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Get tough or prepare for a flood : Comments

By Philip Ruddock, published 15/10/2009

While all governments proclaim that they determine who enters and settles in Australia, they should be judged by their record rather than their rhetoric.

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Ruddock's propaganda meant to undermine Rudd's Immigration Policy is a bit rich. His previous Dept with buxom Amanda Vanstone wielding the cudgel, has a history of monumental hiccups that has cost the taxpayer a ransom in compensation. Funny enough, it wasn't Afghan camel drivers or Vietnamese tri-shore jockeys that precipated the debacle but home grown, dinki-di, round-eyed Caucasians.

First, there was the ex-Qantas hostess Rau, who was shamelessly incarcerated in Baxter gulag, under the most appalling conditions. The burly gendarmes took advantage of her, keeping her under physical restraint ( straight jacket ) to surpress her violent tantrums, and sedating her with toxic drugs to make their jobs easier. Her biography makes gut-wrenching, hair raising, suspenseful reading. It is said she settled out of court for $ 2 m. Me thinks she was short changed.

A priest visiting a mental hospice in Manila, found a frail, gentle old lady being wheeled around a cluttered courtyard. Discovered to his dismay, she was a Catholic nun,he recognised from Fairfield in Sydney. She was deported on flimsy advice from her detractors, even though it was subsequently revealed she owned an Aust pass port at some time. Her ordeal, which she endured with remarkable stoicism is nothing short of reprehensible perfidy. It has never been revealed what she was paid eventually.

There are probably many similar shocking stories that have been repressed. Subsequently, AV was amply rewarded with a UN posting, like Dr X, who succeeded JWH. Both are recipients of gratuitous Parliamentary Pensions, gold passes including partners, for Life, and indexed accordingly. Ref Parliament House website.

The present sage involving several boat loads of Srilankans seeking survival, and a place to settle amicably has again stirred up a hornets nest. The worst in people ( racism, prejudice,xenophobia ) is becoming evident in letters to the Editor, OLO, and current tabloids. Tracy Grimshaw probably cant see the value in resusciatating the age old racial boogie that devided us " nu plus ultra ."

Ch 9 depleted ratings could do with a smorgasbord of pent up, emotional hysteria.

It has been suggested the awesome
Posted by dalma, Monday, 19 October 2009 2:44:05 PM
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RAN should intercept the decrepit junk loads of flotsam, perilously broaching our coastline. Claims of sinking's and drowning's and all sorts of rumours abound since Siev & Tampa, surreptitiously discrediting the Navy. Besides who enjoys chaperoning boatloads of suffering humanity for long periods, in unforgiving Weather and stormy seas.

The Immigration Dept today is the legacy of years of controversail malversation. Some of the arbitrary decisions have ruined lives and families. The appeal process leaves much to be desired.The cost is beyond the reach of most people.

It is common knowledge people are cicumventing the system. Many are coming in on visa's which are blantantly exploited. The Migrant Agencies are a professional enclave that prepares the documentation for new entrants seeking permanent residency. There are working/student/vevo/457 visas etc. It has evolved into a lucrative Industry, with many secular Charity Organisations involved. Sponsership has developed into a fine art for people seeking skilled employees, with endemic loop holes in the legislation. In the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand etc these operatives make all sorts of promises which are seldom met. The lure to migrate to Aust on profitable contracts and permanent residency is the same spiel boat/ people smugglers repeat time and again.

Through Hong Kong, scores are gaining entry to Aust, via NZ, where residency is less strict;then, applying here as bonafide Kiwi's which is fradulent. The 457 Visa for Professionals,skilled workers and Business class is a shyster's dream. Sex workers, bogus refugees, etc are gaining entry bypassing the system. Shocking stories of exploitation, broken promises, fraud, wholesale embezzlement is rife. Many sponsored workers are underpaid, not covered by Industrial Awards, lack languge skills,are oblivious to Safety Rules, work appalling hours, are charged exorbitant rents in overcrowded sub standard one room accommodation.No Health or Hospital cover. There is no guarantee their return journey is prepaid.

They are at the mercy of unscrutable Employers.
Posted by dalma, Monday, 19 October 2009 3:23:59 PM
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So much living in the past, so much name calling, so much spite and so few suggestions as to how to ensure an orderly immigration system for entry into this country.

It's enough to want to make a reasonable person flee.
Posted by keith, Monday, 19 October 2009 4:56:23 PM
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*So it's just a an unverifiable and very likely untrue factoid you thought you'd throw into the debate in order to stir up some more fear and loathing of asylum seekers?*

Sheesh CJ, you commonly spend so much time on OLO fighting the man,
that you also commonly have no idea where the ball went :)

I have no reason to assume that the reporter invented his information.
Its quite plausible, ie a way for information in many languages to
be passed on to what are commonly non English speaking and illiterate
people. At the same time, Kevin was trying to be "humane" and the
way that they do that, is to throw taxpayers dollars around, very
often rather freely.

In fact the point I was making still stands, asylum seekers are
treated so well on Christmas Island, that the locals there are
complaining that they are far better treated then normal Australians,
which was my point.

So that you don't get your knickers in a twist, here is a URL on
the subject. 400 bucks a fortnight is not to be sneezed at, especially
for an Afghan.

As a matter of interest, your character judgement is woeful, for
I have never rung a radio station in my life!

Just focus on the ball CJ, or your little hatreds for others
will mean that life passes you by.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 19 October 2009 5:27:00 PM
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What rot, Yabby. Your intention was to discredit the legitimacy of asylum seekers as refugees and portray them as opportunistic economic immigrants. I've noticed that your arguments are getting increasingly dishonest.

It's a very common tactic among you dog-whistling types to introduce as fact something you claim you heard in the media, that you just can't happen to verify. Given your latest pattern of mendacity, I'm disinclined to believe you unless you can produce some evidence for your hate-mongering claim.

At any rate, even according to the article to which you linked, the locals seem more concerned about prices in the shops and scarcity of resources than the relatively humane treatment that asylum seekers receive by being allowed to live in the community rather than the detention centre. Also according to the article they receive less than the dole, which is hardly something Australians would be jealous about.

I think the simplest solution to the perceived woes of the Christmas Islanders would be to shut down the inadequate detention facility entirely and allow asylum seekers to live in the community on the mainland while they are being processed, since the vast majority of them end up being found to be bona fide refugees anyway. However, I suppose there'd be people on Christmas Island who'd then moan about the resultant loss of employment.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 19 October 2009 7:22:24 PM
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CJ, don't ever try to make a living as a psychologist, its not
your strong point. But keep wildly speculating about my apparent
intentions, for my perception of it is clearly over your head.

IIRC roughly 400 million $ was spent on the Christmas Island Centre,
for 800 places that is around half a million $ per head. Medical
care, dental care, recreational facilities, cash, air conditioning,
you name it, the taxpayer has funded it. Hardly tough conditions
for somebody coming from apparent near death persecution.

With email and phone cards provided too, no wonder more are
arriving. If I was of Hazara background, I too would be emailing
my mates to have a go at sailing across the line to win first prize.

We simply don't know how many of these people are genuine, for
there is no real way to verify most of the information provided.
It seems that when interviewed by the UNHCR, the results are
quite different to when interviewed by the Australians.

We know from African, Mexican and other nationalities heading for
the West, that a large % risk their lives for a cushy Western lifestyle.

So its time to solve this once and for all. Shut down the boat
trade and take all asylum seekers from refugee camps from around
the world. People would not be living in refugee camps, if there
was not a genuine reason
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 20 October 2009 9:53:57 AM
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