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Heaven, Earth and science fiction : Comments
By Mike Pope, published 11/6/2009To avoid following the polar bear to extinction, 'homo sapiens' would do well to reject the science fiction espoused by Professor Ian Plimer.
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Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 25 June 2009 11:13:57 AM
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So JayB, I take it you've been reading Plimer and been convinced by the line that it'll basically be GOOD for us to have runaway global warming?
According to the peer-reviewed reports I've listened to on podcast etc there will be "some" winners out of global warming, but the vast majority of effects will be dangerous, uncomfortable, and geopolitically VERY dangerous. EG: Imagine America's bread basket drying up and North American agriculture moving *partially* up into Canada? The USA is a truly vast producer of cereal crops, but will Canadian soils be able to produce the same quantity of food if temperatures "move north"? What happens to the USA economy? How much land can Canada set aside for agriculture? That's just the geopolitics between 2 friendly countries as a result of "agriculture moving". However, I do agree with you that population growth is the primary concern. According to UN statistical studies and world analysis, we're talking about 9 billion by 2050, another 50% of humanity in just 40 years. They'll all aspire to our lifestyle but only 1 in 5 can live that way today! But I have to disagree with your stance on renewables. If I ran Australia I'd throw us into the "Beyond Zero Emissions" plan for being off ALL fossil fuels within 10 years with a gusto, and then we'd be lucky to achieve it within maybe 15 years. Then we'd be ready for peak oil and global warming, ready to claim carbon credits from the rest of the world and ready to export our solar thermal storage technology TO the rest of the world. We'd be world leaders in the new green economy that is coming, and if we want to remain relevant we've got to get there first. The technology is there, it will be cost effective if we scale it, and we'll be ready for peak coal when it hits around 2025-2030. Even if you don't believe in global warming then you've GOT to agree that we are going to run out of oil, gas, and coal at some stage... and what then? Posted by Eclipse Now, Thursday, 25 June 2009 11:04:57 PM
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What a bunch of skirted climate cowards you glowbull whiners and fear mongers like "Eclipse" are.
Back in 1900 worry warts like you wondered what to do with all of the horses needed by the year 2000. Just call yourself a caveman now why don't you? Face the future with optimism and bravery at least and stop scaring our children. I suppose you are going to deny that the IPCC predictions do not include more tropical diseases, sea level rise, more storms and severe weather events, and species extinction too? If you think we should bow to politicians who promise to take taxes and use them to lower the temperature of the planet earth, then you have real personal problems. Get a life. Life is good and getting better. Posted by mememine69, Friday, 26 June 2009 6:21:01 AM
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Here is how your kids will make fun of you global warmers:
Paid consultants in lab coats calling themselves scientists declared Al Gore our 9th planet and his girth is still expanding. Why did the global warmer cross the road? To get away form a swarm of Killer Bees and BigFoot. Al Gore is happy because MJ dead. Now kids all over the planet can finally sleep with the lights off. What’s another term for a glowbull whiner? A climate pu$$ie. What’s the difference between sacrificing virgins and glowbull warming? Witch burning. Climate Change IS real. It is also known as weather. Happy Birthday Glowbull Warming, a quarter of a century old and can’t even crawl, walk or even have a pulse. What’s another word for sustainability? Poverty. Nice, cheerful and happy sunny days are now instead: “warnings of dangerously high UV rays and to be avoided at all costs”. EnvironMENTAL ism causes global warming. Global warming is real. Elvis says so. Posted by mememine69, Saturday, 27 June 2009 5:34:58 AM
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Really, really, really boring and predictable.
Be as savage and trolling as you wish, you've got nothing. You posts are impotent blanks, the 3 year old with the pop-gun going "POW POW" as loud as possible but after playing that silly little game for *days* in an annoying *obsession*, is now being ignored. (Yawns) JayB's posts were at least mildly interesting in that they posited another theory. However, the data in that theory (volcanoes) has already been accounted for as climatologists have already measured the worldwide influence of volcanoes. The peer reviewed science has accounted for all the issues Plimer and ilk raise. The REAL science has answered them time and again. There's nothing new here. The incoherent rantings of the long-time sceptics that we see in forums like this are just the last desperate gasps of the die-hards. Why they are committed to anti-science propaganda on behalf of big oil we'll never know or understand? Who cares? It's a kind of mental illness. They are not here for a discussion, or to learn, but to vent their frustration that the "other side" is winning. But as us "warmies" are actually fighting for our own skins and the survival of modern society, the sceptics don't realise that we are actually fighting for them and their kids as well. So back to the subject, Plimer. As the cops say: "Nothing to see here, move along, move along." Posted by Eclipse Now, Saturday, 27 June 2009 9:40:37 AM
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So JayB, I take it you've been reading Plimer
I'd never heard of him, & no I've not read him either. and been convinced by the line that it'll basically be GOOD for us to have runaway global warming? No. What I'm saying is that warming is just different & WE have to adapt TO nature. However, the data in that theory (volcanoes) has already been accounted for as climatologists. Those were super volcanoes, not your ordinary run of the mill type. There are 3 super volcanoes predicted for Nth America with the possibility of changing the tilt dramaticly. the IPCC predictions include more; tropical diseases, I have lived in the tropics all my life & never had a problem. We have the tech to deal with that. sea level rise? Continental drift? Nature at work. storms, severe weather events, We have the tech to deal with that & to harvest that power. Nature. species extinction. Now that's been going on since life first emerged from the slime. Survival of the fittest. That's nature. If you think we should bow to politicians who promise to take taxes and use them to lower the temperature of the planet earth. You are right here. Carbon tax is a scam. It has taken 100 years of carbon based energy to reach this level. It can't be switched off over night. Nice thought but a pipe dream. A swich to alternate energy IS desirable but it will take 20 years of refining to get to the level of efficiency of where carbon energy is now. Having a healthy fear if fine. BUT. "If you panic you die." Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 27 June 2009 11:23:36 AM
It ususally weeps.