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Singapore - offending the sensibilities of government : Comments

By Kevin Childs, published 10/12/2009

Australia should consider human rights when it gets into cosy deals with places such as the repressive state of Singapore.

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This is an interesting article, but it reeks of cultural imperialism in many ways. We are asked to condemn Singapore for not living up to our standards, but to what extent do we live up to Singaporean standards?

Singapore is a safe place. It is a clean place. It is a place with very restrictive laws, but it is home to a well-educated, prosperous group of citizens. While doing Asian studies at uni, I engaged with a lot of Singaporean students, all of whom spoke fondly about home. The general sentiment was that they were happy to give up a range of individual freedoms for the common good, as the common good inevitably resulted in improved conditions for the individual as well. I am sure that there are some - probably many - who disagree, but I have yet to meet any. When I have spent time in Singapore, I have always seen a population that seems happy - surely this is the purpose of government?

As for the American kid who was caned for vandalism - why should they treat him differently because he is foreign? If I go to Singapore and commit a crime, I would expect to be punished in the Singaporean way. Similarly, if journalists wish to work in Singapore, and if publications wish to base their staff in Singapore, they need to abide by Singaporean rules and do things the Singaporean way. If they don't like that, perhaps they'd like to report on events from a more remote location. No sympathy here.
Posted by Otokonoko, Friday, 11 December 2009 12:34:37 AM
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Has anyone on OLO heard of self control and responsibility four your actions. Today with the assistance of the UN we have government control in all areas of life. Governments no longer tax citizens to provide services for their citizens but are using taxes to build big government and the law to control and shape society the way they want.
Hitler did the same in Germany. Stalen and Lenin in Russia. Magabi in Zimbabwi now Copenhagen sponcored by UN who are a joke at keeping the peace is trying the same road. Remember Cosavo and Ruanda also Cambodia. What is your picture of the future. If you want to see why Singapore works watch Joseph Prince on TV and he may teach you something if you are open to the truth. Wisdom cries out in the market place. Have you an ear to hear or is your heart so full of self that you reject anything that doesn't fit your paradyme
Posted by Richie 10, Friday, 11 December 2009 5:06:36 AM
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Singapore has been very successful economically . Most of it's citizens enjoy a similar standard of living to us and a much higher standard of living than its neighbours. Eventhough those neighbours are blessed with large amounts of natural resources and Singapore has only its location on the edge of two oceans.

The problem is that the repressive laws kill free speech. There is no quicker way to clear a room in Sgp than to start talk about local politics. No wonder many citizen have voted with their feet and moved to Australia.

My guess is that China will end up the same. You're free to make as much money as you want but you have to leave politics to the party.
Posted by gusi, Saturday, 12 December 2009 3:29:52 AM
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Yuck- an absolutely horrible and pathetic article that DOES reek of cultural/national imperialism (and I'm a lot less than impressed that the article seems to suggest an American kid is somehow less deserving of a punishment that a Singaporean would expect to receive for an offense in Singapore).

How about Australia mind its own business and lead by example?
(although it's dubious that Australia is THAT much of an example to lead by for Singapore- considering that although it has no natural resources and hardly any water, it's population (slightly higher than Sydney) has a considerably higher standard of education and living than we do.
But even if they really WERE outright worse, it's still no right of ours to bully a country because, of all things, we don't like their LAWS.
Posted by King Hazza, Sunday, 13 December 2009 10:18:15 AM
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N. Korea is an extremely safe place. Pyongyang is a clean place. It is a place with very restrictive laws, but it is home to a small, well-educated, prosperous group of citizens. It is a peaceful place, and so are countless graveyards around the world full of those who dared stand up to protest the iniquity of their rulers. No, I'm not Korean so I must be a Cultural imperialist for saying this? Nice to see the old cold war language hasn't quite lost its fascination for some just yet.

And while we're on the topic of absolute rule, in China the case of former university professor and human rights activist Liu Xiaobo, 53, who has spent most of the past 20 years in jail or under house arrest, reveals much about what is going on beneath the glossy surface of the new China. Its vassal Singapore has already been there, done that. Its very own prisoner of conscience Chia Thye Poh, imprisoned indefinitely withoout charge much less trial for 32 years (far longer than Mandela), will attest to that.

The Republic of Singapore is a living offence to the rule of law, a moral and cultural bankrupt sustained only by a fat pocketbook squeezed from its cowed populace by a rent-seeking wannabe Napoleon. Visiting dilettantes have no clue what abuse lurks beneath that outwardly prosperous facade. No amount of lipstick will ever prettify the land of the trumped-up charge, an ugly place whose leaders are only too familiar with the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Australia has NO lessons to learn from such as these.
Posted by barsteward, Monday, 14 December 2009 12:46:34 PM
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Speaking as a Singaporean, I do not think Kevin Childs's article suggests 'cultural imperialism'. I think a more apt description would be 'astute analysis'.

I think I speak for many Singaporeans when I say I appreciate Kevin Child's article. We can only depend on foreign journalists to expose the rotten state of affairs in our own country. Since the ruling party owns the entire media industry in Singapore, any local journalist foolish enough to write similar articles would find himself/herself in very deep trouble indeed. And I am not just talking about the loss of a work permit. The Singapore government has never been shy about imprisoning critcs without detention and subjecting them to torture.
Posted by Singa Crew, Monday, 14 December 2009 9:48:29 PM
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