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The Forum > Article Comments > One in three victims of family violence is male > Comments

One in three victims of family violence is male : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 27/11/2009

Government policies have been based on the assumption that almost all perpetrators of domestic violence are male and almost all victims are female.

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Suzeonline:"I am against violence, no matter who does it."

There are already a range of measures to stop men from being violent, but little is being done to stop violent women. If we as a society are going to stop this violence, the first step might be to stop automatically seeing these women as victims (and you can't blame the victim). Therefore campains like WRD need to either change or gto.
Posted by benk, Thursday, 3 December 2009 6:41:06 AM
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"Suzeonline:"I am against violence, no matter who does it."

"There are already a range of measures to stop men from being violent, but little is being done to stop violent women."

Give Suze a break now, she has already conceded a 50/50 deal with us
so lets work with Suze and progress now to stop Violence and get away from the gender thing.

With someone like Suze prepared to work with the males we may be able to build for our kids

One little step for men a bloody giant step for Suze,

We can succeed if we all just pull together, I want a better world not only for my son (that I am not even allowed to contact) but a better world for all children

If we can come up with an equality based argument to put before the Governments then we may get something done

Thanks Suze
and the rest
From Dave
Posted by dwg, Thursday, 3 December 2009 8:24:10 AM
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Firstly, I work with people who come from other countries, and when compared to those other countries, Australia is a very safe place.

Suzi, is right about violence, in that men are more at risk from injury from another male, however this article was about male victims of domestic violence.

Sadly by pigeon holing violence, it ignores the overall picture, and that is one, that I agree with Suzi on and that is all violence, regardless of gender is not acceptable.

This is why a much broader approach should be made, in order to reduce the level of violence in our society.
Posted by JamesH, Thursday, 3 December 2009 8:33:42 AM
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So now it seems we have reached the consensus that no level of violence is acceptable. Great. What do we do about it?

These are a few of my ideas.

Alcohol is undoubtable a major factor. Unfortunately in our courts lawyers are often guilty of using alcohol/drug addiction as a mitigating circumstance. This has to stop, not just in cases of violence, but in all crime. To give an alcoholic a lighter sentence because he/she was drunk at the time is to reward the alcoholic for being alcoholic.

I think that removing alcohol/drug addiction as an excuse for unacceptable behaviour would go a long way in reducing all levels of violence in all areas of our society. If a male or female faces our courts on any charge treat them equally.

In many ways our 'no fault' divorce has backfired on us. It often means that children are left with alcoholic/violent women because the only recourse for a man to preserve his sanity/safety is to leave. Let's not go back to the days of private investigators with cameras, but where there are children involved lets have full disclosure of all factors for the sake of the children. The dogma that the mother is the natural parent must go where there are other factors involved. It may be that all things being equal the mother is the natural parent but we are not talking about all things being equal.

It may not have been the intent of our lawmakers to create inequality of law in our society, and it may be just that in trying to right some undoubted wrongs against women they simply overshoot the target. Laws are not meant to be rigid forever and ever amen, but evolutionary to reflect the changing awareness of our society.

Education? Educate children equally that violence in our society is not acceptable and to treat everyone, regardless of gender, race, creed or colour with equal respect. Video games? Where do we start with that one?
Posted by Daviy, Thursday, 3 December 2009 11:02:12 AM
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Daviy, dwg, Aka, i hear what you are saying. In a perfect world we could drop, the "blame game", gender politics, etc, & have a sensible discussion about solutions to these problems. Believe it or not many men in men's groups have been doing just that, for years & finding, fast, easy, ways to solve ALL of these social problems, BUT we don't live in a perfect world. Our opponents in the women's movement are NOT nice, normal, moderate, reasonable women, they are radical, extremists, more dangerous, to your children, than any Muslim or Denis Ferguson. They have extensive academic reputations, billions of dollars in taxpayer funds, hundreds of thousands of "jobs for the girls", which they see, as being on the line, which they are going to fight for, no matter what. As far as they are concerned, if your children, any children, become "collateral damage" in the gender wars, then so be it.

suzeonline, nor any others, did NOT admit that DV has a 50/50 split or anything remotely like that, only that female violence, IF, it exists, should also be condemned.

The purest, stone cold evil, form of devil worship is femanazism. You cannot reason or bargain with these evil demons. I & thousands before me have tried being nice & it gets your children nowhere. Join "Family First" and when voting, direct your preferences against the loony, left, man hating, red/green, labour, coalition. Join the "promise keepers", "dads4kids" and go to church every week, at many churches, especially Hillsong, you will find women who have rejected femanazism, but do not under any circumstances, get married again, or even engaged, until your partner is willing to march in the streets with you and campaign for family law reform.
Posted by Formersnag, Thursday, 3 December 2009 5:00:51 PM
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crikey formersnagarama,

One extreme to the other. So what everyone joins some wierded out church and women behave? Is that it? So the only difference between you and the white ribbon wearing muslim supporters is the flavour of the religion?

Noooooo. So not going there.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 3 December 2009 5:32:32 PM
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