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The Forum > General Discussion > Roll up. Roll up. Get Your Drugs From The Greens

Roll up. Roll up. Get Your Drugs From The Greens

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Dear Paul,

If I understood you correctly, you still believe that it is OK for states to tell people what they may or may not consume and what they may or may not produce - only that telling people what they may not consume is not very effective/practical, so you rather have the states concentrate on the production side?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 16 June 2024 7:50:52 AM
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“Rubbish” describes all your squawking. You think that rubbishing other posters is going to shut them up. You rubbish conservatism as being something shameful, when conservatives are proud to be such and see it as the only thing that can combat Green Left communism.

I note that the Greens had their vote halved in the EU elections. And they are more ‘normal’ than the Australian lunatics.

Statistics show that even the under-24s moved to the right.

I don't have to supply any evidence of a statement by someone else. The evidence of the Greens wanting to deal in drugs is on their own websites. Hard drugs have been made legal by Greens in ACT.

What ‘works or doesn't work’ with illegal drugs is beside the point. The Greens have decriminalised drugs in the ACT; the Greens want the federal government to flog drugs to addicts all over Australia.

The policing of drugs in Australia is just as effective as the policing of any other crimes committed. There will always be crime.

The dangerous Greens’ idea of legalising crime is ridiculous and as threatening to society as all their other whacky policies on everything.

You can't bullsh.t your way out of this one.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 June 2024 9:33:15 AM
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I find it passing strange that the left want to legalise via regulation drugs like cocaine while at the same time launching a jihad against the entirely safe, and often therapeutic, vaping.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:12:44 AM
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Its very clear that the war on drugs is a failure and has been both clear and a failure for many decades.

Even back in the 1990s I was reading books from law-enforcement officials in the US saying the war was lost and needed to be stopped. So my own view is that there ought not be any restrictions on drug use - or more precisely the restrictions ought to mirror those of alcohol.

We ought to have a system where drugs of all types can be freely bought and sold by regulated businesses and the quality of those drugs be thoroughly vetted and verified by appropriate agencies - just like alcohol. Like alcohol people would be restricted as to how much they could consume while doing other activities - eg driving.

The result would be that the illegal trades would disappear overnight. Prices would stabilise and the strength of the drugs controlled. Its estimated that 30% of all law enforcement is devoted to the war on drugs. That 30% could be reallocated to more fruitful and necessary endeavours. Its estimated that home insurance costs would fall by 37% if the crime associated with maintenance of drug habits were to cease.

All this would be predicated on governments and other organisations ensuring the populace were fully appraised of the dangers of drug taking - just as we do with tobacco. But, in a free society, once a person has all the required information, they ought to be free to put whatever they want in the body. "My body, my choice".

But it'll never happen. There's massive graft and corruption in the system around drugs and the powers that be don't really want to see an end to that.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:27:36 AM
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I hope it will "never happen".

Booze is bad. Smoking is bad. So, let's have all other drugs on the go as well. Of course people who don't do drugs now because they are illegal won't try them out and get addicted - much!

People thinking along those lines are just as mad and bad as the Greens.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 June 2024 11:49:26 AM
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The human brain takes 25 years to mature.

Economist Peter Smith reckons that Greens’ brains are stuck at 12 years; Laborites stuck at 16-17 years, and wet Liberals at 18-20 years.

Arrested development is responsible for the wackadoodle ideas around these days.

Examples of these ideas are the NDIS, Bowen's delusion about renewable energy, and now, the 12 year old Greens idea for the government to become drug pushers.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 June 2024 1:40:15 PM
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