possible in “early learning” so they can brainwash them. They want teachers to encourage children to keep secrets from their parents. Next step - inform on parents. The majority of teachers and teachers’ unions are Leftist zealots, themselves carefully brainwashed to pass Marxist values on.

The judiciary, business and union leaders, billionaires, celebrities and even the military are involved in propagating Marxism.

One of the biggest offenders in the march to totalitarianism is the media. Climate nonsense; the Voice; pro-Palestinianism; gender dysphoria, the lot.

As for our Judaeo-Christian values, they are also being forced out. It took, amazingly, two Muslims to speak out against the Olympic Games insult to Christianity: Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei proclaimed on X that “ respect for Jesus is ‘an indisputable, definite matter for Muslims’” : and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan condemned the opening ceremony as a “disgusting’ affront to humanity’s sacred values and an insult to the Christian world”.

Not a peep from our bumbholes.

Nevertheless, there is always a useful idiot crank who wants to rabbit on about a country we are starting to look more like every day.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 3 August 2024 6:50:26 PM
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