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The rise of the Blak National parliament
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Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:32:07 PM
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Comment Foxy 1-
Firstly - I stand by my posting record. As for offering solutions? We're being given that opportunity with the Voice referendum. To allow our First Nations people to suggest what will work in their communities when government is making laws and policies that will impact on them. Answer 1- Not a realistic solution and a lot of confusion- how could people logically vote in favour of something they don’t understand and still believe that they are doing the right thing for their families- purely out of stupid guilt. Giving Aboriginals control over all of Australia doesn't help Aboriginals out of poverty and puts everyone else into poverty. Comment Foxy 2- Of course the Voice alone will not solve the issues facing Indigenous people. And, non-Indigenous people often don't know how they should address social inequality brought about by colonisation and white privilege. The Voice won't fix what's broken. But it's a step in the right direction. Answer 2- I agree The Voice will not fix Aboriginal problems. Non-Indigenous have made many grand attempts in good faith and there is still a huge problem. If it's a step in the right direction what about the other steps that have been made- what about the steps by Aboriginal people. Comment Foxy 3- Indigenous leaders, scholars, activists and community members have spent decades suggesting solutions to inequalities in this country, which still haven't been implemented. For hundreds of years Aboriginal communities have called for appropriate representation in government. Answer 3- And many solutions have been tried and implemented. Aboriginals have their own communities. Comment Foxy 4- But the Voice can't solve the deeply entrenched bigotry in Australian society, media and institutions. And expecting it to do so is assigning the role and responsibility of addressing bigotry to the very people experiencing it. Answer 4- I believe that there are many indigenous, scholars, activists and community members that are Anglophobic and bigoted and just want to see Anglo's burn even if they hurt themselves. And it is predominantly the Anglo Australian people that have been giving to Aboriginal programs. Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:40:29 PM
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The whole idea of the Voice is so that Indigenous people can suggest solutions to the problems in their communities. Indigenous leaders, activists and community members have spent decades suggesting solutions which have not been heard, listened to, or implemented. The Voice is an attempt to try again. The Voice alone won't solve the issues facing Indigenous people. It certainly can't solve the deeply entrenched bigotry in Australian society, media, and institutions. This should be the on going work of everyone, all of the time, regardless of the upcoming referendum. How about you doing something positive for a change instead of just pointing out the negatives? Are you capable of doing that? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:40:50 PM
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Bigotry and Racism passes both ways but Anglo Australian's have made many good faith first moves- I believe that their needs to be more of a show of good faith from the Aboriginal side.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 8:25:05 AM Comment Paul1405- Only a racists and a bigot, such an old fool, would keep putting up posts about individual Aboriginal people who have made good in life! You are a jealous hater to think that people who YOU believe should be oppressed by your superior white society should live successful lives. I hope before YOU die, YOU get over it! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 8:27:07 AM Answer- I think that Paul1405 is the racist bigot as he seems to want to destroy Anglo Australian's. If Anglo society finds it's way through this crisis of faith and self determination perhaps we should find a way to manage Paul1405's disruptive and destructive influence over society. Every society thinks it is superior I suppose- even Communist civilization- though I hesitate to call Communists civilized- given the 100 million dead. Comment Foxy- Josephus, Here's something else you left out about Dr Hannah McGlade: Shame on you. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 8:36:37 AM Answer- I think that Foxy is the one who should be ashamed. We have only 11 more days till The Voice situation is over. I pray that Australian's think hard and do what is best to stand up for their families Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:41:06 PM
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If you believe aboriginals do not have equal Citizenship, Vote TES. If you believe they are equal and have equal opportunity under our civilization Vote NO! The Voice will keep them in victim status forever as being less capable of entering a modern society. This is what the YES camp believe that they cannot cope in our society.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:50:43 PM
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Aboriginal people don't want control over all of Australia.
The Voice will be only a non-binding advisory body under government control. What they want is to be consulted on the laws and policies that will impact on their lives. And if anyone who does not know what the Voice is all about can easily find out. The information is everywhere. But of course - dis-interest and a closed mind can't be helped. But it's not a valid excuse. When information is available. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 1:50:59 PM
"Academic career
"In 2016, she was appointed Senior Indigenous Research Fellow at Curtin, and is as of May 2022 an associate professor at Curtin Law School.
McGlade has often acted as an advocate for Indigenous Australians, especially focussing on issues relating to law, sexual assault, women's justice and systemic discrimination.
In 2016, McGlade began campaigning for a stand-alone national action plan to address violence against women, and her advocacy was successful before a number of UN treaty bodies and expert mechanisms. In 2020 she called for a Council on Violence Against Aboriginal Women and Children in collaboration with the national body Our Watch (founded by Natasha Stott Despoja in 2013. In June 2021 the Morrison government established a National Plan Advisory Group headed by Marise Payne, Minister for Women, to "inform the development of the National Plan to end family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia".
Her advocacy for Aboriginal women and children over decades led to the establishment of the first service in Perth for victims, named Djinda. She was later the first CEO of the newly established Aboriginal Family Law Services."
Violence against aboriginal women is caused by aboriginal men - get the facts right. The Voice will not change this culture, it is traditional. It is linked to family, see above, not colonization.