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Get tough or prepare for a flood : Comments

By Philip Ruddock, published 15/10/2009

While all governments proclaim that they determine who enters and settles in Australia, they should be judged by their record rather than their rhetoric.

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I prefer Billy Connolly:

"The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one."
Posted by burbs, Thursday, 15 October 2009 12:38:21 PM
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1) Bigmal, there's a middle ground. One doesn't have to accept all-comers, but one doesn't have to throw people in detention centres that defy geneva conventions. Processing and deportation are practical measures.

2) Leigh, are there any legitimate cases that you would even deign to consider? Even Ruddock, despite being using brutal policy instruments, made allowances for some genuine refugees, however I can't see any compassion in your answer at all. I'm not calling for a total bleeding-heart lefty response, but some acknowledgement that people out there are suffering and we're capable of helping out some of them would be nice.

People... this 'boat' paranoia really does scream of stupidity. I'm sorry, I can't take any of your seriously. Honestly, get informed and read these two articles.


"The latest report from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees says asylum applications in Australia increased by 19 per cent last year, from 3980 to 4750. How many came by boat? Actually, 179 or fewer than 4 per cent."

Does that *compute*. All this boat paranoia is ridiculous. If you're going to make hysterical comment regarding illegal immigrants, either focus on the overwhelming majority who enter legally on planes then breach their visas, or admit that it's the grubby sort of people desperate enough to get on boats that you don't like.

Also check this piece:,,25797512-7583,00.html

"The Howard government adopted the toughest policies of any Western nation against asylum-seekers who came by boat, insisting that people should wait overseas and form an orderly queue, even though their lives often were in danger by doing so and there seldom was a queue, let alone an orderly one. "

It's not some nice, neat arrangement where they can quietly queue and wait their turn. It's desperate and atavistic.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 15 October 2009 12:56:16 PM
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Back under your rock Phil
Posted by John Ryan, Thursday, 15 October 2009 1:43:55 PM
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* but some acknowledgement that people out there are suffering and we're capable of helping out some of them would be nice.*

TRTL, in that case, the sensible thing to do, would be to scrap
the boat people trade entirely and perhaps increase the yearly
intake of refugees from 13000 to whatever.

Take a look at the present situation, it is frankly a joke. One
minute, those who sail first past the line, are welcomed and
offered a cushy lifestyle, next minute, the Indonesians are
fighting them off with sticks for us.

How frigging confusing do you think that is, for asylum seekers?

The 1951 Convention is years out of date and is being misused by
those with money, who seek a Western lifestyle.

What about those people stuck in refugee camps, with no money?

There is a way to solve this. Shut the whole boat trade down,
for good, take all refugees from refugee camps around the world,
update the 1951 Convention to the new reality of 2009.

Sadly Ruddock never had the guts to do this, but that is the
solution that is required, or the present little jokes will
go on, with losers all round.

Be honest all of you. If you were seeking to come to Australia,
would you risk your money on a boat trip or not? Is Govt
policy consistant ?

It is in fact present policy that gives refugees so much
uncertainty, for some are welcomed, others fought off with
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 15 October 2009 2:46:53 PM
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Yes, the illegal immigration issue is gonna be Kevin Rudd's Waterloo - watch those poll numbers crash!!
Posted by TRUTHNOW78, Thursday, 15 October 2009 3:05:09 PM
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The Government with the help of the far right media is up to its old tricks.
Panic, we are being swamped by illegal immigrants.
They are coming in droves and we cannot stop them unless we take draconian measures.
Now if the truth were to be told by the media the flood is only a small trickle that adds up to at most about 2000.
Offset against this is the 239,000 legal migrants that the Rudd and Howard governments are actively encouraging to come in.
We need the skilled migrants to build up the workforce is the catch cry.
At the same time we are told that we are in a bad way and unemployment is bound to rise..
We are being treated as fools. And if we believe this rubbish we are fools.
Australia’s population grew by 439,000 in the year to March. How can that compare with the trickle of distressed people that actually have the temerity to ask for help?
Not counted in this number are the more than 600,000 “visitors” with special work visas, New Zealanders, overstayed tourists and so on.
Get real; the whole thing is a beat up to take attention away from the REAL flood that is crossing our border. They are here at the behest of big business to flood the market with workers desperate for work and allow wages to be driven down to third world levels.
Posted by sarnian, Thursday, 15 October 2009 3:40:20 PM
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