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Assange Freed Aust Bound

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Hi Banjo Patterson,

My issue isn't about the topic Tucker Carlson was discussing.
Many topics are difficult and contentious, and some people always like to frame a topic in a way that suits their own biases.

My issue is the attitude of the interviewer;
They act as though they are personally more relevant and important than the person being interviewed.
I don't like the open disrespect.

It's like they put their hand up to ask a question, and then act like a verbal hitman just waiting to ambush the person they are talking 'at', as opposed to 'with'.

I'm not specifically defending the Tucker Carlson content.
- Though I do think he makes a reasonable argument - people aren't wanting to have kids as much and the government and big business is making up its growth and profit targets by importing people.
We even import people to work at a rate we wouldn't even pay our own citizens to keep certain industries viable.
- But that's going into the topic itself, and my real issue here was the attitude and demeaner of disrespectful journalists, and their hitsquad interview techniques.

I can laugh at toilet humour.
But I can't laugh at the way these 'journalists' handle themselves.
It's disrespectful, sad and pathetic.

I don't even like that Alison Langdon from A Current Affair.
These type of people come across snarky and snippy and it's just cringeworthy and horrible to watch.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 6:43:24 AM
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AC wrote: "Israel can go right ahead and attack Hezbollah and see what happens for all I care.'

As I pointed out earlier, his predictions are almost universally shown to be astray. But not only does he get the future wrong, he also gets the present wrong as well. You see, its actually Hezbullah attacking Israel at the instructions of their Iranian sponsors, but he won't understand that.

"13 thousand lost just last week - killed or critically injured"

AC just makes these things up and then convinces himself they are true. There is simply no way that this number is true, even if anyone actually knew how many are dying on each side. But the fact that Putin needs to sell out his country to get a few North Koreans as cannon-fodder, suggests things aren't going all that well for the Russians. As are things like the fact that they've likely abandoned Sevastopol as a haven for their vastly depleted Black Sea fleet, and that Ukraine's drones are now hitting ammo dumps well inside Russia.


For information deprived Paul who refuses to believe anything that doesn't fall in line with his daffy ideas...
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 July 2024 9:51:07 AM
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Talking about books and profits?

Many politicians, journalists, and others, have made attempts
to tell their stories via book publishing. Some have
been successful, others not so much. It's inevitable that people
want to tell their side of the story. And if profit can be
made - I guess that's a plus, as well as being good for one's
ego. On the other hand it the attempt bombs - as with "Lazarus
Rising," - not so good.

Trump's the "Art of the Deal," is very revealing. As is "The Trial
and Persecution of Julian Assange." Most of the books are
available from local libraries - so they are accessible.

The more we research, the better informed we can be.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 July 2024 10:12:58 AM
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My apologies - I got the book's title about Assange
wrong. Here it is:

"The Trial of Julian Assange: A Story of Persecution,"
by Nils Metzer.

Google Books tells us that :

"Nils Metzer is the UN Special Rapporteur on torture.
He uncovers a systematic campaign to persecute Assange.
Metzer reveals that Assange has faced grave and
systematic due process violations, judicial bias,
collusion, and manipulated evidence."

"Assange has been the victim of constant surveillance
and threats. Mitzer has also gathered together consolidated
medical evidence that proves that Assange in prison has
suffered prolonged psychological torture." Like spending
23 hours daily in solitary confinement.

"Mitzer's compelling investigation puts both the UK and the
US states into the dock showing how through secrecy, impunity,
and crucially public indifference to unchecked power reveals
a deeply undemocratic system."

We're told that _ "furthermore the Assange case sets a
dangerous precedent once telling the truth becomes a crime,
censorship, and tyranny will inevitably follow."

The book should give us all food for thought.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 July 2024 10:39:45 AM
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Russia Unleashes Mayhem On Ukrainian Forces, NATO Weapons; '13000 Dead In 14 Group Strikes'
Jun 22, 2024, 02:36PM ISTSource:

"The Russian Defence Forces, in its weekly report, claimed that Ukraine suffered heavy men and machinery loss during the last week. Russian military claimed that over 13000 Ukrainian soldiers have been eliminated across the frontline while 37 others have surrendered. Defence ministry said that Russian forces also destroyed several tanks, vehicles including - U.S.-made Himars, German-made Leopard Tanks, French-made Hammer Guided Bombs - to name a few."

The FABs are having significant impact on hostilities.
So much so, the Ukrainians are moving Patriot systems close to the front to try and intercept them, and the Russians are shooting down the Patriot missiles.
A normal 155mm artilery shell has a 7kg charge.
These FAB3000's are satellite guided 3 ton bombs with wing kits that allow them to glide 40 miles to their target.
The Ukrainians are being killed and critically injured at around 2000 men a day.

I think there are a few battalions who are refusing to obey combat orders.
The fighting ranks are increasingly made up of 60+ year old men and 18 year old kids.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 6:33:17 PM
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If you all want to watch a really thought provoking discussion about the state of things, I recommend this.

I watch a lot of good videos, but this one is really good and it's for everyone.
It'll make you stop and think about where we are really headed right now.
It's about our ideology, we need to be conscious of what we're actually doing.

Liberal Hegemony and War - Prof Glenn Diesen at FOR
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 8:48:36 PM
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