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Solution Without a Problem
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Posted by david f, Friday, 9 December 2022 11:12:05 PM
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Yes. Anglicare should mind its own business. If old people - or anyone else - wish to top themselves, good luck to them.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 10 December 2022 11:12:25 AM
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Dear David,
Voluntary Assisted dying (VAD) laws have been passed in Victoria, WA, Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland, and NSW. The Northern Territory was one of the first to pass the law in 1996 for the terminally ill. In Victoria, the assisted dying act overall has had no major obstacles to the functioning of the Act itself. I remains to be seen whether there will be a deep fundamental shift in attitudes to death and dying, to concepts of death, to the care of the elderly and vulnerable people and the goals and purposes of medicine. In Victoria it has at least allowed the debate to move on and possibly enhanced mutual respect for the two opposing sides. I think this debate needs to continue. Personally David, I hope that you shall live for a long time yet and continue posting on this forum. You have much to share and wisdom to impart. We need rational voices such as yours in this world - not only to speak up and be listened to - but to be heard and understood. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 December 2022 11:40:26 AM
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To life! To life! L'chai-im!
L'çhai-im, l 'çhai-im, to life! To us and our good fortune be happy be healthy, long life! And if our good fortune never comes Here's to whatever comes Drink l'chai-im to life! Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai, ... Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 December 2022 12:00:00 PM
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My mother hated her last 6 months, confined to bed in a nursing home. She wished she had done something to end it while she still could. She was 99.
When a 76 year old mates wife passed 3 years ago he decided to have the things he'd always wanted. He bought a Ford Mustang, & Ford Ranger, a small 4wd tractor, a big shed to house it all, & some changes to his house to make life easier. He hasn't driven the Mustang, or the tractor in 4 months due to pain in his hands & back. He wishes he'd spent the money 6 years ago, so he could have enjoyed the toys. He is also not sure the operations on his hands are worth it, the sleepless nights of pain don't seem to be improving anything. When I drag the wheely bin the 75 meters to the front gate, it is a race between the knees & breathlessness to see which stops me. The new puffer is better so it's the knees at present. If my hands get as bad as my mates you will hear about an old dill who hit a tree at 100 MILES/hour, I am not going like mum. Don't be sorry for me, I've had a fantastic life, better than most even dream of, the last decision will be, which car do I take with me. Oh meanwhile Anglicare can mind their own damn business. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 10 December 2022 2:06:22 PM
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Dear Hassie,
The worst thing about ageing is the great sorrow of losing family and friends and of course the health problems that come with it like the loss of mobility, pain, and in many cases - incontinence. As you grow old people you have loved and imagined would always be there start, with wretched regularity to leave your life. I was also devastated when mum died at the age of 96, a few years ago. I miss her very much. It's not all doom and gloom though. There are perks to old age. People seem to listen more. They think you're wiser because you're old. But still - you also stop giving a damn (most of the time at least). You have led a fantastic life. I've enjoyed your sharing bits of it with us on this forum. And I hope that you'll continue to do so. We may not always agree - but I certainly think you're a great guy! Keep on posting! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 December 2022 2:19:43 PM
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Why is Canada euthanising the poor? I see an ugly connection between the right to die and cutting off of peoples benefits. I've heard a story but have not dug fully into it that they approved the euthenasia law for anyone and are combining this with cutting off peoples payments to create a situation where people choose to kill themselves of their own accord. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 3:53:43 PM
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I believe that Canada has the world's most permissive
euthanasia - allowing people with disabilities to choose to be killed in the absence of any other medical issues. The system warrants scrutiny especially if the system is such that doctors and health workers are suggesting the procedure to those who are not getting adequate government support to live. It does sound extreme. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 December 2022 4:50:41 PM
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Well said AC. It is the reason why I am skeptical of governments claiming to give people more rights by enacting euthanasia laws. The reality is that governments can use such laws to compel people to end their lives.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 10 December 2022 5:43:41 PM
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I agree with David F.
The state (including its government) should never compel people either to live or to die. Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 10 December 2022 10:23:15 PM
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I've watched people go downhill and die slowly in palliative care.
It's pretty horrible, some might even argue disturbing. The only positive is that your dosed so high on slow release fentanyl patches that your probably not in a great deal of pain, but you probably are aware of a most undignified end where you are pooing in a nappy and having someone stranger clean you up and shower and care for you whilst your family, (if you are even lucky enough to have them) stand around by your bedside not knowing what to do or say and are disturbed by what they are witnessing, watching you waste away and which will leave a distinct effect on how they remember you. Its undignified, and I'm sure many people would choose to end it first rather than have their family see them go out like that and the effect it will have on them and their memories of you. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 10 December 2022 10:51:19 PM
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Hi david f,
My wife's local Anglican Church offers a confidential off premises, counselling service for young and old. Two trained councillors, one male one female, I've seen the notices, are available to talk to anyone about their problems. Its totally non-religious in nature, with no ulterior motive behind the scheme, just a desire to help those who find themselves in a bad situation at a bad time in life, and in need of help. Due to the extreme privacy that it involves, its not talked about, or gossiped about. I believe its being going for some months, the male councillor is a friend, we talk often, but I would never raise that aspect of his work with him, its private and has to remain that way. He is in my view the perfect person for the job, the lady involved I only know casually. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 5:42:39 AM
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BTW, I forgot to add, contact is not through the church or our charity, but direct through mobile phone. I believe Padre Pete is the overall person in charge but keeps totally at arms length from the whole thing, and is only there in case a problem arises that involves the church in some way.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 5:51:05 AM
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Hi AC,
I'm sure that what you're saying is true. Family members watching a loved one suffering would be horrenduous. However, I think that today - there are people who can advise and help depending on each case and the circumstances involved and the choices and options available to people. There are parameters in place to protect the vulnerable - which is a good thing. This is a controversial issue - and the debates I'm sure will continue for quite some time. The main thing is that there are choices available. Dear Paul, Your people sound like good caring folk who provide help to people who need it. For that we can all be grateful. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 7:12:14 AM
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Hi Foxy,
They sure are, I once said when asked; "Why don't people come to Church?" My short answer was because they are "locked" 100% of the time, where as this church is "open" 100% of the time. Some didn't understand, they said no we have to lock up the church so the vandals don't get in. I said the vandals can't get into the church I'm talking about. They thought church was the physical building next door, I as an agnostic said it was more than that, first and foremost its the people and what they do that counts, some of our volenteers like me don't step foot into the church building on a Sunday morning, my wife does, that's her personal choice to do so. others choose to celebrate church through their community efforts. Which I believe one good deed is of more value than a million hallelujahs. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 7:40:02 AM
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Dear Paul,
It all comes from the heart. I remember during the same-sex marriage debate when some LGBTQI people had rented out our club hall so that they could hand out leaflets to members of the public. Well our parish priest went nuts. He grabbed their leaflets and proceeded to throw them in the bin when the manager of the club was called and tried to explain to the priest that the LGBTQI people had paid for the hall and were entitled to give out the leaflets. The priest yelled a lot - but in the end was forced to leave. I guess it takes all kind of people and their own interpretations of their religions. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:05:47 AM
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I forgot to add that this particular priests
Sunday Mass gets an attendance of about 20 people (on a good day). He's not very popular in the parish at all. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:09:57 AM
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Hi Foxy,
I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I called into 'Xmas Tree' to see a young girl of about 16 on the front desk with one of the older ladies, doing a 2 hour shift. I loaned my sound system and home made Xmas music for the event, so I check its working okay. I'm particularly impressed by the 20 foot long display of Xmas items from around the world. One item from Lativa, a colourful sort of belt worn at Xmas, not to sure. Some interesting items from the far flung corners of the earth, and some decorations closer to home, made by Aboriginal people. The collection belongs mostly to one of the locals. I see the 'can tree' is growing well, and it doesn't need watering. This Boney M Xmas song goes down well just one of many, I've got over 40 songs on a loop from the traditional to the wacky, reggae, its all there. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:45:20 AM
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Dear Paul,
The Baltic (Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians) people have lots of hand-woven colourful belts that are worn as part of their national costumes or used as wall decorations. They also have hand-woven ties - and other hand-woven stuff ranging from tablecloths, napkins, table-runners, and so on. I love Bony M. As a matter of fact their Christmas collection I'm giving to one of my sons as a stocking filler, and to my other son - I'm giving the "Magic of Bony M." - which has "Rasputin" on it, that he loves. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 10:39:14 AM
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One of my housemates is quite religious.
He doesn't think much of the big churches though that build these huge church buildings, and then want to expand to new cities and build more big churches. He thinks that by and large it would be better if they stayed true to their core values, and just rented the church space, and used all the remaining money to help the people who are less fortunate. He thinks that the problem with these big churches is that by and large, no-one actually reads the bible, that the people rely on the higher-ups in the church to do the reading and give the sermons and that people are being lead astray by these churches because they don't actually read and understand what the bible is really all about. As for me I'm not a bible-thumper so I don't really know. I asked him once why do all these church leaders rant and rave their fire and brimstone message and talk like they think they are the reincarnation of Jesus, why don't they just talk normally? - I can't remember off hand what his response was. Maybe it gets them more money when they speak like this, and they gauge their success by how much cash is in the bag by lunchtime. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 10:42:35 AM
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"This Boney M Xmas song goes down well just one of many, I've got over 40 songs on a loop from the traditional to the wacky, reggae, its all there."
I think the coolest religious oriented song ever is the one-hit wonder 'Spirit in the Sky' by Jewish raised chicken farmer Norman Greenbaum. As for Christmas carols, I think my favorite might be 'Ding Dong Merrily on High'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 11:17:15 AM
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Hi AC,
Christmas songs bring back so much nostalgia. I love them all. The songs of a choir bursting out at midnight mass reminds me of the "good old days of yore" so to speak - surrounded by family. Most are now gone. But hearing the songs can still bring tears to my eyes. As for the places of worship? I love taking virtual tours on the web. From the wonderful Cathedrals of England, to the heritage listed places throughout the world. There are places of worship that have awe-inspiring architecture, magnificent facades and their sheer size is amazing. These spectacular buildings draw visitors from every creed and culture. They are appreciated for the work that led to their creation. There are mosques, temples, synagogues, and basilicas. These buildings have a beauty that transcends any single belief and brings people from every creed and culture together. The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, Brihadeeswara Temple, India, Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar, Nasir o! Molk Mosque, Iran, Santa Sofia, Istanbul, to name just a few. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2022 12:57:12 PM
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Hi AC,
Did you get Normans follow up "hit" titled; 'Canned Ham' No? seems no one else did either, it was a shocker, so was his album. I also believe Norman was no dummy, he took a 20c royalty every time 'Sprite' was played on radio. Its also is in my 4,000 song collection. I'll play your link for a bit of nostalgia, 1969 and Norman was in the right place, at the right time with the right song. Its a pity about 'Canned Ham" I don't thing us flower children were partaking of canned ham in those days. Ah my 'flower child' day. The beads and the love ins, the vegie foods and the love ins, Oh the love in, how I MISS THE LOVE INS, oh and the beads and vegie foods as well. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 1:37:36 PM
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Hey Paul1405,
There's a few Boney M songs I like, so I checked out the Boney M Christmas album earlier and it wasn't too bad for christamas carols. My religious housemate heard me playing 'Spirit in the Sky' earlier and he later came in and told me to try out 'Doobie Brothers Jesus is just alright with me'. I think I'd heard it before many years ago and forgotten. Probably enough religion for me for one day, but I do like 70's and 80's music. Most church music always felt a bit dull but I don't mind the upbeat kind of stuff. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 11 December 2022 8:29:33 PM
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Hi AC,
I don't think the congregation at the wife's church are quite ready yet for the "Jesus experience" through the music of Norm, or the Doobie Brothers for that matter, not right now, maybe in the next life. p/s I must say that touch of soft reggae from Boney M adds to certain traditional Xmas songs, plus in her day Liz Mitchell was fantastic in all departments. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 December 2022 9:26:55 PM
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Here's a clip from a movie. I am the singer and wrote the lyrics. Posted by david f, Monday, 12 December 2022 3:00:45 AM
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Hi david f,
It seems that your video or playlist is set to 'private' and can't be accessed. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 12 December 2022 10:24:01 AM
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Dear AC,
I'm sorry. Try with just http rather than https Posted by david f, Monday, 12 December 2022 11:02:13 AM
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I did.
And still nothing. ^.^ Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 12 December 2022 12:05:24 PM
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IF, sorry, don't know what to tell you.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 15 December 2022 7:24:34 PM
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Hi david f,
I think what Ipso Fatso means is that he has also tried to access the video but when we try to play, it's set to 'private'. I've never uploaded and of my own videos to youtube before so I don't exactly know whats wrong... - But I do have other peoples youtube videos saved in different playlists. In those playlists, you are able to set them as 'public' or 'private'. If I had a guess as to what might be wrong... Firstly choose 'Your Videos' from the youtube side menu. Look for your video, and for the setting that says 'visibility' I'm assuming that you need to change this from 'private' to 'public' - But I'm not completely sure. Also, if you go into 'Your videos' as above, and then hover over the word 'visibility', some extra info in a tooltip box will come up that may help. Click the 'Learn More' link option from that tooltip box. Also you could google search 'Youtube change video privacy settings' + 'computer' or 'android' or 'iphone' or 'ipad' (whichever relates to you) Hope this helps. I checked again before, (without the 's' for secure, as advised) - and it still says 'Video unavailable' 'This video is private' Hope this info helps. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 15 December 2022 8:54:08 PM
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Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 December 2022 9:00:41 PM
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Dear Paul,
I don't do blackface. That was Al Jolson. My lyrics: Six feet two, eyes of blue. Jesus Christ, he was a Jew. Has anybody seen my lord? Big hooked nose. There he goes. Preaching so that everyone knows. Has anybody seen my lord? Speared in the abdomen By a Roman Blood gushing out. Rose from the dead. So it is said. People believe without a doubt. Jesus died still a Jew Still a Jew so why aren't you? Has anybody seen my lord? You'll have to imagine me singing to the tune of the Jazz standard. Posted by david f, Thursday, 15 December 2022 11:27:26 PM
“Anglicare Sydney has announced their Suicide Prevention for Seniors Program has expanded nationally to all states and territories until June 2025, through funding from the Australian Government.
“Australian men aged 85 and over have the highest rate of suicide, yet are less likely to use specialty mental health services. Equipping those who support older people can play a significant role in lowering the suicide rate in seniors”, said Michael Sheedy, Head of Mental Health at Anglicare.”
There may not be a mental health problem. A man over 85 years old may look at where he is in life, be mentally healthy and make the rational decision that death is preferable to his probable future. He knows what he has done in life. He can reasonably assume what he has to look forward to. He knows his options are limited. If he has family or friends who care for him, they will probably grieve and then get on with their lives. They would do that whether his death is due to suicide or other causes.
As Swinburne wrote in the Garden of Proserpine:
“From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever ;
That dead men rise up never ;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.”
I am 97. At this time I want to continue my life. However, if I wanted to end it, it would not be Anglicare’s business.
The Australian government can find better uses for the taxes it collects.