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The Forum > General Discussion > Transgenderism: Profound Irrationalism

Transgenderism: Profound Irrationalism

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Hi AC,

Totally agree, no one should be forcing anything down children's throats, although Catholic clergy are guilty of doing literally that. I have a no harm mentality, if someone wants to chop off their penis, or sew up their vagina its nobody business but theirs, providing there is no harm inflicted on others. Might be inflicting harm on themselves, sounds painful. If Stan wants to be called Loretta then so be it, no problem for me.

Over the years what I have heard about mostly is paedophilia in schools, not transgenderism. I was surprised by a story from my first wife, she told me she suffered digital penetration at school by a male teacher when she was about 8, and that was at a state primary school. A friend who told us how as a young teenager she was fondled by a Catholic priest in his "house" many times. She said he was disgustingly gross, and he got away with it! How many got away with it, and are still getting away with it today. It hasn't stopped, its just the Catholic Church is more savvy on how to hide it. One would have to be extremely naive not to believe paedophilia is not rife in poor Catholic countries like the Philippines and Brazil.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 April 2023 8:21:26 AM
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As Winston Churchill once said;

A woman said to WC; "Mr Churchill YOU are drunk!"
Churchill replied; "Madam, YOU are ugly, in the morning I shall be sober, but YOU will still be UGLY!"
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 April 2023 8:46:41 AM
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Given the number of stupid people, compensation would be too expensive, even for a big-spender like Albanese. And he is already compensated for his own stupidity, by us, to the tune of half a million dollars annually, plus perks, plus an enormous pension.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 9:17:43 AM
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To be fair to Albo, he’s just one little git in the whole Circus under that huge tent harbouring far too many bureaudroids & not enough real Public Servants !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 16 April 2023 9:35:39 AM
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Transgenderism and multiculturalism don't do too well together it seems: at least not in the UK borough of Newham. The 2021 Census indicated that 1.5% of the population was trans.

The number of people identifying as trans in the entirety of England is only 0.10%!

Incidentally, Mark Latham claims that there are only 0.17% people in Australia who think that they are trans; the Left's ABC "fact" checker says that there is "no official means of calculating the number of transgender people in Australia".

Anyway, it is thought that the amazing result in the borough of Newham results from people not knowing what they were saying: no-speaka-da-English.

One academic believes that the strongest predictor of trans identification is the proportion of those whose main language is not English. They don't understand the question.

The question posed was: "Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” I suppose that could be a bit bewildering for someone who speaks and thinks in a foreign language.

Another strike against multiculturalism.

But, calling sex 'gender', a word once exclusively used in the study of grammar, might have been confusing.

Another strike against the Leftling misuse of language to suit their ideology.

Multiculturalism. Marxism. Wokeism. Official racism (the Voice). Anthony Albanese. Same sex marriage. Now, transgenderism. How much longer will this rubbish be tolerated!
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 10:24:14 AM
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Just saw a disgusting image of a male wearing a bra in a advertisement for an Australian company called Honey Birdette. I suppose some people with the right sense of humour would get a laugh out of it. One commentator commenting on outrage that this ratty company was using a 'non-binary' person replied that, no they are not doing that because there is no such thing as a non-binary person. Another way of coping with it; but there is no denying that Western society has gone troppo and, if recent elections in Australia are anything to go by, most Australians either do not care, or they are also troppo.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 10:48:49 AM
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