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Society is in league with footy antics : Comments
By Andrew Baker, published 22/5/2009We expect the raw brutes - modern footballers - we create and reward with riches, to switch off primal sexual urges in their feeblest moments.
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Posted by SJF, Friday, 22 May 2009 10:30:00 AM
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. "But as horrified victims of these misdeeds continue to discover, freedom of choice for women under these circumstances may well be an illusion."
The last sentence says it all. It isn't only the drunk footballers who are culpable, their drunk female companions are equally responsible for getting themselves into these situations in the first place. Too much liquor on both sides is the problem, often provided free by the venue to encourage others to participate, even though the law insists on the "Responsible service of Alcohol". I wish. David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 22 May 2009 11:00:18 AM
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Perhaps these footballers and their groupies like the Irish in New York, need someone like Archbishop Hughes at to convince them of the error of their ways. David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 22 May 2009 11:28:55 AM
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This type of behavior in my view is unacceptable.
However we all make choices , this girl did and she had every right to do that. Why are people fuzzing her rights , she is an adult , there is no laws about Gang Bangs , so she was a legally qualified participant and scored a few Celebs . What people and she are complaining about is her reaction when the Community called her names. She and the Rugby Players need to grow up . Not everyone in this world is wise . This is nothing new , (I think it was) Shelly wrote about an event where the participants found the event by the slipperiness of the Cobblestones ; that was in the 18Th century . What the media did should be illegal , who gave them the right to meter out Punishment making money out of it on the way . Should the Media be exempt from causing incredible hurt and misery upon three little kids and a wife who appears to be sticking to her marriage vows thru thick and thin .If the Police are impotent so are You and I and the Media , we are legally obliged to back off . The media of course could campaign politically to lift the age of consent to 30 or lock Rugby Players into same sex activitie Posted by ShazBaz001, Friday, 22 May 2009 11:52:17 AM
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This is the stupidest article I have seen in On Line Opinion. While I agree that many men have a strong desire for multiple sexual partners that desire is easily met by many footballers without engaging in gang bangs. There are, of course, many footballers who are having numerous partners but they have them one at a time and creating no fuss.
Gang bangs are not really about sex per se. They are much more to do with power and humiliation and hatred of women. They are also a way of expressing repressed homosexual desires and a way of enacting a pornographic scenario (the desire to re-enact what we see in TV and movies is obviously not restricted to viewers of pornography). The entire 'performance' can then become a talking point among men who often don't know what to talk about. So spare us the primitive biological explanations for this type of event. It has very little relevance, and despite the author's protestations to the contrary, often gets used as a justification or excuse for seriously aberrant behaviour. Posted by Australiana, Friday, 22 May 2009 11:55:47 AM
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This article summed up my general view of some of our 'Sports Heroes' antics.
Exceptions excluded, the average footballer is not Mensa material. Add alcohol to disinhibit any social and moral conditioning and you have boys running on testosterone and animal instinct. That includes indiscriminate 'mating' and explains the 'gang bang' penchant. Dogs will copulate with the same female one after the other, main difference being the vigorous fighting for position. Our sportmen may be a little more 'evolved' -'paper, scissors, rock' or drawing straws perhaps? Though abhorrent, this is not illegal, provided participants are consenting adults. Herein lieth the problem. The sole female in most incidents consents to sex with one or two of the boys. Fun stops when what seemed a reasonably private party has swelled to half the team. She indicates enough already, they say no, we all want a turn. Mostly seems she gives in under intimidation. What then? Goes home, has a long shower, cries, tells a friend then days/weeks later complains to Police? They investigate and confirm she had sexual contact with the men named but all deny any coercion - and here are photos and videos on our mobiles to prove it! Will the complaint proceed? Not freaking likely! With many heavily publicised incidents over recent years, even the silliest starry-eyed groupie must be aware of dirty play happening off-field. Still some take the risk. Do they deserve to be assaulted? No, but likewise the passenger who enters a car with a known drunk driver doesn't deserve death or injury. Personal responsibility dictates we assess risks attached to certain behaviours and accept that possible outcomes may not all be favourable. My opinion - Society rather than being 'in league' condemns both assailants and victims. The men for criminal and morally reprehensible acts and women for morally offensive behaviour which made for great risk of harm. Legally, this type of crime defies control. Best bet - Clubs with responsible management who educate, stipulate high standards of conduct and punish wrongdoers harshly. Likewise messages to young women to avoid inebriated males travelling in packs. Posted by divine_msn, Friday, 22 May 2009 1:23:33 PM
If that’s the case, then how does this explain a group of men wanting to have sex with one woman at the same time and in the same location? This would mean that sperm from a lot of men is being channelled into one woman – the very opposite of the 'far and wide' evolutionary sperm theory.
‘Such frustration is more likely to find an explosive outlet in a male used to indulging deep primal instincts of team battle and lust.’
So how does this explain the ‘deep primal instinct’ of men wanting to have sex in front of a group of other men? What is the ‘deep primal instinct’ in flashing your thing to other men and showing other men how you use it, and then watching the other men do the same for you?
Evolutionary male lust gene anyone … or might it be that other little evolutionary word beginning with 'H'?