The Forum > General Discussion > Transgenderism: Profound Irrationalism
Transgenderism: Profound Irrationalism
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Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 15 April 2023 11:06:15 AM
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Again, sticking the nose into other peoples business, when it doesn't affect them. Posie Parker, aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, also known as Kellie-Jay Keen, or what ever is the latest name she goes under. The woman is happy to attract hateful extremists to her rallies, protest or what ever she calls them. Its based on transphobia, or the fear of people of difference. Lets put it to bed, and let people live their lives as they choose, not having some old busy-bodies getting all upset with something that does't concern them, its been done to death!
P/S didn't the Posy woman leave our shores some weeks ago, vowing never to return? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 15 April 2023 2:41:37 PM
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Letting transgenderism activists claim normality for the left is like letting white power NAZI or KKK activists claim normaity for the right.
- Both ideologies are extreme and dangerous. If you're a bloke you can chop your bits off and wear a dress and identify as an emu for all I care. - Also I don't give a crap what you do in your bedroom. Letting these people cram their beliefs down the throats of others is like letting the clowns take over the circus. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 15 April 2023 6:07:35 PM
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It's all very well not to care about what these people do; but they they are pushing it down our throats; and they are a danger to children, as anyone who looks up from their navel occasionally knows. Have a look on YouTube for some really disgusting videos of these creeps brain washing primary school children. In one Dutch video, it occurred AT at a school.
And what about kids being butchered - legally, by latter day Josef Mengeles? What about schools not telling parents that their children have revealed their sexual confusion to teachers? Concerned people should not be staying quite about the horrors of transgenderism just because some lunatic might call them transphobic or another of the few abusive names they have in their limited vocabularies. It is cowardly not to speak up. Saying it is none of your business, they don't hurt you, and such rubbish, is a gutless cop out. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 15 April 2023 7:29:37 PM
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Do you have any substantive Australian evidence that transgenderism is rife in our schools, and these evil forces are trying to subvert our children to their way of thinking. You claim a quite man protesting in Auckland NZ was attacked, then you say the police found he was the instigator. Your next post offers a vague reference to something in Holland, but no references to anything substantive in Australia. It could be a case of busy-bodyness, people who want to interfere in other peoples lives because of their own moral perceptions. p/s Having spoken to my granddaughter about this "transgenderism" she is not aware of any instances within her school community, or others, but they may well be the lucky ones. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 April 2023 6:40:27 AM
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What’ll be next, compensation for being ugly & stupid ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 16 April 2023 7:44:09 AM
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Hi AC,
Totally agree, no one should be forcing anything down children's throats, although Catholic clergy are guilty of doing literally that. I have a no harm mentality, if someone wants to chop off their penis, or sew up their vagina its nobody business but theirs, providing there is no harm inflicted on others. Might be inflicting harm on themselves, sounds painful. If Stan wants to be called Loretta then so be it, no problem for me. Over the years what I have heard about mostly is paedophilia in schools, not transgenderism. I was surprised by a story from my first wife, she told me she suffered digital penetration at school by a male teacher when she was about 8, and that was at a state primary school. A friend who told us how as a young teenager she was fondled by a Catholic priest in his "house" many times. She said he was disgustingly gross, and he got away with it! How many got away with it, and are still getting away with it today. It hasn't stopped, its just the Catholic Church is more savvy on how to hide it. One would have to be extremely naive not to believe paedophilia is not rife in poor Catholic countries like the Philippines and Brazil. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 April 2023 8:21:26 AM
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As Winston Churchill once said; A woman said to WC; "Mr Churchill YOU are drunk!" Churchill replied; "Madam, YOU are ugly, in the morning I shall be sober, but YOU will still be UGLY!" Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 April 2023 8:46:41 AM
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Given the number of stupid people, compensation would be too expensive, even for a big-spender like Albanese. And he is already compensated for his own stupidity, by us, to the tune of half a million dollars annually, plus perks, plus an enormous pension. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 9:17:43 AM
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To be fair to Albo, he’s just one little git in the whole Circus under that huge tent harbouring far too many bureaudroids & not enough real Public Servants ! Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 16 April 2023 9:35:39 AM
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Transgenderism and multiculturalism don't do too well together it seems: at least not in the UK borough of Newham. The 2021 Census indicated that 1.5% of the population was trans.
The number of people identifying as trans in the entirety of England is only 0.10%! Incidentally, Mark Latham claims that there are only 0.17% people in Australia who think that they are trans; the Left's ABC "fact" checker says that there is "no official means of calculating the number of transgender people in Australia". Anyway, it is thought that the amazing result in the borough of Newham results from people not knowing what they were saying: no-speaka-da-English. One academic believes that the strongest predictor of trans identification is the proportion of those whose main language is not English. They don't understand the question. The question posed was: "Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” I suppose that could be a bit bewildering for someone who speaks and thinks in a foreign language. Another strike against multiculturalism. But, calling sex 'gender', a word once exclusively used in the study of grammar, might have been confusing. Another strike against the Leftling misuse of language to suit their ideology. Multiculturalism. Marxism. Wokeism. Official racism (the Voice). Anthony Albanese. Same sex marriage. Now, transgenderism. How much longer will this rubbish be tolerated! Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 10:24:14 AM
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Just saw a disgusting image of a male wearing a bra in a advertisement for an Australian company called Honey Birdette. I suppose some people with the right sense of humour would get a laugh out of it. One commentator commenting on outrage that this ratty company was using a 'non-binary' person replied that, no they are not doing that because there is no such thing as a non-binary person. Another way of coping with it; but there is no denying that Western society has gone troppo and, if recent elections in Australia are anything to go by, most Australians either do not care, or they are also troppo.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 10:48:49 AM
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What angers me so much is that bra-wearing Things (for want of a better description) get more support from the Authorities than the average hard working blue collar workers !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 16 April 2023 12:15:59 PM
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The thing that annoys me is people who imagine that they know all about another's life, choices and motivations, based on a few straws of information at most. Like the fellow on the other side of the world, having only argued with me on an internet site, who thought he knew more about my medical condition than either myself or my gp, such people know sfa.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 16 April 2023 1:22:56 PM
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Talking of "support", this would- be-woman model bloke didn't need the support of a bra. He had a male flat chest - not even a pair of artificial knockers. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 5:08:47 PM
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Hi ttbn, and Paul,
"It's all very well not to care about what these people do; but they they are pushing it down our throats; and they are a danger to children, as anyone who looks up from their navel occasionally knows." I was thinking to myself 'I wonder if it would be better to allow your kid to watch male and female porn' and learn that boys are supposed to be with girls and vice versa rather than leave them innocent to counteract them falling into the hands of the trans people who might screw your kid up even worse if they have a chance. - Interesting thought, don't know the answer but I do know 'actions have consequences' and your kid will probably grow up a messed up deviate that only thinks in terms of sex and not love; maybe. - probably illegal too but the outcome might be the lesser of two evils. Then I read your comment Paul, sorry to hear about your wife being touched as a kid. These things (including rape) can actually have a hugely negative and detrimental impact on a persons (usually girls) whole life. - Can precipitate drugs and alcoholism, bad relationships and so much more, People that do it (mostly blokes - and maybe exposed to porn as kids...) get off way too easily these days. What a messed up world we live in. I wish they would just leave the kids to figure things out on their own, at least until the age of menstruation and bodily changes I guess.. Sex education maybe around grade 5 should be 'boys have a penis, girls have a vagina and this is how babies are made' now go back to class and do your english and maths. I'm not really sure what the best policy for all of this kind of stuff should be. Maybe parents should be the ones to introduce the subject to their kids when they feel the time is right, but parents can often be complacent and get things wrong as well. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 16 April 2023 7:31:06 PM
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I believe that there is no place at all in the education system for sex education; that is best left to parents. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 16 April 2023 11:04:24 PM
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You're probably right about that ttbn.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 12:04:00 AM
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Also just a bit of interesting news, US provided Ukraine with JDAM's and Russia is jamming them, rendering them useless, for now.
Russia jamming U.S. smart bombs in Ukraine, leaked docs say "American-made smart bombs are falling victim to Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine, causing them to miss their targets, according to leaked documents and confirmed by a Defense Department official. In some cases, the weapons were also failing to detonate due to a technical issue, which Ukrainian troops have since addressed. The news adds to an increasingly bleak picture of the state of Ukraine’s military that has emerged from a trove of top secret intelligence documents that leaked on social media and came to light over the past week. The documents show that Washington has grave concerns about Kyiv’s dwindling ammunition and air defenses, which could cause it to fall short of its goals for the anticipated spring counteroffensive. The Pentagon in December began sending Kyiv advanced equipment that could convert unguided air-dropped munitions into precision-guided 'smart bombs' that can hit Russian targets with a higher degree of accuracy. The guided bombs can be launched by a variety of aircraft such as bombers and fighters, and are called Joint Direct Attack Munitions or JDAMs. The longer-range version being sent to Ukraine is called a JDAM-Extended Range, or JDAM-ER. But the weapons have experienced higher-than-expected dud rates and have missed their targets on the battlefield, according to a leaked slide prepared by the Joint Staff and confirmed by a U.S. official, who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue." Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 12:19:48 AM
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oops... wrong thread for comment above sorry.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 12:20:46 AM
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Hi AC,
I agree with much of what you say, I did ask ttbn if he had any evidence that the imposition of "transgenderism" was a major problem in our schools among children, and he was not forthcoming. I did ask the granddaughter if she knew of it happening, and point blank said she didn't know of any girls at her school or among her friends who were like that. I know a lot of gay people, gay friends, my youngest son is gay, on most issues they are rather straight and somewhat conservative. My perception of the gay community is they have as many problems and issues as does the straight community. Although financially, not having that many children they tend to be better off, and have better paying jobs. BTW; A gay friend was telling us what a fab time they had at 'Cloudland' in 'The Valley' about $100 set price includes drag show, dinner and drinks, wine and beer. Told him to count us in for the next one he organises. Much more fun with a large group. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 17 April 2023 5:47:51 AM
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I'm glad that we agree that parents are the best teachers of non-academic personal matters; but, it is really bad that parents are not doing much to pull politicians and educators into line, but sitting back and allowing their kids to be subjected to filth and perversion. Some are: you see them when the Marxist media deigns to put them on the nightly news. But not many. Not enough. Parents need to be given a choice as to where and how their children are educated in literacy, numeracy and history. Money misused by government education departments should be made available, via vouchers,to parents so that they can get their kids out of the government brainwashing factories. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 April 2023 9:14:31 AM
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If someone wants to get genitalia mutilation as an adult fine- just don't force it on others especially children. Most people don't want to get their genitalia changed to an approximation of the other sex along with all of the other side effects. I never thought I'd see the day when The Hippocratic Oath- "do no harm" was morphed into this corruption- shame on the doctors.
NZ police perhaps afraid of political correctness too- interesting reports when trans involved- possibly woke communists avoiding the law. With police it's always important to ensure that you take down the officers identity for integrity of the process- perhaps their ancestors will be ridiculed. Southparks-"Heather Swanson" aka popular Italian/ Hebrew Wrestler "Randy Savage" is a man- and looks like a man- but demands to be identified as a woman- and throws temper tantrams to prove it. This obviously seems to be a modern version of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Woke communists seem to be trying to head off the flaw in the story where a child says what no one else can see "the Emperor is naked"- by an evil indoctrination of children. Everyone suffers from different types of identity crises in their lifes- people may see you as something different than how you see your self- as Nietzsche says greatness requires suffering. Heather Swanson isn't great he's portraying himself as a martyr to receive unearned rewards. We should try to create opportunities for the weak to become strong for enlightened self interest not to pander to weakness. Strength can take many forms- citizens need to contribute to society- rather than tear it down. This western victim culture is a race to the bottom- which is what our enemies want. Mao implemented the "four pillars policy" in order to breakdown China under his control- health, education, courts, army- from memory- this is suspiciously similar to the current dynamics of the west- especially under Covid- SARS The gentlemen at the Melbourne rally were probably right when they encapsulated the above in the words "Stop Pedo Freaks". Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 17 April 2023 12:56:22 PM
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Hi Paul,
"BTW; A gay friend was telling us what a fab time they had at 'Cloudland' in 'The Valley' about $100 set price includes drag show, dinner and drinks, wine and beer. Told him to count us in for the next one he organises. Much more fun with a large group." I have no problem whatsoever with people living their lives however they choose. So long as it doesn't harm others and everybody gets a fair chance to make good lives for themselves (kids I mean being able to grow up well rounded and well adjusted) - then it's really no one else's business. Cloudland doesn't exactly sound like my cup of tea, but I hope you and wifey have an enjoyable night. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 April 2023 1:09:13 PM
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Perhaps Heather Swanson and trans culture is the archetype of the anti-Christ- the Evil Jesus/ the Church turned inside out.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 17 April 2023 1:09:57 PM
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Apparently homosexual men identify heterosexual male friends "Fag Stags" as opposed to the female "Fag Hags". Perhaps members of the Labor Party and Paul1405's Greens Party have a lot of friends that enjoy the hospitality of Cloudlands the Wickham Hotel. It appears that even married Liberal Party hack Chris Pyne was found in night spot the Mars Bar getting some personal attention. Some might say this isn't any of anybody else's business and this may be true to a point- but when they are representing you perhaps you need to consider if they identify with the same values as you do. Otherwise you are perhaps just another Fag Stag waiting for personal attention by the Fags.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 17 April 2023 1:22:42 PM
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The surgeons who get paid to mutilate people's bodies must be pretty rubbishy characters, particularly where minors are concerned.
I understand that a woman under 25 cannot legally have her tunes tied, nor can a male have a vasectomy under that age. But, there seems to be no limits as to who can be sexually mutilated. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 April 2023 2:18:18 PM
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If the mutilations help to stop breeding then they may prove to be a blessing in disguise !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 20 April 2023 3:54:36 PM
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Hi AC,
In Sydney for a week's catch up. I like your attitude, "live and let live". I have no problem with an Old Fart even if he wants to have his tunes tied, I assume in a knot! He's always tying himself in a knot. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 20 April 2023 4:48:01 PM
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Its all "apparently" to an intolerable such as yourself. You and ttbn seem always to be singing the same tune. I would much prefer a good night out with gay friends, than a night in with a couple of Old Farts who are down on life, and down on others for wanting to enjoy theirs "apparently". Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 21 April 2023 6:16:12 AM
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Perversion and bad behaviour is everybody's business because it all cheapens and lowers society. Perverts should not be exempted from behaving in ways that are essential to the maintenance of decent and polite society. Their unnatural behaviour and activism is degrading Australia in ways that suit our enemies very well; and their apologists are using them for their own political ends. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 April 2023 9:19:38 AM
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ttbn- I think you have a point there Sir
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 April 2023 1:09:28 AM
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I guess you mean your gay friends like Jono Doig. Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 22 April 2023 2:19:28 PM
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The person you refer to got what he deserved. Unfortunately a bigoted hater like yourself is free to attack good people as you please. Stick to your delusions that you are some great legal eagle, a $100 million company chief, a military expert, an economics guru etc. When the truth be known you are simply an unwanted nobody. Keep going sunshine. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 23 April 2023 5:32:19 AM
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Fair enough, Paul, but if Doig was a Liberal or (shock; horror) a Catholic priest, the only 'discussion' YOU'D be having is where to build the gallows.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 23 April 2023 9:17:47 AM
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There was a Liberal PM who was a paedophile, he had a liking for teenage boys. I'm not naming him, but it was known at the time, but well hidden from the public. There are others unnamed as yet, its not that uncommon. The Catholic church have so many they couldn't hide it forever. BTW, this forum turd, tries to imply by inference I'm also a paedophile. So what. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 23 April 2023 10:33:04 AM
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Yes Paul, and there have been any number of ALPers who have been accused and convicted of this crime. That's hardly the point which was the differing attitudes toward the criminal depending on their political allegences.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 23 April 2023 10:44:45 AM
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I've never posted a word in defence of the grub, regardless of political or religious affiliation, no difference between Green, Liberal, Labor etc etc, Catholic Non-Catholic. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 23 April 2023 7:45:24 PM
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RIP Barry Humphries/Dame Edna Everage. A great Australian
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 April 2023 6:04:43 AM
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What bollocks, there was never a paedophile liberal PM you are just being a lying rat bag again. Just about everything you post is a deliberate lie including your misquoting of what I have previously said. P.S. You still haven't said whether you are now allowed near schools. Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 24 April 2023 8:46:45 AM
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FFS. It seems every bloody time I come back on to this site you are banging on about paedophilia. Enough already. It is very clear it is a fixation of yours born of projection, but it has become utterly predictable, tiring and just irritating noise. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 24 April 2023 11:43:53 AM
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Dear Paul1405,
It has been quite illuminating how the news of Humphries death has stirred up the Twitterverse. The anti-trans Yanks are all a flutter that we would be mourning the loss of this Aussie icon. "Sick", "perverted", "nonhuman". They aren't that swayed by explanations from Australians that he wasn't a trans person just someone who enjoyed getting frocked up for a laugh. The hatred seems to have really stepped up over there, and for that matter over here too. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 24 April 2023 11:48:27 AM
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Once again you go off half-cocked. This time as in most it was the village idiot Paul that brought up paedophilia first in this thread. If you read more than one post you would realise what an idiot you just made yourself look. Or is it just a sensitive personal issue for you? Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 24 April 2023 11:57:14 AM
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You are all over this site accusing me by innuendo of being a paedophile. You get away with it, good for you. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 April 2023 6:05:50 PM
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"accusing me by innuendo" That's called a contradiction in terms usually uttered by idiots. You are a liar and a fraud. You call just about anyone who disagrees with you a nazi/racist/bigot and you lie continually about what people have said. You are a grub whose behaviour is a clear representation of the moral bankruptcy of the greens. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 25 April 2023 4:01:49 AM
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Can ‘it’s’ be sex offenders ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 25 April 2023 10:00:51 AM
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American writer, Lionel Shriver, wonders if 'trans', like anorexia, is a "prestige" thing. Some poor souls 'aspire' to it, as they did with anorexia after Karen Carpenter died rather than eating properly.
Young females "were undertaking life-threatening calorie restriction in great earnest". Anorexia became a deadly psychiatric ailment. They were into changing their bodies so that they didn't 'hate themselves'. Like anorexia, transgenderism is a "social confection". "Collectively, we made these dire maladies up". The 'collective' bit probably referring to all the enablers and ghouls egging the 'sufferers' on, and making a dollar or two out of them. Both self-starvation and transgenderism guarantee elevation to a perceived social elite, according to Shriver. The things some people will do to get noticed! Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 April 2023 8:36:00 AM
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According to a 'gender clinic' whistle-blower, for some parents in American liberal enclaves, having a transgener child is prestigious; preferable to having just a plain old gay kid.
These 'progressives' get madder and madder. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 April 2023 8:53:44 AM
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ttbn- Probably Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 30 April 2023 10:35:12 AM
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There does seem to be evidence that many parents these days are more likely to live their own lives, vicariously, through their kids. But, they allow strangers - in child care centres, schools, finally universities - to guide the kids more than they do. Many modern parents have outsourced their responsibilities to strangers. That suits the increasingly Marxist-style governments we are lumbered with. The biggest threat to Communism/Marxism/Hard-leftism is the family. It's the family they attack first; then the religious schools, which respect family values, and which are a fast-growing sector because parents are beginning to realise that the public schools are brain washing factories for the Left; that good teachers are leaving in droves to join the private sector. The current 'enquiry' (witchhunt) into religious freedoms and who religious schools can or cannot employ is all part of the attack and, also part of the predicted extension of the same sex marriage victory. You might like to look at the Equality Australia website and the extreme nutjobs involved in it, who are stirring the pot. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 April 2023 11:41:47 AM
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Posted by ttbn-
Comment 1- The biggest threat to Communism/Marxism/Hard-leftism is the family. It's the family they attack first; then the religious schools, which respect family values, and which are a fast-growing sector because parents are beginning to realise that the public schools are brain washing factories for the Left; that good teachers are leaving in droves to join the private sector. Answer- I couldn't see any serious issues with your post. I strongly suspect the family is one of a short list of priorities that Communism/ Marxism/ Hard-leftism attack. Communist commentaters have said or implied similar- including a number of horrifying campaigns. There seems to be a problem in who is watching the watchers of school policy and of hiring of policy and teaching personnel- and the inherent ideologies of the employed- I suspect that there should be a minimum quota of those from the "so called right" due to the anecdotally massive bias of "Communist principles" over their representation within the wider community. Comment 2- The current 'enquiry' (witchhunt) into religious freedoms and who religious schools can or cannot employ is all part of the attack and, also part of the predicted extension of the same sex marriage victory. Answer- Sounds very true. It's interesting that the liberal order takes priority over religious principles as a matter of course. As Communist policies (ostensibly liberal) dynamically engineer society- often without the mandate of the society- is destroying probably intentionally religious integrity- and being used in a tyranical way to justify use of "state coercion". Comment 3- You might like to look at the Equality Australia website and the extreme nutjobs involved in it, who are stirring the pot. Answer 3- I'll take a look. But Communist entryism has an anecdotally long history of occupation and control of these elements of "state control"- where perhaps they should have the highest perception of integrity. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 May 2023 4:25:26 AM
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Breaking News;
Marx and Engels are long dead, and their theory of Communism never materialised in a practical sense. no not at all, nowhere in the world. But you guys keep blabbering on about the unseen, unnamed Communists. Radicals there are, Communists there are not. Just as a side, the family is probably more important to the Chinese people, than it is to the majority in the west. The importance of family is well recognised in the Chinese state. It would be political suicide for the CCP not to do so. But then again China is not Communists, no matter how hard they try to pretend they are. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 May 2023 5:12:43 AM
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Monday May 1st International Workers' Day.
Not that a couple of hard right fellas would wont to recognise Workers! For them Workers are communists, and nothing more than a commodity to be exploited! Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 May 2023 6:59:17 AM
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It's interesting that International Women's Day was created by the Socialist Party of America- obviously they did it because they thought it would further the Socialist cause. Apparently International Workers Day was also created by the Marxist International Socialist Congress. Interesting that the reviled Classical Fascist's and Freemason's supported the 8 hour work day. If Communists can occasionally do some good it gives hope for all types of evil. One Hundred Million Dead under communism. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 May 2023 5:19:16 PM
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Not so, an unknown number, running into the millions, you like the nice round figure of 100 million, died under despotic totalitarian regimes, everything from Stalin to the Taliban, Hitler to Hussein, its a very long list. No one ever died under true "Communism". Do you think you have some credibility by avoiding admitting your far right affiliations. The case is you are rather transparent as it is, so hiding and pretending to be otherwise is superfluous. I always liked a bit of discourse with me old forum buddy Jay of M, an unashamed National Socialists, was Jay, unfortunately hasn't been seen here for years, might have accidentally locked himself in his own gas chamber, yah never know. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 1 May 2023 5:51:36 PM
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Paul1405 seems to be an apologist for Communism and their 100 million dead. As men have been accused of being complicit in a culture of rape - maybe Paul1405 is complicit in a culture of bigoted ideological mass murder. What a laugh- "No one ever died under true "Communism""- but my laugh is wiped away with the thought of the bodies.
Sad that Paul1405 doesn't recognise his responsibility for perhaps holding the same principles as caused those dead. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 May 2023 11:37:02 PM
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I have watched a number of these demonstrations by trans people, or at
least so called trans people rather carefully and have come to the conclusion that they are not trans people and really have nothing to do with the trans. They are an organised group who just make use of the trans people so as to instigate instability in society generally. They are mostly men and look like men and some women who appear to be real women tag along with it all. They have a rather sinister objective I suspect. Posted by Bezza, Monday, 1 May 2023 11:59:15 PM
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Kudos Bezza
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 12:06:18 AM
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Did you observe them from afar, or did you don the frock and put on the rouge and infiltrate their ranks, getting all up close and personal? Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 4:19:48 AM
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There is no such thing as "true" communism except in the diseased minds of the communist faithful. Every single communist country has appalling human rights abuses. The number of citizens killed by the communist regimes in their own is about 100 million excluding war. Stalin killed about 20m before WW2 and millions afterwards and Lenin was no slouch at about 4m. Mao orchestrated a famine that killed an estimated 50m and happily executed a couple of million suspected KMT sympathisers. The regimes in North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, etc more than rounded the numbers to 100m. The only thing that comes close to true communism is the Kibbutz in Israel, and even then few people can stomach it for long. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 4:39:14 AM
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I'll generally agree with you there, the numbers are uncertain, but certainly substantial, running into the many millions. Stalin, Mao etc claimed to be communists, but in reality they were nothing more than totalitarian despots who came to power in what were already failed states open to extremism. I would think tribal societies are closer to the ideals of communism than Russia in 1917, or China in 1949. In any fragmented volatile society extremist are going to try and grasp the opportunity to take control, and often are successful. What they call themselves doesn't matter, Communists, National Socialists etc its their effect on society that matters. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 5:04:59 AM
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More drivel about "true communism"? It has about as much credibility as true unicorns. Of all the communist states not one has ever had a benevolent leader, they were all brutal dictators. One or two could be a coincidence but 100% failure should indicate that communism is the problem. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 6:00:18 AM
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Your man Trump is a borderline radical fanatic, but America is not a failed state as yet, so Trump has to maintain a degree of moderate disposition to appear to be a viable alternative. He is your kinda guy! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 6:18:14 AM
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Village idiot,
Jono Doig is a true green with the greens' traditional values for gender and sexual diversity. He is your kinda guy. Are the gangreens true communists? Is Jono a dicktator? Are you allowed near schools? Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 6:41:31 AM
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You can't stop yourself from trolling, can you? You started this. I can give as good as I get. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 6:45:12 AM
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Why the dummy spit, with your fixation about paedophilia? Trumps is a relative moderate, but he's out there. You did like his politics at one time? I was making the point Trump can't drag America to the extreme as they are not a failed state as yet. For extremism you need a failure of the existing state to begin with, like Russia, Germany, etc etc. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 6:54:21 AM
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Once again you are lying through your teeth. I have never endorsed Trump's politics. I might have agreed with some of the things he's done but mostly for different reasons. Secondly, we were talking about communism and suddenly you attacked me personally. You are disgusting. Even Doig would be ashamed of you. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 8:04:54 AM
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I had read of your (admitted) endorsement of Trump politics previously, so I referred to him as "your man Trump", well "(you) might have agreed with some of the things he's done but mostly for different reasons", okay, my point was Trump can't succeed with a radical agenda as the state (America) is not yet to a point of dis-functionality where radicalism can succeed. All those "communist" regimes grew out of previous failures. Its not because of communist principles that they failed, they failed because of the instability that was inherent within the state to begin with. A car with a crook engine, is not fixed by changing the driver! YOU CAN STOP IMPLYING I AM A PAEDOPHILE, It might be acceptable to the Moderator, Mr Young as it appears to be, but he does have two sets of rules. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 9:30:21 AM
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Once again you are a LIAR and a FRAUD. I never endorsed his politics and you are a lying toad and I clearly said so. Either show something to the contrary or back off. I gather you can't confirm that you have permission to be near schools. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 3:00:03 PM
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Paul1405 posted- I would think tribal societies are closer to the ideals of communism than Russia in 1917, or China in 1949.
Answer- I don't think of Tribal societies as Communism- I think of them as Traditional and similar to Parochial/ Parish societies. But I agree that Tribal/ Parochial Societies would be better in a sense than we have now. But Paul1405 doesn't seem to acknowledge that Tribal societies tend to be ethnically monolithic and based on family groups, larger tribes tend to be dominated by a certain family, that Tribes aren't very equal being age-ist/ sexist/ etc, focus on productive abilities. I'm suspicious of the practicality of Diversity Inclusiveness Equality. I think that ethnic monolithy, inequality, age-ism, sexism, nepotism have advantages for a few reasons. But some modern human endeavours (for example computers) require larger organisations- so some cooperation between Tribe's or Parish's may be necessary. Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 2 May 2023 4:08:33 PM
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For all those Trumpsters that care, and we certainly have some of them here.
Four of the 'PROUD BOYS' have gone down! Long live the Republic! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 May 2023 4:47:07 PM
Transgenderism is just another extreme, hate-filled ideology: fuelled by frustration and madness because its deluded practitioners cannot accept the scientific proof that there are two sexes, and you are what you are born as. These people want to be "recognised as something they ....... are not and can never be. " (Declan Mansfield, 'When the Mad Fringe Becomes the Centre', Quadrant Online, 10/4/23).
Transgenderism is "profound irrationalism", but anyone saying so will be viciously and relentlessly attacked, as happened to a man in Auckland quietly holding up a banner about protecting children; he was accosted by a large man, dressed as a woman, screaming fyou, fyou, fyou, non-stop in his face.
The very few NZ police present at what can only be described as a dangerous riot, blamed the quiet placard holder for the hateful attack that he was the victim of!
Mansfield believes that the inability of trans activists to accept the "tangible, corporeal reality of their bodies" while rejecting others’ "entirely rational belief in biological reality" brings on a rage that brooks no argument, and creates a mindset that cannot accept facts of life and reasonable behaviour towards other people.
He adds that the appalling behaviour is practised by activists, and not all people with gender dysphoria. But it is a tactic of the majority of activists, as they try to "censor or completely obliterate other people’s opinions on transgender issues".
Part of the transgender delusion is the activists' belief that other people can be bullied into believing something that is patently untrue.