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The Forum > General Discussion > Is witchcraft dangerous to young children?

Is witchcraft dangerous to young children?

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And ever noticed the way those orange pointed cones bounce back when someone runs over them?
Making an isssue of HP and other like matters will only increase the curiosity about such things. Present the book as it is intended to be presented, say "This is a story. It is not real. It is meant to be good fun." and the child will accept that. Tell them it is bad and they will want to know why and go on a journey of exploration into darker issues. The real problem is not HP but the people who oppose HP.
Posted by Communicat, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 12:14:14 PM
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Gibo: "Buddha, Allah, Confucious, wicca, new age, etc are all demon distractions from God and Jesus Christ. Its all about the Man Who Was On The Cross"

Did you ever stop to think, that such hostility toward other faiths would be the hallmark of an evil faith? Wouldn't a loving god be much more tolerant of other beliefs?
The god you describe is a nasty one, quite frankly even if I did believe in it, I'd want nothing to do with it.

Fortunately, any god I could believe in, wouldn't be so petty as to require fawning belief from the masses, nor would it require such stupid ritualism.

As for your experiences with demons, I suggest you see a psychologist, or stop taking hallucinogens - preferably both.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 12:48:48 PM
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While I support most of your comments re witchcraft it is unlikely to win any support from those who can't share a biblical world view. Most can't and won't even agree that killing the unborn (a satanic act) is wrong. The enemies greatest trick has been to lull the wise of this world into believing he does not exist hence the mocking and scoffing. Most are so in love with their sinful lives that they have been blinded by the god of this age (the devil) into even acknowledging the spiritual world. Many however are happy to be involved in astrology and other demonic activity because it does not require them to look at their conscience.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:22:08 PM
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You just want an argument TurnRightThenLeft. Sorry...Ive said what I wanted to say about being-solely-for-Jesus, as being it for christians. When you give your life to Him you will understand.
I mentioned about witchcraft being the "great door openner" to demon powers. Whole communities can also do this "door openning" thing not just the kiddies seduced by satan and Harry Potter. Sometime ago, in a small country town in the New England region of NSW, some occult- inclined people on council and on the tourist association decided to build for themselves (apart from the general local desire) a standing ring of stones Stonehenge-style above their township in a position high on the hill as witches would build a ring of stones if they were sending out curses upon the christians of that community...and to start up a celtic festival in order to celebrate their celtic festival. As time passed more and more occult folk came into the community until eventually local police were finding chicken carcasses at the standing ring of stones site. Local police decided to kept it quiet, probably because of the tourism thing; and maybe some of them were occult-inclined as well. Thankfully, thanks to a few committed christians, it all eventually came out in the local media (a good editor too) and now The Lord has a chance to clean up the demon activity on that area and to lift the demon oppression off the local committed christian churches. *If we give glory to long-God displaced civilisations it opens doors for witches to gather; and for those witches and warlocks to call in the demon powers. Sacrificed chickens is a classic sign of an "open door" to evil spirit powers and activity... into that one small community.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:27:34 PM
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runner - I decided a long time ago that compassion was based on understanding.

In all your posts, I've yet to see an example of either. I pride myself on having a strong conscience and morality. This conscience and morality is based on what I know to be right, not age old superstitions - but because you're incapable of understanding what lies beyond your superstition, other people's morality is worthless to you and you reject it as inferior to your own.

That saddens me, because the foremost thing that is wrong with this world, is people who are so tied to their beliefs they can't accept others - and you and Gibo are a prime example of people who are so far gone, you can no longer interact with the vast majority of people in this world.

Whilst you're sitting ensconced in your own little ritualised belief set, there are thousands upon thousands of other belief systems out there - all just as convinced as you that they are blessed by whatever divine mandate they follow.
Most however, are at least a little more willing to see the flip side of the coin. But you see that as decadent, so you're busy riding your high-horse, insulating yourself against these others.
It's quite strange, because that's about as far from the Christian ideal as I can imagine. Then again, I suppose seeing as these words are coming from an unbeliever, it's easy for you to simply dismiss them.

And as for witchcraft... hell, for the majority of people out there, this argument is so stupid, there's no need for rebuttal, so I'll leave it at that.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:37:05 PM
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"Sacrificed chickens is a classic sign of an "open door" to evil spirit powers and activity... "

.....or a sign of a very nice picnic.
Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 1:49:35 PM
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