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The Forum > Article Comments > Why I am going to Gaza > Comments

Why I am going to Gaza : Comments

By Ron Witton, published 30/12/2009

Religious and racial persecution should never again happen to any people, whether they are Jewish, Muslim, or Christian.

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One more day,
one less nutter.
Posted by HermanYutic, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 6:10:17 PM
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You're wasting your time as long as Hamas is there.
Posted by StG, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 6:23:09 PM
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Remember the twits that went off to Iraq, to be human shields.

They came scuttling back pretty damn quick, when they actually found out the truth about the place.

Wonder how long it will take this one. Probably a while, he sounds really thick.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 6:29:30 PM
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Glad to hear anniversaries are meaningful to you – this year marks my 15th anniversary since I went to Israel to serve in an elite infantry unit to help defend the people of Israel. Indeed I joined doctors, lawyers, diplomats, rabbis, students and members of parliament (though to the best of my knowledge no priests or imams!) from Israel and around the world.

Not sure what you mean when you claim that Palestinians will also be rallying on the Israeli side – perhaps you are referring to Israeli Arabs, Bedouins or perhaps Druze!

For at least a little credibility, you might first want to point out why Israel launched its devastating military might on Gaza – did it have anything to do with over 8 years of incessant rocket fire targeting innocent Israeli civilians? There’s also no need for me to get into the fact that Hamas used these sites as launch pads etc.

And as for the UN – in this instance, and for that matter in most cases, which countries are the ones that mandate such investigations? In case you’re not aware, it is the countries that have a seat on the UN Human Rights Council; countries such as Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, among others – all luminaries of human rights!

Re the embargo, there are so many ways to respond to this. E.g. if Hamas would spend the money they receive from generous global donors for the right purpose (i.e. not bombs but food/books etc.) then the people of Gaza would be a lot better off! Another example is the unlawful kidnapping of Gilad Shalit – the Red Cross hasn’t been allowed to see him nor has anyone else. The same can’t be said of the Palestinian prisoners.

Posted by MEBDA, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 7:01:33 PM
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Sorry to hear of your unfortunate family background – unfortunately, so many of us Jews have a similar experience. I’m delighted to hear you feel your parents provided you with a good education – so did my parents. Please, there’s no need to invoke the Holocaust in your cynical attempt to support your pathetic argument! Delighted to hear your father was heavily in the social justice movement – in particular with the Aborigines (as opposed to Amnesty International who have become more of a political movement in recent time – bashing Israel at every opportunity!). You may not be aware that traditionally Jews have been heavily involved in the social justice/human rights movement (e.g. US & South Africa).

Not quite sure what your dad saw on his only trip to Israel but he obviously hadn’t experienced living in a country as an Israeli Jew constantly being targeted by terrorism and Muslim armies attempting to annihilate him!

I see no issue with Israel being open to all Jews – it is after all the Jewish homeland. Ultimately when a Palestinian State is established, they can feel free to open it up to whomever they like. There are 56 member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference – Muslims, it seems, can pretty much choose where to go. This, of course, is no substitute for a Palestinian State, nor does it mean that all Muslims can choose which of these they will next move to. But it does nullify the argument regarding the concept of a Jewish State. And if this Jewish State would like to welcome any Jew then I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to accept it!

Posted by MEBDA, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 7:03:33 PM
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Dear Dr Whitton,

Firstly allow me to Congratulate you on the
very brave stand that you've taken. Undoubtedly
you will receive a great deal of criticism for
it but the pursuit of truth and knowledge as
you're undoubtedly aware always has risks.
But as the author Antony Loewenstein will tell
you, it's well worth the risks involved.

As Roland Jabbour,Chairman of the Australian Arabic
Council despaired at the negative image of Arabs in
the wider community: "Arabs are continually
associated with terrorism and violence, being
primitive and anti-Western...this view is so
ingrained's much easier to be pro-Israeli
than to support the Palestinians. One has to continuously
explain and defend why one is taking that particular

Jabbour says it's an uphill battle for Australians to
unlearn years of Zionist propaganda...

"People seem to make no distinction between an occupied
people and those who occupy them. Israel talks about the
right of self-defence. How can an occupier claim
self-defence but deny the same right to those who are
occupied and have the right of self-defence with whatever
means are available to them."

I wish you and your party every success in getting into
Gaza (and coming out - safe and sound). I wish you lots of
positive media coverage - and good results.

As Loewenstein sums up in his book, "My Israel Question,"

"The Kadima vision is of a concrete wall, with Jews on one
side and as many Arabs as possible on the other. Sooner or
later, Israel and the Palestinians will have to meet
face-to-face, listen to each other's grievances and
negotiate with honesty ... Only then - and on condition that
both Israel and the Palestinian state achieve safety and
security - will this conflict be resolved. Neither side
has a monopoly on suffering, but only one party has the
power to end the occupation and to recognise that Israel
and Palestine are historically destined to share the
same homeland."

My prayers go with you all Sir!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 8:17:54 PM
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