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The Forum > General Discussion > My List Of What The Coalition Must Do To 'Get Back In'.

My List Of What The Coalition Must Do To 'Get Back In'.

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To regain government , the Coalition must:

. Slash immigration
. Dump Net Zero
. Oppose the Albanese 'misinformation' Bill
. Protect free speech
. Shun a digital ID
. Keep cash
. Fix the school curriculum
. Cut ABC funding
. Clear out "moderates"
. Get a new leader?

Of course, the Lefty posters don't want the Coalition to regain government, but do the rest of you agree/disagree? Do you have anything to add?
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 28 February 2024 1:19:38 PM
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Spot-on & add using the Peter Principle be made a crime.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 29 February 2024 8:05:21 AM
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The Coalition faces a slim chance of returning to power
for the next 2 decades unless it gets young voters on
board according to a new report from the Center for
Independent Studies.

The report says that younger generations consistently
rate climate change, the environment, and housing, as
the most important issues.

We're told that the Coalition has not put forward any
radical solutions to these problems. Also the widening gap
in economic security between generations, especially in
housing doesn't help.

The Coalition needs to lift its game with policies that will
attract more younger people, otherwise it will receive the
same shock that it did at the last election. The outmoded
tactics of only attacking the opposition no longer appeals to
many people.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 29 February 2024 8:25:31 AM
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Yes. The problem is that the way politicians are chosen in the first place means that they are going to be incompetent from the outset. They are already too incompetent to be promoted past the back bench. Albanese is a glaring example of that, and it seems that Dutton reached his peak as immigration minister.

The Coalition needs to come up with policies, not jog along with slightly watered down Labor policies as it is now. The list consists of new policies that neither side seems interested in, despite the fact that a good many voters from right and small ‘l’ left are crying out for them. Albanese is hard, hard Left and tyrannical, not caring what voters want; and Dutton has so far presented as a dill. The Liberals might as well have stuck with that other dill, Morrison.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 February 2024 9:23:31 AM
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Hopefully the Liberal party does not heed the CIS.

Young people with their knickers in a knot about climate change, the environment and trendy woke ideas have the Greens, the Teals, and Labor to vote for (until they mature and have to provide for themselves and a family). They won't vote Liberal in a fit, even though it was a Liberal PM who signed up to Net Zero, and his replacement is only a centimetre to the left of Labor on climate change and wind and sun power.

The Liberal Party has to return to its roots and to the working class and outer suburbanites that have all been deserted by Labor. They have to stop putting up wets in seats where very few people will vote for them anyway, and they have to discipline the wets within. The Birminghams, the Leesers, and a couple of the madwomen on the back benches.

Or, they could get out of the way altogether and let the Nationals - who didn't lose a seat at the last election - have a go.

I know why I no longer vote Liberal; and I'm sure that I know why thousands of other voters have also given them the flick. None of us wants a virtual one party state because the current drones in the party don't have the guts to stand up for them with sensible policies.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 February 2024 11:02:19 AM
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Dutton is a very good Minister but he'll fail as PM just as Abbott & the others failed. Dutton should focus on being a reliable Deputy PM where he can make a difference. If he goes for PM he'll hand a Labor mutt the job. He's let the Leftist media walk all over him in the ridicule department. Unless he hits back at them & is seen to hit back at them, he'll lose the election.
Bail up some of those idiot journalists & make them look as stupid as they are & he'll go up in the popularity stakes like Trent Zimmermann used to.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 29 February 2024 11:30:53 AM
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The NOALITION and their fearless leader Dud Dutton need to adopt ttbn far right One Nation style policies and watch their vote disintegrate to the same level as that of the Lovely Pauline... 5%. It would be an improvement, as the NOALITION'S only policy now is to say NO to everything that helps battling Aussies!

ttbn, you left one policy off....RING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 February 2024 3:36:37 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

«do the rest of you agree/disagree?»

Did you mean to ask us whether we agree that these measures are necessary in order for the coalition to regain government, or whether we agree with the measures in themselves?

I don't care who is in government - they all are evil anyway.

I agree with 5 of these measures.
I oppose 2 of the measures.
I am undecided about the other 3.

«Do you have anything to add?»

I could add 100's of other good measures, but I have neither a clue nor an interest as to whether these would improve the coalition's chances or otherwise.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 29 February 2024 5:26:33 PM
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They are the policies I think that the Coalition needs to push if they want to gain government. Do you agree or not? I can't think of another way to put the question. If I say that I would vote Liberal if they had those policies, would that be clearer? Or, not having any particular regard for the Liberal Party, should I have said that “a” party with those policies would get my vote? But, there are only two parties who can form a government in our system, and the other one will never have those policies.

Neither will the gutless Liberals, who are now small “l” liberals. There is little chance that my wish list will be realised. I'm one of the disillusioned conservatives, right wingers if you like, who has been effectively disenfranchised since John Howard made a fool of himself and lost his own seat.

In the meantime, don't be shy: which policies do you like, and which don't you like.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 February 2024 6:17:15 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

«They are the policies I think that the Coalition needs to push if they want to gain government. Do you agree or not?»

Thank you for clarifying: since I am not involved with party politics, I know very little about the subject, so please allow me to bow out of your question rather than having to make an ignorant guess.

«should I have said that “a” party with those policies would get my vote?»

Come elections, I always open the policy web-pages of all participating parties and read them carefully as if I never heard of that party (or independent) before, then I give them each positive marks for policies I support and negative marks for policies I oppose, then I add up the points and rank my preferences accordingly, from the highest positive to the lowest negative.

Naturally I have other policy issues in mind that are very important to me, so I give them more points whereas I might perhaps give only one point for the policies that are particularly important to you. From your list, though, I would give generous points for #5 and #6.

«In the meantime, don't be shy: which policies do you like, and which don't you like.»

I like the policies #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6.
I dislike policies #1 and #9.

I am undecided about #7 because I believe that government should not be involved in education.
I am undecided about #8 because I think the ABC has an important role in allowing citizens to be informed about current news (which includes changes in legislation and regulations that we are legally required to know about) and to obtain music without having to be exposed to unwholesome commercial advertising - but on the other hand, that is tax-payer's money.
I am undecided about #10 because I don't want to be subjected to any leaders, to any Big-Brother.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 29 February 2024 8:47:35 PM
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I don't think that the government should be involved in education either; particularly now when they are brainwashing and telling kids what to think instead of how to think.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 February 2024 10:33:25 PM
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Dear ttbn,


Whatever the government : left, right or centre - - -

We don’t need a law to combat misinformation in general. We need a law to combat disinformation in particular. Misinformation is false information. Disinformation is a deliberate lie.

People pass on information all the time without fact-checking it. There is no need to outlaw misinformation in general. That would be a waste of time and money.

A study carried out by Statista in 2023 found that 28.8% of all information circulating in the US, UK, Slovakia and Japan on politics, COVID-19, climate change, and war in Ukraine was false. Statista also found that 26% of Americans were very confident in their ability to recognize fake news.

So, let’s leave it at that.

The problem is to weed out the deliberate lies from the mass of false information that is constantly being defused in the media every day. That would already be a huge, difficult and costly task.

Why do people spread fake news ? Some do it for fun, as a hoax, to cause harm to somebody, for political or financial gain (computer cookies piggyback on fake news that spreads like wildfire), for fame, to gain more followers on social media, etc.

In Australia, 99% of adults use the internet, and yet – according to research from Western Sydney University, Queensland University of Technology and the University of Canberra – 30% of the adult population have low levels of media literacy. It’s 57% for those aged 56–74 and 75% for people aged 75 years and older.

Foreign interference is a major problem, including cyberwarfare and clandestine activities carried out by, or on behalf of, a foreign power interfering in our decision-making and political processes that negatively impact our values and democracy.

It’s not just by legislation that we can fix the problem. Maybe AI can help. We obviously need to make an effort to improve media literacy, not only for the 99% of adults who use the internet but for the rest of the population as well, starting at kindergarden.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 1 March 2024 3:40:21 AM
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The coalition has a secret weapon in Albozo who single-handedly shows how frequently Liebor lies and has no intention to even try to keep its promises.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 1 March 2024 4:22:04 AM
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Unlike the NOALITION'S Trump Card...DUD DUTTON....sitting in Parliament making a total fool of himself. Don't forget if The Dud was to turn up his toes, then Squeaky Ley would be the next Prime Minister...what a thought! Would she be an improvement on an acting PM who is a drunken sod lying in a gutter somewhere?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 March 2024 5:08:55 AM
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What misinformation/disinformation is would be decided by the government. Censorship is the government's aim.

Taking away people's freedom of political communication, the misinformation and disinformation Bill is constitutionally invalid. It also goes against the ‘rule of law’ because it doesn't apply to all Australians equally. For example the government would be exempt, as would media and any individuals or organisations the government decided were exempt - government hangers-on.

It's the most totalitarian project the Albanese tyranny has on the books. And, don't forget, Scott Morrison was also keen on censoring us.

Both members of the political duopoly, plus the Greens, are 'enemies of the people'. The minor parties and independents are the ones to reintroduce democracy to Australia (until they get too big).

The two big party system is an elected dictatorship. Both Labor and the Coalition had their first preference votes reduced at the last election. They need to be reduced much more.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 March 2024 7:36:08 AM
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Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, has had a week in Europe banging on about the far Left Albanese government’s intention to impose the draconian Misinformation Bill on Australians this year. Why foreigners need to know about it is anyone's guess, as is why Australian taxpayers are paying for Rowland's trip.

We pause here to remind ourselves that the not-yet as far left Liberal Party under Morrison intended to try shutting us up, too.

Rowland has spruiked that everything about the Bill is transparent, but someone ratted on her and a secret letter she wrote to the PM revealed that she asked him to approve of powers to enable her PERSONALLY to investigate alleged ‘misinformation’; and he agreed. According to previous prime ministerial lies, that would be the job of ACMA.

The introduction of the Bill is still delayed because of the huge number of objections to it. But, the censorship, anti-freedom of speech Albanese hasn't given up on it.

Fortunately, and hypocritically it must be said, the Liberals are now against it. But there are still the Greens and other assorted lunatics on the cross benches and in the Senate who might - probably will - support it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 March 2024 11:22:43 AM
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I despise any politician who calls politics a 'game'. It is not, and never was, a 'game'. Politicians make decisions that effect our lives. How dare they even contemplate that being a 'game'. Just as that coward Andrew Hastie recently referred to it. (Yes, coward. He, among 9 others, ran from the chamber with their tails between their legs like the cowards they are, rather than vote at all, in the Same Sex Marriage vote. I have more respect for the 4 who stood up and voted "no".)

Personally I think that all politicians have to pass 3 tests before they are allowed to even apply to be politicians.

Q1. Are you a good liar?
Q2. Are you a total hypocrite?
Q3. Can you deny any responsibility for absolutely everything?

It is only when ethics and responsibility for their actions is enforced, can we ever expect the political system to improve. Until then, no politician is truly worthy of being PM.
Posted by Aries54, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:13:21 PM
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Politicians are supposed to be public servants. Many seem
to forget that. Of course there's the party hacks, the
seat warmers, the ambitious power seekers. But there's
also ones who enter politics to make a difference - although
these are few and far between. The Coalition needs to
remember what it is supposed to stand for. The party of
Menzies today is not to be found.

Unless the party transforms - it will not get re-elected.
The MPs need to listen to the people. The voters. And
not just each other.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:22:36 PM
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Just to jog some memories as to why Menzies still matters:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:38:48 PM
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I can't say that I have heard a politician call politics a “game”, but I certainly agree that it is no game. Any politician who thinks that it is, is an immature, careerist nitwit who couldn't get a real job. And let's face it: to more politicians than not these days, politics is just a job. They don't give a toss about the country or the people they are supposed to be serving.

Hastie doesn't impress. He seems to be one of the “moderate” gang lead by Simon Birmingham, who also abstained from voting recently - can't remember on what, though. People like them stand for nothing but themselves. If they can't front up - preferably on matters concerning the people they are supposed to be representing, not on their own views - then they should get out; or, voters should put them out by voting for a person, not a party.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 1 March 2024 12:51:45 PM
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"It is only when ethics and responsibility for their actions is enforced, can we ever expect the political system to improve. Until then, no politician is truly worthy of being PM."

I agree.
I made a similar comment myself about 8 or 9 years ago when I first joined the forum.
During that period the politicians haven't made this country any better.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 1 March 2024 1:37:54 PM
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R.G. Menzies, born 1894, also known as 'Pig Iron' Bob, WWI coward dodged military service, believed others should do the fighting and the dying in his place, a true coward. Pro Nazi in the 1930's, supporter of the Japanese Military Empire, sell out of Australia during WWII, kicked out of office, exploiter of the worker, believing in 10% of unemployed to suppress wages, believed in exploiting working women as cheap labour. Sold Australia out to foreigners in the 1950's and 60's, dead in 1978. THAT WAS THE FOUNDER OF THE LIBERAL PARTY!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 March 2024 8:19:11 PM
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The CIS is a left-whinge mouthpiece that seldom produces anything of value.

As stated by Twiggy Forrest:

"I have to hold the Greens accountable here; the Greens might as well be the party for paedophiles, the party for child sex abusers – you're the party of human rights and you've forgotten the human rights of children, just call yourself the party for paedophiles."

From the SMH
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 2 March 2024 2:29:10 AM
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Dear ttbn,


Thank you for those interesting observations and insights.

The debate on what to do to protect our democracy and freedom of expression from cyberwar and disinformation once again raises the thorny question of the lack of human rights protection in our old colonial constitution.

Unfortunately, the Constitution was not designed to provide rights of any sort – not even the right to vote. As incredible as it may seem, this most fundamental of democratic rights, the right to vote for those who govern us, is not entrenched in the Commonwealth Constitution.

So, though we are no longer a British colony, the constitution does not require our federal government to protect those aspects of the independent nation it ignores : inter alia, our democracy and our human rights.

We must admit that it’s to its credit that the present government is doing what it can to devise some means of protecting our democracy and our freedom of expression from the onslaughts of cyberwar and disinformation.

These are relatively new technological developments and, as you point out, the current project may not be designed as well as it should and possibly entails many inconveniences that need to be eliminated before being tested and eventually adopted.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 2 March 2024 2:53:33 AM
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Has anyone else noticed the poster shadowminister has an unhealthy preoccupation with paedophiles and paedophilia on this forum, randomly posting about the subject at every opportunity, literally hundreds of times. There are those with very sick minds. Unfortunately this forum allows this type of behaviour, despite claiming "zero tolerance" on the subject.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 March 2024 5:10:08 AM
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I seem to have missed the Albanese government’s attempts to save our ‘democracy’, which has become more of an elected dictatorship. But, the misinformation/disinformation Bill indicates that they are doing just the opposite: the government and it's cronies can say what they like, but the rest of us can't.

The Morrison government would have been doing the same thing had it survived. All of our politicians are rotten to the core. I am no fan of the Liberal Party, which is pretty much like the Labor party.

I'm not barracking for a Dutton government. I listed the policies that they needed to get back in because they are the only alternative in our system. Perhaps I should have said the party I would like to see in government would have the policies I suggested - it doesn't matter what label they use.

The low first preference votes of both major parties indicate that Australians are fed up with them. We need something different. What that would look like is beyond me. We need people with vision, not a bunch of self-serving drones, there just because that are unemployable in the real world.

We need fewer politicians, and more elections, to keep them frightened of us.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 2 March 2024 7:15:23 AM
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"The low first preference votes of both major parties indicate that Australians are fed up with them." That's true, 40% of Australians want alternative choices, the DNA of the Big Two is very much the same, its emphasis rather than policy that differentiates them. The upsurge in the TEAL vote last election indicates Australians are dissatisfied, wanting to see a refreshed approach to politics from their elected representatives. There is much cynical scepticism about politics and politicians generally in Australia.

The NOALITION with its no policies approach does itself no good what so ever. Looking at the NOALITION front bench from Dutton down, its very, very weak, hardly a worthwhile alternative to Labor. Not that Labor's bunch are all that much better.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 March 2024 7:51:42 AM
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We need people with vision, not a bunch of self-serving drones
Yes, particularly among the voting public. The pollies only go bad because the voters are too demanding yet uncooperative.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 2 March 2024 7:57:51 AM
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As you say. Voters are responsible for the politicians we have. We are supposed to be their masters, not their servants. We need to vote more often and more intelligently. There should also be a limit to how long politicians can stay. Politics should not be a long-time career choice.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 2 March 2024 8:18:36 AM
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Nice list ttbn.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 2 March 2024 2:22:04 PM
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Has anyone else noticed the poster shadowminister has an unhealthy preoccupation with paedophiles and paedophilia on this forum...
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 March 2024 5:10:08 AM

Answer- Has anyone else noticed the poster Paul1405 seems to have "an unhealthy apologetic attitude to paedophiles".

Of course "NAMBLA" was an accepted member of the socialist umbrella group for eighteen years from memory- so it seems that it's very common for socialists to be apologists for pedophilia.

Woke/ Communists call paedophiles by the code language "MAP's" (Minor Attracted Person's) apparently this is a way of Woke/ Communists minimalizing paedophile psychological impact on children.

This makes the comment by Lenin "give me one generation of children and I'll change the world" all the more creepy.

Paul1405 from memory has admitted to being a member of The Australian Green's- many consider Green's to be "watermelon's" Communists with a Green Wash
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 2 March 2024 2:53:03 PM
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Talking about water melons?

Why do people with brains the size of peas have
mouths the size of water melons?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 March 2024 4:22:13 PM
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Canem Malum,

"Has anyone else noticed the poster Paul1405 seems to have "an unhealthy apologetic attitude to paedophiles".

I give you 24 hours to retract that statement.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 March 2024 4:37:14 PM
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Anyway... the following is interesting...
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 2 March 2024 11:15:44 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

Just a quick notice that I am unsubscribing from this discussion, so if there is anything else you like to know from me, then feel free to ask me on some other thread.

Once you clarified to me that the topic here is political parties (as opposed to policies), which is not a topic I am interested in, I don't think that I need to continue following here and having to read all these personal abuses between members, just in case someone still wanted to respond to my old posts.

Bye for now.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 2 March 2024 11:27:59 PM
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Canem Malum,

Well done, nailed it in one
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 3 March 2024 1:42:30 AM
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What I find so amusing is the left whingers on OLO advising the coalition to be more like Labor to win the next election. Does that include lying about everything?
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 3 March 2024 5:25:13 AM
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Nah, the NOALITION just needs to run a federal campaign like they did in the Dunkley by election. Dud Dutton was last seen running down the street with his pants on fire!

Great NOALITION policies;

1. Increase income tax for 85% of Australian taxpayers.

2. Cut wages to the absolute minimum.

3. Run up a trillion dollars of debt throwing cash at their mates down at the big end of town, see 1. for their solution,

4. Destroy 'Medicare' make health a user pay system.

5. Hike interest rates.

6 Kick Aussies out of their homes.

7. On everything else have no policy at all!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 3 March 2024 5:44:19 AM
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You should be a liebor Polly as you lie so often. You post your brain farts with no fact-checking at all just like Jono.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 3 March 2024 7:02:51 AM
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It's more lunatic than it is "amusing". To suggest that the Liberals should be more like Labor (they are getting that way without any encouragement) is actually to suggest we should have only one party, just like Communist China. Unfortunately, they look like getting their way, if the slack-arsed Dutton and his weak and watery "moderates" continue on their current course.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 March 2024 7:07:19 AM
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In the last 30 years, the coalition has been in power for 20 years and the last 7.5 years of Liebor has been one disaster after another accompanying lies debt and incompetence. The left whingers are in no position to lecture anyone.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 3 March 2024 8:12:52 AM
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True. But the Liberals are due for a lecture, not from the the loony left, but from those of us who have been completely let down by the Liberals since the days of John Howard. A reconstructed - and purged of wets - Liberal Party is the only hope against the increasingly Communist Albanese government, and the actual Communists, the Greens. There seems to be no chance of a genuine conservative party these days.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 March 2024 8:45:53 AM
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Labor kept its seat in Dinkley, Victoria.
A win, is a win, is a win.

This should rattle the Liberal tactics and show
them that simply attacking the government no
longer works. Tackling issues that are of concern
to voters should take precedence backed by policies.

Senator Keith Wolahan said the same thing. Unless
the Party changes its outmoded tactics - they will
continue to lose. And claiming that things are not
as bad as all that - is delusional. Reform and transform
or you won't succeed.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 March 2024 9:30:24 AM
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Anyone who missed "The Insiders "this morning can
watch it this evening on channel 24 at 7.30 pm.
The panel explains the Dunkley election results.
And what the Liberals should do to succeed and
"Get Back In."
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 3 March 2024 5:23:12 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Don't have to be a wiz-bang political analysts to realises the NOALITION is a pathetic offering as an alternative government. From the head down they appear a rather dopey bunch. The Liberal parties top three Dutton, Ley and Taylor, couldn't be worse.

The Dunkley by-election was there for the NOALITION to win, but the voters realised they are not worth voting for. The fact the two extreme right wing parties the Hansonites and the Palmerites didn't field candidates and the NOALITION picked up that fascists and red-neck vote, and claimed it as a swing shows how out of touch they are.

Off to Aotearoa for a couple of weeks, leave you to deal with the forums collection of old farts, and that couple of weirdos who get off on talking about paedophiles.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 3 March 2024 8:43:57 PM
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You are certainly not a whizz-bang analyst, you don't know your arse from your Albozo and his 40 thieves.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 12:36:54 PM
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The ABC advising Dutton on how to get back in. That's a joke.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 1:02:34 PM
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Talking about jokes?

Two weasels sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult
the other. He screams, "I slept with your mother!"
The bar gets quiet. Everyone waits to see what the other
weasel will do.

The first again yells, " I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!"
The other says - "Go home dad you're drunk."
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 3:03:40 PM
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Hi Paul,

Enjoy your trip.

Talking about all the petty arguments that come your way?
None of us have to stay and respond to rude, toxic, comments.
We should try not to retort by throwing insults back at them.
That's what they want. We should be adult enough to walk away
from the nonsense. Of course a sense of humour helps.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 8:53:18 AM
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As one female told an old bigot :

"Having a vagina doesn't stop me from believing that
my balls are bigger than yours."

In a society that profits from self-doubt linking
yourself is a rebellious act.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 9:20:58 AM
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My apologies - it should read - "liking yourself
is a rebellious act."
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 6 March 2024 9:22:35 AM
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Now back to the topic.

Perhaps we should also add to the list of what
the Coalition must do to get back in - the
issue of obesity in this country. Not many may realize
that obesity is a problem in Australia. Do we want to
become know as the "Fat Nation?" We live in stressful

When people are stressed many tend to eat ice-cream, cakes,
chocolate, and sweets because stressed spelled backwards is -

Seriously though - Do we really want people the size of
Clive Palmer in politics?

Bad for his health, and ours.

Emphasis on health programs and policies might hit home
for many people. Perhaps the Coalition could take a look
at the issues involved.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 7 March 2024 10:05:07 AM
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The ABC advising Dutton on how to get back in. That's a joke.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 1:02:34 PM

Kudos ttbn. Defund the ABC and close down the Woke Universities.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 7 March 2024 11:31:47 PM
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And you'll remain on the fringes forever.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 March 2024 9:15:55 AM
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It's not going to happen, unfortunately. The so-called right had 9 years to do it, and didn't.

I believe the BBC has had its funding cut.

In the meantime, the ABC and it's audience - e.g Foxy - get madder by the day.

Foxy's mania for comment on anything and everything, most of which she knows nothing about, tells us all we need to know about the ABC, where 99.9% of here twaddle comes from.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 March 2024 10:55:43 AM
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Correcting the twaddle:

The fact is that the ABC remains in Australia
the most trusted news source.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 March 2024 11:11:03 AM
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Seeing that only around 3.5 million out of 27 million Australians rely on the ABC, it could not possibly be the most trusted source of information, no matter what rigged statistics say.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 March 2024 12:18:38 PM
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ttbn- It's not going to happen, unfortunately. The so-called right had 9 years to do it, and didn't.
I believe the BBC has had its funding cut.

Answer- You have to set up the pins before knocking them down. But yes the Liberal's wasted some opportunity presumably in the name of fair play- sportsmanship- perhaps ALP's views on sportsmanship are similar to the Woke/ Communists, and Nazi's, and Vikings- mercy is for the weak. I think that the Lib's also reduced ABC funding. Probably they need to close the city offices of the ABC and leave the country ones and organize for the country offices to share content. They could use internet based sources for some of the footage.

ttbn- In the meantime, the ABC and it's audience - e.g Foxy - get madder by the day.

Answer- Fascinating the way that works.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 8 March 2024 12:28:40 PM
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The Liberals don't have enough animal in them to deal with the mad dogs of the Left. They are too gentlemanly, too concerned about people who are never going to vote for them. They need a real mongrel to rid us of the Albanese collective, and get Australia back on track. They don't have one of those at the moment.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 March 2024 3:01:25 PM
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This country does need trailblazers, people of
character, and thought provoking true stories. People
like Dr Lowitja O'Donogue who was farewelled at a state
funeral in St Peter's Cathedral in Adelaide today
honouring her life and achievements. The PM gave the

Very fitting on being held today - the International
Women's Day 2024.

May she Rest In Peace. And may there be others who shall
follow in her footsteps. Making Australia the country that
it has the potential to be - with the right leadership.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 8 March 2024 3:17:01 PM
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The woman will remembered for lying about being part of the 'stolen generation'.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 March 2024 4:47:35 PM
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Theresa Serber was born in Bar, Podolia Governorate, Russian Empire (present-day Bar, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine) on May 1, 1874, one of seven sisters.[1] Serber and her family were Jewish, and persecuted in Russia,[2] so they emigrated to the United States, settling in Lower East Side of New York City in 1891

Rosa's grandfather, Abraham Luxemburg probably lived in Warsaw before marrying Chana Szlam (Rosa's grandmother) and moving to Zamość.[9] Abraham built a successful timber business there, based in Zamość and Warsaw but with links as far away as Danzig, Leipzig, Berlin, and Hamburg; although coming from humble origins, he became a wealthy businessman with transnational connections who could afford to provide for his children an education abroad in the German Empire.[8][9] ... He was committed to Jewish emancipation, spoke Polish and Yiddish, and ensured that his children spoke these tongues too; it is unclear whether he took part in the November Uprising (1830–31) or not.

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

On 14 December Rosa Luxemburg published an article of policy in The Red Flag entitled "What Does the Spartacus League Want?" It stated:

(Note that the contemporary "Socialist Alternative" organisation also has a magazine/ website named "Red Flag" and participates in elections in Victoria Australia as the Victorian Socialists)
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 8 March 2024 8:14:51 PM
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Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 8 March 2024 8:32:37 PM
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Dr Lowitja O'Donogue - tribute paid to her remarkable
life, achievements, and power:

Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 March 2024 9:34:07 AM
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Ooops - I left out the - .com

Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 March 2024 9:38:25 AM
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Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 March 2024 9:42:59 AM
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I finally got it right (I hope):
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 March 2024 9:46:58 AM
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Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 9 March 2024 5:02:36 PM
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Dr Lowitja O'Donogue

Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 11 March 2024 5:10:58 AM
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Shadow Minister,

You ask -

Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue -


You're obviously not a student of history.

Ah well. History is who we are and why we
are the way we are.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2024 8:40:52 AM
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I looked up Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue. Apparently, she was a native activist. No actual achievements were on record which is why I haven't heard about her.

Has anyone else noticed the poster Paul1405 has an unhealthy preoccupation with paedophiles and paedophilia on this forum, randomly posting about the subject at every opportunity, literally hundreds of times with a very sick mind? this forum allows this type of behaviour, despite claiming "zero tolerance" on the subject.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 11 March 2024 12:44:45 PM
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Dr Lowitja O"Donoghue's achievements are quite a few and
are on record.

However, I can understand someone not being aware of
things that don't really interest or concern them.

For me, being on this forum has been very educati0onal.
I wasn't aware of the levels of ignorance that does

Also the levels of "bat-s-t crazy" that
exist. I wasn't worried about any of it previously,
I thought that no one knew this level existed.
And perhaps it was just a minority.
I'm now learning better very day.

Just take a look at Donald Trump. And where America
might be headed.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2024 1:15:40 PM
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Shadow Minister,

No. I had not noticed that about Paul.
Only about you.

Why are you bringing up Paul and pedophilia again?

Why are you concerned about Paul? What should concern you
is why you're concerned and interested in the subject.
You're the one brining it up - not Paul.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2024 1:19:47 PM
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BTW - As I told you earlier. Paul is on holidays with
his family.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2024 1:21:13 PM
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Shadow minister,

I've popped in to OLO and the second thread I look at you are banging on about paedophiles yet again.

Your projecting behaviour on this is so self evident it is textbook. And your partner in crime Canem Malum is coming a close second.

The both of you need to get some professional help now.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 11 March 2024 3:50:46 PM
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Foxy + Steelreflux,

If you haven't noticed Pauliar bringing up paedophiles then both of you either have selective amnesia, are lying or both. In which case both of you need serious counselling.

Generally, when Pauliar defames someone from the coalition I puncture his holier-than-thou ego by pointing out the criminals, racists and pedos within the senior ranks of the Greens party (though there are plenty in labor too)
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 12 March 2024 12:47:19 AM
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