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The Forum > General Discussion > Solution Without a Problem

Solution Without a Problem

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Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

I see an ugly connection between the right to die and cutting off of peoples benefits.
I've heard a story but have not dug fully into it that they approved the euthenasia law for anyone and are combining this with cutting off peoples payments to create a situation where people choose to kill themselves of their own accord.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 3:53:43 PM
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I believe that Canada has the world's most permissive
euthanasia - allowing people with disabilities to choose
to be killed in the absence of any other medical issues.
The system warrants scrutiny especially if the system
is such that doctors and health workers are suggesting
the procedure to those who are not getting adequate
government support to live. It does sound extreme.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 December 2022 4:50:41 PM
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Well said AC. It is the reason why I am skeptical of governments claiming to give people more rights by enacting euthanasia laws. The reality is that governments can use such laws to compel people to end their lives.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 10 December 2022 5:43:41 PM
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I agree with David F.

The state (including its government) should never compel people either to live or to die.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 10 December 2022 10:23:15 PM
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I've watched people go downhill and die slowly in palliative care.
It's pretty horrible, some might even argue disturbing.

The only positive is that your dosed so high on slow release fentanyl patches that your probably not in a great deal of pain, but you probably are aware of a most undignified end where you are pooing in a nappy and having someone stranger clean you up and shower and care for you whilst your family, (if you are even lucky enough to have them) stand around by your bedside not knowing what to do or say and are disturbed by what they are witnessing, watching you waste away and which will leave a distinct effect on how they remember you.

Its undignified, and I'm sure many people would choose to end it first rather than have their family see them go out like that and the effect it will have on them and their memories of you.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 10:51:19 PM
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Hi david f,

My wife's local Anglican Church offers a confidential off premises, counselling service for young and old. Two trained councillors, one male one female, I've seen the notices, are available to talk to anyone about their problems. Its totally non-religious in nature, with no ulterior motive behind the scheme, just a desire to help those who find themselves in a bad situation at a bad time in life, and in need of help. Due to the extreme privacy that it involves, its not talked about, or gossiped about. I believe its being going for some months, the male councillor is a friend, we talk often, but I would never raise that aspect of his work with him, its private and has to remain that way. He is in my view the perfect person for the job, the lady involved I only know casually.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 5:42:39 AM
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