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The Forum > General Discussion > The People's Republic of Victoria Strikes Again

The People's Republic of Victoria Strikes Again

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Two years ago Rebel News Australia reporter, Avi Yemini, attempted to attend an Andrews press conference in Melbourne. He was ID' d by a police officer at the gate and admitted.

Inside the venue, however, Avi was spotted by an Andrews stooge who "ordered" the same police officer to remove him; which the officer did.

I suppose Avi was lucky not to get a rubber bullet in the back as he left.

The matter was taken to court - I mean, did this really happen; and is it legal to stop a member of the media from attending a press conference?

Well, yes, and yes to both questions.

The Victorian Supreme Court ruled that politicians 'can ban any journalist' they wish when it comes to "legislature property".

OK. But, the Court further punished Rebel News by ordering them to pay $67,500 in costs to Andrew's already paid-for-by-taxes lawyers.

According to Avi Yemini, other journalists laughed when he was kicked out, not thinking that it can be done to any of them by a Premier and his police and judicial apparatus at any time in an ultra-Left regime like Victoria.

But I think the chance of such a fascist action against run of the mill reporters is remote, given that the mainstream media is just a mouthpiece for the near wall-to-wall neo-Marxists in all of our parliaments these days.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 May 2023 1:12:00 PM
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That's not new news, its 6 months old news. Avi Yemini is from the radical right extremists of 'Rebel News' although we should not hold that against him, now should we. However if his intention is to attend Andrews press conference with the purpose of disruption and violence, then as he does have such a history, then that's another matter.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 May 2023 4:06:45 PM
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"Avi Yemini is from the radical right extremists"

Of course, in the fantasy-land that Paul inhabits everyone to the right of Mao is a "radical right extremist".
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 May 2023 11:05:09 AM
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mhaze, you and others have deemed me to be a Communist, in your fantasy world anyone to the left of Attila The Hun is a Communist. Look out the Kudos Kid probably thinks you, ttbn and this fella in question are ALL Communists. In fact he's now doubting himself, thinking he once gave a kid a birthday present, so that makes him a Communist as well!

p/s I gave up on Genghis Khan there's too much evidence that good old Genghis was a bleeding heart liberal, therefore also a communist!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 May 2023 11:33:36 AM
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When you reflexively call anyone you disagree with a "radical right extremist", you of course invite mockery by being similarly misidentified.

You are no more communist that Rebel News is radical or extremist. But you seem to think you can use this extremist language with impunity and while, acting the goose, expect to be treated like the gander.

It doesn't work that way. I learnt that in 3rd grade. And one day you'll learn it too.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 May 2023 10:24:40 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Yemeni is most certainly right wing and probably holds extremist views.

Here he is on stage with UK extremist Tommy Robinson declaring he is the "World's most proudist Nazi" yet you are trying to tell us there is nothing to see here? Next you will be telling us the Nazis weren't extreme.

But really, in the grand scheme of things Yemini is just a grifter.

He latches on to any push button issue which he feel he can stir up some outrage on then invariably attempts to turn it into a fund raising attempt which a certain demographic of gullible Australians feel compelled to donate to.

His obvious small stature has seemingly been a drive to overcompensate. He rightly got refused entry into the US for his views and to be upset that he got denied a press pass into parliament house is just a big sook.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 8 May 2023 11:30:58 AM
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Actually SR, the quote is "I am the world's proudest Jewish Nazi'.

I wonder why you doctored it. Oh wait, its SR....of course he doctored it because the word "Jewish" changes the meaning and the context.

The crowd laughed because they got the joke but obviously it went over poor SR's head. For the comprehension challenged...he was ironically sending up the left's claims about him ie that he's a NAZI even though he's Jewish.

I think SR's still got enough of his wits about him to have understood that, which is why he misrepresented the quote. Pretty funny that he thought I wouldn't notice. Poor SR never learns.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 May 2023 12:03:35 PM
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It's a pretty pathetic person who has to use a person's "small stature" as an argument.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 May 2023 12:09:41 PM
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Dear mhaze,

Now I did say don't sook but you really can't help yourself can you.

I really don't think he is a Nazi but as I made clear I see him as a grifter, a performance artist, who hams it up for people like yourself and the poodle to lap up.

There really are strong echoes with Milo Yiannopoulos hobnobbing with his little group of Nazis.

Yemini really is pretty hard to take seriously as you seem to want to do.

Inane topic really.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 8 May 2023 1:18:08 PM
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"Inane topic really". From a nastychild twerp who refers to a person's "small stature".
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 May 2023 1:26:16 PM
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So SR, we'll pretend, shall we, that you didn't doctor the quote to try to alter the meaning of what he was saying. After that's hardly an unusual thing from you, is it?.

I've not said anything supportive of Yemeni. I occasionally watch Rebel News when they cover something of interest, but that's about it. But as I've said before, I am rather fond of the facts, and the fact is you altered the quote.

My beef here was with Paul mislabelling the man as an extremist and pointing out that when you do so, Paul really should expect to be mocked for it.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 May 2023 2:04:31 PM
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Dear mhaze,

So why do you think it "changes the meaning and the context".

He wasn't doing a gig at a comedy club now was he. He was fronting up to a Tommy Robinson event with an audience of ultra right Nationalists, the type who managed to ultimately gain power in Germany.

Indeed this is from Robinson's Wikipedia page:

"Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982),[1] better known as Tommy Robinson, is a British far-right, Islamophobic activist, and convicted criminal on multiple counts of violence and fraud as well as other crimes. He is the co-founder and former leader of the English Defence League, and later served as a political advisor to former UKIP leader Gerard Batten.

"Robinson has been active in far-right politics for many years. He was a member of the neo-fascist and white nationalist British National Party (BNP) from 2004 to 2005. For a short time in 2012, he was joint vice-chairman of the British Freedom Party (BFP). Robinson led the EDL from 2009 until 8 October 2013. He continued as an activist, and in 2015 became involved with the development of Pegida UK, a now defunct British chapter of the German-based far-right organisation Pegida. From 2017 to 2018, Robinson wrote for and appeared in online videos for Rebel News, a Canadian far-right political website."

Note the words: "British chapter of the German-based far-right organisation Pegida".

So you really think it was all a joke to that crowd? That they didn't think Yemini was agreeing with their views? Utter rubbish.

Despite your attempted diversions you really are being a Nazi apologist on this and trying to say Yemini isn't ticking most of the boxes as a "radical right extremist" is just bunkum. He most certainly is.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 8 May 2023 2:32:16 PM
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"When you reflexively call anyone you disagree with a "radical right extremist""

No I do not, I often disagree with a couple on the forum with what could be considered right wing views, but I find their contributions incisive, therefore worthy of noting and considering, and not being dismissed as radical or extreme. This Yemini described as the Chief Australian Correspondent of Rebel News (Canada) and his views expressed through that declared radical right extremists organisation, makes Mr Yemini of the same ilk.

BTW, I often disagree with my wife on political issues, but I don't consider her a "radical right extremist" If we're going to continue with this French thing of right and left then I put her in the left category. But then again I don't agree with the notion of right and left, just moderate to extreme, with the 'Horseshoe Principle' more an apt description of politics.

Steele, you've got this bloke in knots once again. He can't take a trick, BTW, mhaze is very knowledgeable on Aboriginal culture and practices of 40,000 years ago. Really!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 8 May 2023 4:34:03 PM
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Avi Yemini has already raised 90% or the $67,500 over the weekend. There are a lot of people out there who support what is right.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 May 2023 4:47:53 PM
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SR wrote: "So why do you think it "changes the meaning and the context"."

I think that's his strange way of admitting that he did indeed doctor the quote. Strangely though he won't explain why he left out the word "Jewish" from the quote. But he doesn't have to explain - its plain enough.

"So you really think it was all a joke to that crowd?"

Well they laughed. Unlike you the joke didn't go over their heads.


Paul wrote: "mhaze is very knowledgeable on Aboriginal culture and practices of 40,000 years ago. Really!"

Those who swoon over the aboriginal culture swoon over the claim that it is the oldest ever and unchanged for think-of-a-number-and-double-it years. So logically, aboriginal culture from 40000 years ago was the same as aboriginal culture from 400 years ago. (Of course logic and Paul aren't really friends).

I didn't make any claims about what things were like 40000 years ago but when Paul realises he's on a hiding to nothing he always throws these little tantrums.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 May 2023 6:04:18 PM
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Dear mhaze,

Clear enough? Lol. Do tell.

Anyway you were the one attempting to portray this obviously right wing and obviously extreme pundit as anything but.

You have repeatedly deflected to my quote rather than addressing your apologetics for him.

Why are you so intent in defending and downplaying this bloke's politics?

But even more to the point he is as I said a grifter, hard at work as always fleecing the pockets of the gullible and the dim-witted. Yet you applaud him.

What gives?

Dear Paul1450,

I don't tie him in knots, he does that all by himself.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 8 May 2023 6:31:51 PM
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I don't apologise for him. No need.
I haven't apologised for him. No need.
I don't applaud him. I've already explained that. Something else that went over your head?

I simply point out that Paul's reflexive description of him as extremist is false and invites others to parody poor old Paul's somewhat extreme attitudes. Sorry all that went over your head.

But if he is clearly all these things you say of him, why did you feel the need to doctor his words? Surely if what you say is true, his actual words would have sufficed. I'll leave you to explain why you thought you needed to gild the lily.

"I don't tie him in knots"

Look at you two, huddling together, trying ever so hard to convince each other that you haven't been made to look the fool....yet again.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 5:50:17 AM
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"Avi Yemini has already raised 90% or the $67,500". After you got fleeced by the Corny Banana Party, I though you might have learnt no to contribute to these shonky shysters. Probably not.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 5:52:38 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You say: "I simply point out that Paul's reflexive description of him as extremist is false"

How is it false? The bloke was up sprouting off at a Tommy Robinson gathering. How is that not being extremist?

In fact according to the Jewish Chronicle said of Yemini: "A Jewish man who described himself as the “official spokesperson” for far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been convicted of unlawful assault against his former wife."

That would be considered an extremist in the eyes of most people, why isn't it for you? The only answer to that would seem to be that your politics are that close that you can't see the extremism the rest of us clearly do.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 11:41:08 PM
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Reading a bit more about this Yemini, it reinforces my earlier assessment of him as a right wing extremists. I'm sure he ticks all the boxes for you, and you consider him a moderate liberal thinker, just like yourself. His claimed “official spokesperson” capacity for Tommy Robinson, would indicate he is a far right extremists, but then again you might see Tommy Robinson as yet another moderate liberal thinker, just like yourself.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 6:15:38 AM
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SR remains determined to pretend he didn't feel the need to doctor quotes to make his claims about Yemini seem even vaguely coherent. It's a pleasure to watch him twist in the breeze.

Of course the term 'extremist' is subjective, along the same lines as 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter'.

So if like some here, you live on the far-left, anyone to the right seems extremist. But of course, if you live on the far-left, you believe its your deity-given right to aggressively label others without being similarly treated.

It seems to me that if you are going to label someone 'extremist' it'd probably be useful to offer some examples of extreme views - you know, something like defending genocide of the Uighurs and the like. But when the best example of his extremism that you can offer is that he spoke up in favour of someone else who is mislabelled as 'extremist' and that even then you have to 'massage' the quote....well you're probably on a hiding to nothing.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 9:12:49 AM
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I now understand why sensible, self-respecting posters are reluctant to start a thread these days: it just gives two or three of the resident nutters a chance to indulge themselves with pointless arguments and name calling.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 9:25:59 AM
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Dear mhaze,


So now you don't even think Robinson is an extremist?

Tell that to the Irish Independent which is hardly a huge left leaning publication.

Keep digging old boy.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 1:36:33 PM
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What happened SR? Couldn't you find a Robinson quote that you could misreport to 'prove' his extremism? And it comes so naturally for you. Oh, I forgot. We're supposed to be pretending that your deliberate falsehood never happened
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 5:23:37 PM
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Dear mhaze,

Your constant deflection is becoming a touch endearing. If a misquote is the only thing you have to cling to then I suppose it is hardly surprising you feel the need to reel it out at every opportunity rather just acknowledging Yemini and Robinson are deemed extremist by the vast bulk of thinking people.

Look, you make a wrong call in attempting to defend them and it really isn't in your nature to admit it therefore you are doubling down.

We get that, and ultimately understand that is the type of person you are. Absolutely no biggie in the grand scheme of things. You drank the Koolaid and it is going to take a while, like the Liberal party, for you to wake up and dial it back. Try and do it before you wander off the mortal coil though. Life really is too short to be defending extremists.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 May 2023 8:04:45 PM
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If only it were a misquote. But it was in fact a deliberate alteration of the quote to make a point that couldn't be made by sticking to the truth.

Still even getting you to admit it was a 'misquote' is a red letter day.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 11 May 2023 7:37:55 AM
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Good go see that Barry Humphries' family has refused to have Andrew's fingerprints anywhere on his funeral. They rejected the offer of a state funeral by the PRV for one in NSW rather than in his home state, where he was cancelled by the very UNfunny people posing as comedians making use of the comedy festival that Barry was a founder of.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 May 2023 9:00:38 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Slipperier than a butcher's dick.

Are Yemini and Robertson regarded as extremists by the wider community or not?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 12 May 2023 12:09:46 PM
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The Victorian Liberal Party has been forced to sack far right extremist member Moira Deeming. Deeming had attended a far right protest where Neo-Nazi's were in attendance. The Party has also been forced to stand down another MP from the hard right, Renee Heath. Meanwhile across Bass Straight two Liberal Party MP's resigned the party, pushing it into minority government, the only Liberal Party government in Australia, and it hasn't even got a majority!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 May 2023 3:07:22 PM
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"Are Yemini and Robertson regarded as extremists by the wider community or not?"


Moira Deeming.

Actually she attended a rally that was gate-crashed by neo-Nazis.
A truly liberal party (as opposed to the current Liberal Party....small 'l', big 'L') would welcome differing views and robust debate on these transgender issues, and all other issues for that matter.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 13 May 2023 7:22:51 AM
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It wouldn't have mattered if she was there when a herd of elephants arrived and trampled the people, she would have copped the flak for that. Just like if she had been there when the manor from heaven had fallen and fed the starving folk, she would have claimed the kudos. That's politics, anyway it was the fact she was suing the slug leading the Liberal party in Victoria which was more to the point.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 May 2023 8:01:24 AM
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People playing at Nazis will be demonstrating in Melbourne this weekend against non-white immigration. And the Antifa lunatics have threatened to demonstrate against the Nazis.

Only in Victoria!

The half witted Liberals have ousted Moira Deeming, and Renee Heath, another conservative MP, has been stripped of her role as party secretary.

Only in Victoria!

Another council, Eltham, is staging readings to children by perverts - AKA drag queens - despite the Monash back down.

Only in Victoria!

I wonder what the Chinese Communist Party that Comrade Andrews is sucking up to thinks of it all.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 May 2023 8:50:49 AM
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"It wouldn't have mattered if she was there when a herd of elephants arrived and trampled the people, she would have copped the flak for that. "

If it didn't matter, why did you phrase your post to try to suggest she attended the rally with Nazis? It matter a lot that she was there for one reason and these interlopers gave the left-wing media (is there any other kind in Melbourne) the chance to advance their agenda.

" she would have copped the flak for that. "

Yep. The left-wing media (is there any other kind in Melbourne) were intent on discrediting those calling out the transsexual movement, irrespective of the reasons.

"Another council, Eltham, is staging readings to children by perverts - AKA drag queens"

Their call. If they want to blow their money (so to speak) on blokes playing dress-up...well its up to them. But any parent who takes their kid to the event should be charged with child abuse.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 13 May 2023 9:03:02 AM
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"why did you (Paul1405) phrase your post to try to suggest she attended the rally with Nazis? I didn't suggest that at all, I stated a fact; "Deeming had attended a far right protest where Neo-Nazi's were in attendance." Are you disputing Deeming was there, or if she was there were Neo-Nazi's present, or if they were Neo-Nazi's, they were not in attendance. That's as bad a misquoting, don'y you agree?

BTW, me thinks Deeming was seen as a liability to the Vic Liberal Party, besides she was out to sue the party leader, disunity is death in politics, and suing the party leader might suggest disunity within the ranks.


"People playing at Nazis will be demonstrating in Melbourne this weekend against non-white immigration." Where did you get that from, one of you far right web sites you often visit?

"I wonder what the Chinese Communist Party that Comrade Andrews is sucking up to thinks of it all." Probably nothing as they wouldn't know about it.

Comrades Today's Party Meeting.


Item 1. Eltham Council, staging readings to children by perverts - AKA drag queens. (BTW comrades, Eltham Council is in our great sister state of Victoria Australia run by Comrade Dan, in case you don't know.)

Item 2. What are we going to do about Taiwan and American imperialism.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 May 2023 12:06:20 PM
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Everything you wrote was technically true but a lie by omission (been watching too much ABC?).

She attended a rally where neither she nor the organisers knew neo-Nazis would be there nor did they invite or acknowledge those neo-Nazis. That's the truth that you and the left-wing media in particular deem information that's best left out.

How about this..... Deeming attended a rather to critic the dress sense of certain males. It was a bright sunny day and most of the attendees had bright sunny faces. All that is technically true and just as accurate as what you said.

"disunity is death in politics".

So it's said. But sometimes there are principles beyond what's good for the party. The ALP is the party of enforced groupthink. A truly liberal party would be happy to have disparate voices in its ranks, particularly one that appeals to a sector of the electorate that remains unrepresented by any major party.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 13 May 2023 1:07:23 PM
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"She (Deeming) attended a rally where neither she nor the organisers knew neo-Nazis would be there nor did they invite or acknowledge those neo-Nazis." What evidence do you have that proves they didn't know, or didn't invite? Is this the word of the Neo-Nazi's, generally not considered persons of good character, so their word may not be worth a pint of piss.

Fr. Tom was arrested by the coppers last Sunday evening when they raided a 'house of ill repute'. Fr. Tom protested his innocence as he was led away in handcuffs! "I was there to do the work of the lord, saving those wretched souls." Unfortunately Fr. Tom was seen wearing no pants, not even undies when he was arrested, all was presented on the 6 o'clock news for full public viewing! Fr. Tom was still protesting his innocence when the church defrocked him some time later. Do you get what I mean?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 May 2023 2:42:36 PM
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I hope you're sitting down when you read this but just because you want a particular thing to be true doesn't make it true. No really, it doesn't. So just because you want Deeming to be associated with the Nazis doesn't make it so.

But in your mind, because you want it to be true, you demand evidence that it's not. I was going to ask you to provide evidence that it she was associated with the Nazis but then I realised that it'd be like asking my budgie to explain General Relativity. And so I won't bother asking the bloke who has previously said he always refuses to provide evidence to provide evidence.

And because I'm better than that:

Deeeming has said she didn't know the Nazis were there until the police starting ushering them in.

The rally organisers said they didn't have any links before or after the event with the Nazis.

Oh, and here's the ABC (and we know in your world its a crime to disbelieve the ABC!!) ...
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 13 May 2023 4:55:56 PM
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The Zantifa mob at yesterday's demonisation - supposedly against racist, Jew-hating 'Nazis' - attacked Avi Yemini, A JEW.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 May 2023 8:52:05 AM
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In that other eastern state, at the arse end of Victorian, with a left wing Liberal government, two politicians have quit over the acceptance of Albanese's footy stadium bribe to keep the premier sweet on the Voice, and hundreds of demonstrators have come out in protest over the weekend.

People struggling with government-imposed price rises, nowhere to live, too many migrants, and all the bad stuff that goes with Socialism, might be waking up to what Albanese really is. Even in little old Hobart.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 May 2023 9:05:07 AM
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Extremist of any kind are violent people, be they considered on the left or the right. The racist gathering of the extreme yesterday indicates that fact. There is no place for that kind of behaviour in Australian society. End of story.


What is the significance of the 7 week old ABC story, it proved nothing.When the Neo-Nazi's turned up to that protest, Deeming did nothing to discourage their presence. Did she tell them, they were unwelcome, NO! Did she ask them to leave, NO! so she's complicit.

Albert Speer, after the war tried to represent himself as "The Good Nazi", claiming that although he was a major player in the Hitler regime he was not complicit in the crimes of the regime. Even if he had done nothing directly criminal, by his acts of compliance he was guilty. For that he wasn't hung, but did rightfully serve 10 years in prison.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 May 2023 9:12:48 AM
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So let me get this straight. Deeming is now the equivalent of Speer? Wow. Now that's deranged.

"Did she tell them, they were unwelcome, NO! Did she ask them to leave, NO! so she's complicit."

The police were there. Did they ask the Nazis to leave? Did they say they were unwelcome? Obviously the police are complicit. Now that's deranged!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 14 May 2023 12:12:45 PM
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No, I wouldn't compare Moira Deeming to Albert Speer, more a Joseph Goebbels type, they both like publicity, and having Nazi's in attendance at their rallies.

"So let me get this straight. Deeming is now the equivalent of Speer?" No, did I say that, I was giving another example of a person guilty of complicity. As for the police, they are there to uphold the law, not to check people in and out.

What is your opinion of the 19 Liberal MP's that voted her out of the party in Victoria
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 May 2023 1:40:31 PM
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So when you compared Deeming to Speer you weren't comparing Deeming to Speer. Makes perfect sense.

"What is your opinion of the 19 Liberal MP's that voted her out of the party in Victoria"

They are Liberal but not liberal. They are more accepting of the ALP policy of enforce groupthink than any liberal policy of freedom of speech. As such they deserve to be in opposition and will remain there.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 14 May 2023 3:01:41 PM
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Of course we all have comparative traits, Deeming and Speer do, I must correct myself, in relation to being complicit with Nazism they do. Sear was more so, more full on than Deeming, Speer spent 10 years in jail for his complicity, Deeming got kicked out of a moderate political party for hers.

In general terms, do you believe the Liberal Party has a good track record on personal freedoms, including freedom of speech. I don't believe so.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 May 2023 4:27:41 PM
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While I don't think Deering fits the bill as a Nazi sympathiser I do recognise how hard it has been for the party in Australia to disassociate themselves from prominent Nazis within their ranks in the past.

The notable case was of course Lyenko Urbanchich.

"THE passing of Lyenko Urbanchich ends the almost 70-year political career of the man who invented ethnic branch stacking in Australia. He was also the last, and most powerful, of the central and eastern European Nazi collaborators and war criminals who infiltrated the Liberal Party from the 1950s and coalesced with Australian rightists to form the "Uglies" faction."

So good on the Victorian Liberals who have decided to clean house. We need a strong and viable opposition here in Victoria and the party was in the tailspin with all the baggage they were carrying.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 15 May 2023 11:22:32 AM
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The Victorian Liberal opposition has once again been shown up in its true colours by condemning, rightly, the idiots playing at Nazis, but they didn't say a word against the equally repulsive and violent Antifa mob.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 May 2023 5:24:51 PM
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Parent Power. Two more councils and a school have dropped story times by perverts in the nutbag state of Victoria, thanks to strong objections to from parents
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 18 May 2023 9:59:36 AM
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I can not let the day pass without wishing her majesty a happy BIRTHDAY on behalf of the Forums Usual Suspects. I know they will be celerbrating with fireworks tonight.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 24 May 2023 7:21:54 AM
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Posted by ttbn- The Victorian Liberal opposition has once again been shown up in its true colours by condemning, rightly, the idiots playing at Nazis, but they didn't say a word against the equally repulsive and violent Antifa mob.

Answer- My understanding of the ones giving the roman salutes is that they believe the communists have used the demonization of Hitler to "reject legitimate policies by association". So it's necessary to revive Hitler to protect the community.

Personally I don't understand much about Nazism apart from what we've been told we have to believe.

I start to ask the question why Communists are still trying to kill Hitler.

I suspect that the Nazi salute is being used to make a point- but it takes some effort to find out what point is being made because these people have been stopped from speaking in our "democratic media".

Anyway Communists will continue to label those that don't agree with Trotsky fascists and Nazi's. Interesting that Nazi means National Socialist. And Communism isn't about commune's
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 12:35:36 PM
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This is interesting...

It seems to give things from the "so called'Nazi' point of view".
Paraphrasing Voltaire "I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it".
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 12:41:15 PM
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Posted by ttbn

Parent Power. Two more councils and a school have dropped story times by perverts in the nutbag state of Victoria, thanks to strong objections to from parents

Answer- Kudos ttbn.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 12:46:03 PM
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Posted by Paul1405
Avi Yemini is from the radical right extremists of 'Rebel News' although we should not hold that against him, now should we.

Answer- I suppose Paul1405 thinks he is the arbiter of who is a "radical right extremist" and therefore should be jailed for nothing more than this. In the past people were punished for committing a crime irrelevant of their political views. It seems that some are pressuring law to become ideological if it isn't already so.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 2 June 2023 3:12:16 PM
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