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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't just remove Australia Day merchandise or change the date, remove the day!

Don't just remove Australia Day merchandise or change the date, remove the day!

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Woolworths has decided to no longer sell Australia Day merchandise.

Supermarket chain Aldi has also said it will no longer sell Australia Day merchandise.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is calling for Australians to boycott Woolworths and shop elsewhere. The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has stated people should buy a rack of lamb and enjoy Australia Day with friends and family.

One small business that sells lots of items under $5.00 has decided to keep selling Australia Day merchandise, but has suggested changing the date.

Instead though of expressing outrage over some merchandise, telling people to buy a rack of lamb or changing the date why not simply remove Australia Day altogether?
Posted by NathanJ, Friday, 12 January 2024 2:21:24 PM
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Rather pathetic really.
What would you replace it with. I have seen some weak suggestions.

What could replace the arrival of the First Fleet ?
The BIGGEST event in 65000 years !

Posted by Bezza, Friday, 12 January 2024 3:39:42 PM
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Coles is hoping to take customers from woke-riddled Woolworths by doing the right thing by Australia Day.

People who say "remove the day" should remove themselves from the country, self-hating, anti-Australia rabbits that they are.

This post is just Nathan embarrassing himself again.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 January 2024 4:22:55 PM
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What could replace the arrival of the First Fleet ?
The BIGGEST event in 65000 years !

Posted by Bezza,

Totally agree.
But the first fleet arrived 24 January 1788> the WOKE do not accept Australian settlement and claim the land was stolen not settled - that is why they call it invasion day. That millions of Australians past and present who became citizens on 26th Jan over the past years means nothing to the WOKE, they see them also as invaders. No date will satisfy those that believe the land was stolen, their claim that they settled the land over 65,000 years ago, their sovereignty has not been succeeded.

The Woke want to control your buying habits and thoughts and values. They invested heavily in the Voice which they lost by 62% but they will continue to fight their causes - "Australia belong to aboriginals". The land was stolen and genocide was warred on Aboriginals. All this taught in schools and Universities by Marxist teachers, as social injustice.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 12 January 2024 4:34:31 PM
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Why don't the wokies who think that their ancestors 'stole' the country bugger off to where those ancestors came from. They won't be missed, and will soon be replaced by immigrants who don't care about who did what to whom a couple of centuries ago. They see Australia as a good place to be, unlike a few pathetic whingeing commos would wouldn't know if their arses were on fire.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 January 2024 4:49:30 PM
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I don't consider buying a cheap mini-flag made in China to be pro-Australia.

I also find the Opposition Leader Peter Dutton calling for a boycott of Woolworths to be un-Australian, anti-jobs and anti-business. I mean think of all the hard working people there. They don't have any say on the decisions made by the store - and I certainly wouldn't want any losing their jobs from people boycotting Woolworths. I don't see why the staff there should be thrown into this debate.

I know people who work at Woolworths and they deserve to be treated with respect, including by Peter Dutton, Leader of the Opposition, not treated as some sort of pawn for political point scoring to get a few votes.
Posted by NathanJ, Friday, 12 January 2024 6:12:35 PM
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Dutton has got something right at last. Woolworth's nonsense is definitely “anti-Australian”.

People who work for Woolworths have nothing to do with the issue. Big Business does not consult shop assistants on the matter of corporate virtue signalling. The workers are likely to be as disgusted with their employer as are most other decent, sensible Australians, who are fed up with Big Business trying to drag down the country that gives it the opportunity to make billions in our capitalist free market system, while they, the businesses , act like communists as only the very rich can afford to.

The corporates have learned nothing from the spectacular drubbing the Voice they bankrolled received from Australians. It is they who lack respect for the rights and intelligence of the public.

Shareholders should, and probably will, have something to say to Woolworth's board at the next AGM.

In the meantime, customers have the ability to take their business elsewhere.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 January 2024 6:52:45 PM
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Before I even have an opinion I want to share this.
It really sums up the state of things in Australia well.

I don't support governments conducting sanctions on countries, but individuals have every right to a preference and to boycott businesses they don't like.
Too many businesses move away from their core product, to include some kind of virtue signalling crap.
Probably Klaus Schwab and his 'stakeholder capitalism'.

Foxy recently talked about banning symbols that can incite.
I wonder if the Aussie flag now falls under that category?
Will the government ban it's own flag?
They almost seem sympathetic to the idea.

"I also find the Opposition Leader Peter Dutton calling for a boycott of Woolworths to be un-Australian, anti-jobs and anti-business."
- I'm not sure how I feel about him saying it or advocating it, but really it's just individuals taking the grocery shop to Coles from Woolies.
Staff will always pay a price for managements bad decisions.
I don't have a problem with people voicing their opinion with their wallet.
Woolies are certainly not going to change their position unless there's some financial pain, as that's the only thing that matters to them.
This is capitalism and democracy.
If you don't like what one company is doing you're free to take your business elsewhere.

I'm already so used to going to Woolies though, the Coles shopping centre is more of a pain and I don't know where anything is.
- But I might have to give it a go for a little while.

I suppose a change can be like a holiday...

If Woolies don't support Australia, then why should I support them?

Even if the indigenous do have a rational argument, this is a billion dollar Australian business spitting on the flag.
If they wanted to be so anal about it, they could've also sold the indigenous flag, but taking the aussie flag away should not be tolerated, not that there's much to be proud of or feel lucky about anymore.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 January 2024 6:53:53 PM
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The exact date the British Admiralty agreed to the name of “Australia” for our island continent seems to have been lost in history. All we know is that it was sometime in the year 1824.

For 180 years from 1644-1824, it was known in Europe as Nova Hollandia (New Holland) which was the name given to it by the Dutchman, Abel Tasman, who “discovered” it in 1844 – but, of course, as we all now know, it had already been discovered and occupied by various Aboriginal tribes some 65,000 years previously.

So, while we know the year (1824) in which our country was named Australia, we know neither the month nor the day it was officially named. In other words, we do not know the precise date of our national day, Australia Day.

What we celebrate today is not Australia Day, per se. It is the date of the arrival of the first fleet in Sydney Cove on Saturday, 26 January 1788 to establish the British Penal Colony of New South Wales. So, in fact, the day we celebrate as Australia Day could more appropriately be described as British Colonial Day or, perhaps, New South Wales Convict Day.

Unless we somehow manage to lay our hands on the document that officially attests to the change of name from Nova Hollandia to Australia in the British national Royal Admiralty archives, I think it would be best that we wait until we have fully completed our emancipation from the British Crown and become a totally independent republic.

In that case, the date of birth of the new republic could then become Australia Day – or the national day of whatever name we decide to call the republic.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 13 January 2024 2:24:52 AM
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It's all part of the fantasy. Republican Australia, powered by windmills and solar panels, and united by apartheid. Adhering to a fantasy history written by a person with fantasy origins, and expecting the lower caste to indulge in self hatred on the basis of the collective inherited guilt of white skin.

Bring on the election.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 13 January 2024 6:21:55 AM
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Good for you. “Bring on the election”.

Ideology is behind every decision of the Albanese government, the idiocy of its cabinet, and the incompetence with which it tries to govern.

The Albanese government has abandoned its voter base; and those voters are there for the Coalition to collect - if they have the gumption. Currently, there is no sign of them having the gumption. The difference between the Albanese government and yesteryear’s socially conservative Left is stark. Bob Hawke, for example, treated the electorate with respect; Albanese treats us like mugs.

To show the electorate that it's not going down the same path (as it often seems to be) the Coalition needs to return to conservatism. Ordinary Labor voters and ordinary Coalition voters have more in common with each other than they do people like Greens and other weird groups, and now with the ultra-Left Albanese version of what used to be a respectable centre-Left party.

Albanese himself should be enough to see Labor off; but Dutton will need policies:

. Slash immigration to the bare minimum needed by Australia
. Try to recruit the reduced number of immigrants from the Anglosphere. Poor English skills are a big problem, particularly as many immigrants find employment in aged care. Old people find it difficult to understand broken English and accents.
. Drop Net Zero and climate hysteria.
. If we must dump fossil fuels, use nuclear, not wind and sunbeams.
. Stamp out identity politics and division by race.
. Start manufacturing again.
. Spend more on defence.
. No digital ID. Card OK, particularly for people not good with technology.
. No scrapping cash.

It's hard to get a decent government these days. The ones who try to defend Western principles are harassed by the MSM, which also backs the most incompetent government Australia has ever had - the Albanese version of Labor.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 7:20:26 AM
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These anti-Australia Day, anti-everything Australian troglodytes who only stand briefly at the entrances of their caves to trash Australia and try to divide it, are probably unaware that the main shareholders of 'Australian' Woolworths are globalist monsters Blackrock and Vanguard.

Pissy little people are being manipulated by the most powerful anti-human, anti-democratic thugs in the world, and they don't even know it.

The same pissy little people who fell for Voice, that you can bet your bottom dollar was financed by the likes of Blackrock and Vanguard.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 7:50:29 AM
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Hi Nathan,

Thank you for raising this topic for discussion.
It's all been in the news. And now it's become
political and unfortunately - name calling and labelling
has as usual raised its ugly head and what it means to be
a "true Aussie." Funny really - when you consider what
it is that we're supposed to be celebrating - the establishment
of Australia as a British penal colony. Still it's part of
our history - and that's a fact. We've been celebrating it
for decades.

Most people will simply do what they have done for years-
on this public holiday. Enjoy the day. I'm going to do
the usual lamb roast with family. And I'll still go shopping
at Woolies 'cause it's convenient. I don't buy the Australia
Day products anyway. So no fuss.

Changing the date of Australia Day? This has been brought up
in the past. I agree with Banjo. The day that voters decide
for the country to become a Republic - that may be an appropriate
time to think about changing both the date and the flag.
In the meantime - most of us will simply enjoy the public holiday.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 January 2024 8:42:44 AM
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Why are all the gubbas here so concerned about Invasion Day, and why can't they wave their over priced made in China Woolies rubbish at each other. You should be celebrating China National Day 1st Oct, cause that who you owe your cushy existence to.
Posted by Wahine, Saturday, 13 January 2024 8:45:20 AM
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Yes, it's all so innocuous. I can't understand the fuss. Just like the Voice: A harmless and kind gesture that would have solved all the problems of indigenous Australians. So what's happening about their plight now? I was told that the situation was dire and required urgent action. Further, all the solutions were known and required no other laws or legislation to be implemented. Yet the referendum fails, the sore losers spout a lot of nasty abuse, then the plight of these Australians in need is promptly forgotten as Albo's cult rediscovers its lost love of Jew hating.

Yep, like all the claims of environmental and economic destruction from the cult's pursuit of renewable energy, it's just a storm in a teacup.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 13 January 2024 9:43:51 AM
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A nice line in sarcasm. I like it.

And Albanese won't take ownership of the government he is rumoured to be leading. When asked about most things his appalling regime is stuffing up, he replies, "That’s an area for the Minister (names the Minister or the portfolio).

The Minister and cabinet might just decide that if Albanese is not prepared to earn the big bucks he is paid to actually lead the government, they need to replace him with someone who will. They should be having serious thoughts about getting a second term with a leader who is not a leader.

Looks like the failed poster, Paul 1405, is back in the guise of his granddaughter.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 10:37:52 AM
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Peter Dutton is saying that people should boycott Woolworths, impacting on the staff there need to earn an income. They have no say on the store policy and simply want to put food on the table.

He's not saying though don't shop at Woolworths because they poorly pay out the farmers, he's not saying that.

He's not saying don't shop at Woolworths because they rip off the customer and make huge profits.

Peter Dutton is not saying boycott big multinational company XYZ that sells products that are made by slave labor in terms of their stores in Australia.

When though it comes to Woolies deciding not to sell a plastic flag made in China or some cheap thongs or a t-shirt for Australia Day, he's outraged and calls for a boycott.

I'm sorry but I'm not buying it.

When one looks at the history of Australia and the negative impacts on Aboriginal Australians since European colonisation, Peter Dutton calls for no boycott on that either.

With many supermarkets open seven days per week including Woolworths, the staff who work there can't do much on Australia Day anyway stacking the shelves and serving at the checkouts. Peter Dutton is going after the wrong people and he is going after the lowest common denominator in so many ways.

Peter Dutton needs to be willing to have a debate about Australia Day, not talk about some cheap flags or a pair of thongs no longer on the shelves.
Posted by NathanJ, Saturday, 13 January 2024 11:25:22 AM
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That ttbn, my granddaughter has not used this lap top since before Xmas when she was here, didn't log out. As a true blue gubba what ya have planned for Dinki-Di Day 26th? Wave the Chinese made flag, sink a couple of cold ones, scoff down a meat pie or two?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2024 11:32:12 AM
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Maybe it is a little sinister. Qantas got right behind the Voice with donations, free flights and slogan bearing aircraft. What did Qantas get in return for its support? And what of all the other companies jumping in with virtue signalling largesse? Were they fearful of development applications going in the bottom drawer or the discovery of indigenous spirits that would kill their projects altogether?

As has been frequently observed on this forum, wicked capitalists are devoid of morals and only interested in the dollar, so why the obsequious support for cult leader Albo's anti-nationalism?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 13 January 2024 12:26:20 PM
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I don't think Woolworth's workers will be “impacted” (the violence of being hit by a bus). They won't even be ‘affected’, the correct word in this situation. They will continue going to work and being paid.

Woolworths have most of the trade: 37% as opposed to 25% for Coles and 10% for all the others.

No need to clutch your pearls, Nathan. Dutton can huff and puff as much as he likes. Unlike you, most people won't know or care what he says. Huffing and Puffing is what politicians do.

Without fail, someone or some group likes to virtue signal, every year, about Australia Day, Anzac Day, Christmas Day. And, every year, someone like you has to make a fuss about it.

It's all BS, mate. 80% of Australians couldn't care less.

Do you know what I do for Australia Day? Buggerall. What irritates me is the pointless yabber from a small minority of people who get excited about things well above their pay grade; year in, year out.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”.

Besides: I don't even shop at Woolworths. I can do sweet Fanny Adams about their anti-Australian virtue signalling. All will be forgotten until next year, when you or someone else will drag it up again.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 2:31:09 PM
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Oh dear, here we go again. So a company makes a commercial decision not to stock certain products because said products aren't selling. A decision which is central to the ideal of both capitalism and democracy that Mr. Potatohead claims to hold dear and true to his very being.

Instead, he displays all the traits of the political animal and hypocrite that he is and calls for a ban on the company involved. All the lemmings join the outcry claiming that those who don't join them are "woke-riddled", "troglodytes" "self-hating anti-Australian" in the well worn and boringly repetitive trope of the right wing nutters. And just to hammer the 'truth' home even further, we are all anti-everything, left wing, Jew-hating, left wing Marxist commies. Yawn!
Posted by Aries54, Saturday, 13 January 2024 2:45:43 PM
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Firstly Dutton is a political grub of the first order.

Most of us are wanting lower prices on groceries and yet 'culture wars Dutton' wants Woolies to subsidise a loss making line of lower demand knick knacks from China and make up the money on other items.

Woolies have cited "gradual decline in community demand". If even half the nuppities sooking up about this went and purchased the stock then Woolies would still be in the market.

As for the them boycotting Woolies go for it. Hopefully less demand will drive lower prices for the rest of us.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 13 January 2024 3:04:15 PM
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"Woolworths have most of the trade: 37% as opposed to 25% for Coles and 10% for all the others....and the other 28% don't eat, the gubba got it wrong. I want a pair of those floppy ears Aussie flag things in the $2 shop, so I can wrap myself in a Chinese made Aussie beach towel and well.....
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2024 3:49:18 PM
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What. We have to talk about cost of living and nothing else! The culture wars are booming. But let's bang on about cost of living, which can be dealt with by individuals budgeting properly.


Gubba is a derogatory (fancy you being derogatory) aboriginal word for white people and other non-aboriginals.

Are you aboriginal, or are you misappropriating? That would be a big no-no for an ultra-Left virtue-signaller like you!
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 5:00:37 PM
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You are correct. A silly topic to be sucked in by. Perhaps the things I find most disappointing with the current government are the catastrophist view of the future and an inability to see good in people they disagree with, hence I think them cult like. BS probably preceded the universe and will very likely outlast it, so I guess I shouldn't get upset by it.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 13 January 2024 8:32:16 PM
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No. There's no point in getting upset. That's what the boofheads want you to do. The three leading boofheads are a joke, really. They take themselves seriously. Nobody else should. This is On Line Opinion, not Online Arguments, that will never be won or lost. People don't change their minds. We get one vote along with about 17 million other Australians. That’s all.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 January 2024 9:36:20 PM
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Its been posted here that I am a "concrete jungle bunny" and my ancestors were eating their children, seems no one should be offended by that. So no need to take offence at the thought you are a gubba, which is derived from the word government. Now my wife would refer to you as a Pakeha, do you take offence at that as well? BTW my great grandfather on my mothers side was considered Aboriginal. My 1st cousin is recognised as Aboriginal by the tribe up Wellington NSW. Now, you have Invasion Day to celebrate, when a bunch of pox ridden white fellas arrived in 1788 how about having Gubba Day as well, more Chinese flags and flip-flops on your feet?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 January 2024 9:59:14 PM
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Why is January 26 called Invasion Day when the first fleet arrived on the 18th ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 9:14:17 AM
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If what you've said is correct, why don't we simply change the date of Australia Day to the "18th"?

Oh my gosh we'd have to change the date. Imagine the shock from some people here if you were suggesting that. Are you suggesting that?

If you do some research though, you'll find it to be a bit more complex than that and I've included a reference.
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 14 January 2024 10:57:31 AM
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What day did the first Nations celebrate before the British arrived here with a calendar ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 January 2024 12:13:49 PM
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Governor Arthur Phillip, first Governor of Australia, raised the flag at Sydney Cove on 26th January 1788.

Captain Cook had claimed Australia for Britain by raising a flag at Botany Bay 29th 1770.

The fleet did sail into Botany Bay on 18th January 1788, but assessed that the Bay was unsuitable, and moved to Sydney Cove on 26th January.

Hence, the 26th of January is when Australia Day is celebrated - correctly. And, that date should remain for obvious reasons: the First Fleet settled Australia, and there is no denying it. Australia Day is a legitimate event connected to British settlement, and aborigines and white self-haters don't have to have anything to do with it if they don’t wish to.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 January 2024 1:48:41 PM
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So SR is congratulating Woolworths who are ripping their customers off for billions, because they believe they do not need Australia Day merchandise. "We will set the agenda of what customers will have". The Greens and Teals have got on the shame agenda that the Merchandise "It is just disposable rubbish" - that is what they think of the Flag and those that wish to celebrate its freedoms, by displaying it.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 14 January 2024 2:27:38 PM
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Woolworths stocked up for an American Halloween celebration big time but will not stock for Australia Day celebration, says a lot about their view of Australia. They lost big on their investment on the Voice, so we will make you suffer.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 14 January 2024 2:59:40 PM
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Hi ttbn,

"These anti-Australia Day, anti-everything Australian troglodytes who only stand briefly at the entrances of their caves to trash Australia and try to divide it, are probably unaware that the main shareholders of 'Australian' Woolworths are globalist monsters Blackrock and Vanguard."

Blackrock is a Jewish controlled company.
And here I was thinking you were a complete write-off.
- Thanks for the info

These people are aligned with US Democrats, so if Blackrock is on the board, with all it's pro-climate agenda, stakeholder capitalism etc
Then cancelling our country shouldn't be surprising.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 January 2024 3:08:04 PM
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Hi AC,

I wouldn't take you to be the kind to wave cheap Chinese made Aussie flags around and wearing funny flip-flops as your patriotic duty, I'd leave that to the Forums silly old buggers. What is of far greater concern to me, and I'd say to you as well, is foreign investment and foreign ownership in Australia. Post war Australia was far too obliging in "welcoming" foreign investors with open arms, it started with the Menzies government and then subsequent carried on the "no strings attached policy", with the exception of the Whitlam government, but Gough was only so so on the matter. A bit late now as we have become too dependent on foreign investment and its too entrenched to do much about it. The US and Britain are still the biggest investors in Australia with close to 50% of the total between them. China 2% which we seem to be fixated on is a relatively small investor, whilst the boardrooms of New York have too much say, eg Alcoa decision to close the Kwinana alumina refinery. Yep, its a loss maker, after years of ripping profits and failing to reinvest they want to pull out.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2024 5:19:33 AM
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Lamb on 'Special' at "Woolies" for Gubba Day, lamb legs $8/kg! Now that's practical patriotism for you! Even the regulars here living off free taxpayer Aged Welfare can afford 8 bucks, about the price they pay for a Schooner down at gods waiting room on pension day, or 5 minutes on the pokies! !
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:22:27 AM
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The Left-wing rags’ online headlines are bellowing that Dutton’s call for a boycott of Woolworths has “backfired”. What? In 5 minutes?

But, a quick investigation reveals that the sentiment is only that of letters written to the rags by Left-wing readers of the same rags. Opinion, not fact.

All most people know is what they think plus what their families and friends think - people who live in the same bubble. They know diddly squat about what 14 million voters think because those voters, mostly, don't yap about themselves and their opinions.

And, this is why the yappers often get an unpleasant surprise at election time.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 7:58:06 AM
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Dear NathanJ,

Mate thanks for the laugh.

You have got the RWNJs absolutely frothing on this little Dutton culture war stir.

I don't normally read the poodle's post but he is beside himself on this thread and is probably responsible for a third of the words posted.

Dutton winds them up and away they go like little energiser bunnies.

Oh well, back to work.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 15 January 2024 9:19:25 AM
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Funny one Steele, with the mouth from the south claiming; "All most people know is what they think plus what their families and friends think - people who live in the same bubble. They know diddly squat". He is responsible for 30% of the posts on this thread. Empty vessels make the most noise.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2024 4:18:43 PM
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A Woolworths store has just been hit by vandals and a flare regarding the decision to no longer sell Australia Day items.

I can't believe we are turning into this type of mob rule in Australia. I think it's dangerous and I hope Peter Dutton calls it out. I mean he started this boycott in the first place.

I knew it would get dangerous, despite some here saying it wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if the Woolworths staff have to put up with vitriol and abuse from some customers.

There will be a full investigation by the police and I hope no other Woolworths stores are targeted in this way. It's not Australian!
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 15 January 2024 4:51:02 PM
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The crime of the century! One idiot with a spray can. And Dutton is supposed to 'call it out'. Get real. Dutton, as Opposition Leader, commented on Woolworth's insult to Australia Day and to Australia itself - as he would be expected to by most Australians. He can't be expected to comment on a pissant vandal whose silly act wasn't a patch on the damage to property done by Leftists climate wankeroons.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 15 January 2024 6:14:16 PM
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So far 3 Woolworth's stores have been targeted in Brisbane, stores at Teneriffe, Cleveland and Victoria Point. with Dutton's word 'BOYCOTT' spray painted on them. Obviously done by people who agree with The Dud's call to "BOYCOTT WOOLWORTHS". Typical Noalition division, what was graffitied at Woolies Teneriffe Brisbane "26 Jan Aussie Oi Oi Woolies F--- U" and "Boycott Woolworths". No doubt Woolworths staff have also been abused and placed in danger, thanks to Dutton's big mouth!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2024 6:28:32 PM
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Fewer than 20% of Australians want the date changed. There's nothing like being in the majority is there?
Posted by Fester, Monday, 15 January 2024 8:32:55 PM
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A 40 year old man has been charged with vandalising the Woolworths store at Teneriffe. Is his name Pete? Judging by the rubbish on sale, rename 26th January BOGAN DAY in honour of all you Bogans who want to buy stupid rubbish to adorn yourselves with on GUBBA DAY! Seems only fair.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 3:17:57 PM
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Australia today is a completely different nation from
the times when its people all held British passports and
sang "God Save the Queen", and in those days the majority
of the population were very much of British or Irish descent.

Those who want to celebrate the establishment of the
British penal colony - and what they saw as the "good old days,"
of this nation - it's entirely up top them. But they can't
object surely if not everybody wants to join in. Or if any
given supermarket decides not to sell products made in China
to mark the occassion because there's not a demand for them.

There should be a bit of give and take on this matter.
Each to their own. Live and let live - as a wise man once
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 3:42:17 PM
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Dear Paul1405,

Even more concerning is the enraged numbnuffs out there abusing Woolies workers. 80% increase in abuse incidents since Dutton opened his big mouth and petty little hive minds like we have here taking up the cudgels.

Dutton needs to apologise to Woolworths staff and the rest of the RWNJs need to grow up and stop being his pawns.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 4:53:34 PM
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The person I work with who is the most enthusiastic about the flag and Australia Day decorations was born in the Philippines, but I guess that would not fit with the hate narrative.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 5:07:48 PM
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You friend would be one of many immigrants who feel that way. We should remember that it is local ratbags who hate the date, or the idea of even having Australia Day. People are busting to come here, and they want to become Australians, despite the negative, demented ravings of a minority of loud-mouthed, Australians yobbos.

At the moment, I'm wondering what immigrants think of being done out of their chance to make their oath of allegiance to the country on Australia Day by wackjob local councillors. The link between citizenship ceremonies and Australia has always been significant and meaningful.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 6:05:36 PM
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.... the link between Australia DAY and ....
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 6:08:46 PM
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Some of those who support Gubba Day, would also kick your Filipino mate out as being "unwanted Asian trash". The bloke who agrees with Peter Dutton has been named by Ch7. The bloke has been charged and could face up to 5 years jail, but that's most unlikely.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 7:45:47 PM
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Jacinta Price's much repeated statement that you are just as much an Australian whether you've been a citizen five minutes or have a heritage going back millennia gives all Australians reason to celebrate the upholding of equality. Equality was something that proponents of the Voice wanted to destroy.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 16 January 2024 8:52:44 PM
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When will the rhymes-with-bankers get their stupid heads around the fact that they belong to a miserable minority of 17% (latest poll) who hate Australia Day and want the date changed. Never!
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 6:42:29 AM
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This tiny minority who feel the need to do their annual whine about Australia Day must lead frustrating and inadequate lives, particularly as even their hero, the extreme Left Albanese, has no intention of doing anything about Australia Day.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 9:15:14 AM
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I don't like January 26 either but probably for a different reason that most have posted. The 26th marks the date of the founding of a penal colony in NSW. It does not mark the formation of Australia. It was not until January 1 1901 that Australia came into existence. That is the date we should be using to celebrate the decision of the various colonies to agree to live together under the one constitution.
Posted by BAYGON, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 9:30:42 AM
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I don't 'celebrate' Australia Day because I don't like burnt meat and I don't drink alcohol, which we are indoctrinated into thinking is essential.

But, I bought a flag from my non-Woolworths, non-virtue signalling but proud Australian supermarket, and I will fly it in the front garden on January 26th.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 3:49:02 PM
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There is one great stumbling block for our great patriots to have AUSTRALIA DAY on January 1st...ITS ALREADY A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, and the great patriots don't want to give up a day off for such a piss poor reason, now do they. I would agree with having a National Day on January 1st, although I'm no great nationalist, also with no additional public holiday involved, watch the great patriots scream blue murder then, no extra day off! Leave those who want to adorn themselves in cheap Chinese made rubbish, like flags in their front yards, celebrating Gubba Day on January 26th.

ttbn; by the way, In what country was your proud Australian Flag made? I bet China! Financing the Reds are we!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 4:43:24 PM
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The Advance Front and Centre organisation, which was involved in the NO Voice campaign, advises that MP for the seat of Bowman, Henry Pike, introduced the Australia Day Bill in 2023.

The Albanese government would not debate it.

Advance rightly says that, "Australia Day belongs to the Australian people; not the activists, not the elites, and not the politicians".

"Across the nation, 69.5 per cent of Aussies support LEGAL PROTECTIONS against politicians changing the date of Australia Day".

Advance intends to raise $157,000 to force the government to listen, and get the Bill on the agenda.

If you feel strongly and want to help, go to
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 6:57:46 PM
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Just imagine how much Chinese made Gubba Day rubbish these hard right nationalist could buy with $157,000! Stubby holders, flip-flops, funny hats, and silly flags to stick out of the back windows of their Korean, Jap or Chinese made heap!

ttbn, how's ya Chinese flag in the front yard going?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 7:12:51 PM
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Given all the utter made up garbage polls being quoted on twitter and here but the usual small minded cretins, it is worth posting one of the more reputable polls which have been conducted in the last 5 years.

A Deakin University study in 2021 showed "Overall, 60% of our respondents want to continue celebrating “Australia Day” on January 26." but the majority of those born between 1996 and 2002 wanted to change it.,-but-those-under-35-disagree

The results were largely in line with a similar Roy Morgan poll and one from Coredata.

That demographic would have grown further in the last 3 years. Change is coming as young Australians prepare to become the decision makers and leaders of this country. Their intelligence and empathy stands in stark contrast to those of the older generations who seem to have the attitude "I've got mine jack and bugger the rest."

I think we will be in good hands.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 7:14:18 PM
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The day that the first fleet dropped anchor in Sydney Cove was the
biggest event in 65000 years !
What day could top that ?
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 17 January 2024 10:05:37 PM
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The ignorant pig is getting really desperate, quoting university polls.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 18 January 2024 7:59:41 AM
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Captain Cook landed in Sydney on the 28th of April, 1770, and claimed the east coast of the Australian continent for Britain, naming it New South Wales.
The first boat of the First Fleet landed at Botany Bay on 18 January, 1788, but the Fleet then later moved to Port Jackson (what became Sydney).
January 1st 1900 was not the day that Australia was named. It was the day that the Commonwealth of Australia was formed by the federation of six British colonies: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania1
The name Australia was derived from the Latin word australis, meaning “southern”, and was used to refer to the hypothetical landmass in the south pole, known as Terra Australis.
The name Australia was first suggested by the English explorer Matthew Flinders in 1804, who circumnavigated the continent and drew a map of it. He preferred the name Australia over New Holland, which was the name given by the Dutch in the 17th century.
The name Australia was officially adopted by the British Admiralty in 1824, and was used in British legislation in 1828. The name Commonwealth of Australia was formalised in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, which was passed by the UK Parliament.
January 1st, 1901 was the day that the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 came into effect.
Aboriginals never had a name for their country. There were several hundred separate tribes, most of which had their own language. The only names were the Aboriginal names for their various regions, roughly defined as their “hunting grounds” which were vigorously defended from invasion by neighboring tribes.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 18 January 2024 8:38:49 AM
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The relevance of January 26th is when the National and Citizenship Act 1948 was proclaimed. This was the first day we all became Australians. Before that, all citizens, including Aboriginals born after 1921 were called "British Subjects."
Prior to this time, the various British colonies in Australia all had their own “Australia Day”, which was celebrated on a range of dates – see image.
The excuses for calling Australia Day (26th January) “Invasion Day”, based on the supposition that the date was either Captain Cook’s first landing, or the arrival of the First Fleet, are simply WRONG!
“The 26th of January is a great day for all of us. It is the day that Australians received their citizenship. The day which celebrates the implementation of the Nationality and Citizenship act of 1948, when we all became Australians in our own right. An Act giving freedom and protection to all Australians, old and new, the right to live under the protection of Australian Law, as a united nation.
Now, this annual date for a national celebration each year on January 26th is important. So, let’s just celebrate the day for what it is, the fact that we are Australians in our own right.”
And not talk of changing it for all the wrong reasons.
(Researched by Ray Read 15/01/2024.)
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 18 January 2024 8:40:04 AM
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Hi Bezza,

You ask what day could top us becoming a British penal colony?

The day we become a Republic would be the obvious answer.

Don't forget that:

The British colonists were not our mates
When their born to rule predominates
What we should all like to see today
Is that mentality no longer allowed to stay

For we are ONE and we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream And we sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 January 2024 8:40:30 AM
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Why is our Head of State still a British monarch?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 January 2024 8:49:46 AM
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Foxy. You might be a latecomer ashamed of the people who worked and built this country. Most accommodated the local aboriginal population into their communities.

The Marxists look for things that divide communities like race or social injustice. They get in the ear of those they believe should have better deal and fight the establishment to create dysfunction, instead of working to improve the situations. It took 200+ years for the Woke Marxists to change the facts of history, to outlaw the Settlers as invaders, and commit genocide by wars as you believe. The Marxist agenda of SBS and ABC to create fraction in society. No sense of unity - One Nation.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 18 January 2024 12:19:42 PM
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At the end of June 2021, almost 1.2 million people who were born in the United Kingdom were living in Australia, 1.9 per cent (23,300) less than at 30 June 2011. This makes it the largest migrant community in Australia, equivalent to 15.6 per cent of Australia's overseas-born population and 4.6 per cent of Australia's total population.
They still have a link to the language and culture that built this Country. The Crown does not create a problem to this group, it is those that want Australia to look like and function like where they came from.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 18 January 2024 12:34:27 PM
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Many cultural groups built this country.
And the British people who came here are
part of that group. However we are all Australians.
And that is something that some still refuse to
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 January 2024 1:39:03 PM
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For the record - in the last 2021 Census only 33%
of the Australian population are Australians whose
ancestry originates (whether sole or partial) in
England. 67% of the population make up non-British
ethnic groups. Our strong economy, beautiful landscapes
and diverse culture appeals to many people who today
come from many different lands.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 January 2024 1:58:51 PM
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Proud Boy Jose'

"Most accommodated the local aboriginal population into their communities." What rubbish, you said so yourself that in the Northern rivers of NSW where you came from, the Aboriginals were confined to a black's camp on the river bank! You wouldn't even let their kids swim in the local town pool!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 January 2024 2:48:16 PM
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Interesting Yougov poll results.

"49% of Australians still think that Australia Day should only be celebrated on January 26. 21% of voters believe that it should be moved to a different day, with 30% believing that a two-day public holiday that celebrates both old and new is a good idea."

In the same poll support for Dutton's boycott sat at 20% while 66% agreed with "My main concern with supermarkets now is excessive price rises rather than this issue."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 18 January 2024 4:28:00 PM
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Not sure why some are still banging on about the
past British history of this country. Today Australia
is made up of so many different ethnic groups that
are just as important and their contributions should
also be acknowledged. By all means lets recognize each
and every contribution - not just one selective group.

That's why Australia Day celebrations should be a day
that we can all celebrate. Not just those of us with
British ancestors who may or may not have done much.

We have ancestors who helped build our country in all
its many structures - and made it a place to which many
want to come and settle. The brits didn't do it on their
own - and Australia Day should acknowledge that fact.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 January 2024 4:51:11 PM
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What day did the Aborigines celebrate their first Nations? Those who feel so inclined can celebrate that day whilst those who work for a living & keeping Australia going can celebrate on the 26th. Where’s the problem ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 18 January 2024 6:48:57 PM
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"those who work for a living & keeping Australia going can celebrate on the 26th" Everyday is an Australia Day holiday for you, is it not. When you got off the ship, it was all laid on, free housing, free money, free pension! When was the last day you actually worked? 26th January 1788.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 January 2024 8:37:54 PM
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The Way to go!
Aboriginals also were included as Australians on the 26th Jan

While the national debate over celebrating Australia Day on January 26 rages on, one town in WA's Wheatbelt will celebrate three days of Indigenous culture and storytelling over the long weekend.

Australia Day activities in York, about 100 kilometres east of Perth, will begin with a traditional community breakfast, Welcome to Country and a united raising of the Australian and Aboriginal flags, as well as citizen of the year awards.

That evening, the Ballardong First festival will be launched with an on-country cultural performance, talks and arts workshops.

Ballardong is the Noongar language representing Indigenous people to the north-east of Perth.

It is a joint project between the Bilya Gogulyar Boodja (BGB) Aboriginal Corporation, The York Festival and the Shire of York.
BGB chairman Dennis Kickett said many Aboriginal people did celebrate Australia Day while others wanted the date changed.

"We need to move forward on that, it's about moving forward together," he said.

"It's about a reconciliation, that's where we are coming from and hopefully, by educating people and showing people that we can work in collaboration on the same day.

The national campaign for Australia Day this year is around the theme "we're all part of the story".

"We are a community and we need to be working as a community," Mr Kickett said.

Bringing the community together
Shire President Kevin Trent said the Shire of York proposed an event as part of its newly minted reconciliation action plan, and BGB together with The York Festival developed the program.

"The shire is hosting a barbecue in the morning and flag raising and then we'll be naturalising two new people to become Australians.

Cr Trent said it was important the shire maintained a leadership role in the process of reconciliation.

"We're working towards this reconciliation, we have a committee whose objective is to bring the community together rather than divide the community," he said.

"We acknowledge that the Aboriginal people were here well before we came along."

Mr Kickett said
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 19 January 2024 6:52:47 AM
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Australia needs to do away with trying to change our national identity, embrace and reassert its Western Judeo-Christian. Identify politics is bringing us down.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 19 January 2024 7:19:39 AM
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Wacky Woke Woolworths has dropped its wacky idea of flying aboriginal flags outside its supermarkets, offices, and places where it usually flies the Australian flag.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 19 January 2024 7:34:21 AM
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When we're all able to come together as one nation - that will be the day worth celebrating. On that day we shall recognize and respect each
other's right to be part of this country and we shall celebrate the richness of our diversity and all the contributions that have been
made we well as all the differences that unite us all. That day will hopefully come sooner rather than later. A day when we no longer have to
claim superiority over any one else - instead we'll see each other
as mates not as strangers or "foreigners."

It will be the day we will will proudly sing with one voice-
I am, you are, we are Australian!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 8:19:43 AM
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Bring on the Republic!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 8:45:41 AM
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"When we're all able to come together as one nation..."

That was in the past, not in the future Foxy.

What on this planet can unite multicultural Australia who don't even have a right to choose who we wish to share our nation with?

I asked you this the other day:

What is Australia, different to any other western nation?

What are we other than a geographical location, and rules decided by international treaties initiated and signed in foreign lands?

If you take people and culture away what unites us?

What do you want to do?
Bring back the mullet for nostalgia and pretend?

If we want something to unite us we need to create something.
Either a war or a policy such as 'Unity in self sufficiency'
- But that will only take us so far.

Wokeness and identity politics, critical race theory etc ensures that nobody is ever going to agree with anyone else EVER AGAIN.

You think we're building a nation, the real truth is that our nation has already been conquered.

The funny thing about it is, in this new multicultural western nation design, none of the citizens want to join the military and commit to potentially having to go to war to defend the nation any more.

You think the working class are prepared to fight for this?
For Americas endless wars?


So if we really are attacked, we lose.
- And it's these stupid globalists in the UN and our lapdog leaders who kissed their backsides that have caused it.

You wanted multicultural Australia?
- I hope you can fire a weapon and defend yourself.

And by weapon I mean 'sling-shot' or 'spear-gun'
- Because that's about all you're going to get.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:09:52 AM
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I see Foxy hates British Settlement and believes a Republic will unite us - and everyone will be happy. Has she asked the aboriginal population that possess 50% of the land mass of Australia what Republic they want? Those promoting the Voice wanted a NEW AGE Communist Republic.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:13:26 AM
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I'm not going to fight for multicultural Australia, are you kidding me?
You think I'm going to be sent to the front by female officers, trannies and immigrants?

No bloody way.
I'd just as soon as let the Chinese take over than fight for this country which is already ruined.
Immigration has dictated that our kids and grandkids will probably never own their own homes now anyway, so what is there to fight for?

Maybe the Chinese will do a better job than our sellout leaders have done.

The nation has been sold down the river for the immigrants and business elite, let them fight for their own interests.

The real Australian people no longer have any 'interests'.
Except maybe the interests we have in our cheap Chinese imports:
- At Kmart, JBHiFI, Bunnings and Harvey Norman.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:27:04 AM
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Woolworths shares have dropped by 4.47% ($2 billion) since their Australia Day brain fart.

Voters are abandoning the two major political parties. They can abandon the two major supermarkets for fair dinkum Australian ones like Foodland and Drakes.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:42:06 AM
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When are the ignorant woke progressive do-gooders (sorry Foxy)
Going to realise that Australia was never racist for the sake of racism?

We were racist for the sake of assimilation.
That foreigners and immigrants had to assimilate into our culture, the nation they chose to want to come into.
- We never forced anyone to come here, if you don't like it go back to where you came from.

That was when it was OUR country!
That's when the people WERE UNIFIED!

Now everything has been turned upside down and ruined completely.

Now in multicultural Australia, we are suddenly ALL IMMIGRANTS.
Guests in the country, none of us own it anymore.
It's owned by UN, international treaty and the globalist elite.

Australia was a better country before computers and the internet.
The elites, globalists and traitors were only able to do a limited amount of damage.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:45:47 AM
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"Woolworths shares have dropped by 4.47% ($2 billion) since their Australia Day brain fart."

- The elite don't care about small impacts on their profits.
They can afford it, but for mum and dad investors it costs them so much more.
For them, these small impacts on profits are the cost of doing business to create a reality that better suits their collective global business aims.

It's a mega-corporation.
All the large multi-nationals are invested in each other.
They all have a vested interest in each others success.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 10:51:10 AM
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Most countries celebrate their Independence Days.
Not the days of colonial occupation.

Not everyone who came to this country came of their
own free will. Many were forced as part of the
establishment of the British penal colony, and came
in chains. Others fled from persecution and occupation
and inhumane regimes as refugees. Others were invited to
fill labour shortages and do jobs the locals did not want or
couldn't do.

As for being a "united country?" No. not for everyone.
Not everyone was treated equally and made to feel welcome
And names like - "Wog," "Chink" "Dago" were bandied about..

Some people were sick and tired of being told how grateful
they should be for having to work at several menial jobs, in order
to provide for their families. Sick of being told on buses and
trains to "speak English," when they spoke several languages.
Of taking lower pay in wages - of not having their
qualifications recognized - and being forced to not have their
own culture acknowledged.

Even today - we can see from some of the posts here - that
unification still does not exist - neither does respect for
our diversity.

And that folks is a fact.

So what's there to celebrate?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 11:37:18 AM
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"Not everyone who came to this country came of their own free will."
- Yes people like my forefathers.

Others fled from persecution and occupation and inhumane regimes as refugees.
- They wouldn't stay and rebuild their own countries choosing to instead run away and gatecrash other peoples countries, (many for the sake of their families futures mind you)

But if they weren't loyal to their own homeland, why would we think they would EVER be loyal to OUR country.

As soon as there's another war and things get too hard, these people would likely up and relocate to greener pastures as they've already proven to have done before.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 11:49:39 AM
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People ran from terror, death and persecution.
These same people won't be fleeing anywhere.
Most of them have passed away having given
their own blood, sweat, tears and children, -
towards building this country. Many of their
children have served in the military.

Your sweeping accusations of flight are unfounded when so
much has been contributed by so many. The only ones who
fled this country (from meory) were some of the ten pound
poms - whose expectations were not met when they first arrived
here. They were the ones who went back to where they came
from. Other migrants stayed, worked, and contributed. And
still do.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 12:09:00 PM
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The people who have done well out of this country;
Those who live in fancy houses and have expensive cars and have share and housing portfolios,
They'd be the first to jump up and down about loss of their wealth due to foreign entanglements.
They'd also be the last people willing to pick up a gun and defend the place, expecting those beneath them, - those with little opportunity for a future, - BECAUSE OF THEM - to do their fighting for them.
They'd be on a plane back to wherever their dual-citizen passports allow them to go the first chance they got.

Finally we all know 'defend the country' means 'getting on a boat and taking a mission-impossible-like one-way-trip to some foreign shore as an invader'
- Nothing to do with 'defense' in the first place, just dying as cannon fodder for the empire of the globalist elite.

'Defending democracy' does not even mean defending the 'one person one vote system'.
All you have to do is look at America and the contempt they have for Trump, who's main electoral base is the downtrodden working class.

'Defending democracy' actually means defending the interests of the elite, leadership and donor class, maintaining their wealth and power and their unfair advantage to transfer more wealth from the poor to their own pockets.

It has nothing at all to do with the choice and interests of the average citizen.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 January 2024 12:09:31 PM
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The Australian Museum presents a different picture.

It asks the question as to whether we should celebrate January
26th as Australian day? And it tells us that:

1) January 26th does NOT celebrate the establishment of
Australia as a country. But it marks the foundation of
the British colony of New South Wales.

2) We're told that - most nations celebrate their national
day on the date of independence from their colonial power,
not the day of colonisation.

3) The date of January 26th has negative associations for
Australia's both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
It marks the start of dispossession and discrimination of
Indigenous Australians and the arrival of convicts in chains.

4) It is suggested that a different date would be a significant
symbolic act towards Reconciliation.

It becomes clear that as a nation we must keep working to change
the date and the meaning of Australia Day.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 12:36:28 PM
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The Australian of the Year awards we're told "recognize
inspirational Australians each year for their incredible
contribution to society. Whether its through their charitable
work, show of leadership, advocacy or social work."

" It could be for their groundbreaking work in the fields of
medicine, science, engineering, and technology or for their
achievements in academics, arts, or sports."

We have many Australians - many eminent Australians from
all walks of life who inspire us to pursue our passions
and contribute to our communities.

There's many who have inspired others over the decades.
People like Fred Hollows, Victor Chang, Lowitja O'Donoghue,
Mick Dodson, Sir Gustav Nossal, Dylan Alcott, to name
just a few.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 2:02:09 PM
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Apologies for the typo. Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 2:05:41 PM
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Not Cooks discovery of a land mass or Philips landing at botany Bay.

This country was not Australia on the 26th January 1788 it was the beginning of a prison settlement on the land. The fact AUSTRALIA became identified on January 1St 1901 when the States united to form one Nation.
It was the English explorer Matthew Flinders who suggested the name we use today. He was the first to circumnavigate the continent in 1803, and used the name ‘Australia’ to describe the continent on a hand drawn map in 1804.
When the map and book describing his journey was finally published in 1814 the name 'Terra Australis' was used instead, although Flinders stated that his preference was still 'Australia'.
On 26 January 1949, the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 became law. It was the first time that the term ‘Australian citizen’ had been used in any Australian legislation, including the Australian Constitution. Although the Act has been changed since 1948, it is still the basis for how a person becomes an Australian citizen.

Millions have become Citizens of Australia on Jan 26th and it is this memorial we celebrate with them. END OF STORY!
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 19 January 2024 3:50:41 PM
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Proud Boy Jose'

I think we know how those of your ilk "accommodated" (your word) Aboriginal people back in your day. You were content to marginalise them on the edge of town, out of sight out of mind, living in squalor. Enjoy Gubba Day you deserve it.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 19 January 2024 4:39:38 PM
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January 26th does not celebrate the establishment of
Australia as a country but marks the foundation of the
British colony in NSW.

Most nations celebrate their national day on the date
of Independence from their colonial power, not the
day of colonisation.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 19 January 2024 5:05:29 PM
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Foxy, We are celebrating Australia Day, NO SUCH DAY EXISTED ON THE DAY OF SETTLEMENT 1788, ALL BORN HERE BECAME AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS after the Australian Citizen act 26th January 1849. You read too much University history nonsense and their agenda. My wife came to Australia in 1965 and became an Australian citizen on the 26th of January 1968. She has no desire to divide Australia by a racial agenda and despise Australia and join in the hate of the Settlers as promoted by pseudo history.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:17:28 AM
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What astonishes me is the breathtaking hypocrisy. The revolting Julian Assange continues his fight to avoid justice with supporter donations, and his supporters say, "Aw, poor Jules. He has suffered enough. He should be released.". Yet many of these same people were strong supporters of the Voice, an aspect of which is collective and inherited guilt, with one consequence being preschool children of English heritage writing sorry cards for their crimes against indigenous Australians.

People I know celebrate Australia Day for the life and opportunity provided for them and their families. Like it or loath it, the seed for that opportunity was planted with the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. As for that detestable creep Assange, I look forward to justice for the many people who suffered harm and death from his reckless release of details of US undercover informants and operatives. The narcissistic pig deserves justice.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:51:57 AM
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You are entitled to an informed opinion.
And when you have one - I shall be happy to talk
to you again.

Enjoy your day.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:59:22 AM
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Despite all the Leftist BS about the creep Julian Assange, he is still locked up; the Americans are not listening. He should face the music or die in captivity. Most people don't care which. He doesn't matter to anyone but his immediate family and the 20% insincere users of any opportunity they can find to cause trouble.

I believe that the Australia Day crap is the same: most Australians are not interested.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 9:16:04 AM
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I believe that people should be interested, but rather than a narrative of hatred, it should be a celebration of the inclusion, equality and opportunity provided by an advanced civilisation. As much as I am in awe of how hunter gatherers survived on the continent, unlike Nathan I have no desire to live the dream myself.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 January 2024 9:41:09 AM
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Support for Assanges prosecution = support for the United States hostile foreign policy of threats, blackmail, regime change and military intervention.
Support for Assanges prosecution = support for the creation of terrorist groups who resist the Wests hostile foreign policies of threats, blackmail, regime change and military intervention.

You see the irony there?

Support for Assanges prosecution = Support for endless wars and government surveillance on all of its own citizens.
Support for Assanges prosecution = getting people killed all over the world for the sake of US hegemony; and enrichment of the elites, political class and the Military Industrial Complex.
Support for Assange's prosecution = Support for persecution of the media, and for the denial of the right of the public to know the full extent of what it's government does, in their name.

Just the same as support for Israel = supporting apartheid, ethnic cleansing, assassinations, executions, imprisonment without charge, torture, destruction of homes and dignity, genocide and land theft.
Not to mention deliberate starvation, amputation of kids limbs without anesthetic...
Murder of 26,000+ civilians and 7000 more unaccounted for under the rubble, 50,000 injured...

Support for Assanges prosecution = further division within Australia, you should support your own people over any foreign government.

If Assange exposed wrongdoing in Russia or China, he'd be congratulated.
He's being punished because he exposed wrongdoing within the US.
Obama decided years prior not to prosecute him for the release of things pertaining to Iraq.
Later Assange released the CIA's Vault 7 spying tools, and the Podesta Files prior to the 2016 election, which actually helped Trump win, but Trump stabbed Assange in the back at the request of CIA director Mike Pompeo, when he should've been thanking him.

Trump campaigned on draining the swamp,
But he surrounded himself with too many creatures from the swamp.

You can support the crumbling immoral US empire if you wish,
- Just know what you're defending isn't pretty.

It's overextended itself militarily and financially, just like Rome.
The 'Unipolar Moment' is already over, your clinging onto the past, and a new world is already emerging.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 20 January 2024 11:13:51 AM
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If it wasn't for Julian Assange, we wouldn't even know the whole story about the war in Ukraine.

Read the cable, 'Nyet means Nyet'

It makes absolutely clear the US did this deliberately to create a conflict.
It knew exactly what was going to happen and it deliberately worked towards that outcome.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 20 January 2024 11:22:19 AM
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"He's being punished because he exposed wrongdoing within the US."

Wrong AC. Aside from the fact that cowardly Jules is still trying to escape justice, what he is charged with is releasing details and identities of US operatives and informants, an action which resulted in the disappearance of many of the aforesaid, with probable death and harm coming to many of them and their associates/dependents.

"If Assange exposed wrongdoing in Russia or China, he'd be congratulated."

I doubt that Jules would ever bite the hand that feeds him, although he allegedly wiped his faeces over the walls of the Ecuadorian Embassy. What a star!
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 January 2024 11:43:08 AM
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The subject attracted the 'interest' here of 14 people. The 103 posts were down to 14 people saying the same thing or arguing.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 12:03:00 PM
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How many usually respond to your discussions?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 20 January 2024 12:12:56 PM
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Hi Nathan,

As Australians many of us have different views on the
subject of Australia Day and it's date. There's various
opinions on the subject - and what it means, or doesn't
mean and whether the date should be changed or
continue to be our national holiday.

However we should have the ability to openly debate tough
issues. After all this is one of the many freedoms we as a
nation on Australia Day are supposed to celebrate.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 20 January 2024 1:07:21 PM
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Most of us have worked & contributed to our Pension. The likes of you have never done anything apart from exploiting the Peter Principle & bleat imaginary discrimination.
What you call discrimination, decent people call lack of effort or lack of personal discipline & lack of common sense.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 20 January 2024 2:59:44 PM
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I seen the perfect bit of clobber for all you gubba's to wear on Gubba Day, 26th Jan, hanging outside a Chinese run $2 junk shop. A blue singlet, with a boxing kangaroo on the front, with the words "Aussie Oi Oi Oi" emblazoned across. Only 20 bucks to you gubba's out there, and they had XXXL size for all you Bogan's, AND, it was "Made in Bangladesh" WOW! go well with your stubby holders, and Aussie flag flip-flops, blue and white zinc cream, floppy cap, then what we have here is a real bunch of Arthur Dunger's.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 January 2024 3:49:58 PM
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When the first fleet dropped anchor in Sydney Cove it was not some sort
of casual arrival, it was the intent to settle permanently.
It had the effect of joining the aborigines permanently to the rest of
humanity and bringing them forward thousands of years.
The changes required to adjust to reality would inevitably cause
problems for them as the change was enormous.
They had to learn to read and write as just one example and learn
what was money.
Knowledge was no longer in song lines but in books.
Land tenure had to change because a patch of land required a family to
work that patch and put their life into it.

The changes that aborigines had to accept were because the rest of the
world worked that way and they were now in it.

That day was the biggest event they had experienced in 60,000 years
and was more important to the aborigines than those on the ships.
How can you top that as a day to celebrate ?
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 20 January 2024 4:14:36 PM
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It really doesn’t matter what is being done for the pseudo Aborigines, it’s always not right & not enough. The colonisers are blamed for introducing alcohol yet when indigenous are barred from obtaining alcohol because they can’t handle alcohol, they bleat discrimination. Same goes for drugs. Drug & alcohol intolerance is the same with many indigenous as it is with non-indigenous yobbos.
To change Australia Day is nothing but a weak attempt to deflect blame for shortcomings !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 20 January 2024 5:31:03 PM
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Hummm! "It had the effect of joining the aborigines permanently to the rest of humanity and bringing them forward thousands of years." That was not the state of the world in 1788. Africa, most of the The Americas, much of Asia was unknown and as yet unconquered by the European. This revisionist nonsense that European colonisation was some kind of "Blessing for Aboriginal people" is totally untrue. Just as he did elsewhere the Gubba subjugated Aboriginal Australia, just as he did to other indigenous in the rest of the world he conquered.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 January 2024 5:34:11 PM
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Hi Bezza,

You ask - How can you top that as a day to celebrate?

The Australian Museum makes it clear that:

January 26th does not celebrate the establishment of
Australia as a country, but marks the foundation of
the British colony of NSW.

We're told that:

Most nations celebrate their national day on the date
of independence from their colonial power, not the
day of colonisation.

January 26th has negative associations for Australians. Both
Indigenous and non-Indigenous. For Indigenous it marks the
start of dispossession and discrimination
and for non-Indigenous it marks the arrival of
convicts in chains.

Why would we want to celebrate a day that has unhappy
connotations for so many.

A different date would be a significant symbolic act towards
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 20 January 2024 5:37:48 PM
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"The Australian Museum makes it clear that:"

They are just part of that revolting bunch of "holier than thou" creeps who wanted to make Australia a divided apartheid nation. The voters told them where to stick it.

The 26th is a great day for people to celebrate the lives given them by this great nation that celebrates equality and the fair go. I'll be thinking of the people who contributed to the nation we all enjoy, not a hateful narrative.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 January 2024 6:04:07 PM
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Hi Foxy, hear, hear, well said.

I'm not a nationalist myself, although I see myself as an Australian, and proud of it. Nationalism is used too often by extremists as an excuse to propagate hatred, fear and division within society at the expense of minorities and those they despise. You can see on this forum how the small mined wack jobs nationalist think. Sad really.

I would simply like to see Australia Day moved to 1st January, and be a day of inclusion for ALL Australians, not just the GUBBA'S we have on this forum.
p/s The stumbling block with that for all those proud patriotic gubba's is 1st January is already a public holiday, and they don't want to lose a day off! Of course there are those who celebrate 20th April as an unofficial holiday. A day to remembered for them.

p/p/s What about that gubba who said he bought a Chinese made flag and he's putting it up in his front yard. I wonder, is it red with yellow stars, he's silly enough to fall for that.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 January 2024 6:37:07 PM
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Has anyone actually bothered to find out what the procedure for changing the date would be. Talking about it is not much use if you don't know how it could be done, or by whom.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 6:59:05 PM
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State governments have control over public holidays, when declared they are published in the 'Government Gazette' there are no federal public holidays in Australia, although like Xmas Day there are some uniform days in all states and territories. That why the Tories hate to declare a Monday as a public holiday for workers when the regular day falls on a weekend. That's why Mass Killing Day 25th April there is no day off when it falls on a weekend.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 January 2024 7:40:19 PM
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No answers yet. I couldn't find any either, including in the sites that Google didn’t want me to see - the ones they tell you aren't safe.

As of 3 days ago, the majority of Australians were happy for Australia Day to stay 'as is'. Trawled through various online conversations between the change and no change camps, and the general consensus was, it is going to happen any time soon, if at all.

The unhappy Left has lost one referendum on turning Australia into a republic; Albanese has knocked in the head his election-time idea of having another one, and the Voice referendum was an absolute disaster.

No matter how or by whom the Australia Day date could be changed, the politics are just not right, thanks (very much) to the OTT, hamfisted, tin-eared Albanese.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:16:26 PM
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Left the 'not' out of not anytime soon.

Among the the change-the-date types was one of those Melbourne Mayors, a woman claiming to concerned about aborigines being comfortable about the day. Bugger the other 97% of the population, including her own blonde, porcelain-skinned self, is what she was really saying.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:28:52 PM
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Foxy, stop looking through a magnifying glass and look through a wide
angle lens at the world. Look at the big picture the aborigines are
now in the picture, previously they were a non people.
Now they can make their own mark on human history.
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 20 January 2024 10:09:24 PM
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Interesting way of putting things. Probably a bit too subtle for the numpties.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 20 January 2024 10:13:19 PM
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Well nothing has changed since cult leader Albo burned half a billion trying to establish apartheid in Australia, then graciously accepted the result by telling the voters they got it wrong. Now cult member Foxy explains to us the science behind determining a national day, proving that January 26th is the wrong day. Helicopters get buried so they cannot go to Ukraine and Pen Pen visits her terrorist chums to give them some taxpayer dollars to kill some Jews with. Meanwhile Blackout continues with the complex task of constructing an expensive and dysfunctional electricity grid.

What a horrible mob!
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 21 January 2024 5:57:21 AM
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In the early 19th century, January 26 was a Sydney-centric celebration, sometimes called “Foundation Day”. These were initially informal gatherings and parties, but by 1838, it was declared a public holiday to mark the 50th anniversary of the colony. As the other colonies were established, they celebrated their own foundation, rather than January 26.
The celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday on May 24 was renamed Empire Day in 1903 after her death in 1901. It was celebrated throughout the British Empire culminating in fireworks and bonfires in the evening. The last celebration of Empire Day in Australia took place in 1958. The modern Queen's Birthday public holiday is a separate event observed on the second Monday of June.

It was only in 1915 that Australia Day emerged, as a fundraising effort for the first world war. Held on July 30, the first Australia Day was directly shaped by the experience of the Gallipoli landing. It continued to be held in July for the remainder of the war.

By 1935, the states all agreed to use the name Australia Day and celebrate it on January 26
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 January 2024 7:07:11 AM
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Since the Citizen act was introduced 1949 millions have taken out Citizenship of Australia on 26th January and contributed to this country's development. We celebrate with them the contribution they have made on the 26th of January - Australian Day.

The Australian Citizenship Act 1948 was a law that created Australian citizenship and the rules for gaining it. It was passed by parliament on 26 January 1949 and replaced the previous status of British subject
Until 1949 there was no such thing as an Australian citizen. Before that, anyone born or naturalised (made a citizen) in Australia was a British subject. People travelling overseas were issued with British passports.

Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 January 2024 7:29:12 AM
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Hi Fester,

For your information - I don't follow any cult.
And the information that I've cited in this discussion
came from the Australian Museum. But perhaps they're a
"horrible mob," as well.

Reading your posts all I can think of SAYING is:


May your day be as pleasant as you are.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 8:17:25 AM
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Keep your shirt on.

Australian voters will decide for themselves (those that
give a damn - not all do) if they want to change the date,
become a republic, or anything else that they feel strongly
about. And remember:

Voters do it because
They can
They can because they want to
And they want to
Because someone said
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 8:25:21 AM
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What seems to be ignored amidst all this garbage is that the usual sh-t stirrers and anti-Australia Day renegades start banging their drums, as if on cue, only a week or so out from the Day.

The rest of the year - nothing.

The result: everyone yawns, does what they do on Australia Day, and moves on. Next year, same old same old.

AD is just another way for these fools and ingrates to demonstrate that they “DESPISE OUR SYSTEM OF LAW AND GOVERNMENT”, as Josephus correctly observes.

But they are like dogs chasing cars: if they caught one they wouldn't know what to do with it.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 January 2024 8:39:05 AM
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Life is like toilet paper for some.

They're either on a roll or trying to dish out
crap from their rear ends.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 9:02:32 AM
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Have you ever read someone's post and said ..

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 9:04:24 AM
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In a democratic society the majority wins, let’s have a vote at the next Federal election if Australia should be a Democracy !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 21 January 2024 10:42:10 AM
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Australia is a representative democracy. We elect
representatives to carry out the business of government
on our behalf.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 10:52:56 AM
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If you ever leave the Alvo cult l hope you will learn that people are neither good nor bad for having a particular view on one thing or another.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 21 January 2024 12:10:46 PM
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Hi Fester,

I've already told you that I don't belong to any cult.
As for people - and making judgements about them?
I believe that most people are good, decent folk.
Some are even awesome and inspirational.

I prefer to see the good in everyone. And I'm usually
not disappointed.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 12:41:29 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Since you love history so much. In 1938 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Australia Day a group of Aboriginal men were brought to Sydney under guard, and under the threat of having their rations cut off. They were required to play the part of the "menacing savages" the next day in the reenactment of the landing of Phillip. The men were housed over-night in the Moore Park dogs home! What do you say to that, and you expect Aboriginal people to celebrate your nonsenses, get real mate.
Posted by Soap Box, Sunday, 21 January 2024 2:48:42 PM
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Soap Box, cite your claim. However, in 1938 many aboriginals were preferring to live near a riverbank under the stars with their dingos' cross dogs. Country drovers also camped the same in 1938 with their dogs. You want to make some indignant moral claim about ill treatment when for them it was a preference.

You are placing 2000 values on 1900 values and failing to see the difference. Gold diggers preferred to live in tin sheds near their claims and there were no values put on their living.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 January 2024 3:29:52 PM
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Ever heard of Vincent Lingiari?

He was a living legend. Opposed by a society that had
dedicated the best part of two centuries to the brutal
dispossession and oppression of his people. Lingiari
finally stood firm and said that he would not submit.
He changed not only the course of his people's lives
but some of the conditions that our Indigenous people
had to live with.

Yes, there were the times when - Indigenous people on
white properties were treated like dogs. They were lucky
to get paid the measley amounts they were due, they lived
in tin humpies where you had to crawl in and out on your
knees. There was no running water. The food was bad and the
property owners didn't care about blackfellas.

The little government assistance that was given went straight
into the property owner's accounts.

Do your research - check it all out for yourself.
You might learn something.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 4:10:02 PM
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Until Soap Box provides evidence for his claim that people were accommodated in a dog's home, we can regard it as hearsay only. A Google search has not revealed anything, and it’s not like Google to shy away from a chance to badmouth whitey’s treatment of blacks.

If true, it is disgusting - even for 1938. If it is not true, the unsupported allegation is disgusting, as is the person making it.

Genuine ‘original document’ historians are always disproving wild claims made by mischievous individuals and groups.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 January 2024 4:41:49 PM
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A visit to the Australian Museum or National or
State Library would help anyone
doubting history.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 January 2024 6:13:25 PM
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What Soap Box claims about Aboriginal men being imprisoned in the Moore Park Dog Home in 1938 is true, it was documented in the 1988 John Pilger's doco on the treatment of Aboriginal people.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 January 2024 6:20:08 PM
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carry out the business of government
on our behalf.
Well, going by the results we’d better off voting to be a Democracy !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 21 January 2024 8:13:13 PM
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Pilger. Now, that really is scraping the bottom of the barrel! A liar and a psychopath.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 January 2024 10:24:24 PM
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I'd say none of the above, and I'd wager that instances of blokes spending a few nights in the doghouse is not without precedent. The question posed is how much can be extrapolated from the story? Some just want to remember the bad stuff, and some make stuff up to support their prejudices.

Indigenous and non-indigenous women in South Australia had the vote before any other women in the world did. Does that sound like a civilisation that sees people as only being fit for kennels because of their race?

It's as if the Voice referendum never happened the way the narrative of hatred keeps rearing up. Many more Australians will celebrate Australia Day for their personal experience than will condemn it for a narrative of hatred enhanced with fantasy.

Posted by Fester, Sunday, 21 January 2024 10:56:46 PM
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John Pilger might not have been a favourite of yours ttbn, as he didn't paint the "Hitler's" of this world in a very good light. Pilger (1939 -2023) will be remembered as a great journalist and documentary maker.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 January 2024 5:22:48 AM
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Using your own words - you need to practice what you
preach to others - we shouldn't describe those who
have different opinions to our own in insulting ways.

Do try.

Besides - history is clear - and documented - for anyone
truly seeking the truth - no matter how objectionable it
may turn out to be.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 22 January 2024 8:38:49 AM
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Might I remind you that the undertone of this topic is that support of Australia Day is indicative of being a racist stupid old bogan. Despite this, I have kept my insults confined to politicians and organisations wading in on a political debate. As for describing you as a member of the Albo cult, I note that you claim to be an independent thinker yet never seem to have an opinion much at variance from Albo's. Maybe I should refer to you as an undercover Albo cult member?

"history is clear - and documented - for anyone
truly seeking the truth"

Wow, just wow. What I see is a writing of history embellished with unsubstantiated anecdotes and fantasy for the purpose of creating division and hatred.

When the Voice campaigning was in full swing the word from the likes of you Foxy was that the situation for disadvantaged indigenous Australians was dire, solutions were known and could be implemented without any legislative change. Then silence since the referendum went down. I wish that more effort would go toward helping people in need instead of writing fantasy histories.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 22 January 2024 2:59:30 PM
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Hi Fester,

Love me - great.
Hate me - even better.
Don't know me - then don't judge.
Think you know me?
You have no idea.

Enjoy what's left of your day.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 22 January 2024 3:21:02 PM
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As for writing fantasy histories?

That's something we all grew up with in this
country. It's only relatively recently that
we're finally learning the truth.

But still, of course there are people who
prefer the fantasy they were taught for ages.

But lets face it - life is not a fantasy.
If you lose your shoe at midnight - you're drunk!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 22 January 2024 3:27:56 PM
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I support the idea of 'Federation Day' 1st January each year. A more appropriate day to celebrate Australia's nationhood. Agree? BTW just leave out the Chinese made flip-fops, stubby holders and ttbn has to stay home if he insists on wearing his big floppy hat which looks like the Aussie flag!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 January 2024 4:54:13 PM
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I'll be having a bit of strawberry jam I've just made Paul. Tricky stuff to make as it can boil over if you take your eye off it. I made 10kgs last week and gave it away to some proud Aussies. I think I'll have some on a pancake with some cream and a cuppa to celebrate Australia Day. No paraphernalia needed for me mate.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 22 January 2024 5:28:26 PM
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Fester, the Chinese even make paper plates with the Aussie flag on em', get em' from your local Indian run $2 shop, can't get more Australian than that. Mate, it should be damper and Wombat stew, not Pommy strawberry Jam on pancakes.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 January 2024 6:34:10 PM
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Strawberries originated in North America apparently Paul,

but anyone can develop a new variety:

An obsession with the "pure" past free of anything foreign/foreign made seems a silly idea to me. The richness and diversity of our lives is from interaction and sharing, not isolation. The arrival of the First Fleet at Port Jackson was the first step in making Australia what it is today, so I think 26th of January a good day to celebrate.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 6:06:43 AM
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Federation Day January 1st 1901, was the formation of the union of States, it had little to do with the Australia citizen Act of 26January 1949, when everyone born in Australia became Australian and not British Subjects including all aboriginals, all were united as One Nation and Citizens of Australia. January 26 is the memorial of millions becoming citizens.

Woolworths pride is hurting as they spent $1.550,000 on the Voice and it did not pay off their investment. So, they seek to injure the 62% NO supporters by denying them product.

History that is written in the present, where values have changed, about the past, flavors the accounts of the past. In 1997 I had a Papuan Student stay with me while studying, he has several University degrees, but as a boy it was his role to sleep with the pigs and keep an eye on them. That aboriginals in 1938 were given temporary housing in a prison, today is emotive and not representatives of the times.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 7:50:51 AM
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One of my sons got married on January 26th - so we're having
a family lunch. I'll be making a lamb roast with all the
trimmings and a pav. for dessert.

Homemade strawberry jam sounds yum. Although my preference is
raspberry jam with pancakes.

I've got a great recipe for American pancakes. And another one
for Semolina pudding for a finicky breakfaster.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 8:10:02 AM
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These days, the Left will take up ANY cause to demonstrate their anti-Western credentials.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 8:13:55 AM
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What on earth does that even mean?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 8:15:35 AM
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Some have forgotten in their concern with Left and Right
that there is an Above and Below.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 8:50:42 AM
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Good for you, Foxy. Marmalade I find more satisfying to make, but I cannot pass up making strawberry jam when they are selling cheaply. Much tastier than Aussie flag thongs and eminently more environmentally responsible as well.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 11:03:44 AM
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Hi Fester,

Ever tasted wild strawberries?

I remember as a kid my dad grew some and they were
so sweet. But they didn't last long and died. quickly.
Dad used to grow many different fruits. He bought me
a tomato plant as a birthday gift - that I treasured
and cared for.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 11:13:44 AM
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I have just been advised that this site is “not secure”. The message is popping up more and more lately - with other sites as well - and I believe it is a form of censorship: an attempt to prevent people from looking at material that someone doesn't approve of.

Do others experience this?

In the meantime, it seems that there is one poster here who thinks that any post following one of hers is automatically some response to hers, even when it doesn't have her name on, and even when the author of the following post didn't even know that there was a post by her about her totally uninteresting family and what they were going to have for Australia Day lunch.

Despite that, given this woman thinks that everything is about her, she has to screech, “What on earth does that even mean?”

Well, it means nothing to her or her pedestrian family goings-on and what they eat. Isolated as it is from her own post, “These days, the Left will take up ANY cause to demonstrate their anti-Western credentials”, relevant to the topic as it is, will be understood by all posters not totally up themselves like her, and with just average intelligence.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 12:34:01 PM
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My sincere apologies to you that I seem to have again struck
some sort of cord. And sucked all the "nice" out of you.

Dear oh dear. You poor man. I didn't mean to neglect you.
I'll try to do better next time and include you in my posts.

It was a genuine question that I asked
as to why some people are fixated with Left and Right
labelling -
When there are so many other options that one can choose
be it Above, Below, or centre.

As for my sharing Australia Day activities - well others have
done it. To which you didn't object at all. However, this was
for Fester who shared his yum - strawberry jam with us. You
didn't have to read what I wrote
It wasn't meant for you anyway - if you found it so objectionable.
And next time you really want to talk about me - address your
posts to me directly. Thank you.

However it seems that on this forum - it's me that you continue
to target - despite your continued promises to ignore
me - you just can't resist - do you think that it raises your
status on the forum by doing that? It actually doesn't
and simply illustrates you toxicity and venom. A man with
serious mental problems and insecurities. Get help. You need it.

You have just proven that I am multi-talented.
I can talk, annoy, and irritate you, all at the same time.

Congratulations for at least trying to hurl insults instead of
stones. Just remember that insults only hurt when they come
from someone we respect.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 1:13:51 PM
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Doesn't "ttbn" stand for - "Try to be Nice" ?

Perhaps you need a new on this forum.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 1:18:56 PM
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I have a great deal of knowledge of narcissists like you, and I have passed this knowledge onto others. I know there is no point in trying to deal with you, which is why I don't address you directly as a rule. To me, you are a 'case'; an example of a type. I've attempted to warn others about the futility of trying to argue with you, but they can disregard that advice, and some do. The need to argue when it is an obvious waste of time is another sypmtom of a different psychological problem.

You are incurable, and it is only my natural desire to pass on knowledge that I hope will help others that I occasionally speak of you; and you keeping proving my diagnosis. I have no interest in you personally, just your condition.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 1:38:37 PM
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I'm besieged with bush turkeys, so I confine myself to herbs in pots, a few citrus trees, mangoes and bananas. It was thoughtful of your dad to give you a tomato plant. It's good grow things. I see that you have been transformed from an Albo cult spy into a guinea pig.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 3:15:43 PM
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All of your attacks on me have been very personal and date
back decades. They have been made continuously and have
been ongoing despite your promises to stop.

Your claim of wanting to warn people about an imaginary
condition that you've assigned to me is sick.

You deliberately target me. And still
continue to do so - despite the many promises to ignore me.

This needs to stop. There's not much hope I'm afraid if you
continue to blame me and not look to your own

Perhaps we both need to find the mute button.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 3:49:14 PM
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Hi Fester,

I've never had a guinea pig as a pet. But I had
a miniature rabbit called Sooty.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 4:03:01 PM
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You need to have the final word is another sypmtom of your condition. As is your inability to accept it. There is no cure.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 January 2024 9:34:36 PM
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Good Morning Fester,

Talking about marmalade.

I watched "Shark Tank" the other evening and
learned something about maple syrup. A young
man - Joshua Parker, was trying to get funding
for his "Parker's maple butter," "Parker's
maple organic cotton candy," and "Parker's
organic maple syrup."

Ever heard of any of these products?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 8:28:29 AM
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Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 8:33:28 AM
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"Former Australian (cricket) captain Steve Smith has followed the current skipper Pat Cummins in, saying he thinks Australia Day should be celebrated on a more appropriate date."
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 4:27:25 PM
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Hi Paul,

There's a whole range of opinions on the subject of
Australia Day. Many are glad to have a long week-end,
and spending time with their families and friends.
Still others share in community activities. What is
nice to see is that in all Councils - our First Nations
people are being included - be it as dancers, artists,
or storytellers. Not only our local Council is making
it inclusive but so is the Melbourne Museum, and the
National Museum in Canberra.

I think that with time, the date will probably be changed.
But at least now with the inclusion - it's become friendlier.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 5:26:04 PM
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Hi Paul,

Talking about "old age?"

I just saw a car bumper -sticker:

"I'm not old.
I'm 25.
Plus postage and handling."
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 5:34:17 PM
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Thanks for the link Foxy. My computer autocorrects for me, so there is no need to fix the link. Maple syrup is probably best with pancakes, or maybe it is because it was Sunday breakfast for me as a kid along with lemon and sugar as another serving option. I think a good maple syrup is wasted on me Foxy as I am quite happy with the synthetic stuff, although one of my work mates made a yummy ice cream using my jam, so maybe I've been missing out?
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 7:22:21 PM
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Steve Smith. Now there's a man of the of the people. Reported to be worth $46 million and ... er, mixed up in the ball tampering incident, and had a good old cry in public when he was caught. A fine example of morality to be giving advice about Australia Day or anything else. Australian cricket and cricketers are all shite, politicising and bringing into disrepute what used to be a gentlemen's game.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 9:47:13 PM
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69.5% of Australians now support introducing a LAW preventing politicians from changing Australia Day.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 January 2024 6:58:53 AM
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The Labor SA parliament has a Bill on Public Holidays proposed to remove Christmas Day, Anzac Day, and Australia Day from Public holidays.

They are going ahead with the Voice to parliament and Treaty. They cannot read the voice of the people who voted NO. If the aboriginal population has intermarried into other races and adopted Western cultures, then a treaty means nothing. It is an attempt to control citizens. by creating division.

While communism is still a dirty word, Marxism isn’t. Many Australians barely know who Karl Marx is, let alone understand his teachings that are ripping Australia apart. The rise of Neo-Marxism didn’t happen organically, and it isn’t sudden. This is a manufactured, decades-long strategy playing out in front of our eyes. Leftist ideologies, once on the fringe, now dominate classrooms nationwide. Our children are being intentionally targeted. They are taught racial division and moral relativism are good, while Australia’s founding principles and Judeo-Christian values are bad.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 25 January 2024 7:42:11 AM
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Only one more day, then the miserable minority who hate Australia Day, Australia itself, and themselves, will have to look for something else to screech about.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 January 2024 7:59:12 AM
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"69.5% of Australians now support introducing a LAW preventing politicians from changing Australia Day"

147% of Australians now support introducing a LAW making everyone love Pauline Hanson.....SAME SURVEY!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 25 January 2024 8:03:32 AM
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Regarding Australia Day?

There are already changes
happening. Not only in the local councils around the
states but in our national institutions.

The National
Museum in Canberra is calling it - "Community Day" in
2024 and featuring local and regional First Nation
traditional custodians, along with artists and performers
from diverse backgrounds. The meaning of the day is going
to be discussed and what it means to belong and be

I'm sure that many will agree that this is a step in the right
direction of being inclusive. It's an exciting time with
change happening. There's enough hatred in the world.

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 8:34:07 AM
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It's so good to see that Australia Day can slowly
become a day we can all embrace.

That is as it should be because we've got over 200
countries representing a kaleidoscope of races,
religions, and ethnicities. The story of our country
and the story of its migration is a stark contrast
from its convict colonized origins.

Unlike the unwilling settlers of 1788 - modern migrants
freely choose Australia for its provision of freedom,
acceptance and unparalleled opportunities.

We stand out as a country with a very high percentage
of our population born in another country. This shows
that we do have the ability to foster and embrace

So let us make Australia Day a day of dialogue not
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 9:57:46 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Australia Day or not, We are roster'd on to work at the charity tomorrow. Would normally go to the Invasion Day protest in the city, but the wife said better to volunteer tomorrow, a bit short staffed only 5 on, regardless of the day, flags and fireworks, there are still plenty of Australians doing it tough out there.

p/s Just had a lovely lady donate $800 cash, requesting we buy 'frozen meals' for homeless folk. Okay you sure? I said, I suspect she is on a pension, but I don't know. I LOVE ANY AUSTRALIAN, BLACK OR WHITE, WITH SUCH A LOVELY HEART!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 25 January 2024 1:46:46 PM
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I doubt that there is a nation today that is untouched by a traumatic past. England is no exception, but do the English use their past to focus on injustices suffered or fan hatred upon the heritage groups they believe were responsible, or do they focus upon the nation they have grown into and celebrate the life and opportunity given them?

The English celebrate St George's Day as their national day on the 23rd of April. Would the museum staff consider this fitting for their national day formula given the great changes since the third century AD, or would it be preferable to change it to something more contemporary and culturally inclusive like Boy George Day for example?
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:06:27 PM
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Hi Paul,

It's lovely all the good work you're doing and raising
the money that you do for worthy causes. I agree with you
that people who show kindness, empathy, and understanding,
we need more of in these troubled times.


Our Australia Day is now becoming more focused on
inclusion and celebrating Modern Australia. Most nations
make their national day - the day they achieved independence
not the day they were colonised, according to the Australian
Museum. But I'm sure you're free to celebrate whichever day
floats your boat.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:24:29 PM
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Like North Korea Foxy?

"The Day of the Sun, the birthday of its founder and first leader Kim Il Sung, on 15 April is the most important holiday in the country.[3] The second most important is the Day of the Shining Star on 16 February, the birthday of Kim Jong Il.[4] As of 2019, Kim Jong Un's birthday is still not a public holiday.[5] Other holidays of great importance are the Party Foundation Day (10 October) and the Day of the Foundation of the Republic (9 September).[6] North Koreans often schedule their wedding days on important national holidays.[7]

North Korea regularly carries out missile and nuclear tests on such important anniversaries.[8] "

Maybe Australia should celebrate National Albo Day coincident with a competition for the biggest goose?
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:42:59 PM
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Anyone remember "Bonfire Night?"

I used to love it as a kid. We'd have a huge bonfire.
Plenty of double-bungers, crackers, sparkles. Until
my uncle caught one of his sons sticking a huge cracker
in his brother's ear.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:44:38 PM
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It's only getting worse as I thought it would.

"Direct threats have been made to workers", said SDA State Secretary, Josh Peak. "Threats of use of guns have been made that we've become aware of". This was at a Woolworths supermarket in Australia. I fear it only get worse over time.

On a more positive note, Australian Test vice-captain Steve Smith has backed calls for a change to the date of Australia Day. Smith consulted with Test teammate Scott Boland, who is of indigenous descent, before forming his view. It comes on the back of cricketer Pat Cummins also announcing he also supported a change to the date.

The calls are growing louder to change the date and for me that's a start. Really though we need to end Australia Day as a celebration. The appalling treatment of Aboriginal people is not a day worthy of celebration. People should celebrate every day, not banal public holidays with little value. I think over time young people will abandon Australia Day and it will go away.

Finally, a retail outlet has come out calling Woolworths "Wokeworths" on social media. I think it was a publicity exercise to get sales, but some have said they will now be boycotting the supermarket.
Posted by NathanJ, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:55:15 PM
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Hi Fester,

Aren't you a little ray of pitch black.

You'd probably know more about North Korea then me.

All I know is that Christopher Hitchens advised -
not to even think about ordering a doggie bag in
any restaurant in Pyongyang.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 2:55:40 PM
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Hi Foxy,

My opinion is that if the date for Australia Day is to be changed it should be via a democratic mandate, not because of a "scientific" determination of a museum, and certainly not because the shouty people want it so.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 25 January 2024 4:10:22 PM
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Hi Fester,

We muddle through things in this country.
But we get it right in the end.
Voters will of course make the final decision
as they've done with other important issues to
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 25 January 2024 4:27:56 PM
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Hi again Foxy,

Talking to a local politician, she will be attending "Australia Day" festivities tomorrow, as we are friends she did confide that she is somewhat "embarrassed" with it all. My friend like me, would be more comfortable with a celebration on "Federation Day" 1st January, but as she agreed that is already a public holiday, and people love public holidays as a day off work
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 25 January 2024 4:48:49 PM
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So, the Invasion Day soldiers on the left have gone too far, sawing off at the legs a statue of Captain Cook. They should be rounded up and made to pay for its restoration. Cook had nothing to do with the settlement, and he never invaded the Great South Land. History means nothing to the vile left while they are creating friction in the community is their agenda. They want settlers out. No date will suit them, yet they live off the fat of others' work.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 25 January 2024 6:04:27 PM
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Hi Nathan,

I just thought of a new advertising slogan for Woollies:

From the dessert to the tea, Australia will be free.

You'd better get to work on that 17%, but I'd suggest that shouty people tend to put the punters off a bit.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 25 January 2024 6:22:33 PM
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1st of January is already taken as New Year Day !
How about leaving Australia Day on the 26th & create Hypocrite Leftist or Parasite Day on the 29th of February ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 25 January 2024 6:35:24 PM
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I think we need a weekly "Shouty Day" to give an outlet for all the hatred and aggression. Orwell called it well with the "Two Minutes Hate".
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 25 January 2024 8:45:45 PM
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Happy Australia Day to all loyal Australians, and commiserations to the miserable minority of losers who just don't get it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 January 2024 6:41:53 AM
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Lets make Australia Day - a day of dialogue not division.

Enjoy the day, and spend some quality time with your family
and friends.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 8:23:58 AM
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But Foxy, your dialogue, as with the Voice, is all about "Them and us", "We were here first" and "Go back to where you came from". It is a dialogue of division and hatred, and seems to be the only aptitude of cult leader Albo.

Australia Day should be a celebration of the nation Australia has become and the life and opportunity it has given and continues to give to its citizens. I feel great pride that you are just as much an Australian regardless of your heritage or how long you have been here. That road to opportunity, equality and diversity began with the arrival of the First Fleet at Port Jackson on the 26th of January 1788.

Happy Australia Day!
Posted by Fester, Friday, 26 January 2024 8:55:00 AM
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Hi Fester,

I am responsible for what I post. I can't be held responsible
for how you interpret it.

My posting record speaks for itself. I have always been
for inclusion not division. For facts, and I always will be.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 9:13:42 AM
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You're the one making references to an "Albo cult,"
and a "Mummy's boy,"
and a "them" and "us" inference. If you don't want
or can't understand my responses - then don't make stupid

Enjoy your day.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 9:19:08 AM
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The Voice, which you wholly supported, was all about division and exclusion. It was about giving some Australians privilege over others on the basis of their heritage. It was soundly rejected by Australians, yet cult leader Albo adopted his Mr Grumpy persona, told the voters they got it wrong then did nothing to implement solutions for indigenous Australians desperately in need of help. Since then he has sailed on, his hateful and divisive course of leadership unchanged. The Australia Day fiasco is yet another example of cult leader Albo's hateful and divisive style.

Nothing gets a devotee more worked up than insulting their cult leader does it Foxy?
Posted by Fester, Friday, 26 January 2024 9:40:21 AM
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The Voice to me was an opportunity for Australians to
make history together.

As for the "Albo cult?"

It really doesn't matter if you don't like his personality.
He has several more.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 10:05:22 AM
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Yes, I've noticed that cult leader Albo has a personality for every occasion. The trouble is that each of his personalities has no idea of what the others have promised. Less charitable people might describe that trait as being a two faced liar.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 26 January 2024 10:30:35 AM
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Your shouty day is a good idea in theory. They could get everything off their chests all at once, then return to their caves. But do you think that professional activists and whingers would ever be satisfied?

The Australia most people take for granted today, and celebrate on January 26th, has nothing to do with the original inhabitants, nomads divided into hundreds of tribal groups and further divided by languages and customs, and with no concept of the place as a continent.

The majority of Australians have no connection with that history. Of the few who do, most are absorbed into what is now the mainstream, and live lives nothing like the original inhabitants. We just have a few noisy malcontents, most with no aboriginality, who just live to make as much trouble as they can at every anniversary of everything most Australians hold dear.

These people - naive or just plain nasty - don't seem to realise that there was no way that civilisation was going to ignore this continent forever, and that British settlement was much more acceptable than settlement by most other countries, including China, snooping about in the Middle Ages; or Portuguese and Spanish despots. There would be no trace of aborigines if their sort had settled here. They, along with the French, still meddle in their ‘colonies’ to this day.

Britain did not “invade”; they had trouble finding anyone to talk to. The locals kept disappearing into the bush. Nobody denies that there were unfortunate incidents (none of which were part of official policy); but, it didn't take long for aborigines to “move in” for regular food that previously they had to keep going walkabout to find.

The yarns about how good aboriginal life was before we arrived put about by troublemakers and frauds these days are downright lies.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 January 2024 10:45:16 AM
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I nicked this from a Newsletter from Steven Schwartz.

"The idiot who praises, with an enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this and every country but his own.
— WS Gilbert (The Mikado)"

It seems relevant to this discussion, in some cases.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 January 2024 12:44:37 PM
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Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 2:42:49 PM
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If shouty day can settle people down it would be good. I wouldn't mind a shouty day on occasion myself.

All so confusing. History describes humanity's journey, yet the shouty people treat it as a body of evidence to be cherry picked, embellished and fabricated for the purpose of condemnation. Colonisation marked the arrival of an advanced civilisation on the Australian continent, yet the shouty people choose to see it only as a tragedy. England, a nation shaped over millennia by the interaction of many ideas and cultures through migration and conquest, is seen by the shouty people as a monoculture of sickly people bringing disease and interested only in genocide of the people and culture it encountered.

Such a view is surely at odds with the Australia of today, a nation embracing freedom, equality and opportunity for all Australians.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 26 January 2024 3:57:22 PM
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This may be of interest:

Ben Pobjie in his book, "Error Australis: The Reality Recap
of Australian History," talks about the First Fleet. He talks
about the prospect of being sent to the far end of the world,
to a strange unknown land as being terrifying. The powerful
emotions generated were eloquently expressed in the classic
old song "Botany Bay,":

Farewell to old England forever
Farewell to my rum coes as well
Farewell to the well known Tim Bailey
Who used to teach me to spell
Singing too-ra-li-oo-ra-li-addity
Singing bing bong dum doo dad fi-fay
Singing spinkly pom pinkly bom baddity
It's shyte down in Botany Bay

And just as the song predicted more than 700 convicts
found themselves bound for that mysterious far-off land.

We're told that of-course not everyone on the First Fleet
- named after the fact that it was a fleet - was a convict.

In addition to some 775 convicts there were also around 300
sailors, 250 Royal Marines, 15 officials and passengers,
and about 50 wives and children of the marines.

Also on board the fleet were six horses, four cows, one
bull, 44 sheep, 19 goats, 32 pigs, five rabbits, 18 turkeys,
29 geese, 35 ducks, 122 fowls, 87 chickens, assorted cats,
and the Governor's greyhounds.

It was suspected that a significant proportion of the
ducks had committed serious crimes and several of the
pigs were thought to be marines in disguise.

Pobjie provides for us an immediate visceral sense of
what it was like to be there in the moment of our nation's
defining events. The book is worth a read.

It is only by looking at where we have been that we can
understand who we are, what we stand for, and why things
work the way they do.

The book is a scholarly and hilarious account of a
young nation that has spent many years seeking its
place in the world, and almost as many years not liking
what it has found.

A great read!

BTW: I hope you had an awesome day!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 5:43:00 PM
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The trouble with history is that modern historians keep repeating what other historians have repeated before them. Most are too lazy to wade through original documents. Instead, stories get changed over time, often to myths that individuals want to believe.

That doesn't mean bad things didn't happen, but the good things seem to fall by the wayside.

We just have to accept that some people hate Australia Day, Australia itself - but they won't act on what they have convinced themselves of and go somewhere else to live. There are lots of people who want to take their places.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 January 2024 5:57:18 PM
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I see the Islamic dissidents are now siding with the Invasion Day anti Australian brigade. Shouting Give the land back to aboriginals whose land was stolen by invaders. They supposedly came here for freedom from the war in Gaza and are bringing the same conflict into Australia. They should be deported as they are not integrating into our values of inclusion. They are creating social conflict and creating unsettlement to community inclusion.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 26 January 2024 6:13:20 PM
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Agree. And just look who brought the Arab rabble here - another 800 of them in too short a time for proper vetting.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 January 2024 6:18:08 PM
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The following link is interesting:

There's so much information in state and national libraries
to be had. Genuine historical primary sources are readily
available. Facts are documented. The writings of genuine
historians are on the shelves. These historians
do not ignore documentary evidence that contradicts
their own ideology.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 January 2024 6:26:41 PM
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Yes, some Palestinians embrace the values of "them and us", "we were here first", and "go back to where you came from", which pretty much sums up the reasons for the peace and love situation observed between the Israelis and Arabs today. That is why I believe equality and inclusion such valuable principles. Cult leader Albo tried to trash that principle with his apartheid Australia referendum and failed, but I was sad to see attempts to create division and hatred in Australia along the same lines with the anti-oz day push again this year.

As much as you might fear people, I feel that equality and inclusion are great strengths of our civilisation, and the main reasons I voted "no".
Posted by Fester, Friday, 26 January 2024 8:21:49 PM
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I see Foxy promoting reading the Marxist view of History found in the library written by those with a socialist axe to grind. Their passionate view of history from their perspective does not give true balance to the facts but identifies isolated events and pushes them as mainstream. For those of us who have lived among aboriginals we know the differences. The ABC and SBS are stirrers of Marxist ideology creating conflict.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 27 January 2024 6:59:18 AM
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Despite all the lunacy of arrogant, rotten demonstrators and traitors yesterday, Australia Day will not be changed. Albanese and Chalmers have both said so. The horrible protesters are too much, even for them.

Now is the time to have the date enshrined in law - because we cannot necessarily take notice of what politicians say.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 January 2024 8:11:06 AM
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As I told you on another discussion - Karl Marx
doesn't do it for me. I prefer reading the works
of people like Robert Conquest, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
Arnold Joseph Toynbee (I have his 12 volume study of
history). Then there's Thomas Keneally - I like his wide
range of material. He's written extensively from
Australia's past. I like his humanistic point of view, his
eye for accuracy, and his knack of engaging storytelling.

Ever read anything by Mary Durack?

So much to choose from in our choices of reading.

You shouldn't limit yourself to just one track.
Broadening your horizons may make life more interesting.

Worth a try.

You're welcome.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 9:23:59 AM
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Good discussion. I had a few chuckles. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 27 January 2024 9:30:17 AM
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If you speak against the accepted political religion, the hard Left  uses  communist-era tactics against you. They will deconstruct your character.  
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 January 2024 9:34:51 AM
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People who deliberately try to deconstruct the characters
of others by false assumptions and accusations have
insecurity issues or they just want a fight and an
argument which they've grown up with and been taught to
do since childhood.

They can't comprehend well intentioned advice, information,
and facts that go against their personal ideologies.
It's the old "pub mentality," they grew up with. So
outmoded and a relic of colonialism.

Anybody watch the Sydney Australia Day celebrations
on television last night on the ABC? A magnificent event
and very warming to see. A true coming together of diversity
and a marvellous step in the right direction for our
celebration of what Australia is today.

Sydney did a brilliant job!
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 10:24:02 AM
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Hi Foxy,

What is your alternative to colonisation? Further, nearly all Australians would not exist, nor would Australians of indigenous heritage have a united structure via indigenous representative bodies were it not for colonisation. Are those bad outcomes?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 11:10:21 AM
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The following online course may clarify things for you:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 12:13:22 PM
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That doesn't answer any of my questions Foxy. No one has an obligation to answer a question, but if you do make an effort to provide an answer it would be nice if it had some relevance to the question asked. Was your pseudo answer a link one of cult leader Albo's info packs for devotees?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 12:39:53 PM
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Try saying these four words, four times really fast
without getting your tongue twisted:


Now go play with someone else.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 1:04:13 PM
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As I said, you don't have to answer questions, but I'd prefer it if you didn't respond with information irrelevant to the question. You do that quite often, but as you raised the issue of health in remote indigenous communities, you might be interested in how much Noel Pearson has done for about 3700 indigenous people with over $550 million dollars. He certainly benefited himself in the process.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 1:17:22 PM
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We can all appreciate some Western evolved aspects of aboriginal culture and celebrate it. However, having this "stolen land" mentality thrust upon us after 250 years by Palestinian misfits and uneducated supporters merely to create social conflict must be dealt with at Government levels. Unfortunately, "protest conflicts" are now being taught in schools and University by Marxist teachers who are brainwashed extremists merely to create social conflict. They need cleaning out of influencing children from the education system.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 27 January 2024 1:22:11 PM
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The ugly side of GUBBA DAY was revealed in Sydney when 6 balaclava-clad neo-Nazis were arrested by police after about 60 hooded men swarmed a Sydney train. Australian flag waving fascists yelling abuse, and shouting hate speech at "non-whites" boarded a train at Artarmon before going on their rampage. Police made the arrests at North Sydney Station when coppers from the public order riot squad, and police transport command boarded the train, they directed the general public off the train before taking control of these vicious thugs and arrested 6 and issued 55 infringement notices. Yes, the funny hats and Aussie flip flops gave way to black hoods and hate speak.

My question is to the following supporters; Fester, ttbn, Canem Malum, Josephus and Indyvidual. To what degree do YOU support the behaviour of these Neo-Nazis? If you support them 100% then there is no need to reply, we understands where you are coming from!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 27 January 2024 1:36:11 PM
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Paul, they are a bunch of troublemakers, like the opposition you support.
Let go back 250 years, which is what the anti-Australian brigade want, white settlement out.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 27 January 2024 2:08:21 PM
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Australians have a choice.

Of being all the same.

Of being a melting pot.

Or of being a beautiful colourful mosaic.

Our choice.

I know where my preference lies.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 2:56:01 PM
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Hi Paul,

My support for those neo-Nazis would be less than yours Paul, and there are plenty of nazi supporters among pro-Palestinians. Cult leader Albo loved the press opportunity they gave him. They do a much better job than some of his abusive astroturfers.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 3:27:17 PM
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Does that mean that anyone against the Israeli treatment
of Palestinians is a neo-Nazi? What does that make of
pro-Israeli supporters? A "Red under the bed?" Or a
KGB agent? 'Cause on the law of averages there must
be enough of them around as well.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 January 2024 3:40:04 PM
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Foxy if you preference is a united nation - then stop supporting divisive elements raging in society. Simple!
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 27 January 2024 3:52:02 PM
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Who does this sound like? (hint: not me)

"Israel “is a pure genocidal state, make no mistake,” Peinovich told rally attendees over a PA system. “We Americans have been snookered into supporting [Israel] by Jewish control of our banks, our media, and our politicians, but we have to say enough and rise up as a people.”"
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 4:04:43 PM
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Here we are talking about GUBBA DAY and Fester who admits he is some kind of supporter of Neo-Nazi's..."My (Fester) support for those neo-Nazis would be less than yours Paul"...obviously Fester assumes I have some degree of support for these Neo-Nazi's, and his is less than mine, well that shows you are a supporter Fester. One down....Then he tries to deflect to something about Palatine. Nice try.

Jose' says; "they are a bunch of troublemakers" but doesn't indicate he doesn't support them, maybe Jose' likes Neo-Nazi troublemakers. Two down.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 27 January 2024 4:41:46 PM
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Hi Paul,

I guess that in common with Nazis I'd share a love of the natural world, so in that sense I'd be a Nazi. You'd share that love too Paul, along with a love of fascism (Russia), a hatred of Jews and certain races, along with a habit of being abusive to people you disagree with.

Think of all those new friends you could have made on the train the other day Paul.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 5:17:12 PM
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A lot of these companies have "woke washing campaign's" in order to stop woke communists attacking them for their salaries. The problem is extortion gets bigger over time.

Blackrock is run by Hebrew CEO Larry Fink- I suspect that he is a supporter of Israel.

The Vanguard Group was founded by Catholic- John Bogle and until recently was run by Bill McNabb

We need to prepare a month early for Australia Day rallies next year get the kids out in public to support Anglo-Australian history. Next the woke commies will go after ANZAC Day and Christmas Day.

Sad to see that it was probably woke commies destroying statues in Melbourne's St Kilda in the name of Aboriginal proxies.

Multiculturalism is code for Anti-White genocide.

Interesting that the Neo-Nazi's are with the Woke/ Communists in supporting the Palestinian's against Israel.

Interesting love triangles
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 27 January 2024 5:31:21 PM
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Israel “is a pure genocidal state, make no mistake,”
And, kill all Infidels does not sound genocidal ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 27 January 2024 6:10:51 PM
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Hi Indy,

There are lots of people in the world who believe that only other people are capable of hatred. Vladimir Putin and cult leader Albo are a couple of examples.

Sadly, hatred is a universal talent.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 7:16:01 PM
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"in common with Nazis I'd (Fester) share a love of the natural world" Do they really? I only know of them as hateful individuals, incapable of love, so you claim a degree of empathy with these Neo-Nazis.

Your spurious claims about me; "along with a love of fascism (Russia)" care to provide evidence of that, otherwise I call you a liar! "a hatred of Jews" unless you offer evidence I again call you a liar! "and certain races" and once more unless you provide evidence of that I call you a liar! "along with a habit of being abusive to people you disagree with" Evidence, or I call you a liar once again!

I wanted to know if you would denounce the behaviour of these Neo-Nazi's, you failed to do so. What does that make YOU?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 27 January 2024 7:38:25 PM
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I've thought of you as a Don Quixote type character, but after accusing me of being a Nazi, I would think Joe MaCarthy a closer match.

I am just as offended as being accused of being a Nazi as you. I don't think that either of us are Nazis, but were I ever unfortunate to engage in conversation with one I doubt that I could find them more belligerent or abusive. I will engage you no further in conversation and ask you to do the same.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 27 January 2024 11:47:18 PM
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Paul1405 said- "behaviour of these Neo-Nazi's"

Answer- Not sure what behavior Paul1405 is referring to. Talking to the media. Wearing a mask. They didn't do anything illegal as far as I could see. Not sure about the police stopping people going to Sydney. I'm sure that many people in Sydney are annoyed at the Woke/ Communists protesting invasion day in places traditionally reserved for Australia Day Parades. Perhaps the Woke/ Communists should be stopped from protesting in this case.

One year attending an Australia Day Parade I was appalled at the overwhelming dominance of non-Anglo groups presumably in the name of Anti-Racism. In this context it's easy to see multiculturalism means anti-white racism.

mhaze- Thanks for your explanation of negative gearing.

From a business minded persons point of view- everything is business and subject to the profit and loss statement (income - expenses = profit) believing that profit should be taxed not income as is true in businesses. They see spending on investments that generate income as either maintenance or improvement. Business people see human resources including themselves as just another investment vehicle. It's not against the law to have this philosophical perspective as long as they obey the law- but it isn't against the law to use a company structure to bring reality more in line with their philosophy. Business people see their investment in infrastructure as contributing to the communities available infrastructure and providing a valuable community service- they obtain a small amount of profit for their effort in maintenance and compliance costs. A few years ago consulting firms started encouraging contractors to work under their own businesses- the tax department created laws stopping contractors from paying tax as businesses unless they did work for more than one client. Tradies are allowed deductions for tools and safety wear. The Australian Taxation system is complex. But in order to understand tax it's probably also important to understand government spending and the logic behind them.

People that are renting see the relationship of the property owner with society differently. I may do a short piece on this later.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 4:01:26 AM
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The Kudos Kid once went to a Gubba Day celebration, and to his shock-horror there were unclean people there. What was the problem, oh! yes they were non white, probably not dressed like CM in made in China floppy hat and flip flops, maybe wearing a black balaclava were you. These ethnics had the hide to turn up looking different to CM etc, he was "appalled" by their presence! CM you should have screamed at them just like those Neo-Nazi's did on the train, the ones you are now supporting; "THIS is an all white mans affair, no place for YOU Gooks!" Maybe they would have went back from whence they came.....BLACKTOWN! Three down.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 28 January 2024 5:05:08 AM
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I never accused you of being a Nazi, what I asked was; "To what degree do YOU support the behaviour of these Neo-Nazis?" If you had asked me the same question, I would have said, I totally detest these Neo-Nazi's and their behaviour is un-Australian and totally unacceptable to me. You chose to claim without evidence, like you they were nature lovers, then made a serious of false claims, again without evidence, against me.

As for; "I (Fester) will engage you no further in conversation and ask you to do the same." The first part is your choice, as for your "ask" of me, no, if you post something I choose to respond to, I will.

p/s I don't care what you think of me, its of no importance to me, as for your disparaging associations, Don Quixote, Joe MaCarthy, not interested.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 28 January 2024 5:23:35 AM
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If there really is a Nazi capable sympathiser here it’d be Paul1405 as he is perpetually denouncing all who are not part of the hypocritical crowd he constantly defends !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 28 January 2024 8:07:48 AM
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It isn't me supporting the divisive elements in our society -
it's you. And apparently for you it's simple. For me it is not
simple at all. The issues are important and unfortunately
here we are in the best country in the world - instead of
looking and seeing that there's more that unites us, some of
us continue to look for divisions.

I watched the Sydney celebrations in the evening of Australia
Day. They were magnificent. They showed so many people coming
together to celebrate our country and our diversity. IT
gave me so much joy to see that.

We have so much we can be proud of. Of course none of us are
perfect. But most of us have to give credit - that we're
better than some say we're not.

So let's unite, not divide. Politics is a blood sport - we
know that. But lets try not to be influenced or swayed by it.
I'm ashamed that I often am. Because underneath it all - I
am proud of our people and country.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 8:45:22 AM
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I think that some of Paul1405's comments are Anti-White racism. Paul1405 seems to have said in the past that his cousin is/ was Aboriginal. Not sure how White people and Aboriginal's can ever live in peace if attitudes like Paul1405's prevail. White people have tried to listen to the needs of Aboriginal people. At some point it seems that White people need to say "NO to Aboriginal demands"- because Aboriginal demands will never stop. Give them a piece of land and let them live on it. These whingy tactics where nothing is enough are beneath great peoples- aquiescing to them is beneath us. As I understand there is a small group of Whingy Shouty Communists Aboriginal's that the Communist's nurtured in Cairns early on (I saw an article that Bob Hawke from memory visited their commune). Sadly these "Shouty Aboriginal's" seem to be setting the tone for all Australian Aboriginal's on the international stage. I hope that Australian Aboriginal's can maintain the image of their better civilized great nature. I hope that attitudes like Paul1405 don't polute the watering hole for everyone.

The situation between "White Australian's and Australian Aboriginal's" vs "Anti-White Communist Multicultural Immigration" is different even if Paul1405 wants to say they are synonymous.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 9:23:04 AM
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Foxy's argument that "the opponents of multiculturalism are divisive" sounds like Orwellian doubletalk. The opponents of multiculturalism didn't create multiculturalism. In my view people with similar policies to Foxy created multiculturalism to destroy White European people. It seems that Foxy will continue in her Anti-White attempt to bury us- as Khrushchev said. Multiculturalism is only pushed on Western people. According to this logic- at some stage Foxy clones will openly torture white people- as in Orwell's Room 101- Stalinist and Maoist programs were/ are similar.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 9:36:03 AM
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Oh Dear.

I don't know Canem Malum but whatever is eating him
must be suffering dreadfully. Same old tactics. His
method of operation on this forum.

I shall repeat what
I wrote in another discussion. People who try to
deconstruct the characters of others, especially
on a public forum such as this one. People who see
themselves as keyboard warriors have insecurity
issues or they just want to provoke, argue, have
a fight. Which is what they've been taught to do
since childhood.

They can't comprehend well intentioned advice,
information, or facts. It's the old pub mentality.
The "born to rule" mentality that they grew up
with. A relic of colonialism. So outmoded for
most of us today. Live and let live is not in their
vocabulary. Divide and conquer is.

Winston Churchill had a good quote - if he stopped and
threw stones at every dog that barked, he'd never reach
his destination. Good advice. I'll try next time to
remember that.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 9:57:23 AM
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I suppose Foxy will say "there there everything will be ok" as she ignores our plea, gags us, rapes us, cuts our throat- a twisted evil mind without an inch of human mercy.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 10:17:37 AM
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Canem Malum,

I'm not an evil, twisted mind, et cetera.

I prefer the term - MENTALLY SUPERIOR!

You need to stop leaving your little bombs all
over this forum. Go sit on the toilet and
sing "England! England! England!"
You'll be relieved in no time.

There's a good chap.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 10:27:57 AM
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Does the below sound a bit like western woke communism and Anti-White policies.

The entire history of communism in the 20th century reeked of mass murder.

Very descriptive

"They would then be told that they would be transferred to another prison. Some were, often to a forced labor camp. But many would be taken to another room in the basement, on one wall of which was a meter stick. They would be told that they would be given a physical examination before being moved. Told to stand with their back against the meter stick to measure their height, a small trapdoor would open behind their head and a KGB executioner would shoot them dead."

But is "Human Rights Watch" part of this system- a form of "'purity' washing"?

In late 2012, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a “war on corruption,”

not held in police stations or other official detention facilities, but often in hostels and training facilities for Party cadres.

The indefinite isolation of shuanggui – which itself can amount to torture – causes detainees’ minds to “collapse after… three to five days” and “answer everything you ask,” according to Li Peng, who identified himself as a CDI officer.

CDI officers are only subject to oversight within the Party. CDI officers otherwise appear to be able to act unlawfully with impunity.

In many cases shuanggui detention begins with an enforced disappearance, with detainees’ families having no idea where their loved one is or why he or she is being held. Shuanggui detainees (also referred to as “CDI detainees”) are not held in police stations or other official detention facilities, but often in hostels and training facilities for Party cadres.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 11:33:35 AM
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The best description of multiculturalism was Jordan Peterson's - "Multiculturalism is a miracle of stupidity"
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 January 2024 12:41:52 PM
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Perhaps you are overvaluing what you don't have
and undervaluing what you do.

(Jordan Peterson).
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 12:58:20 PM
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You said that; One year attending an Australia Day Parade you were "appalled" by the presence of "non-Anglo groups". Exactly what disturbed you about the presence of these non-Anglo's, did they rain on YOUR parade?

Is it a reasonable assumption that as YOU are fixated with Communism and Communists, YOU mention them in almost every post you make, that YOU operate from the other end of the political spectrum? I think that is a reasonable assumption, not that YOU would ever admit it!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 28 January 2024 2:35:08 PM
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Hi Paul,

Talking about the zombified corpse of the Communist Party
of Australia?

Australia has always had a strong tendency to move to the
center politically. The requirement to vote and the active
political discussions and involvements by people has a lot
to do with it.

Right-Wing groups and Left-Wing groups in my experience are
both marginal. Difficult economic times stimulate both
groups but they never really gain much ground and they tend
to collapse with time. Their victories are marginal and short

The CPA has disappeared into history. So has other marginal
groups. I suspect so will Pauline Hanson again soon.

Don't you love this country.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 2:48:26 PM
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I received a great email from Senator James Paterson
giving me a copy of a speech he made on Australia Day
at a community event.

Excellent speech as always from him. He'd make a great
PM one day. As would Senator Keith Wolahan.

Both men I admire. Young, intelligent, and fair-minded.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 January 2024 2:52:28 PM
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It seems obvious to me that Paul1405 hates white people and doesn't have an issue with the overwhelming dominance of Non-Anglo people at Australia Day Parade's.

Aboriginal people have said to me that they believe that all Australian Anglo-British people should be killed.

I suspect that their irrational hate of Australian Anglo-British people in many cases goes so deep that they would happily see us dead even if in the next moment they were killed themselves.

Perhaps the reason why Aboriginal's see (as Muslims also see the US) British as the great Satan is due to their cultural lack of historical context of other conflicts in the world, their isolation due to substance abuse, etc.

The woke communists seem to incite their hatred and the academics provide a certain authority and direction to this.

Sadly universities have become a centre for woke communist activity similar to the party machines of China and Russia. Perhaps the tools are different but the results are the same.

We need an Australian Trump to clean up this mess. Dutton and Pauline Hanson could be part of this solution- maybe we can bring back some of our fallen friends such as Cory Bernardi and Fraser Anning- that have given up their political career lives for Australia- to say what needs to be said in spite of the risk to themselves- they have the Anzac spirit.

Also sadly Rino's (Republican's In Name Only) are muddying the waters around Trump even though they are in the minority. At least Trump is willing to face our demons and work towards a solution- I haven't seen many that are willing to stand up and face his critics like a man like he has. They call him arrogant, they call him sexist, but he stands and faces the storm- something few of us has had the courage to do.

We all have faults. But Trump is the best of us.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 5:35:14 PM
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The best description of multiculturalism was Jordan Peterson's - "Multiculturalism is a miracle of stupidity"
Posted by ttbn

Answer- Yes I've seen that one. I agree with most things that Jordan Peterson says. Thanks ttbn. I find Paul1405's and Foxy's hate of white people extremely offensive.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 5:40:42 PM
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They are offensive people, and they always will be as long as they have an audience. Did you read my post on narcissists? You can stop being offended by learning about narcissism. Narcissists are not people you can have normal relationships with, online or in real life. They want to control you. You must not let them. Walk away.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 January 2024 6:25:38 PM
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Yes the Roman's set criminals free as skirmishers and gave them pardon's. Narcissism is one of the dark triad of psychological criminal traits the other two being Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Perhaps Paul1405 and Foxy have more than one of the traits- they seem to have socio-pathic feeling towards white society- also Foxy recently said that she was mentally superior from memory- no issue if this opinion is obtained from rational observation- but perhaps Machiavellian if not. But as they say "a time for all things under heaven".
I suppose in small communities narcissistic traits are recognised early and can be managed humanely by the community- in larger communities and aggregated they can create real chaos. I suppose that any successful civilization needs to use all the strength of it's people even the dark ones- perhaps this is why the Woke- Communist's have been winning.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 28 January 2024 9:14:24 PM
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My view is that people who obsess over skin colour in this day and age are just barking mad. I thought that in this age of enlightenment where the principle of equality is upheld, such things can be assigned the irrelevance they deserve.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 28 January 2024 9:24:11 PM
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Worth a listen
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 29 January 2024 9:08:24 AM
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Hi Fester,

Beautifully put.

We're so lucky in this country. That's why so many
want to come here.

There's enough hatred in the world. Enough conflict.
We certainly don't need more.

Lucky for us in this
country, those preaching division are marginal.
Difficult economic times stimulate some groups of
people, but these groups never really gain much
ground and they tend to collapse with time.
Their victories are marginal and short lived.

I asked earlier - how do we see or want Australia to be?

All exactly the same?

A melting pot?

Or a colourful, beautiful mosaic?

It's our choice.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 January 2024 9:21:40 AM
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"My view is that people who obsess over skin colour in this day and age are just barking mad. I thought that in this age of enlightenment where the principle of equality is upheld, such things can be assigned the irrelevance they deserve."

It's not so simple when ideas of the woke are absurd.
And multicultural policies are anti-white.

Wokeness is a religion that is producing mentally ill people.

Take this article I just read.
Robinsons Bookshop owner apologises amid backlash over ‘white kids’ comments

So... I go over to instagram to read what all the fuss is about.

If you stand back and look at the bigger picture, it's all twisted you know.
These people criticising the bookshop owner are all intolerant NAZI's themselves you know.

They are saying

'You can't have books that don't promote multiculturalism'
'You can't have books that don't promote gay people'
'You can't have books that don't promote handicapped people'

So non-mixed families are banned - or this only applies to whites?
Books about straight people and traditional families are banned?
Books about able-bodied people are banned?

If this is what you think, then you are already adhering to a godless religion.

I haven't read the bookshop owners tweets or comments fyi.
- But I don't really care what she says and thinks.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 January 2024 11:15:52 AM
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If she was selling sex toys for homosexuals there would be less public opposition.
If she wants to have a shop, let her sell whatever she wants, it's not like she's selling homemade bombs.
If people want to buy her stuff they will, and if they don't want to buy her stuff they wont.
It's not for these woke people to decide what other consumers can and can't buy.
As well as willfully setting to the task of seeing her go out of business.

I don't support homosexuals, but I have to be tolerant of them.
It's about time these effing NAZIs learnt some tolerance themselves.

I don't support the religious either (some instagram commenter stated the bookshop owner in question 'must be traditional or religious')

Why must we be 'traditional' or 'religious' to be fed up with all this woke crap?

Books are about literature and freedom of speech is important.
Freedom of speech means the right of others to say things you disagree with.

Australia Day doesn't matter anymore.
The Collective West - Globalist West, they destroyed all our individual and unique western cultures.

The country hardly even resembles Australia, we represent the UN SDGs.
The citizenry, a bunch of woke lunatics who exhibit mental illness, and NAZI cancel culture mentality; and a leadership all sniffing each other bums to measure the level of adherence to woke culture...
and peeing on themselves....

It's pathetic.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 January 2024 11:28:27 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic,

Australia Day does matter - judging from the number of
people who turned up at the celebrations organized.
Families, children, old people, young people. All
celebrating what unites us not divides us. People
from diverse backgrounds. I watched the Sydney Australia
Day celebrations. They were magnificent. And brought so much
joy to so many.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 January 2024 11:34:03 AM
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I'll tell you all how dumb this woke culture is.
Anything is possible you see.
'Mensa is a not-for-profit society whose members qualify by having an IQ in the top 2% of the population.'

You see under woke culture, I can argue on a basis of merit that mensa is an exclusive group reserved for a very small minority that discriminate against others;
- And who consider 98% of the human population to be verifiably stupid, and aren't permitted into their club.

What happens if we attack the smartest for being smart - and we can!
It's a race to the bottom, (total enslavement by the elite class in actuality, but that's a different story).
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 January 2024 11:44:03 AM
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My goodness Foxy. Some points of agreement with you. Wonders will never cease.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 29 January 2024 12:26:47 PM
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Hi Fester,

As I keep saying - we have more that unites us than
divides us.

Believe me.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 January 2024 1:28:26 PM
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Kudos Armchair Critic.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 29 January 2024 2:12:25 PM
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Hi AC,

I think the one thing we can do against the silliness is to be courteous to one another. People will always have a range of views on subjects, but I believe that there is much more to be gained by a reasoned discussion of ideas rather than being abusive and behaving like the inquisition. Places like this can be good or bad, but the highlight for me is to have courteous discussions and learn learn why others think as they do.

Posted by Fester, Monday, 29 January 2024 8:48:28 PM
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The neo-Nazi's were on the march again on Sunday. Many travelled from interstate to take part in a "Nuremberg Rally" in Sydney. Unlike his Liberal predecessor Perrottet who was known to dress in Nazi uniform, Labor's Chris Minns is tough on this type of behaviour, Minns has said the names of these thugs will be made public, that's other than those already known to police through their long criminal history.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 6:08:34 AM
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Hi Fester,
"I think the one thing we can do against the silliness is to be courteous to one another."

It would be nice if that worked, in a normal world it might.
I think in some ways this would just be giving consent to silliness.
These people will not argue with you or let you win, even if all your arguments are well-founded.
- Which is a good way of demonstrating 'religion' status.
'I'm right, because I believe'

I'm not even saying that many of the wokes arguments don't have some basis, sometimes they do, but they blow everything out of proportion to lunatic levels.

Me personally, I'm wired to call out stupid.
If I see someone doing something stupid, I have a kind of responsibility to say it's stupid, at a bare minimum.

If we don't call out stupid ideas as being stupid, then stupid becomes the norm, and the next thing we know the clowns are running the circus
...and here we are.

And who are these lunatics, probably mostly disgruntled single mum white women in their mid 30's, and maybe their pathetic grovelling 'white knight' men (If you can call them that).
These women's lives have little purpose other than to cling on to some movement greater than themselves so they can feel like they are a part of something, that their meaningless lives have some meaning and purpose.

They are not happy, well to do, successful people.
They're disgruntled directionless people living one step above the gutter, who want to point the finger at everyone else and tear everyone else's world down so they feel better about themselves.
They're unhappy people trying to virtue signal their way to 'self-acceptance' of their own miserable mundane lives.
They don't get to hold the rest of us accountable for their misery.

The woke are non-violent terrorists.
(sometimes they are not non-violent)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:32:25 AM
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I can't say that I've noticed anything being achieved here via 'reasoned discussion' or arguments. This is a site to express opinions that people don't get to express in the real world. I can't see posters expressing their opinions face-to-face. I'm damn sure I wouldn't want to come into contact with, or chat with, very many of the people posting here, just in case they weren't gutless wonders hiding behind a computer; not without an armed guard, anyway.

Treat OLO as an outlet. If you want to "achieve" anything, you will have to go public. To avoid abuse and bullying here is easy. Don't read crap by people who are never going to change their minds - just as you and I are never going to change our minds. It's a psychological fact that humans don't change their minds after a certain age; and all of us here are way beyond that age.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:34:09 AM
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PS, Fester,

Recently, I made a rule for myself. Don't try to "discuss" anything with posters I disagree with or dislike. Fortunately, there are more agreeable, likeable posters with opinions similar to mine than the other sort.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:41:10 AM
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Remember when all western countries had their own distinct culture separate from other western countries?

What happened to that?
Culture and sovereignty destroyed.

This country was ours, now it's been conquered and we're all relegated the status of 'immigrants' or 'guests' in our own country ruled by elites from foreign places.
Democracy gives us two losers that couldn't run a chook raffle.
Certainly do not run this country in it's peoples interests.
- Because they changed what was meant by 'the people'.

I'm not celebrating Australian soverignty destroyed and UN woke culture.

I'm not sure 'multiculturalism' can even be considered an culture in itself, it's more anti-culture, or culture destroyer, for the sake of an imposed global religion.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:55:44 AM
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It may not be a bad thing for us to not have a rigid
sense of what it means to be Australian. It may make
us a more tolerant society in which a lack of absolute
privilege for any point of view acts as a social
lubricant. A lack of just one national identity precludes
Australian identity from adopting too chauvenistic an
attitude in our dealings with people from other countries
and cultures.

While uncertainty can be unsettling for some. It may also be
evidence of an openness to new ideas, experiences, and
relationships. We are a nation of immigrants.
Could our acknowledged success as a nation of immigrants
have something to do with the fact that each new citizen has
a reason to feel that they can make a contribution to the
nation by subtly affecting the way in which it sees itself?

Yesterday, the cleaner who came to do the cleaning of our
home was from Uganda. She is a student studying nursing
and is half way through her course. She's very excited
about this demanding career. A lovely girl so willing to
make a difference to her new country.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 10:13:49 AM
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No point in fighting people. That just leaves me feeling depressed. I'm glad you find people who agree with you. I hope it gives you a little more optimism for the future. I'm having some interesting and polite discussions with people I hold different opinions to, and it is nice to hear their views. Very courteous both of them.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:06:50 PM
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Optimism doesn't work any more. Optimism equals naivety. Sorry, but things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, if they get better. You like to 'discuss' things with people. Fine. But can you tell me what you have achieved? How many people have changed their minds due to these discussions? None. I have been part of this forum since it first started. And, the same people are still banging on about the same things, and still with their same opinions. Including me. Have a bit of fun. But nobody who can make any difference listens to anonymous posters on the internet. Don't take social media seriously.

For my part, I am interested in how many people share my opinions. That's what gives me encouragement. Contrary opinions are no use to me.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 10:26:52 PM
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Hi Foxy,
'We are a nation of immigrants.'
- I'd like to have a discussion about this

'immigrant' is a noun that comes from the verb 'immigrate'
'immigrate' means 'come to live permanently in a foreign country'
- probably comes from the word 'migrate'

You're only an immigrant if you were not born here.
If you are born here, then you're not an immigrant.

That means that technically speaking, only about 25 - 30% of Australians are immigrants, they're a minority.

So the idea that we are a nation of immigrants is actually false.

You were born here weren't you?

Personally I think that many people who have families that have a passed down memory of a foreign homeland identify as immigrants.
Immigrants, and their kids who are second generation migrants, make up over 50% of the Australian population, yet second-generation migrants / immigrants aren't technically immigrants or migrants anyway as they were born here.

I'm about 12th generation Australia, aroundabout...
I tracked my ancestry back to the 1810's in Australia where records become obscure.
I have no idea how my family got here, except that the story was someone stole a sheep back in the UK and got e free trip to a penal colony.

I'm as white as anyone else, but I do have a small amount of indigenous in me.
My grandmother on my fathers side was part aboriginal
I don't 'identify' as indigenous, but what does 'identifying' have to do with it?
It's a genealogical fact, a matter of DNA, I do have indigenous in me.
I do know of some of my indigenous families stories as there is a large book that details it, and there's even a copy in the national library in Canberra.

I don't have any family memory of Scotland in the 1700's.

What should I identify as, and why would I identify as an immigrant?
I'm technically not one (I did not immigrate), I'm 12 generation Australian with some small part indigenous.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 6:46:35 AM
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I hate this idea that 'We're a nation of immigrants'
Second, third, forth generation immigrants / migrants:

It's a fake narrative trying to sell the idea we're all 'guests' rather than 'current owners' of this country.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 6:49:56 AM
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I have to live with half a million new people coming here every year and what do I get for it?
- The right to be told I'm an immigrant too, and a guest that must bow down to woke globalist Klaus Schwab culture?

The whole thing leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
- I'm not an immigrant, and I'm not an adherent or participant in the woke religion.

I'm an Aussie, more of a 'true blue' one, not so much a 'woke multicultural' one...
- And I'll say this in true Australian fashion:


- See, I really am Aussie, many have lost the concept of what that actually means.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 7:01:24 AM
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AC, I have to agree with you. I am Australian born on Australian soil. My ancestors came here in 1817 as convicts and 1837 as free settlers. We learned to accommodate the natives, having them on our ancestors' farms as laborers and supplying them with food and housing. Our ancestors assisted the aboriginal families to raise their children, rather than dispose of them. see:
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 7:37:01 AM
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Hi Josephus,
Like how many generations does one need to be here to not be called an immigrant right?

I wonder if the elites and the UN push this idea that 'we are all immigrants'...

Which I find a little insulting on a 'todays politically correct ideology level' where I don't consider myself an immigrant and are thus excluded in the ideology, or more to the point, not recognised at all.

And our bi-partisan governments push these high immigration quotas...
As well as attacking people who identify as nationalists...
'These evil racist sovereign citizens'

anti-male non-merit based gender quotas - and ethnicity quotas
Is is all just by accident or by design..

I wonder if the purpose of it all is to have us identify as global citizens, not nationalists, 'the collective - west', and the expanding western empire - 'we are all immigrants' - in a multicultural society, not owners of any country - but guests - ruled by elites and treaties designed by foreign bureaucrats, and that we all take up the godless religion of 'woke culture' and try to save the planet from climate change with global taxes while we purchase all our stuff from international mega corporations that avoid paying any tax?

A lot of woke cultured people get around these days making the argument we are all 'global citizens' now.
I don't remember voting for this.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 9:49:27 AM
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Lets celebrate Australia Day!
We privatised everything, sold it all off - Yay!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 9:53:21 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic,

We are a country whose population is predominantly
made up of immigrants and their descendants.

Most of us have family and ancestors who came from
different countries to live here permanently.

We also have inter-marriages, including immigrants
who have inter-married with the country's original

We are a diverse group - worth celebrating.

However - of course it is your choice not to do so.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 11:53:14 AM
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Hi AC,

Did you know that even our First Nations people
according to the Australian Museum came to
this country through SE Asia and belonged to a
single genetic lineage and were descendants of
a population that originated in Africa?

Interesting stuff.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 12:26:48 PM
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Is Foxy one of those persons who believes the aboriginals would have been better off if the English settlers had never come? The hatred of the British came from Irish convicts sent here and intermarried with native women. The current crip of Muslims are believing this and have joined protests of the anti-settlers, claiming support for having their land stolen.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 1:32:15 PM
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Hi Josephus,

The following link opens up a "what if" debate
that you might find of interest:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 2:57:04 PM
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Right now shes doing her 'We are all Africans' thing... Lol

I wonder if she realises the only purpose of all this 'we are all immigrants' agenda is to remove any sense of belonging we have to our country, to change it so that the people are not considered owners but guests in it, take power away from the people and put it in the hands of elites.

A melting pot of different races and religions will never unify to the point of overthrowing their leaders.
They've created a system of society where the power will never be challenged.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 3:18:30 PM
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Hi AC,

Who's "she?"

So rude!

As for a "melting pot?"

Nah. I prefer a beautiful, colourful mosaic.

You obviously prefer us all to be exactly the same.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 3:31:39 PM
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The Land has not always been inhabited by tribal people from Africa and India, so "always was always will be" does not mean a thing. They were never a nation, there was no unity between the tribes and no common government and sense of property ownership. They used the life found on the land for food and animal skins for garments. They produced nothing that identified a great society, yet people worship at the feet of oldest culture. There are other similar cultures that have evolved since coming into the World society, i.e. Papua New Guinea headhunters.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 4:03:20 PM
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Have you ever been inside a library or museum?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 4:13:36 PM
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A pub or a church won't give you the broader picture.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 4:41:31 PM
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The arrival of the First Fleet was the biggest event in 65,000 years.
What it did was to connect the aborigines to the rest of humanity.
On the west coast they did see the Dutch sailing up the coast.
In the North the Malacca called in from time to time.
On all the rest of the country they had no idea about other people
that existed in the world. There does not appear to be any song lines
about other peoples. There seems to be no information that Polynesians
ever arrived on the East Coast.
So they were a truly ignorant people and their lack of any sort of
inventive development shows that. Except for the boomerang.
Development relys on new ideas coming in from other places that are
then further developed. That never happened here.
They should be grateful that eventually the British turned up.
Others might well have been slave traders. The British government
gave strict orders to Captain Phillip that slavery was forbidden.
With such a monumental change there was bound to be problems as the
aborigines were jerked forward 65,000 years in a couple of days.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 10:22:13 PM
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If you only read the authors that have an agenda, you will not get the balance, like the ABC and SBS they are immature journalists presenting their leftist agenda. Not all books are free of bias, read history from the Victors and the loser's point of view. When I learned history, you had to understand the bias of the writer and know the context to make a conclusion. I have had to challenge common views of ancient text that had biased translation from the original, so to be honest to the text have written it as originally written and translated into English.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 1 February 2024 7:53:58 AM
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I am professional trained to use a variety of sources.
Which is what I do.

With you it's a totally different story as we've seen
consistently on this forum. You have a one track mind.
But that is who you are. You're so narrow-minded that
you can see through a keyhole with both eyes.

No offence. Those are simply facts.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 1 February 2024 8:45:56 AM
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Yes Mother hen, every idea is Ok with you, just be nice.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 1 February 2024 11:15:30 AM
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It may be the cock that crows but it's the hen
that lays the eggs.

(Margaret Thatcher).
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 1 February 2024 12:17:36 PM
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I see Linda Burney peddling misinformation.

" Affairs Minister Linda Burney’s statement about Lowitja O'Donoghue following her death were “false”.

The Indigenous Affairs Minister released a statement after Indigenous leader Lowitja O’Donoghue died aged 91.

“At two years old she was taken away from her mother in remote South Australia and placed in a mission home, where her name was anglicised and she was prohibited from speaking her own language,” Ms Burney said.

“The Matron of the Colebrook Children's Home in South Australia where she grew up, told her that she wouldn't amount to anything.”

Some of Ms O’Donoghue’s acquaintances and a relative confirmed to Mr Bolt that the Indigenous leader was not stolen as a child. Instead, her white father dumped her and all of her brothers and sisters bar one at a home in South Australia.
She was looked after by Sister Rutter and the matron, Sister Hyde, who devoted their lives to helping children who were abandoned or neglected or sent to them for an education.

“The fact O'Donoghue went so far in her career and gave so much is a tribute to what the sisters at Colebrook taught her and that is the real story – not the one from the Indigenous Australians minister – tells a very different and better one than this government tries to keep telling us.”
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 7:44:41 AM
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Speaking ill of the dead?

Shame on you!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 7:55:33 AM
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I think that a fact check is needed, maybe by the experts who looked into the Uhluru Statement or the ones who did the audio analysis of the Sydney Opera House protest. It's reassuring when experts have determined what the truth really is.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:23:40 AM
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It's a fact that the woman lied about being one of the stolen generation. When I saw her death announced, it's first and only thing I thought of. My wife had dealings with her, and always liked her.

But, all people are paraded as being much better than they actually were when they die. I wait, probably in vain, for something like, "And what an arsehole he/she was; should never have been born", because that would be the truth about many people before their deaths.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:59:15 AM
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Foxy your post shows your level of understanding things you read.
I was speaking truth of the dead, Linda Burney was not. FACT
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 3:58:37 PM
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On stolen generations, I read an article today called ‘The real Stolen Generation' by Fred Pawle, journalist, commentator and surfer,

He was referring to the kids ranging from preschool to university who have been stolen from their parents by the woke activists in the education system.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 5:39:40 PM
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You need to do your research instead of listening to
Andrew Bolt. There's plenty of sources on the web that clearly
confirm that what Linda Burney stated was true. These are
the facts. And your denials do not change that.

Stop digging and making a fool of yourself.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 February 2024 9:48:21 AM
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