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The Forum > Article Comments > The journey to a low carbon future begins with us > Comments

The journey to a low carbon future begins with us : Comments

By David Gershon, published 4/1/2010

Hope for a climate change solution in the wake of Copenhagen - if governments can’t deliver, people can.

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.....Using the mere fact that 75% of Americans (or any other peoples) owning up to ‘causing’ climate-change, and another 81% saying that it’s up to them to do something about when asked by pollsters as encouraging figures to ginger people up to thinking about changing their lifestyles is whimsical. People say what they think they ‘should’ say, as many who use polls find to their disappointment. And even the ‘honest’ ones can’t be trusted to carry through on their beliefs.

Apart from connecting with the climate-hoaxer and big personal carbon footprint man, Al Gore, the most interesting thing about this article is that Gershon does not provide proof that participants in his project are “achieving on average 25% carbon footprint reduction”, or that they have lost “5,000 pounds in 30 days”.

No, we are more and more subjected to top down control from politicians with agendas concerning their own aggrandisement, and not the good of the planet or its people. We have accepted being dictated to, and it’s too late for individuals to be heard on anything.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 4 January 2010 4:09:12 PM
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The externalised costs of dirty energy, including the costs of conversion to low-emissions energy, need to be part of the cost structure now, but voluntary and local efforts are indicative of the growing acceptance that AGW is real.

To believe the criticism and accusations of bloggers over the published work of the world's leading scientific institutions is to choose to put future prosperity and security of our kids and grandkids in peril. Putting the future of our planet's climate into the hands of the losers of the climate science debates is dangerously irresponsible.
Posted by Ken Fabos, Monday, 4 January 2010 4:12:04 PM
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In some ways I think David makes an important point.

Individuals will change the effects of the pollution they are pouring into the earths atmosphere by changing their behaviours.

But it will be up to them. They won't be dictated to by governments or standover merchants. They will reject manipulation of science. They will respond to truth positively and to falsehood and intrigue negatively.

It is time the warmist alarmists accepted the fact people respond better to positives than negatives, embrace truth wholeheartedy and disdain lies and liars.

I personally think we do abuse our environment and we need to clean up our act. I think major corporations, who are indeed the driving forces of environmental damage, will react to the choices I make.

I reject totally the now obviously evident bs of the warmist alarmists and it's supporting UN committee, acting as UN committees mostly act... at odds with reality.

I am in sympathy with a great many of individual greens but reject as nonsense their tacit demand to be green means total support for and belief in global warming.

If the green movement was reclaimed, by well meaning and earthy individuals, from the likes of David Gersham, Al Gore, and that Australian 'whale saving' musician we'd all have a better chance of affecting the things that are generally negatively impacting on our environment.

If the global warmists have done anything good, which I am loathe to admit, it is that we are all much much more aware of the things affecting our environment ... well ... at least we in the developed world are anyway. Industrially and technologically we will lead the way for the developing and third world ... as we always have.
Posted by keith, Monday, 4 January 2010 6:33:48 PM
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