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The Forum > General Discussion > My List Of What The Coalition Must Do To 'Get Back In'.

My List Of What The Coalition Must Do To 'Get Back In'.

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The coalition has a secret weapon in Albozo who single-handedly shows how frequently Liebor lies and has no intention to even try to keep its promises.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 1 March 2024 4:22:04 AM
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Unlike the NOALITION'S Trump Card...DUD DUTTON....sitting in Parliament making a total fool of himself. Don't forget if The Dud was to turn up his toes, then Squeaky Ley would be the next Prime Minister...what a thought! Would she be an improvement on an acting PM who is a drunken sod lying in a gutter somewhere?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 March 2024 5:08:55 AM
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What misinformation/disinformation is would be decided by the government. Censorship is the government's aim.

Taking away people's freedom of political communication, the misinformation and disinformation Bill is constitutionally invalid. It also goes against the ‘rule of law’ because it doesn't apply to all Australians equally. For example the government would be exempt, as would media and any individuals or organisations the government decided were exempt - government hangers-on.

It's the most totalitarian project the Albanese tyranny has on the books. And, don't forget, Scott Morrison was also keen on censoring us.

Both members of the political duopoly, plus the Greens, are 'enemies of the people'. The minor parties and independents are the ones to reintroduce democracy to Australia (until they get too big).

The two big party system is an elected dictatorship. Both Labor and the Coalition had their first preference votes reduced at the last election. They need to be reduced much more.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 March 2024 7:36:08 AM
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Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, has had a week in Europe banging on about the far Left Albanese government’s intention to impose the draconian Misinformation Bill on Australians this year. Why foreigners need to know about it is anyone's guess, as is why Australian taxpayers are paying for Rowland's trip.

We pause here to remind ourselves that the not-yet as far left Liberal Party under Morrison intended to try shutting us up, too.

Rowland has spruiked that everything about the Bill is transparent, but someone ratted on her and a secret letter she wrote to the PM revealed that she asked him to approve of powers to enable her PERSONALLY to investigate alleged ‘misinformation’; and he agreed. According to previous prime ministerial lies, that would be the job of ACMA.

The introduction of the Bill is still delayed because of the huge number of objections to it. But, the censorship, anti-freedom of speech Albanese hasn't given up on it.

Fortunately, and hypocritically it must be said, the Liberals are now against it. But there are still the Greens and other assorted lunatics on the cross benches and in the Senate who might - probably will - support it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 March 2024 11:22:43 AM
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I despise any politician who calls politics a 'game'. It is not, and never was, a 'game'. Politicians make decisions that effect our lives. How dare they even contemplate that being a 'game'. Just as that coward Andrew Hastie recently referred to it. (Yes, coward. He, among 9 others, ran from the chamber with their tails between their legs like the cowards they are, rather than vote at all, in the Same Sex Marriage vote. I have more respect for the 4 who stood up and voted "no".)

Personally I think that all politicians have to pass 3 tests before they are allowed to even apply to be politicians.

Q1. Are you a good liar?
Q2. Are you a total hypocrite?
Q3. Can you deny any responsibility for absolutely everything?

It is only when ethics and responsibility for their actions is enforced, can we ever expect the political system to improve. Until then, no politician is truly worthy of being PM.
Posted by Aries54, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:13:21 PM
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Politicians are supposed to be public servants. Many seem
to forget that. Of course there's the party hacks, the
seat warmers, the ambitious power seekers. But there's
also ones who enter politics to make a difference - although
these are few and far between. The Coalition needs to
remember what it is supposed to stand for. The party of
Menzies today is not to be found.

Unless the party transforms - it will not get re-elected.
The MPs need to listen to the people. The voters. And
not just each other.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:22:36 PM
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