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Not in the name of our Islam ... : Comments
By Orhan Cicek, published 7/8/2009Dark forces are using some ignorant and vulnerable Muslims for their own ends by brainwashing them with propaganda.
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Posted by Philip Tang, Saturday, 8 August 2009 4:31:49 PM
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Nice one, STEVENLMEYER (incidentally, why do you feel the need to 'shout' people's names at them?).
Do you really think that ridiculing and lambasting Muslims for their religious beliefs is goint to promote their integration into Australian society? While I agree that Islam, like Christianity, Judaism and indeed all other religions, is an elaborate fantasy that exerts far more influence over its credulous adhenerents than is good for the rest of us, I don't think picking fights with moderate Australian Muslims is likely to assist in their peaceful integration, do you? We can't ban Islam - and by extension mosques, Islamic schools etc. Nor can we banish or repatriate law-abiding Australian Muslims, regardless of the actions of a few deranged frootloops here and their fanatical cohorts elsewhere. We need to learn to live together, rather than stridently attacking the very people with whom we need to work if we are to avoid escalating communal tensions in Australia. Islam isn't going away - we might think it's a load of bollocks but we also have to encourage Muslims who live in Australia to practise their religion in ways that we can all live with. Of course, that's exactly the same way I feel about Christianity - I'm very happy to live and let live, until they start preaching at me or attempting to impose their beliefs by other means, e.g. legislatively. I think that Australia needs more Orhan Ciceks and fewer STEVENLMEYERs, Philip Tangs et al in our approach to integrating Australian Muslims successfully. Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 8 August 2009 5:49:12 PM
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Or more to the point - we need a better education system more focused on science and critical thinking such that Jews, Christians and Muslims work out for themselves (hopefully sooner rather than later) that their respective religions are a load of 'bollocks'.
That way, integration will take care of itself because their won't be social brickwalls in the form of religious taboos and religious xenophobia. Posted by TR, Saturday, 8 August 2009 8:48:39 PM
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"“Who are these people? Certainly, they could not be Muslims because I know what Islam is all about.” Cicek
There is only one Islam and Cicek knows full well that the Talibans, Boko Haram, bali bombers are Muslims. Ex-Muslim, Prof. Abul Kasem unmasks Islamists like Cicek for what they really are in his article "Still Searching the Real Islam" Unfortunately for C.J. Morgan, his hope for Muslim integration will never ever happen unless he becomes Mohammad Morgan (or is he one already?) If Islam were a "religion of peace", the Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmadis, Shia and Sunnis would be living in harmony in Pakistan. The true situation is that the Muslims have almost completely killed off the Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians. Today the Shias and Sunnis are at each other throats. The only solution is for India to nuke Pakistan and claim it for Hindustan. LONG LIVE HINDUSTAN Posted by Philip Tang, Sunday, 9 August 2009 12:05:37 AM
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Quote: I condemn these types of actions that cannot be justified by any religious doctrine or ethics…
You silly ignorant boy. Of course they can be justified by the Quran. Verses like 9.73, 25.52, 4.74, 2:216, 8:38-39, 9:5, 9:29, 9:123 and others command war and hate against non-Muslims. “Our role model is the Prophet of Islam.” Well, that explains terror. In case you haven’t bothered to read Islamic traditions (hadith), your dear prophet attacked, plundered, murdered, lied, tortured, enslaved men women and children, raped women and even beat his child-wife. He even said “I am made victorious with terror”. These were written by followers of your prophet. Want references and links? And when you quote verse 8:32 (to kill an innocent…), note that you omitted words and forgot to say the verse was for Jews, not Muslims. There is also an exception clause. Oh yes, the next verse tells Muslims to murder and brutally torture anybody that opposes Islam. Mr Cicek. You, like all Muslims, are dishonest. You ignore the hate and violence in Islam. You ignore the evils and discrimination against non-Muslims everywhere Islam dominates. Consider the 8 people including women and children burned to death by Muslims this week in Pakistan. Consider the endless violence against each other in the Muslim world. And you worry that Australians might think unkindly of Islam. Want to make things better? Tell Imams to stop preaching hate. Tell Muslim websites to remove materials that say vile things about infidels. Change your text books. Apologize for 1400 years of jihad against infidels. Repeal the apostasy laws. Renounce the hundreds of verses in the Koran that teach hate against non-Muslims. Speaking of hate, consider the hate that Allah has toward non-Muslims. It says in the Quran that he will peel off unbelievers’ skin then put it back on and repeat the torture (4:56). Allah also says he will pour boiling water over the heads of non-Muslims (22:19-23). Is it just me or is this wrong? The terrorists are just doing what Allah has told them to do, kill and be killed (9:111) Kactuz Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 9 August 2009 6:37:21 AM
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Philip Tang wrote: Unfortunately for C.J. Morgan, his hope for Muslim integration will never ever happen unless he becomes Mohammad Morgan (or is he one already?)
CJ Morgan does not hate Muslims. That apparently makes him a Muslim. There are no "never ever happens" when it comes to human changes. Australia killed off approximately 20,000 Aborigines in the process of settling Australia. Germany killed off approximately 6,000,000 Jews during WW2. I certainly do not think of Christians as irretrievably bad even though Christians committed these murders. Germany is now a democratic nation no worse than Australia. Although there are still deaths in custody and Aborigines still on the average do not live as well as other Australians there is hope for both white Australia and Aborigines. White The quarter of the globe that used to be coloured pink to represent the British Empire was a monument to English violence. Of course it was not only the English Dutch, French, Belgian, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian Christians took over a large part of the globe using their violent methods. The nonsense of religion will still remain. However, in spite of the massive crimes committed by Christians I see hope for them. Most are apparently acting reasonably now. Most Muslims and Jews also act reasonably. I don't know if CJ Morgan is a Muslim. Probably he isn't. I know I am not one. 65 years ago we were at war with Germany, Italy and Japan. Now we are at peace with Germany, Italy and Japan. Maybe human conflict is eternal, but the cast of characters changes. And so it goes. Philip Tang also wrote: If Islam were a "religion of peace", the Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmadis, Shia and Sunnis would be living in harmony in Pakistan. If Christianity were a "religion of peace", there would not have been the wars of the Reformation or the two World Wars where Christians were at each other's throats. Philip Tang also wrote: "The only solution is for India to nuke Pakistan" Sure. Murdering over 100,000,000 people is a solution? Who is the violent nut? Posted by david f, Sunday, 9 August 2009 7:23:08 AM
Documented facts of 50 plus year-old men marrying child-bride in Muslim-majority countries
It is difficult to follow the logic of Muslims who champion the cause of Islam and yet want to live in the West, claiming the West to be decadent. Most likely these Muslims are hypocrites.
Two Pakistani reporters have set up a website to report the true situation in Pakistan ('land of the pure and spiritually clean' ironically set up by Indian Muslims in 1947 so that they can practice Islam in its purest form) because there is a blackout by the main-stream-media.
The website is not anti-Muslim but look at what Islam has done to Pakistan.