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The Forum > Article Comments > Tony, Joe and Kev: God protect us from the true believers > Comments

Tony, Joe and Kev: God protect us from the true believers : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 20/11/2009

The terms 'politician' and Christian' are well on their way to becoming an oxymoron, if they aren’t there already.

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Jon J nailed the issue for me:
"Who would you rather have in control of your destiny:

- Someone who makes rational decisions based on logic and evidence?

- Someone who does what they think their Sky Daddy wants them to do?

The further and the quicker we separate religious delusions from the exercise of political power the happier and safer we will all be."

Politicians acting un-Christian? Bring it on!
I'd rather the nation were NOT held hostage to any theological thinking- conservative OR liberal.
Instead, we could have a secular government that governs with LOGIC for the public benefit!
Crazy thought.
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 20 November 2009 10:48:51 PM
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Personally, I'd like to see a clear separation between Church (by which I mean all Religion) and State in Australia. However, I think we're going to have to wait until we grow up enough as a nation and declare our Independence before that State transpires.

We need to remove any consideration of "God" in our legislature and its deliberations.

Mind you, I won't be holding my breath.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 20 November 2009 10:57:19 PM
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Nature abhors a vacuum, is a fundamental tenet of science. In the same type of situation when the Church abdicates its responsibilities, the State steps in to its place. Unfortunately in Australia fundamental doctrinal differences between a large number of Christians of one denomination, and a timid-ness on the part of another large congregation, has led to the near demise of both. This is demonstrated by the lack of numbers in their large and beautiful churches, except on major occasions like Christmas and Easter.

On the other hand, churches like Hillsong, which teach the principles of good government through the Holy Bible, are packed and envy drives much of the criticism of that Church. As an attendee at both an Anglican Church and Hillsong, I have been unable to detect any difference in the message derived from the Holy Bible in either. The Word, at Hillsong is delivered with somewhat more imagination, and they subscribe to the Bible based understanding of equality of the sexes. I caused quite a stir in the Anglican Church when I suggested that some of the excellent women involved in that Church be given equality of opportunity.

Latham proved that a person must be a Christian, to be able to gain the trust of the majority of Australians. Joe has probably worked that out too, but Malcolm is a bit slow. He is a bit like Beasley whose middle name was Christian, a bit coy about his Christianity. Now if they were honest, and an honest politician is an oxymoron, they would take McClelland to task about the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. They would insist that it really was enacted in 1981 by Fraser, and confirmed in 1986, by the Hawke Government, and understand that it is in fact the embodiment of the principles of the New Testament.

In particular it enacts as law the principle that all persons, men and women are equal before the law. The Parliament of the Commonwealth enacted in 1995 that failure to apply that principle will result in seventeen years imprisonment. The AFP should enforce it
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 21 November 2009 11:25:48 AM
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Quite right, runner & peter the believer, but everybody has forgotten there are other religions besides Christianity. Many allegedly secular political movements have been promoted in a similar manner and evangelised through a corrupt, compliant, mass media.

Witness the fervent, dogmatic demonization of all nonbelievers in radical/extremist/red/green/left politics or femanazism. Compere a Hitler rally, to a Stalin rally, to north Korean games, to a bra burning femanazi street march or the spin doctoring press conferences by red/green/labour coalition aparatchiks about the Economic Treason Scheme & the Creating Poverty Ruthlessly Scheme. The repetition of dogma, propaganda and lies, relentlessly drilling it into everybody over & over & over again, the same old lies/statistics. I defy anybody to explain even one difference in technique.

On the other hand there actions, outcomes and behaviour do in fact, match perfectly with devil worship in its purest form. Maybe these are the end of days and these terrorists are the false prophets predicted in revelations?
Posted by Formersnag, Saturday, 21 November 2009 3:15:38 PM
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To me Jennifer's piece is more than the individuals' adherence to 'Religious doctrine', the implications are both cynical if not potentially sinister.

If one accepts “there is no such thing as a free lunch” the implications become clearer.. My experience with some 'religious' politicians is that they regard their churches part of a mutual power exercise. Not dissimilar to the labor members and individual unions. Both have welded on supporters whose demands are predictable and 'manageable'.

In return the churches view the politician as 'their' insurance to the levers of power.

I have seen those same priests rale against the sins of an opposing candidate but neglect to mention their candidate is guilty of the same and more. Then instruct their flocks to support various conservative candidates.

In one area a particular a religious denomination have financially supported etc candidates resulting in 4 out of 11 councillors, the mayor and the federal member coming from the same congregations. Two others were another denomination but were supported by developers linked to those the original congregation.
There is a further link to the origins of Family First .

Having lost the last Council election they now have one council member who always votes in the minority, Two state reps and a federal rep .

PS One member refused to publicly denounce a miracle cancer cure marketed by members of his home congregation (on Caveat emptor).

These two congregations make up 7% ish of the area's population.
How come the bias? Key party branch member's religious affiliations.

Getting this information out near impossible (law suits, media commercial obligations etc.)

Rudd is straddling both groups and has taken some conservative members to his camp. Hence the differences between his and the conservatives in many key areas is... well... nuanced at best indistinguishable at worse. Who knows, it could be coincidental and Hockey/ Abbot aren't setting them selves as a possible PM. Then again, I did write a book about tooth fairies.
Posted by examinator, Saturday, 21 November 2009 4:50:50 PM
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Take a deep breath.

I agree with your last post. You are obviously an unwitting agent of a nefarious Zionist conspiracy.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 21 November 2009 5:04:26 PM
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