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Now here is a Puzzle re the Terrorists and the Russians

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A couple of weeks ago a meeting of the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, Qatar and a group of Islamic
terrorist organisations met in Moscow and formed a "Technocrat" Government.
A string of letters was given for the terrorist organisations but I
did not see one I could identify as Islamic State. Hamas was present
but is to be an unattached member.

Is it possible that the attack in Moscow yesterday was a pay back for
interfering in Islamic terrorist business.
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 23 March 2024 10:12:53 PM
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"Is it possible that the attack in Moscow yesterday was a pay back for
interfering in Islamic terrorist business."
- If you're asking that question then one would assume you've already bought into the 'American narrative'.
How did the US know within one hour who it was and who it wasn't?
18 months later and they don't know who blew up Nordstream. [Grins]
If they have intelligence they should hand it over the the Russians.

What have the Russians themselves actually said about things?
Why even waste your time giving a US narrative more than a pinch of salt at this point?

Don't members of ISIS usually martyr themselves?
They don't usually head straight for the Ukrainian border.

Does Ukraine not have a pattern of terrorist attacks against Russian citizens?
Does the Ukrainian leadership - many of whom have a fondness for NAZI ideology - not have past history in targeting Russian civilians, both in the Donbass for the past 8 years until Avdeevka was recently captured, and bombings and assassinations inside Russia against civilians?

If the answers to the above questions are yes, then why be so quick to listen to what Russia's adversaries say in the middle of a war between these parties?

Best to wait and see what Russia says in the wake of these captured men.
Too soon to rush to any judgements.

Here's a bit of stuff to dig into, might be relevant.
Crocus Center Legacy Of CIA And MI6 Compromises On Trump Since 2009
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 25 March 2024 8:04:24 AM
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The US argument ?
Not sure it is relevant.
The most significant event has been the formation of a formal
arrangement between the Russian government and the Terrorist organisations.
Why do you think they have done that ?
One later report said the terrorists were not heading for Ukraine but Belarus.
One prisoner interviewed by the Russians said he was from Tajikistan.
It is all a bit murky at present but in light of such a recent pact
being formed with the Russians Islamic state might have been upset
with the Russians interfering in their business.
Islamic state published the body cam video of the attack.
No one can at this time make definitive statements about the attack.
Of course the Ukrainians would be under suspicion, but they have
rockets that can reach Moscow so why bother with a risky operation ?
At this time it is time for conjections, not definitions.
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 25 March 2024 11:04:08 AM
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Well it didn't take long for AC to totally buy every morsel of the Putin narrative.

The US was warning its citizens abut a possible terrorist attack in Moscow several weeks ago which is why they knew who 'dunnit'.

Russia has been pissing ISIS off for some time now and even now they are leading attacks on ISIS's Syria forces almost daily, killing numbers that would make the IDF blush. But we don't hear about that because Arab deaths only matter to the usual suspects when they are killed by the evil 'Joos'.

Putin will of course try to hide his shame at ignoring the threat of attack by the Islamists and try to boost his nation's waning support for his war by implicating Ukraine. That there's little to no evidence won't matter, especially to those pre-disposed to just believing whatever propaganda comes out of the Kremlin.

That said, ISIS and its ideology are a stain on humanity and anyone involved in obliterating them is doing the world a favour
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 25 March 2024 12:23:42 PM
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Ah yes Mhaze, I had forgotten about the Russian war against ISIS in
Syria. It gets very murky. I am surprised that there been no talk on
the BBC let alone the ABC about the Technocratic government setup
by the Russians and the Palestinians and the Terrorists.
What is that all about ?
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 25 March 2024 9:59:14 PM
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"Well it didn't take long for AC to totally buy every morsel of the Putin narrative."
- I've barely even read the news on this yet.

Jihadists martyr themselves mhaze.
These people were headed strait out of Moscow towards the Ukrainian border.
Russians followed them, and when they realised beyond any doubt they were headed to Ukraine, pulled them over and detained them in an unpopulated area where there would be less chance of harm to civilians.

And it should be noted, that there is no way they could cross the border into Ukraine, unless an agreed safe zone for them to cross had already been arranged with the Ukrainian military.

So yes, this was a terrorist attack with which the Ukrainian military had prior knowledge and involvement in.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 10:30:32 AM
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Hi Bezza,
"It gets very murky. I am surprised that there been no talk on
the BBC let alone the ABC about the Technocratic government setup
by the Russians and the Palestinians and the Terrorists.
What is that all about ?"

Firstly, you need to understand that 'terrorist' is a western word when applied here.

Which countries recognise Hamas as a terrorist organisation?

Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, Argentina, Paraguay and Israel.

The Global South, which constitutes far greater population than the countries above does not consider Hamas a terrorist organisation.

Heard of China, India, Africa, Russia?
Even Indonesia has nearly 275 million people
Only 50 million less than the US.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 10:59:22 AM
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Speaking of terrorism and what is and what isn't.

UNRWA, complies will all the LEGAL definitions of a terrorist organisation.

Albanese via Wong has just resumed giving your taxes to a terrorist organisation!

The Albanese government just gets worse and worse. And there is nothing to replace them with.

Australia is in a much worse state now than it was in the 1970s, when Xavier Herbert wrote, "Poor Fellow My Country".
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 11:15:30 AM
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"These people were headed strait out of Moscow towards the Ukrainian border."

Says Putin, trying very hard to convince the anxiously gullible, that it was Zelensky wot dunnit. No surprise that AC buys it.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 12:09:30 PM
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Armchair said;
"Firstly, you need to understand that 'terrorist' is a western word when applied here."

Not exactly as it appears in the Koran where moslems are encouraged
to make war and terror on the infidels.

"“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)"

Other similar verses and are quoted by the immans everywhere as the
Koran can not be changed to make it more acceptable to the modern day.
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 12:44:34 PM
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"Koran can not be changed to make it more acceptable to the modern day."

No religions can be changed to make them more acceptable to the modern day.

So the Pastor is standing at the pulpit, talking about how King David was slaughtering every man, woman and child; and that a man that sleeps with another man is an abomination and should be put to death...

Bible ain't ethical either, it teaches hate.
You want to ban religions, be my guest.

It don't change the fact this attack in Russia was about Ukraine, not angry jihadists.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 26 March 2024 3:35:20 PM
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"No religions can be changed to make them more acceptable to the modern day."

I guess AC never heard of The Reformation.

"It don't change the fact this attack in Russia was about Ukraine, not angry jihadists."

Well ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the attack. But what would they know?....they're just stupid Arabs, eh AC?
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 1:15:04 PM
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Well I guess we will have to be careful what we say on here.
The governments E-Safety commissioner is now active.
She went after someone who put something on X & had it removed.
On Sky News tonight they took legal advice on whether they could
show the X Post. The post was about a Trans woman or was it a man, I
am not sure, anyway the complain was that the X post misgenered it.

Appears that if you do not remove a post the fine is $80,000.
So if you post here that Israelis are so & so-s you could have the
commissioner after you, or rather Graham Young may have her after him.

Might be an idea Graham for you to advise us on the legal position.
Who elected these lunatics ?
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 27 March 2024 9:50:35 PM
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'Starvation cult' massacre horrifies Kenya as bodies identified

"And I wonder how my child, my daughter, could change to be such an animal to kill her own children just because she wanted to go see Jesus."

Theo O Ebonyi: Nigerian pastor arrested over allegedly swindling followers of $1m

Nigerian pastor sentenced to life imprisonment for raping church member

TB Joshua: ‘We thought it was heaven but then terrible things happened’

Yes because religious people, especially Christians are always decent honourable people...

"Well ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the attack. But what would they know?....they're just stupid Arabs, eh AC?"
- They admitted to being paid and ran straight for the Ukrainian border.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 March 2024 10:56:18 AM
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Putin has now called LGBT activist terrorists. That should cause a bit of foaming at the mouth among the oh-so-nice-and-tolerant.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 March 2024 12:42:39 PM
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I seemed to have changed my mind. I think that Israel should move
everyone up north and those holding hostages above ground be offered
their freedom unless they committed crimes against their prisoners.
With the tunnels sealed off offer food in exchange for hostages.
If they refuse start flooding the tunnels slowly.

That will present an ultimatum that no one could negotiate.
It might risk the lives of the underground hostages or are they
already negotiating over dead hostages ?

Hell, how can Armchair support that lot ?
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 28 March 2024 4:01:29 PM
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Hi ttbn,
Well we know that Russia isn't fond of gay people or their lifestyles, preferring to place an emphasis on family.
I'm not certain they have it in for every single gay person, I think it's the gay 'movement' they oppose.
- The one that wants to normalise and celebrate gay people, and then attack non-gay or religious for their more traditional family oriented lifestyles.

So I think it's more about protecting their current culture of family, and they probably see the gay movement as a western attack on their culture and values, than it is specifically a Russian government attack on gay people.
One might even say the current policy in Russia reflects the feelings of the people.

The West would argue this is a 'human rights issue' and not an issue that's up for debate within the citizens of a nation themselves, unless they are agreeing to liberalise gay rights further.
"Although sexual activity between consenting adults of the same sex is legal, homosexuality is disapproved of by most of the population and pro-LGBT advocacy groups are deemed extremist and banned. It is illegal for individuals to "promote homosexuality" and same-sex couples and households headed by same-sex couples are ineligible for the legal protections available to opposite-sex couples."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 March 2024 4:04:09 PM
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"Hell, how can Armchair support that lot ?"

I must look at the situation differently to many of you.

I've already openly stated on the forum that I'm not keen on multiculturalism as a 'movement' in Australia, and that I'm not keen on the rise of Islam, and related potential for Islamic extremism...

So why do I support 'that lot'?
Well firstly lets be clear, I don't support Hamas, I'm not Islamic.
- But I do support the right of all people to live free from oppression and persecution, this includes the right of Palestinians to live free from Israeli occupation and to have their own state and self determination.

In that statement above, I'm opening up to you my logic.
- And that is I see this endless conflict more in a context of human rights, than a battle of two religious ideologies, but I certainly understand that two separate religious ideologies exist.

Let me put it another way, take religion away from both sides of the argument, what's left?

On one side you have a group trying to steal land.
On the other side you have people fighting for respect, decency, justice and dignity.
The right to have their own state, and decide things for themselves free from foreign interference and persecution.

You could foolishly portray this as all being religious, on on some level you'd be right
- But even without religion the current situation would still ensure there would be conflict, and that's why it's an issue of human rights first and foremost.

If Israel can't state it's borders and Palestinians can't have their own state and self-determination, then Israel will face resistance and retribution as long as the current situation continues.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 March 2024 4:35:23 PM
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"They [the Moscow terrorists] admitted to being paid and ran straight for the Ukrainian border."

"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said the men who allegedly attacked the Crocus music hall in Moscow on Friday were initially headed to Belarus, not Ukraine — contradicting a previous claim by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We placed our units on high alert to prepare for a combat situation,” Lukashenko said at a Tuesday press conference. “As a result they were unable to enter Belarus by any means. Recognizing this, they diverted their course and headed toward the Ukrainian-Russian border.”

Belarus says they weren't Ukrainian operatives. ISIS says they weren't Ukrainian operatives. But Putin says they were Ukrainian operatives while offering no evidence.

Guess who AC believes. The more things change.....
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 29 March 2024 9:15:28 AM
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I don't like alphabet groups, or any groups for that matter. Individuals are the important thing. You can like or dislike individuals, but groups are just a big blob, and they do generally act like terrorists, bullying and threatening, thinking that they will gain “respect”.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 29 March 2024 11:35:02 AM
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Well Armchair, I accept that you have your opinion, probably I assume,
because you believe that Israel's attack on Gaza was too severe.
If they did not attack so hard Hezbollah might have assumed weakness.
BTW, the Israelis offered a six week cease fire, some hundreds of
Gazaian prisoners released all for 40 hostages.
Hamas refused, they insist on an Israeli withdrawl.
They seem to in la la land.

Also it is the Palestinians who are the occupiers.
The Arabs are the invaders.
Koran tells them land once occupied by Moslems remains Islamic land forever.
This is why Europe is in so much trouble with Islam.
The war with Israel will be repeated with Europe. It must happen.
Posted by Bezza, Friday, 29 March 2024 10:36:50 PM
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Oh yes Albo is laying the foundations for the same war here.
What do you think that Opera House demo was all about ? Giving notice!
Posted by Bezza, Friday, 29 March 2024 10:41:56 PM
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Armchair critic- Perhaps the Russian and Chinese policy with respect to Gay politics is about creating an unmanned de-balled Anglo-European adversary. If the western mission is unmanned then their will be no one to fight and the Golden Horde can just trot into Western capitals and receive their "women and gold". But as the Russian's have taught us it's always possible to drive the green troop's forward keeping their eye's towards the enemy. It's better if they see their duty to their own enlightened self interest over being a free loader.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 30 March 2024 11:33:52 AM
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Russia is going to really start taking Ukraine apart in the coming months.

They are not just degrading the energy grid this time, they are destroying it completely.
When this war started the accuracy of Russian missiles wasn't particularly great, but after upgrades since the conflict started, they are now very accurate.
Ukrainian air defense is degraded to the point of non existent
(They've been dropping glide bombs on Kharkiv over the last week)

Also FAB3000s have gone into full production.
- Dont be at all surprised if Russia decides to take out bridges over the Dnieper, and leaves the eastern part of Ukraine without power.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 April 2024 1:23:10 AM
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The Russian media are now claiming that the terrorist attack was masterminded by Elon Musk using computer chip implants.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 1 April 2024 11:26:40 AM
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