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Watch What You Say

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"The heroes who made Australia what it was are all gone; and we are left with cowardly, snivelling bed wetters, with truly rotten politicians marching to the drum of WEF, WHO UN, and globalisation."

- Couldn't have really said that better myself

Yeah I dunno Paul, the only really good thing I can say Albo's done is defending Assange, but he's such a girl in the way he goes about things the US isn't going to listen to him anyway.

Meanwhile he spent hundreds of billions on stupid submarine deal, and the voice, and gets around straddled by his female lieutenants, when he's not prancing along at the mardi grass.

And yes the censorship is becoming over the top.
I reckon you should be able to say whatever you want as long as it holds merit or is a valid argument and isn't a direct threat of violence towards others.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 June 2023 4:52:47 PM
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Dear Critic,

«he's such a girl in the way he goes about things»
«and gets around straddled by his female lieutenants»

So Ttbn was disparaging incontinent people and you now excel him by using "girl" or "female" as derogatives - Watch What You Say...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 18 June 2023 5:51:15 PM
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Would anyone in more sophisticated countries than Australia listen to a whiny-voiced bogan like Albanese? I don't like any politicians, but having this one as our PM travelling around the world is an embarrassment to me. Even more embarrassing than Morrison, plaiting his legs to put up his hand in Scotland for the stupid, unachievable Zero Emissions by 2050 guff. And yes: Albanese grinning away at the Mardi Gras freak show was a real turn off. Sick-making!

Albanese looks and acts like a buffoon; and his stupidity is going to run us into the ground. Clamping down on freedom of speech is just one of the ways he will do it.

However, I can't agree with you on the submarines: it's the only thing Labor is getting right, in my opinion. The last lot just talked about it and did nothing.

Still. As I said elsewhere, there's no way out while we have the only two parties capable of forming a government in lockstep with each other on most things: climate, covid, transgenderism, and education, just to name a few areas. We have a very bleak future.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 18 June 2023 5:53:21 PM
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"So Ttbn was disparaging incontinent people and you now excel him by using 'girl' or 'female' as derogatives - Watch What You Say..."

Generally I wouldn't make fun of people having plumbing problems, as we all age, but for Biden I'd probably make an exception...
But even with Biden, there's plenty things I could make fun of about him instead.

A few days back he said he's going to build a railroad across the Indian ocean and yesterday he said God save the Queen.
- The guy doesn't know what day of the week it is, mumbles about eating chocolate chip ice-cream.

He makes Albo look intelligent, but even he has some kind of balls and manliness about him wearing his aviators and talking with manly conviction, where Albo is a pink tie wearing pansy.

And I'm not ashamed of anything I've said here.

Hey ttbn,
"However, I can't agree with you on the submarines: it's the only thing Labor is getting right, in my opinion."

I think it was an overpriced exercise in arse-licking US butt.
For submarines that won't even belong to us, or used exclusively by us.

And completely pointless unless you think war with China is inevitable, which I don't believe it is.
- The US is going to have to provoke a war first, and we'll be there helping them, when trading with them NOT making war with them is far more in the public interest of the Australian people.

The Taiwanese opposition will probably see what happened to Ukraine and move closer to China, the Taiwan Straight should not be navigated by any country who claims to recognise the One China policy, and ASEAN nations who have claims on the South China Sea have no interest in war, and probably value a relationship with China as much as the West, unless they have US puppet rulers installed to provoke China.

So ultimately all expensive and pointless, when cooler heads should prevail, if only they could first see sense, that war for the sake of US ruling the world is neither necessary, preferable or realistic.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 19 June 2023 12:48:37 AM
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Hi Again AC,

You're absolutely correct about the nuclear submarines, Morrison was ordered by Washington to dump the French deal, and go all the way with LBJ! Love him or hate him, Australia has not had a government with the backbone to stand up to America since Whitlam, and look where that got him. The Noalition has always been sycophantic toadies when it comes to US relations, and Labor is no better.

I see the latest is Ukraine to join NATO. The Russians must feel encircled and vulnerable to US aggression, if they don't already. How long before there is "Russian prevarication" against a NATO ally in Ukraine which warrants direct US involvement in the war. AND Australia will have to be involved also, as it would be in our interests! So the Americans would tell us.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 June 2023 6:10:37 AM
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You will have to remind where and when I "was disparaging incontinent people".

I don't recall doing such a thing.

Nor do I know how Biden got into this discussion. And you introduced submarines and the suggestion of licking America's arse.

What do those two things have to do with the Albanese government trying to censor freedom of speech in Australia? The same applies to comments on Taiwan. Nothing to do with the subject.

Do you, and others, want to avoid the subject of government censorship by Albanese (it is pretty scary, and you might not like admitting to the sort of government we have) by introducing irrelevant material? Albanese does the very same thing when he gets uncomfortable questions that he can't deal with. Heads in the sand.

The subjects irrelevant to my thread could easily be used to start threads of your own - which could certainly do with some discussion.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 June 2023 9:32:47 AM
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