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The People's Republic of Victoria Strikes Again
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Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 May 2023 1:12:00 PM
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That's not new news, its 6 months old news. Avi Yemini is from the radical right extremists of 'Rebel News' although we should not hold that against him, now should we. However if his intention is to attend Andrews press conference with the purpose of disruption and violence, then as he does have such a history, then that's another matter. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 May 2023 4:06:45 PM
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"Avi Yemini is from the radical right extremists"
Of course, in the fantasy-land that Paul inhabits everyone to the right of Mao is a "radical right extremist". Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 May 2023 11:05:09 AM
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mhaze, you and others have deemed me to be a Communist, in your fantasy world anyone to the left of Attila The Hun is a Communist. Look out the Kudos Kid probably thinks you, ttbn and this fella in question are ALL Communists. In fact he's now doubting himself, thinking he once gave a kid a birthday present, so that makes him a Communist as well!
p/s I gave up on Genghis Khan there's too much evidence that good old Genghis was a bleeding heart liberal, therefore also a communist! Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 May 2023 11:33:36 AM
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When you reflexively call anyone you disagree with a "radical right extremist", you of course invite mockery by being similarly misidentified. You are no more communist that Rebel News is radical or extremist. But you seem to think you can use this extremist language with impunity and while, acting the goose, expect to be treated like the gander. It doesn't work that way. I learnt that in 3rd grade. And one day you'll learn it too. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 May 2023 10:24:40 AM
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Dear mhaze,
Yemeni is most certainly right wing and probably holds extremist views. Here he is on stage with UK extremist Tommy Robinson declaring he is the "World's most proudist Nazi" yet you are trying to tell us there is nothing to see here? Next you will be telling us the Nazis weren't extreme. But really, in the grand scheme of things Yemini is just a grifter. He latches on to any push button issue which he feel he can stir up some outrage on then invariably attempts to turn it into a fund raising attempt which a certain demographic of gullible Australians feel compelled to donate to. His obvious small stature has seemingly been a drive to overcompensate. He rightly got refused entry into the US for his views and to be upset that he got denied a press pass into parliament house is just a big sook. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 8 May 2023 11:30:58 AM
Inside the venue, however, Avi was spotted by an Andrews stooge who "ordered" the same police officer to remove him; which the officer did.
I suppose Avi was lucky not to get a rubber bullet in the back as he left.
The matter was taken to court - I mean, did this really happen; and is it legal to stop a member of the media from attending a press conference?
Well, yes, and yes to both questions.
The Victorian Supreme Court ruled that politicians 'can ban any journalist' they wish when it comes to "legislature property".
OK. But, the Court further punished Rebel News by ordering them to pay $67,500 in costs to Andrew's already paid-for-by-taxes lawyers.
According to Avi Yemini, other journalists laughed when he was kicked out, not thinking that it can be done to any of them by a Premier and his police and judicial apparatus at any time in an ultra-Left regime like Victoria.
But I think the chance of such a fascist action against run of the mill reporters is remote, given that the mainstream media is just a mouthpiece for the near wall-to-wall neo-Marxists in all of our parliaments these days.