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Is witchcraft dangerous to young children?

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Gibo, the only threat to children here, is from people who take witchcraft seriously.

I'm far more worried about people such as yourself, who feel the need to rave about demons and the dangers of the occult.

Do you seriously believe that Harry Potter represents some kind of malignant occult temptation? The fact that you, and others like you, earnestly seem to think so is far scarier than any tale about wizards.

Harry Potter is fictional. I sincerely hope that is also the case with your sentiments.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 17 September 2007 5:00:39 PM
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Harry Potter is one of the best things that has happened to young (and old) kids in years - the resurgence of interest in reading is something we need to value.
The books are not great literature (and I do not think JK Rowling would claim they were). They are imaginative and good does overcome evil. People who do not want children to read Harry Potter (and other fantasy) are denying them access to a rite of passage of childhood. Their popularity has little or nothing to do with witchcraft and everything to do with humour, humanity and the human condition.
There is actually very little "witchcraft" in the sense of "wicca" in the books.
Posted by Communicat, Monday, 17 September 2007 5:27:21 PM
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Its a wise society TurnRightThenLeft that takes witchcraft seriously. The next step up, or should I say down, is satanism and all over the world the satanists are killing. I believe there are statistics in the US and the UK that show that after pagan and witchcraft festivals there is an increase in missing persons in those areas the festivals were held in. The Harry Potter books and films are drawing the children over into future relationship with very dark men and women who do ungodly acts. Some of those children will become victims of covens later on. *Its not the stories and Harrys' cosy relationships with his companions thats the trouble...its the witchcraft practices in the books and films that satan wants the kids to copy...the great door openning practices that allow the demons access to the childs mind. The author Rowling admits being "impressed" by the Harry Potter themes proving to me that she has a history of witchcraft communication with evil spirit powers. I know of christian folk who have seen the dark spirit beings (Ive seen them myself so I can give testimony as to the truth) and who have done many battles against satan in demonic attacks. Committed Christians know through first-hand experience all about evil spirits, where as the non-christian simply drifts through life blinded as to their existance. My knowledge comes from contact and warfare. I know what Ive seen and have gone through. Christian bookshops have many books on demons. Many testimonies.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 17 September 2007 8:56:59 PM
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Gibo, you may have "seen the dark spirit beings", but have you actually read any Harry Potter books or seen the movies?

My 10-year old is actually right into HP right now, and I can attest to the series' capacity to get kids reading - in the context of competing activities like gaming, video watching and net surfing. I agree that it's not particularly great literature, but neither is it the nexus to the demonic netherworld in which some crackpots apparently believe.

It's interesting that the same kinds of people who are paranoid about Harry Potter also tend to be phobic about other cultures and religions, while proclaiming their own decidedly odd beliefs.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 17 September 2007 9:33:47 PM
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Sure CJ Morgan, Ive seen two Harry Potter films. How could I possibly write about Harry Potter and his witchcraft practices if I didnt have first hand knowledge of the material and what the kids were getting sucked into. I saw The Prisoner of Azkaban then The Goblet of Fire. The Goblet of Fire film was a quantam leap in darkness from the Azkaban film. Its was satanic and blasphemous. My experiences with evil spirits began back in the early days of my Christianity, though there was one incident before I came to Jesus. I was asleep one night in my bedroom when my mind suddenly openned (Gods warning of a demon approach, I believe) and I saw this long, black creature with bright shining eyes come in through the sleepout/verandah door as if the door wasnt even there. The next second I was being smothered and desperately having to fight the creature off. Three times I resisted with all of my strength before it left. This type of attack happened many times after I became a born again christian and I saw several other ugly mantis/ant type creatures during that period; before the attacks faded. For a longtime I thought I was the only christian who had had such attacks, but I wasnt. Demon attacks on active, committed christians are common though not all christians get them. They are mainly designed to frighten one away from good christian works. Satan cannot kill without Gods Permission. For their own sakes christians have to be one-eyed about other religions. Its Jesus or nothing with us people. No on else but Jesus was on the Cross for our sins but Jesus Christ. Buddha, Allah, Confucious, wicca, new age, etc are all demon distractions from God and Jesus Christ. Its all about the Man Who Was On The Cross. No other Blood was ever Shed for us.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 8:44:13 AM
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Those pointed orange cones they use to redirect traffic. Such blatant skullduggery should not be allowed.

Got to dash. My fairy godmother has just pulled up in her pumpkin carriage and the unicorns still haven't had breakfast.
Posted by chainsmoker, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 11:13:01 AM
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