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Pauline Hanson For Prime Minister?

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If America can have Donald Trump as President -
why can't Australia elect Pauline Hanson as
Prime Minister?

We hear a lot from Donald Trump supporters on
this forum. It's only fair that we give Pauline
Hanson's supporters have their say.

Please keep this conversation civil.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2024 12:23:09 PM
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She did get re-elected for her Senate seat in Queensland.
I also watched her on "Dancing With The Stars," where
she was a good sport. I sometimes think that perhaps
she's been misunderstood? Has anyone advised her on
what to say - and how to behave in public? Politics
is a blood sport and of course mistakes are made.

What do others think?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2024 4:13:53 PM
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Here's a bit of light satirical relief:

Pauline Hanson takes a stance in
What being an Aussie means
To be a true Aussie through and through
One simply has to be True Blue

This means you have to like fish and chips
Meat pies, beef rissoles, heart-felt quips
Have a vision for Australia
Which includes royal regalia

"Please explain," is often asked
Given answers not quite grasped
She sees Australia as ONE NATION
Imposing bans on immigration

Certain types must be kept away
Only desirables be allowed to stay
Would she make a good prime minister
Or would it be a case of "Yes Minister?"

Has the lady been misunderstood?
Wearing a burqa did her no good
Saying that Asians are taking over
Did not land her in sweet clover

It appears that Pauline's getting bad advice
Some one should tell her to try to be nice
She should not always divisive be
But take sound advice from someone like me.

Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 January 2024 5:50:56 PM
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Hanson has twice as much common sense than the whole academic intellectual elite put together. Because they don’t grasp common sense the intellectuals & those they managed to indoctrinate, invariably resort to ridicule to bring down those whose competence they fear so much. Remember Jo Bjelke ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 5 January 2024 6:44:00 PM
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It will be interesting to see how well Pauline Hanson
and her party does at the next election. Will they
get more seats - and will she retain hers?

We're not like America - we don't get to vote for the
Prime Minister - their party does. And so far ONE
NATION is a minority party. But of course this could
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2024 7:55:37 AM
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I'd put Pauline Hanson and Jacinta Price on the same ticket at least they could garner the original Australians Votes, but we are overrun by lefties now the majority who hate Australia as currently exists.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 6 January 2024 8:47:16 AM
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I thought that the accusations against "Lefties" was
that they loved diversity - therefore how can they
hate, as you claim, the diverse Australia of today?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2024 8:50:06 AM
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We've all read about the negative aspects of Pauline
Hanson as presented in the media. She's gained a lot
from the publicity.

However, it has to be recognized that her ideas did
not exist in a vacuum.

Her ideas have existed well before her and any of her
maiden speeches, undoubtedly they will continue to
exist well after she's gone.

Pauline, is a product of a bygone
era. A time that for some has not changed. Most people tend to
keep their views to themselves. Pauline says what many
are thinking.

These are people - who see Muslims as being dangerous,
people who
don't understand the plight of our First Nations People,
people who have strong attitudes against Asians, people
who want to ban immigration, people who are against
diversity and multi-culturalism. Who want us all to assimilate,
and be exactly the same. They want the security and stability they
believe existed in the past - when it was "allright to be white!"

These people are part of this
country's history - and they will probably continue to be.

Their numbers are small, they do appear to be in the
minority - but they do exist. They are
products of this country's settler-colonial story.
Of which these people are products. We've all grown up
knowing these people. Some of us even share their views.
I have family members who share some of Pauline's views.

This is not meant as a condemnation. This is simply
stating facts of life in this country, not only as it
once was, but as it continues to still be for some.

However, we should in all fairness to Pauline, be also aware
of the good that
Pauline Hanson has done. Just to list a few things that have
been achieved through her efforts:

1) Life-saving medicine for children with spiral muscular

2) Fairer deals for dairy farmers.

3) A scheme that created 100,000 new apprenticeships.

4) More public funding for roads and projects in
regional Queensland.

Just to name a few.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2024 1:25:59 PM
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A friend asked me why I suggested Pauline Hanson for
Prime Minister?

I wanted to have a discussion that would suggest new
leadership for this country. I just wanted to start
the topic where people were welcome to come up with
their own names.

Some in the past on this forum suggested Jacinta Price.

I'm hoping that others will come forward with their
own names - and telling us why they chose them.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 January 2024 1:41:19 PM
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Hanson, Price yeah, I go along with that simply because they’d be a safe bet to be much more competent than any of those putting up their hands from the proven failure gangs & their proven failure supporters.
To make any positive change it is the Tax system that needs sorting first, followed by making people responsible & ridding the Public Service of the Peter Principle !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 6 January 2024 7:43:47 PM
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Kudos Indyvidual. Hanson at least tries to represent those with a vested historical interest in Australia. Even if they don't realise it. Give her and those like her a chance.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 7 January 2024 1:27:08 AM
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Good Morning Indyvidual and CM,

I guess the only way to give people a chance is for
them and their party to get more votes from the
public. Jacinta Price belongs to a party that has
greater numbers and Pauline Hanson doesn't.

Still you never know what the future will bring.
And in Jacinta's case - the party may not choose
her over Peter Dutton (yet)
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 8:09:38 AM
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Pauline Hanson hasn't had much to say lately. Can't blame her. All she gets is sneers and very few votes. She's probably thinking of retirement on the politicians' fat pension. Time for a new leader: preferably a male.

Jacinta Price hasn't said boo since the Voice fiasco. Not a member of the Liberal Party, the best she could expect is Deputy PM.

Jacinta will prove to be a one hit wonder.

To suggest that either of these women are PM material is absurd. Even the best of women in politics have always played subordinate roles, and always will. There was only one Margaret Thatcher in politics, anywhere in the world. All other women 'leaders' have been disasters.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 January 2024 8:28:52 AM
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Not sure about women always playing secondary roles.

We've only to look at history to name just a few:

There's Cleopatra, Catherine the Great, Queen Victoria,
Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, Golda Meir, Eleanor Roosevelt,
Jacinda Ardern, Julia Gillard, Hilary Clinton,
Madeleine Albright, Angela Merkel, Indira Gandhi, Dame
Quentin Bryce, Benazir Bhutto, Ruth Baker Ginsberg,
and so many more still to come.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 9:15:08 AM
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Both Pauline Hanson and Jacinta Price certainly stirred
things up.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 9:17:19 AM
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Good morning Foxy

I appreciate your attempt to generate discussion about a new face / leader in Australian politics. However, I think that nominating Pauline as that person is way off mark. After all, Pauline has never had anything new to say the whole time she has been in politics. Her repertoire has always (and only ever) been a regurgitation or some variation of the old white Australia policy from the early 1900's. Hardly something new or original.

If only we had an Amanda Merkel in Australia.
Posted by Aries54, Sunday, 7 January 2024 9:32:09 AM
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Pauline has never had anything new to say the
Aries 54,
You don’t seriously expect her to come up with a new rhetoric when the incompetence of the Left remains stoically static ? But hey, thanks for the example of Leftist mentality !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 7 January 2024 9:48:08 AM
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Hi Aries54,

And Good Morning to you too.

There's so much talent in this country. Females have always
held their own. From Edith Cowan, Germaine Greer, Miles Franklin,
Nellie Melba, Joan Sutherland, Betty Cuthbert, Cathy Freeman,
Linda Burney, Ash Barty, Grace Tame, Ita Buttrose, Marcia
Langton, Margaret Tucker, Poh Ling Yeow, and so many younger
ones as well - including women entering politics in the
Teal wave.

The future looks bright in my view. Hopefully gender will
become less important and merit will win out.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 10:01:37 AM
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It's becoming clear that in politics policies and
actions count more than the old traditional labels
of Right and Left. Unless our politicians stop their
in-fighting and "party" mentality thinking, and
actually offer solutions to problems instead of
slogans and blaming each other - voters won't vote
for them.

Look at the Teal wave of the last election.

A sign of things to come.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 10:06:17 AM
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You know the drill with Foxy: yap, yap, yap until everyone gets sick and tired of her ear bashing and nagging.

Give-the-girls-a-go is just another woke fad that will contribute to the downfall of Western society. The lady-boys in Canberra have already succumbed to the women, as well as the multicultis, Muslims, gender-benders and queers.

The end is near.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 January 2024 10:54:18 AM
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I appreciate your comments on the topic of my discussion
but not once again - the personal attacks.

You promised to ignore me.

Why are you again returning with the attacks?

If you don't like my opinions - fair enough - you don't
have to read them or respond or you can respond but kindly
cut out your personal attacks on me. That says more about
you than it does about me. It's not only rude - but
unnecessary for a rational person.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 11:23:36 AM
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According to the Department of the Prime Minister
and Cabinet the proportion of women in the Australian
Public Service in senior executive roles has increased
from 26.8% in 2001 to 52% in 2020.

It appears that women are making some headway.

And women like Pauline Hanson, Jacinta Price, Jacqui
Lambe - are not ones that are going to be silenced.

Vanessa Hudson is the CEO of Qantas. Vicki Brady of Telstra,
Michelle Bullock - Governor of the Reserve Bank. Jacinta
Allan is the Premier of Victoria. And if we go back in
history quite a few women made their mark. Roma Mitchell -
1st female judge. First female Queen's Counsel , Chancellor
of an Australian University and later Governor.

There's so many other names that come to mind. From
Dame Quentin Bryce, Julia Gillard, Anne Levy, Rosemary
Follett, Carmen Lawrence, Julie Bishop, Anna Bligh,
Kristina Keneally, Cheryl Kernot, Joan Kirner,
Tanya Plibersek, Anastacia Palaszczuk, Natasha Despoja,
Gladys Berejiklian, and many others.

"Give the Girls a go?"

They've been trying to re-write "His-story" for quite some

"The end is near?"

Some things are neverending.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 2:07:20 PM
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"Has anyone advised her on what to say - and how to behave in public?"

I think the way she talks and waffles on sometimes she does a disservice to her self.

I'll vote for a One Nation candidate if there's one to vote for.
One Nation are the only party with a sensible immigration policy.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 January 2024 2:16:26 PM
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"Give the Girls a go?"
I don't really care for any of the woke crap.
I don't care about all this fake / phoney token feelgood rubbish;
'Welcome to country' 'acknowledgements' 'gender/ethnicity' quotas;
'Can't show a white woman with a white man, racist'.
'change the white man to a black man change the white woman to a chinese, wait can we make them gay?'
I'm sick of all this crap.

This strive for equality is making people mentally ill.
It's all a load of pointless garbage.

May the best man or woman or whatever-the-hell-you-call-it these days, for the job - receive the position of employment.
I don't care about peoples wokeness or sexuality.
I want the person in the job, to be the most competent person for the job.
Wokeness is not a product on a production line.
Wokeness is more of a liability than an asset.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 January 2024 2:31:48 PM
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Hi AC,

It would be great if people, especially politicians,
got their jobs based on merit. However, it doesn't
exactly work that way. Pauline Hanson tipped into
the resentments of disaffected white Australians.
It was only a matter of time.

White Australians who felt let down by the Canberra

Her greatest skill is her ability to generate headlines.
She's in her element when she can tap into voters'
resentment and prejudices.

Of course she's not alone in doing this.

Whether she and her party survives - only time will tell.
As more young people are beginning to vote - the landscape
is changing.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 January 2024 2:42:23 PM
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Now she's talking about "white Australians". Australians are 90.2 percent white. Only 7.4 percent of them voted for Pauline Hanson in 2022.

See how silly "Pauline Hanson For Prime Minister?" is?

And, a list of female movie actors as examples of what?

Foxy accuses others of trashing her posts, when she does it herself.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 January 2024 3:27:20 PM
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Has anyone noticed that people who work in natural resources, like farmers, scientists, and engineers, have a realistic view of the world? They are dealing with actual facts to understand their reality.

Those whose life is based in human creations and imagination, like art and ideas live in a changing scene and are unstable thinkers. They develop an idea and that becomes their reality, and they continue to see reality by their developed imagined ideas. It is from this group that Wokeism is rampant.

Pauline Hanson worked in the real world, and not a world of ideas.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 7 January 2024 3:58:47 PM
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I haven't noticed that, Josephus. In fact, I believe that only people whose livelihoods depend on their own investment and wits, i.e the self employed and employers of workers - wealth producers - are in touch with reality.

Polite as usual, you refer to others as “unstable thinkers”. There are many more down-to-earth descriptions I can think of for them.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 7 January 2024 6:39:23 PM
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Look at the Teal wave of the last election.
Yes and, whom do they represent & what do they stand for ? What are their backgrounds ?
What are their achievements thus far ? I haven’t heard or read of any of them to make any progress in solving the housing crisis or energy costs etc. How much have they collectively cost us thus far & did we get value for money for any ? I think it would be a safe bet to say that they take more than they provide in every sense.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 7 January 2024 8:12:50 PM
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I have just been reading through this thread and found it to be very
encouraging in its arguments.
Pauline strike me as having grass roots cunning and considerable
business experience on a small scale.
I think the other pollies would be reluctant to try putting something
over her as she would tear them apart.
She would I think need good advisers for large scale finance and defence.
Otherwise she would be good for the "bloke & his missus down the street.

Pauline strikes me as being more down to earth than most politicians.
Reading UK news and what it going on with immigration over there I have
from time to time see plaintiff pleadings;
"Where is Enoch Powell when we need him ?"
I think we need to learn the lesson so we do not have to say;
"Where is Pauline Hansen when we need her ?"

It is too late for the Nigerian Christians it looks like they will
be all killed in a few years.
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 7 January 2024 10:16:43 PM
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I'm am a believer in the idea of One Nation and Pauline Hanson. But Pauline has gone off the boil. She has been around too long without getting results. Seven percent of the vote last year! Hardly worth the effort. Australians are just not interested, and they are getting what they deserve. Unfortunately I, and I'm sure many others who don't deserve our rubbish politicians, am mightily pissed off because we are being dragged down towards totalitarianism too.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 January 2024 7:30:01 AM
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Still complaining about me.

1) My reference to White Australians was to the
disaffected White Australians who are Pauline Hanson's
strongest supporters.

2) You think that the topic of this discussion "Pauline
Hanson for Prime Minister?" (note the question mark) is
silly. No surprises there. You think all my topics are
silly. Yet you bother to comment on them.

3) A list of female movie actors?
Where? I must have missed that one.

4) Me trashing my own posts?
Nah. It's you who's trying so hard to do that.

So tell me - Are you feeling lucky?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 January 2024 8:32:04 AM
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Stop whining. If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 January 2024 9:06:06 AM
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But, but, but, but,

You're the one doing the whining about me.

I'm not whining.

I'm smiling.

You're welcome.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 January 2024 9:20:13 AM
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BTW: It's MY kitchen.

You're the one who needs to get out.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 January 2024 9:22:08 AM
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We had a historic move of voters away from the two
major parties in the last election. They moved towards
independent candidates who primarily campaigned
on a stronger response to the climate crisis. It surprised
many people. The following link explains:



Pauline Hanson taps into the basest fears and prejudice that
some in Australia feel. However her party only gained 3% of the
popular vote which is a long way to the top from 3% of the vote.
Pauline has no political nous. She shoots herself regularly
in the foot taking her party down with her.

If the party found someone with similar views who was
charismatic, smarter, and smarter at manipulating public
opinion - they could become a PM. However, Pauline's
chances are small. She's not clever enough and too divisive.



You probably never dreamed that you would become a grumpy
old arsebadger. But here you are killin' it.

Admit it.
This forum would be boring without me.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 8 January 2024 10:20:27 AM
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Hi indyvidual, you wrote"

You don’t seriously expect her to come up with a new rhetoric

Absolutely I do. If everything is going to hell in a handbag, (as so many posters in this forum claim) then yes indeed, I do expect our leaders to come up with something new. Especially if what they are saying and doing now is a repeat of the same old troupe from the 1900's.

If that's an example of 'leftist mentality' your comment is a glaring example of lazy sloganeering from the incompetent right.
Posted by Aries54, Monday, 8 January 2024 5:09:58 PM
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ttbn- The situation with One Nation is tricky, it's imperfect, there isn't a succession plan, Pauline doesn't know who she can trust because there are enemies every where. What we can do is support those that do good work while they do it- in the interest of the future of our people. From this capable people will arise- especially if we support them. In a true society no one can do everything themselves. We need to build the bones of the movement. Heart, mind, ribs, scull, teeth, arms, legs, feet, blood. I'm sure the communist nihilist globalists will be doing everything they can to tear us apart limb by limb and organ by organ, cell by cell, to our very atoms.
As some have said think globally act locally. Globalists perhaps have to fail because they have and always will lose touch with the local. They live for churn.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 8 January 2024 8:26:03 PM
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Foxy Baseless fears ! You have to be kidding !
Tell that to all the people who have been killed my moslems in lots
of different countries.
The Koran makes it clear why they should kill people if they decline to
become moslems or pay the Jizaz tax.
It IS REAL Foxy. When they kill someone in Europe they often claim
that Allah calls for the death of Jews and Infidels.
In Africa to the wests shame very little has been done to protect the
Christians in areas around Nigeria. Around 50,000 so far. BLM ?
It makes Gaza look like a summer picnic.
Those immams in Sydney & Melbourne, what the hell do you think they
are on about ? It is the classic technique to prepare their people for
when the time comes to bring in an Islamic government under Sharia law.
It is about time we believe what they say !
The Mpslems know that Islam is never advanced without war.
I think you must be actively avoiding reading the uncomfortable reports.
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 8 January 2024 9:41:34 PM
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"Baseless fears !"
(Assuming that's what Foxy meant)

People who identify as immigrants will never understand or be able to identify with real Australians, who are now outlawed as heretics.
- By UN decree, thanks Johnny Howard you bloody sellout.

"When they kill someone in Europe they often claim that Allah calls for the death of Jews and Infidels."
I've wondered if this is portrayed as Islamic extremism, which it is...
- But whether it's actually pissed off West Africans wanting payback at the French colonisers who were robbing their countries.

Thanks to Putin standing up to the bully (America) many of these countries have gotten the courage, assistance and taken the step to remove themselves from colonial rule.

"In Africa to the Wests shame very little has been done to protect the
Christians in areas around Nigeria."
- What about protecting the Christians... from the other Christians?
'Friends like these, who needs enemies'

TB Joshua: ‘We thought it was heaven but then terrible things happened’
- Stupid, well-meaning gullible foolish Christians.

"It is the classic technique to prepare their people for
when the time comes to bring in an Islamic government under Sharia law."
Don't be prejudice.
If you are going to pick on one religion pick on all of them.
I don't want Sharia law, I don't want Noahide Law, and I don't want to live in a country ruled by crazy Christian fundamentalists.
Or weirdo progressives either for that matter...

I prefer ethics over religion as a moral compass.

"However her party only gained 3% of the
popular vote which is a long way to the top from 3% of the vote.
Pauline has no political nous. She shoots herself regularly
in the foot taking her party down with her.
If the party found someone with similar views who was
charismatic, smarter, and smarter at manipulating public
opinion - they could become a PM. However, Pauline's
chances are small. She's not clever enough and too divisive."

I think Pauline does have some political nous, but I think Foxy does make some valid points.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 1:49:01 AM
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Chief of staff, James Ashby would have been the natural replacement leader for One Nation in my view. But he intends to stand for state politics. A waste of time, also in my view.

The Senate is the place for small parties. That people like John Ruddick and Mark Latham chose to go into state politics - not much better than being a local councillor when it comes to what is best for the whole country - makes me wonder if they too are just in it for themselves. Pauline Hanson, despite all her natural disadvantages in the political jungle, and the way she was treated (jailed) by the Coalition (because she was doing what they were supposed to be doing), and by some of the really horrible human beings on the fringes; despite all that, she has had the courage to stick to the horrors of federal parliament. Now, I think she is worn out.

No matter what, Australians are going to continue to vote Liberal/Labor/Greens as they sleepwalk into totalitarianism. Professional commentators are telling us how Albanese is on the rocks, but we don’t know what voters think - if they think at all - until elections. And what is the alternative? Not much.

Old age sucks. But it has one advantage. I will miss the big bang. I think a lot of people in my generation feel the same way.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 7:10:24 AM
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The last election left Australia's two party system
if not broken, under siege.

The 2022 election showed the declining primary vote
support going to minor parties and progressive

Both parties will struggle to return to their previous level
of support.

The decline in major party support appears to be a feature
of the 21st century Australian political landscape.

However it's not quite time to write obituaries.
Our electoral system has several things that will help
the two major parties survive. Compulsory voting and
preferential voting. However it will be the continuing
decline of the primary support for the major parties
that's going to stimulate debate about change to the
electoral system.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 9:33:15 AM
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A vote for the conservatives is a vote for the terrorist State of Israel
And a vote for the progressives is a vote for immigration and LGBTI + more.

I'm not represented in this 2 party preferential system.
- None of the above.

And that's before we get to
'Rule by UN and foreign treaty';
'Hatred and bias against white people';
'All men are rapists';
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 11:54:23 AM
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Hi AC,

People choose their political parties for a variety
of reasons. To some - it's like a football club they
support. To others - it's the party their family has
always supported. To others still - its policies, and
so it goes. Many people decide on the voting day.
Others don't really care and aren't that involved and
vote because they have to. Still others are disaffected
with the major parties - and support people like Pauline
Hanson - who they feel says what they're thinking.

I'm a policies person and go on a party's track record.
To me this matters more as I get older. I look into
how a part and its leaders stand on issues important to me.
And examine how they voted in the past.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 12:18:58 PM
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My views are not set in concrete - and my views
do change as I get older. But I don't just
blindly follow a given party. I also look at MPs
and their values and achievements. There's quite
a few younger ones that I admire and with whom I
share emails.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 1:36:05 PM
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It has become clear AC does not understand what terrorism is. Terrorism deliberately sets out to murder innocent citizens, decapitate innocents and rape women and burn people in houses alive. War is not terrorism, there is a difference. what Putin is doing is war, what Hamas did is terrorism.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 2:19:15 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«People choose their political parties for a variety of reasons.»

In Australia we are not meant to vote for parties - we are meant to vote for a representative.

My local member is very negative to my reasonable requests and suggestions and won't speak to me any more, so I seek to replace him and preference his opponents so that I have someone I can talk with to represent me. That is even more important to me than the policies of the party he happens to belong to.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 3:16:06 PM
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The parties select their representatives.
The one who replaces your current one may
also not be to your liking.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 3:41:19 PM
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Putin's regime by launching military aggression and
committing violence and terror against Ukraine, by
using terror against an independent state, qualifies
as a terrorist state.

Under Putin Russia uses terror against Ukraine and its
citizens. Under Putin it is a terrorist state violating
fundamental norms and principles of international law,
bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 3:54:20 PM
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"It has become clear AC does not understand what terrorism is. Terrorism deliberately sets out to murder innocent citizens, decapitate innocents and rape women and burn people in houses alive. War is not terrorism, there is a difference. what Putin is doing is war, what Hamas did is terrorism."

- Maybe they never told you about the successful military raid Hamas conducted where they killed hundreds of IDF in their barracks in their pyjamas.
72 members of Israels elite Golani brigade have been killed.

Don't look over there Josephus, Look over here.

Well you fell for it.
Too busy listening to the October 7 narrative to learn the October 7 truth.
There wasn't just Hamas, there was Islamic Resistance and random Gazan opportunists that also took hostages and committed atrocities.

IDF killed just as many Israeli civilians as the Palestinians did.
They want you to listen to the 'Hamas are terrorists and animals' narrative.
They don't want you to listen to the 'Hamas conducted a successful military raid on the IDF, slaughtered them and made them look like like a second-rate military and incompetent fools' narrative.

At least try to see the bigger picture.
The Israelis up on the podium are the same incompetent fools who ignored the intelligence and failed in the job to protect Israelis on October 7.

Palestinians enjoy the right of resistance against an occupying power, but killing unarmed non-combatants is still a war crime.

Once again, I denounce all violence against non-combatants.
IDF are taking very heavy losses today.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 4:09:45 PM
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Foxy, the Russian invasion, on Russia's part was completely unavoidable.
Putin did everything possible to avoid having to invade.

When it's all over and it's clear that Russia has no intention whatsoever of imperialist gains in Europe, hopefully then you'll realise you were lied to.

They told you this to make you think it was a real threat to Europe and to garner military support against Russia.
Do you think they would really empty all their military equipment and stockpiles if there was a chance Russia really was going to invade them?
Russia's not interested in territorial conquest.
It wants a collective security agreement with Europe.

If Ukraine had've negotiated in April 2022.
They could've retained all their lands (except Crimea)
Now they have lost those lands forever and they will have to accept Russian terms for total surrender, and Russia is going to take more land yet, but I don't think they're interested in Western Ukraine.

Putin said the other day that Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania can have it as they already have their eyes on their historical lands in Western Ukraine.

I know you don't listen or believe anything I say on the subject, but these are the facts.
The West has done far more damage to Ukraine and Europe itself.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 4:25:30 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«The one who replaces your current one may
also not be to your liking.»

Correct, but I have to try - what can I lose?

At least I don't know them and they don't know me,
so I can reasonably expect that they will be open the hear me at least.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 9 January 2024 4:58:52 PM
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I just got my ballot paper for PM. There's only 2 candidates.

# Daffy Duck
# Pauline Hanson

How do you choose when the 2 are so much alike, and of equal ability?
Posted by Soap Box, Thursday, 11 January 2024 7:05:39 AM
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Pauline Hanson appeals to the Ego-Nationalists within society. Appealing to that groups already latent sense of national pride, in Australia that means flag waving, ANZAC'c, the virtues of the bronzed Aussie etc. THEN tells the same group the Utopian past has been taken away from them by clearly identifiable evil forces, progressive liberals, and minorities mostly. Not only are these evil forces out to destroy what is pure and good, but they also want to impose a regime of their will. BUT, its no too late, there is a messiah, with a simple message, who can restore harmony, generally refereed to as "the good old days", by expunging these powerful evil forces! Trump in America operates the same way, as have many others in the past, and Hanson does in Australia.
Posted by Soap Box, Thursday, 11 January 2024 8:08:05 AM
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Hi AC,

I'm not going to argue with you about Putin
or his regime or the real fears that the
Baltic and other states have after Putin's
invasion of the independent state of Ukraine.

The day that free elections, free press, free
opposition, free political criticism, is allowed
in Russia, the day that people versing criticism
of Putin's regime don't fall off buildings, or get
arrested, or end up in Siberia - perhaps we can talk again.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2024 8:54:04 AM
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As for choices in the candidates at the ballot box?

If you don't like any of the candidates or the
policies of the two major parties - there's always
the Independents. We do have the power to apply
pressure and make the parties change their minds
on issues.

At least we do have a vote. It may not seem like much -
but lets not under-estimate its power.

Drop by drop even a mountains range can get eroded.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 January 2024 9:01:13 AM
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At least Hanson once managed a Fish & Chips shop which puts her level of economic know how several levels above those of mere intellectual wafflers & absolutely no idea how economies should be managed ! The evidence & their legacy is the reason we have these conversations.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 11 January 2024 5:44:13 PM
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Baldrick, (AC)

Once again you are lying through your teeth.

Russia had no legitimate reason whatsoever to invade Crimea or the Donbas in 2014 or Ukraine in 2022.

However, finally, Russia has bitten off more than it can chew and is getting its arse kicked and sometime in the future Russia will retreat with its tail between its legs and return all of the captured lands including Crimea.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 20 January 2024 6:13:02 AM
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"Russia had no legitimate reason whatsoever to invade Crimea or the Donbas in 2014 or Ukraine in 2022."

Who are you to decide what is and isn't a legitimate Russian security interest?

When the US allows Soviet and Chinese nukes in Cuba and Mexico then I'll entertain your stupid argument.

You know, you'd make a horrible diplomat.
Your attitude is the reason we have wars, you know why?
- Because you're incapable of putting yourself into your adversaries shoes and seeing things from their point of view.
You think only your position matters, that you can do whatever you like and everyone else is wrong, or their interests don't matter, only yours do.
Can you even accept this analysis?

I hope your getting regular payments from Blackrock and Vanguard on the fire sale of Ukrainian national assets, it would be pretty stupid to go to all this trouble to create conflict in the world that risks a world war and not get something out of it.

Palestine to Ukraine. Conflicts without Solution - Alastair Crooke, Alex Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

Russia ends 300 years of west-centric foreign policy: Gordon Hahn, Alexander Mercouris, Glenn Diesen

You should maybe spend some time listening to people who are smarter on the topics you discuss than yourself.
That's what I do.

Up to this point, Ukraine's achieved absolutely NOTHING of substance whatsoever.
What are Ukraine's achievements in this war?
You tell me and we'll both know.

You know what Ukraines angle is now?
'We'll blackmail Russia by rounding up the ethnic-Russian Ukrainians that escaped the country to Europe as well as the Pro-Russian Hungarians in Ukraine, and we'll send all of them to the front, if Russia does not engage in the Zelensky peace plan, which is more like a complete Russian surrender.
It's a joke, and meanwhile, Russia can produce more weapons and ammunition in a day than America can produce in a month.
The West could do better, but their arms industry is all about price-gouging and profits; not winning large scale wars - especially not ground wars of attrition.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:37:19 AM
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"...sometime in the future Russia will retreat with its tail between its legs and return all of the captured lands including Crimea."

Yes, right after Ukraine builds and commissions the Death Star you delusional fool.
Until then Ukraine can keep dragging men that don't want to fight off the street and out of clubs and send them and the women to the front line without sufficient training, to fire weapons and ammunition it does not have.
- And Russia will keep getting 40,000+ volunteers for its military every single month.

I don't know how you measure these unfortunate facts...
But whilst you live in a world of delusion, Ukraine gets weaker and Russia continues to get stronger.

America and the West are not providing Ukraine with the tools to win, Ukraine doesn't even have the manpower to even potentially wage and kind of successful counter-offensive.

Military historians state that you need 3 times as many troops as your enemy to even have a chance of success.
Ukraine doesn't even have the weapons to do it, let along the manpower.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 20 January 2024 8:50:48 AM
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At least PH doesn't lie as much and as badly as Labor.

The Greens are contemptible and shouldn't be given charge of a cafe.

Albozo, has even out lied Juliar.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 6:26:42 AM
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wrong thread,
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 6:27:48 AM
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If Russia does not retreat from Ukraine, things will get continuously worse for it. Better to do it now than face humiliation in a year.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 24 January 2024 7:23:38 AM
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