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The Forum > Article Comments > One in three victims of family violence is male > Comments

One in three victims of family violence is male : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 27/11/2009

Government policies have been based on the assumption that almost all perpetrators of domestic violence are male and almost all victims are female.

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Report dispels link between domestic violence and murder

"IT IS a myth that most domestic murderers are known to authorities, with 74 per cent of them having no contact with police for violent incidents in the year before they kill and 48 per cent no contact for five years prior."

"Even fewer victims - only 10 per cent - were involved in a recorded incident of domestic violence with their eventual killer in the year before their death, a Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research report says."

Clearly something is being missed. It is possible because of the strangle hold on research, research fails to uncover or perhaps avoids trying to uncover facts, that conflict with feminist dogma.
Posted by JamesH, Monday, 7 December 2009 5:37:10 PM
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Even though I consider Dr Weatherburn to be a bit of another Dr Phil, or Oprah Winfrey, always looking to play on the Psychology of the non reality & relate it to the reality for the sake of emotional blackmail & psychological suggestion, there is an element of reality in that document that begs the question - what does that tell us about the current legal system's policy & practices that create so much hatred?

If there were equity & equality to the legal system & less use of supporting one to deny the other in order to abuse the children, they wouldn't be needing to come up with other costly schemes to counter balance the pathetic mental illness they have in place now because it's mental illness on the religious government's part that is constantly being portrayed as the antagonized person's fault or guilt. Thus covering up for a failed religious family law program from the 18th century.
Posted by Atheistno1, Monday, 7 December 2009 5:59:43 PM
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I certainly commiserate with you, especially over the loss of your children and because you have also suffered at the hands of this rotten father hating system.

However, I do have to disagree with one thing you said, not because it is a big deal, but because it really is not what you think it is.

The family law system we suffer under has nothing to do with the Catholic Church at all. In fact, this same system of family law is a Soviet style family law and was introduced into every western nation on earth during the 1970s, along with the fortification of anti-discrimination laws and positive discrimination to bias women in society, with regard employment etc.

Since that time in every western nation, the feminazis have run riot and the family courts have destroyed literally millions of families worldwide. Fathers and children have been forcibly separated and family fortunes and inheritances have been sacked by the slime. The 'Slime' are all those from judges, lawyers and all other workers who have attached themselves to this family court monster that feeds off the rotting carcasses of death or dying marriages.

These organisations operate outside the laws that are bound by our constitution and most definitely DO NOT operate under 'Common Law'.
The family courts in all western nations operate under Maritime Admiralty Law, which sees the Captain.(judge/magistrate) is both judge and jury and can have someone put in gaol without charge or without standing in court before a jury to fight for his innocence.

This is a very rough outline of what we have in our family court system and the Catholic Church has absolutely no influence over this system whether they like it or not.
Posted by Paw, Monday, 7 December 2009 6:20:22 PM
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From Dave's post: <"get your old m/ll into my yard and I'll tell you now,like I told the coppers this "arvo" I'll cut her throat and I'll cut yours and if she wants to do me I'll cut the kids throat too and I've told you that,so you go back and tell your old m/ll, right now..">

First of all Dave you had said that your old missus was with another bloke or blokes and that your m-in-law (I think) had custody of your son.
Therefore I thought that by "m/ll" you meant either moll (your ex) or mother-in-law (your exs' mother). It was difficult to understand, as I said, but seemed to be someone talking to you about your ex.
The other thing that seemed odd to me was someone referring to their own child as "the kid".

My major concerns were (1) the safety of the child and (2) that you would respond in some way that would get you into more strife since you've already been in the clink for ? aggravated assault of the missus wasn't it?

Concerned for you, I suggested you make sure you keep the evidence and have it dated and witnessed; and that you make sure to report it to the police - for the protection of the child and all concerned.

Apart from taking this as an opportunity for everyone to have a big whinge, has anyone else given you any constructive advice and have you acted to protect yourself as I suggested?

You need to put your evidence together.

If you don't think the coppers are listening (though they are obliged to record any report) go see your local social worker and tell them. Go see your local member if need be; that is, find an advocate fo your choice. If you have a situation where you're reporting to a Probation and Parole Officer, make sure they know.

I just hope you all stay safe.
Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 7 December 2009 11:21:53 PM
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G'day Suzie :)

I'd actually given up on this thread and was just going to leave it to them to vent their rage amongst themselves, but I saw Dave's phone thing and thought he should be encouraged to act on it to protect himself and his child.

CJ - It's always good to see some sanity introduced into these things.
Imagine being at the mercy of most of these fellows - having them in charge of one's life and being. Scary thought.

Also - the terms feminazi and radical are silly. As one of my lecturers once pointed out to me (and that was a bloke btw) - there is no such thing as a radical feminist. If there were there would be bombings and mass shootings and stuff. "Radical" is walking into a college and blowing a dozen female students away; "radical" is dropping bombs on cities.

Talking about "feminazis" and "radicals" just illustrates an appalling lack of knowledge of what feminism is and complete failure to recognize that if women(feminists) were man-haters, a whole lot of men would have been dead in their beds long ago.

Although these poor blokes can't see it; feminism could be their best ally (if they bothered to meet a feminist and learn about it. I doubt that many/any of these blokes have ever seen one, much less met any)
Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 7 December 2009 11:38:46 PM
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Pynche me, I must be dreaming, Pynchme shows she actually has a heart.

Thank you for the support that you are providing Dave. I mean it.
Posted by JamesH, Tuesday, 8 December 2009 6:52:57 AM
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