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Why I am going to Gaza : Comments
By Ron Witton, published 30/12/2009Religious and racial persecution should never again happen to any people, whether they are Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.
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Posted by sharkfin, Wednesday, 6 January 2010 11:16:55 PM
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Maracas1 deny Palestinian atrocities against Jewish athletes , ignore Palestinian attacks on civilian airliners and the Palestinian penchant for taking hostages.
Next you will be excusing Idi Amin for kidnapping Israelis and suggesting the only reason one died was because Israel flew overnight into Entebbe to rescue the others Your puerile defence of Palestinian terrorist regime(s), who murder their own, re - Hamas versus PLO, ranks as one of the most pathetic excuses for a post I have ever seen. Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 7 January 2010 2:04:58 PM
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Col Rouge,
So , are you therefore saying the Zionists are free to rain death and destruction on defenceless civilians in Gaza because they are Palestinian Civilians and for them having the temerity to elect Hamas as their elected Government ? Are you supportive of the US in supplying the weapons of war for the Israeli's to do it ? and then support Barack Obama remaining silent in full knowledge of the siege ? What value do you place on a Palestinian child compared to the value of an Israeli child ? Do you have a white robe with a pointed white hood in your closet and burn a cross with your fellow rednecks as you chant your racist garbage ? Posted by maracas1, Thursday, 7 January 2010 7:56:07 PM
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In September 1970 the Jordanians carried out a massacre of their fellow Palestinian Arabs. About 25,000 were killed.
The fact is that fellow Arabs hated the Palestinians Arabs. The Islamists (Hamas) made used of the chance to establish themselves and killed-off the non-Muslim Arabs. Today, the Palestinian conflict is between the Islamists and the non-Muslims. The war is now fought in many fronts. In south-Thailand, Philippines, in China -- Xinjiang, Russia -- Checnya, in India --Kashmir, Middle East -- Jerusalem, and a very hot area of conflict is Nigeria,,1518,670178,00.html. Whether you are Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Communist, Marxist, Left or Right, as long as you don't subscribe to Islam, you are at war with Islam because Islam has declared war on you. Islam mandates that you either become a Muslim of be killed or pay a non-Muslim tax. You have no choice when Muslims become the majority in your country. Whatever was true in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is no longer true and relevant today. Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 7 January 2010 9:45:01 PM
What were those Palestinians imprisoned for , not attacks on Israel by any chance?.
<Hamas rockets into Israel occupied territories have killed about 17people over a period of 8years and cannot be compared to operations such as lead cast that killed over 1400 in the 24days and wounded many more.>
The rockets have only killed that many due to Israeli fortiforcations not because Hamas wouldn’t have liked to have killed thousands with those rockets. What if it was arranged for a terrorist group to lob constant rocket attacks into your neighbourhood , I am sure you wouldn’t mind, after all it would be just a bit of an annoyance.
Just when in history did the Jews become so displaced? Was it when the Romans were in occupation of the area? It has certainly lead to some serious conflict, in Germany and now in Palestine.
Above and beyond the who’s right and who’s wrong in this conflict it is a battle for survival over the land on both sides. In that respect I find it hard to blame either side. They are both fighting to survive