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Child abuse is a pervasive problem : Comments

By Cathy Kezelman, published 15/7/2009

A human rights approach must be taken if we are to see a real reduction in the incidence of child abuse.

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Thankyou for the link RObert, but i wonder what chazp's reply would be if i stated that mothers who really care for their kids were an extremely rare breed, and that they were only interested in money, property and control, and forming hate groups like anonymums.
C J Morgan, i certainly don't have any evidence that lesbian paedophiles have infiltrated DOCS, but i have first hand experience of the man hating A@#$%OLES who infest Families SA. What else would you call a case worker who refuses to even read your allegations of child abuse and neglect, who tells you your child doesn't have the rights of a dog [ yes she did actually say this],who ignores statements from people such as my neighbour who is a JP, sherrifs officer, former acting magistrate and a woman who used to work with neglected children herself, the police, the school she attended and even workers in her own department, and who actually recommended my daughter live with her mother for 3 years even in the face of this mountain of evidence. She was well known as a man hater both in her dept and in the wider community and has been hauled over the coals for her behaviour several times with no effect. What else would you call her supervisor who stated that she acted entirely appropriately despite the former minister for human services deeming it necessary to remove her from my case. And cotter, no docs/Families SA didn't cause the abuse to my daughter, but they certainly did their utmost to perpetuate that abuse and neglect and succeeded for almost 3 years.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Wednesday, 12 August 2009 2:11:05 PM
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As you say, we don't remember the name of the mother in the other case. However, we only remember the Freeman name because the child's name was published - which is unusual. Darcy was the child, and I hope we never forget her. But it really annoys you and for the life of me I cant see why, especially since it appears to be so much like your own description, except your child survived.

Why can't her death be enough? Why must it be compared to others? Why can't this conversation stick to the facts and remedies? Her death was all over the media, unforgettable. What made it particularly media-worthy were the family's assertion that child protection and family court had known of the risk and done nothing - just as YOU say happened to you yet where is your sympathy for this child and the grieving family left?

Then the Chief justice had the file in her car, and somehow left her unlocked car in Melbourne where the apparently, just that file was stolen. Amazing. These are the points that drove the media, not the father's act, and the child's death alone.

And who cant relate to stories of bullying bureaucrats but to assume women are spared is to be wrong. So why only female feminists? I just dont get that anythng will be resolved by focusing on one part of the puzzle. It would be like studying moths and blaming the grubs. All I can glean is that to many of you, female = man hater. That is dumb as I can testify. People are people. Some, as you say are ass wipes.
Posted by Cotter, Thursday, 13 August 2009 5:58:52 PM
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Cotter. It isn't just the freeman case, what about the case of a Mr Zilich a year or so ago who kidnapped his child on an access visit and dropped him down a mine shaft, this story too received prime time exposure on all media for days while he was hunted down all over australia, yet while all this was going on i heard a story at 4.00am one morning right at the end of an ABC radio news bulletin about a mother who killed both her children to get back at their father, they didn't mention HER name and i never saw or heard it reported again. Only last week in adelaide a father woke up to find his 4 yo son dead and his 9 yo son and his wife unconcious, while the father was being treated as a murder suspect the media was all over it for most of the day, yet as soon as it became apparent that it was a murder suicide perpetrated by the mother and the father was no longer a suspect, it dropped right off the media radar. Child safety and domestic violence issues are being gendercised by the media. Perhaps you should read some articles by such journalists as Caroline Overington or Barbara B iggs who use their positions as journalists on major newspapers to present biased and one sided articles against men that if written by male journalists about women would have half the country up in arms. I do not think all women are man haters and i resent the inference that i do. My daughter certainly isn't one and neither is my beautiful fiancee, and neither are the many woman who gave me so much support during my custody battle. These are decent women and many of them would agree with much of what i say.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Thursday, 13 August 2009 7:28:17 PM
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eyeinthesky, there are a bunch of reasons things are reported differently and some will be based on beliefs about gender but I don't think it helps to continue to put the focus on gender. I've done it enough when I'm rebutting a clearly sexist portrayal of some issue but as an end in itself it's counterproductive.

Did you have any thoughts on my suggestion that long term decision making could be improved by making follow up interviews a routine process some time after family court appearances?

What else can be done to reduce the risks to children?

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 13 August 2009 8:58:34 PM
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RObert, yes i do have a number of ideas about what can be done to reduce the risks of abuse and neglect of children, in fact i wrote a letter and had an interview with the regional manager of Families SA on the subject, but all my ideas were dismissed out of hand. As i have said repeatedly it is the rad fems who hold positions where they can hijack the debate to the advantage of their own gender such as female journalists as mentioned previously, universities are full of them , people like elspeth mcinnes,the social workers, child psychologists etc almost all of whom are women,who are gendercising these issues, i find it hard to believe that some one as intelligent as you seem to be cannot see this. I will ALWAYS react to these gender based attacks on men/fathers in kind, and i make no apologies for doing so, even if i do wish it were not so.
1 Non attendance of school by the child [ as happened in my daughters case ] should be a big red light flashing at the social workers and the court, and should always be followed up [ the social worker in my case ignored this ].
2 Just as there is now a register of violent men/fathers, so there should also be a register of mothers who are proven to be neglecting and abusive, so future allegations can be followed up.
3 A national database should be set up and administered not by some biased feminist who will act on male perpetrated abuse and ignore female/mother perpetrated abuse [as they did in my daughters case]but by some one unbiased and non prejudicial.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Friday, 14 August 2009 12:05:10 PM
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fractelle, i read everybody's comments slowly, several times, before i pick them apart and point out the mistakes in logic, the half truth omissions, etc.

I agree about RObert's comments, but my experiences with women privately, and femanism publicly, is that women are, generally speaking, considerably less honest than men. They use emotional language or labeling almost all of the time. So while i respect RObert's way of expressing himself, i agree to disagree. If women/feminazis wish to play, by the, "all is fair in love and war rule book", then i will not tell, deliberate, premeditated, lies as they almost always do, but i will call a spade a spade.

I do not, "somehow" link paedophilia with feminism, i have gone into it thoroughly many times, "they are 2 sides of the same coin" i respectfully suggest, that you try to control your emotions, and reread all of my comments, on all articles, again slowly and you will clearly see where i am coming from, and the extensive, child abuse caused directly or indirectly by left wing feminist politics.

The stats on paedophilia in oz have been compiled by feminazis. The incidence of all forms of child abuse by females in oz has been down played by feminazis in DOCS, journalism and academia for 40 years now. Haven't you read any of eyeintheskye's comments? I have listed others and could give hundreds more, but am restricted to 350 words.

Joke time, Q, What is the difference between a paedophile and a feminazi? A, Well, none really, but at least a paedophile is willing to do their own dirty work.

I understand femanazism better than you do, it was designed by communist, lesbians, to traumatise/victimise, women/girls, with stats about all men being bastards/liars and convert them to the new religion, "sistahood".
Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 14 August 2009 4:10:49 PM
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